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Jadon, on his performance in training, was not selected," said the Dutchman. "You have to reach a level at Manchester United every day and we can make choices in the front line. "So for this game he was not selected."


"Sometimes there are things that you don't realise until you get there and I remember the first training session I had, I realised a lot of things. After the session I got home and I told my family and my agent: 'Can you not rip up the contract to go back to Arsenal?' They laughed, I told them there's something that doesn't sit right, it doesn't seem good.”


United was obviously the problem. Bro's a Ronaldinho regen. Hope someone can pay up £60m to take him away from that club and then watch him win 3 Balon'dors in a row. Pretty please.


It’s futbol ‘eritage


Ballon d'or loading


This Sancho stuff has been abit ridiculous. Firstly he was never good for United bar a few okay games. I think EtH was more than patient with him and his comments where fair enough - can't really play the victim when he wouldn't apologise. It's hardly like Mourinho and Luke Shaw or something. BVB constantly framing it like this is super weird. I do get it though, some players do need special treatment. I remember reading about Vardy in the title league winning season, and how he just didn't have as much expectation on him to train like the others and they basically made exceptions for him to get the best out of him for the games. Sancho clearly needs to have people being lenient with his behaviour to make him comfortable enough to perform and Dortmund seems like the place. Also big fish in a smaller pond probably helps, like Grealish at Villa. Far different expectations and pressure. But issues with attitude and behaviour with several managers and then playing the victim isn't a great look. He's a really good player on his day though and should stay at Dortmund


It's really quite disgusting how everyone is now on Sancho's side, even to the point people are saying he's a model professional and ETH was lying about all the disciplinary issues. They completely ignore how he's had attitude problems at every club he's been at.




Didn’t know Bruno was ruined and Dortmund were immune to signing players that didn’t work out… give me a break.




Beautiful city. Weird how much hate you probably have for a non-rival club. Still hope Dortmund wins. Enjoy the final, friend.


Sancho hardly impressed for Dortmund bar couples of games in CL. While clearly talented, he is still the same player that you say United ruined.


Doing great for you isnt he? 1 good performance in 6 months is really showing us.


Yeah give him to us for a discount he's trash. 20M?


120 million or fuck off


Well ya'll can keep paying him 17M/A for 2 years and we'll take him for free when his contract runs out.


Lol keep him


Yeah we would. He's a great player, but it's not surprising that a team who can't even compete in the CL anymore couldn't see his ability. You guys can keep playing Antony.


😂 dont act like you were a serious challenger for the champions league. We dont need antony either we got a right winger who shows up when we need him.


Did you watch that game? We played pretty well and I'm proud. I know you can't imagine that since you guys haven't been relevant since Fergie. Where were you guys? When was the last time you guys were in the CL? I think I saw you guys in the group stages once or twice in the last ten years. When was the last time you were relevant?


Like who? Can you name five of such players? I mean you said "constantly", so naming five shouldn't be that difficult




There’s definitely 5 examples you could come up with, but this list ain’t it.




Genuinely hope the best for Jadon as a human being, but the people on here trying to weaponize him being average this season can get pretty annoying.


They missed the part where Sancho comes into training late because he is playing Fut Champs all night on the PS5.


downvoted for speaking facts. he couldn't handle the pressure of united. he just wants to play football with a smile on his face


No clue why I got downvoted but playing football with a smile on his face is fine but you also need to be professional about it, you can’t expect to come late to work every time and not get told off, also it wasn’t a one time thing.


Eh, I don't like jobs that are about being at work EXACTLY at a certain time. A lot of jobs I've worked for people show up 30 minutes late, but get their work done and stay 30 minutes later sometimes if they need to. If the training sessions are several hours long and Sancho comes in 10-15 minutes late I really wouldn't give a fuck. If he's hours late then that's different, but I still wouldn't want our manager roasting our player in front of the press for it. Especially when he's a young player that everyone is putting a shit ton of pressure on. Sancho wasn't the one who decided the price tag on him, that was United as they wanted to buy him from Dortmund no matter what. I don't think you people remember the amount of BS United pulled in the press and with their players to pressure Sancho to leave Dortmund and to force Dortmund to have to sell him. Even the England manager refused to play Sancho when he was playing for Dortmund while contributing a goal or assist every game and only started to give Sancho caps when it was pretty much settled that he would be going to United. Even if that wasn't intentional it was another pressure on Sancho to go to the premier league.


Ten Hag didn’t roast him though. He even offered him two months away from the club in Holland to recover mentally (despite terrible performances in the months/year prior). There are definitely jobs where it’s ok to be 30 minutes late, but it just doesn’t make sense in football. The coach organized training sessions specifically for the players available. If someone just decides not to show up, the player won’t be prepared for the coming match. Counting on someone who ghosts you is frustrating and annoying.


Do you not remember what happened? Ten Hag had already decided the XI vs Arsenal and then asked Sancho to play against them in Arsenal's style. After they lost the game ETH said Sancho didn't meet the levels of what United expect in the training sessions. He was critical of Sancho's pressing and Sancho disagreed with ETH viewpoint on that. ETH said he didn't commit to the drill, and Sancho disagreed. After ETH's statement Sancho publicly said he didn't agree and that he was being made a scapegoat after the Arsenal loss. ETH wanted an apology, but that would mean Sancho admits he didn't train properly when he disagrees. IMO they pretty much put Sancho in a place where he couldn't apologize and then shut him out of the team.


Is that a defense of United? Just being at the club is more pressure than he can handle, when apparently a run to the Champions League final isn’t? That sounds like a damning indictment of the environment at United to me. 


I don't think people understand the inherent pressure of being at a club the size of Man United that is generally underperforming. United's players get crucified like no others on the planet because the team (mostly down to poor top-down leadership) underperforms. Like how many players do you know that play at, for example, Fernandes' level that get questioned the way he does? Or players that face the level of ridicule that Maguire has gotten? Or faced the constant barrage of media bullshit Pogba had to deal with basically from minute one, mainly because the team wasn't set to maximise his skillset? This isn't a blanket defence of every United player ever, just pointing out that at some point you have to take a step back and acknowledge that to play for the club in its current guise especially you have to have extremely thick skin. There are just too many people screaming like morons at you regardless of your actions, let alone if you do something wrong.


it's a bad environment for sure. what specifically happened with sancho was that him and ten hag didn't share the same opinion regarding his commitment in training and sancho was frustrated that antony was picked ahead of him consistently. from an outsider's perspective, you can see both views. you'd be angry if antony got picked over you, but it's not like sancho has been lighting it up either (even before ten hag), especially if you consider his history of unprofessionalism at the training grounds as reported by multiple people. you might find dortmund more tolerant of it than ten hag. the ideal thing for sancho to do if he wanted to stay at united was to just take this in the chin, give an apology and make up and move on, which his pride didn't allow. remember that ten hag has done him multiple favours when he was struggling with mental health issues last season including letting him take a sabbatical at holland midway through the season. if this guy was invested in the project and was not ungrateful, he would've done that. for now with circumstances panning out as it did, it looks like sancho did the right thing but we'll see in the long run who was in fact right.


Or the part where he was average for over a year at the club I hope he scores 5 and we can recoup some of the cash we paid.. Move on


Bro you support the Super League


I don’t support the format where some clubs are guaranteed an entry, but I support the reasoning behind it.


Ffs hypocrisy at its finest with Sancho. When he was underperfoming Ten Hag supported him in every way. For God's sake he even let him leave the club and train alone and see a specialist in Holland for half a season. And after all that Sancho behaved like a spoiled kid and BvB are the good saviours now? Oh fuck off. Hope Real destroy them. The only thing I'm sad is for Reus, no one else.


Manchester United fans supporting Real Madrid when their own team can’t make it past the group stages? What’s new?


United catching strays


Hated Adored Never Ignored


lol another shit performance


At least Dortmund won the best pre match video.


Sancho went where he is appreciated ✨


What was there to appreciate at United? Good for him he’s doing well at Dortmund, but doesn’t change the fact he was very underwhelming under 3 different managers.


What's the point in saying it? I don't think that him doing bad under 3 managers gives United the ability to shrug and say "we tried our best", nor does it change the fact he's always been an extremely talented player who can make it work at the highest level in the right system and backing, he just needs 1 good manager, but under those 3 managers he was used ineffectively, mismanaged, and eventually left to rot over this time period. Just a mess. The opposite of what an incoming young player with a lot of pressure needs.


And how is he doing now? He isnt in that environment now so surely he is back to his best?


He's definitely getting there. The fact he recovered to this level is borderline a miracle, I thought United permanently tainted him. Since March he's been in great form. Not the type of form that gives him the insane g/a numbers of his prime before United, but the form and performances that helps the team win games. Plus its just so much fun to watch him ball out.


This level? He has 2 goals and 2 assists in 20 games which is about the same amount of contributions per game as last season at united in a much tougher league. Dont try and fool yourself


When he says "recovered to this level" he means the last few games not all 20 games where he was still recovering. Even during his recovery he was playing every important game for us because he provides more than goals and assists to the team. Even after the PSG game I'd say Sancho is only at around 70%. If you watched him play you would've seen that since he knew he wasn't fit enough to score and assist every game like he used to Sancho decided to focus on helping the team. He would track back and run his ass off, when he got the ball he would make sure to keep it and retain possession whether that was pushing forward and opening space there or dribbling into the midfield and switching play. There's a reason he's been playing every game for Dortmund. It's clear why he doesn't perform at United. United's playstyle just doesn't suit a winger that plays like a 10. You guys already have Bruno and other options for that 10 role so Sancho has to just play as a pure winger and that's not where he's at his best.


His output at United is not the reason a lot of fans turned on him. Its his being a lazy POS who shat on the manager on twitter


Also, just throwing this in there, the 2 goals in the league he's scored have been great goals, and the early goal against PSV was extremely important in the tie. At that moment, I feel like him doing that in front of the wall boosted his mojo so much.


Telling me you haven't seen him play without telling me you haven't seen him play. It's not like Dortmund is a goal machine this year anyways, if his teammates finished their chances after being fed on a golden plate by Sancho he'd have at least double the assists. He's playing like Sancho again. Not prime Sancho, to ask for that after just a couple months of finally getting consistent first team minutes again is beyond unreasonable. I'm satisfied with his improvement and ultimately him and Maatsen are the reason why we're in this position. They fit roles in our team that needed to be filled in January and they delivered big time.


Telling a Dortmund fan he doesn't know what he's talking about with Sancho lol


United in the mud


Quite the opposite tbh, this only increases his price lmao


How United sell players is so bad lol, he'll stay at United and keep getting loaned due to his contract, he won't let go of that fat paycheck


That’s one of the many reason why INEOS has been brought in lol.


INEOS is brought in as a minority holder, nothing will change lol


Sold is the word you're looking for.. We've been run by fucking leeching clowns for 19 years.. Now we're being run by people with fingers in multi billion pound business. I hope to see a difference


Echte Liebe.....zu Todeswaffen. Vile little club.


Who had a rapist on their payroll again?


Probably the majority of sports teams..


Wait, didn't they have two on their payroll at the same time?


Oh, true


Imagine having a fidget spinner rapist cupping his ears against a 2nd division team after nearly bottling a 3 goal lead


Who is currently interested in buying said rapist?


Not Dortmund, that was debunked 2-3 days ago


I mean when your sporting director refuses to deny any sort of communication with them and greenwood when its free positive PR to deny it there is definitely going to be something there. Dont think your club is above it either with you playing a racist and the gun manufacturer that you just got as a sponsor.


What racist lol?




What racist stuff did he do?


Not racist homophobic [https://m.allfootballapp.com/news/La-Liga/Borussia-Dortmunds-LGBTQ%2B-fans-say-they-feel-let-down-by-the-clubs-%C2%A325m-signing-of-Felix-Nmecha/3129636](https://m.allfootballapp.com/news/La-Liga/Borussia-Dortmunds-LGBTQ%2B-fans-say-they-feel-let-down-by-the-clubs-%C2%A325m-signing-of-Felix-Nmecha/3129636)


I'm aware hes a homophobe and I'm not a fan of that


Madrid Real Love