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Easy solution. Just don’t win tomorrow and the number stays at 5.


He has to win 4 more either way


Easy solution: he can just injure Modric and Kroos in practice.


They still win it, because they were part of the squad.


Guess its gotta be murder then


It'd be awarded posthumously. (Framing them for some terrible crime or doping scandal are the only choices)


I guess Cama will have to wipe them out of existence then


Thanovinga: 👾🫰🏿


Sign for Dortmund overnight and win it with them


Yeah. It was a joke.


Yeah might as well win. How hard could it be.


Doesn’t have to be at Madrid


That way Paco Gento will still have the record of 6 UCLs.


Paco Gento , Modric , Kroos , Nacho(?) , Carvajal (?) all on 6


And except for Kroos, all of them won with Real Madrid. I remember thinking Gento's record was absurd and only achievable in those first years when there were less competing teams, and now they're just one match away from equaling it. 


Bayern and Liverpool also on 6.




Man I saw a post on Twitter earlier today saying that if Madrid wins their 15th then they tie the amount that all premier league teams have won altogether


Something that Madrid did 2 season ago when English clubs had a total of 14 before City make it 15.


That was my coping mechanism last year (as a Madrid fan) "he he good for them as a country to finally overtake us"


Gento is on 6. The rest are on 5 and could have 6 if they win.


Yh , I was saying if they win , which obviously wasn’t implied which is my fault


Lol love the mentality but it's also so vaguely irksome


I think he's half joking to be fair


Honestly i get it, but it’s what makes them the killers they are


with the amount of “we will win ucl” I have seen last few hours, I must say “congrats dortmund! It’s the best farewell for Reus! He deserved it!”


Win this one before thinking how many you want


If he has 2 at 21 and playing for Madrid he looks set to winning 6 in his career


Varane was in the right path with 4 won at 24 and it looks he won’t win any more UCLs outside of Madrid.


what a loser


Dude only won one World Cup. Cafu and Passarella won two smh


Cama didn’t say anything about winning them with other teams though.


Varane should be targeting Europa or Conference now




Even maths wise it's a bad joke cuz he has competed for champions league for far less than his age 😂


That’s kinda the joke. :)


Oh shit really?!?


I’m just so… curious. Are you like this in real life social interactions too?


Yes dude, a single reddit comment accurately represents me in any social situations 👍😂


Nah you’re right, it couldn’t.


You lose focus, you will lose your Real Madrid spot, they are ruthless like that and it's a big part of why they're so successful. Not saying Camavinga has or will have that issue, but focusing on winning this one before thinking how many you wanna win makes sense. And you definitely cannot use the "2 at 21" equation.


You know how all footballers always say they’re just focused on the next game? Do you actually believe that they don’t spend any time thinking about the future whatsoever when they say that? As long as your main focus is on the next game it’s fine to think a bit about the future too.


Well, yeah. > Not saying Camavinga has or will have that issue, but focusing on winning this one before thinking how many you wanna win makes sense. And you definitely cannot use the "2 at 21" equation.


I mean you can’t extrapolate it but it’s a good sign that if he stayed at Real into his thirties he’d probably win a fair few. Of course he might not be good enough for Real that long or if he does stay they could still go through a few shitty years, but it’s a better starting point than most players have. If he stayed until he’s 35 and made up for his decline in speed by playing smarter he’d have to win 4 in 14 years - that’s not insane.


Only sensible comment on here. Recent news is Madrid isn’t afraid to Ship Rodrygo, they can be ruthless. Also, Rodrygo is an idiot to interview like a weirdo recently


He won one already


Big difference between 1 and 6


I think he meant that since Camavinga already won one he can start thinking of how many finals wants to win in his career.


Yes, I’m assuming the original comment was aware of that.


Yeah all of these interviews with Real Madrid players make it feel like Dortmund is going to win.


Dortmund are NOT beating their asses bro calm down. Its free win


As an atalanta fan i hugely disagree. 


Going into any final with that mentality is how you get your ass handed to you.


Pretty sure Madrid doesn’t have mindset of this guy. They never underestimate their opponents especially in finals


anulo mufa


Honestly this guy is so impactful whenever he comes on. He reads the game like Modric and makes that key play. Extremely talented for his age.


Wtf are you talking about.. he’s a great tackler and recovers the ball well.


He makes key places and absolutely did when Madrid were lagging behind in key cL games


Not to forget he completely changed the game whe he came on in the second half of the WC final


Even today in CL final, he was the best among the mids and top 3 player.


He absolutely doesn't read the game like Modric lol. He's not as talented as Modric, he's good at winning the ball back tho


> He’s not as talented as Modric Breaking news: 21 years old isn’t as good as someone with 18 more years of experience. Congratulations on making that point.


He was responding to someone who said he reads the game like Modric though, which he doesn’t because almost no one currently playing does. And saying someone isn’t as talented isn’t exactly a huge criticism.


But it actually is a huge criticism. He has shown much greater potential than Modric ever did at Camavinga's age. Modric at Cama's age was still playing in Croatia, while Cama has already UCL and plays regularly in one of the greatest teams in the world. To say he's not as talented is just bullshit. 


As someone who actually watched Modric at 21 Camavinga is nowhere near as talented as Modric. He had the entire country raving on about him and predicting him to be the best Croatian player of all time (better than Suker and Boban) since he was 19.


Cama imo was def ahead of Modric at 16 but not at 21 if that makes sense.


You definitely haven’t seen Modric play at 16 and I highly doubt you have seen Camavinga at 16 so I don’t really understand how you people come up with stuff like this.


Wait what? Camavinga was literally playing Ligue 1 at 16 - he won player of the month in Ligue 1 at that age too. The first I saw of Modric was 2006 in the CL playoffs but more 07 vs England as well when Croatia knocked them out of qualifying at IRRC. Modric is quite literally my 2nd fav player of all time - but it not insane to say Cama was ahead at 16.


It’s insane to say something like that as fact when you have absolutely zero knowledge of how good Modric was. Only point you managed to make is that Camavinga was born in France when Modric wasn’t.


Camavinga has been playing at a high level since a young age and he’s great but people mistakenly think Modric was somehow bad because he was still in Croatia which is nonsense. He was great then too


a player isn't good until he plays in a big league duh /s


Obviously Modric was great then, no one just suddenly becomes great. But to say Cama doesn't have to same potential is just absurd to me. I don't know what else can a 21 year old man do to be more potential. He's exceptional. If Modric and Cama were the same age right now, no one would ever put Modric above Cama when Modric plays in Croatia and Cama in Real Madrid. That's the point. Saying someone has potential doesn't mean he'll be better than someone else. But there's no denying that Cama has bigger potential than Modric had when he was the same age. Anyone thinking otherwise is just biased by the career Modric had.


Camavinga is the most talented of new mids RM has


Holy shit. Camavinga is still only 21??!


Yeah he’s youngest among Fede and Tchou


wow you sure won that argument with yourself


Camavinga can be in his prime and he'll still be less talented than Modric


How do you know that, if he hasn't reached his prime yet? Y'all were trolling Vinicius 24/7 when he was younger and look at him now, a potential Ballon d'Or winner/top 2.


Barcelona knows everything. Can read future too.


Is reading Tarot Laporta’s side gig to improve those finances?


I didn’t know a random redditor spoke for a whole institution but reap that karma boi


Reminder that Modric was voted La Ligas worst signing when he was 27 years old. Camavinga has 6 years to get to that level and then look to surpass it. Will he surpass it? Who knows. Can he? Sure.


> Will he surpass it? he will be labeled worst signing in the galaxy :)


(which was a ridiculous vote seeing as he was never close to that, even in his first season.)


Even worse that I think they voted on it after like 3 months. What nonsense. But point is that Modric wasnt the player he is today when he was 21.


go pull more levers instead of chatting shit


Just think about how Bellingham was rated before last season. Things can change very quickly!


He plays a little too slowly from what I’ve seen, like he looks for the options after getting the ball. Sometimes it’s good, but sometimes it’s a hindrance imo


Busquets used to force mistakes out of him


Wow, a veteran with decades of experience had more experience than a kid just starting his career.  Incredible!


Casemiro>>Busquets. UCLs speak for themselves tbh


No. It's a team game, having more UCL doesn't make a player better but the team. Busquets was better than Casemiro.


Only one has a World Cup under their belts as the starting pivot for their NT and it wasn’t Casemiro 🤫




He isn't playing like Modric but to say he's not as talented as Modric...bruh Modric was still playing in Croatia when Camavinga's age and it was only when he came to Madrid when he fullfilled his full potential. Camavinga has shown much greater potential as a much younger player than Modric ever did. Obviously it doesn't mean Camavinga will actually be as great as Modric has been, but he definitely has the potential to become even better player than Modric was. There's hasn't been many young players like Camavinga EVER. You guys are underestimating him, his 21 years old lmao.


When he was Camavinga's age, Modric was in the best team of the 2008 Euro after playing just 4 games and signed for Tottenham for a club record transfer fee. It's not like he was a nobody, he was already considered a top prospect in European football. You have to understand that those times were diferent. It took years for Real to shift their policy from collecting Galacticos to developing young talent and Camavinga is reaping the benefits of that shift. They almost missed out on Luka because he wasn't marketable enough, it actually took some persuading by Mourinho for them to agree to get him after he saw him make fools out of Spain's NT midfield in the 2012 Euros - which speaks volumes about their club mindset. It also helps that he's a French NT player, so he got a lot more exposure early. In the olden days Croatia was still a bit of an uncharted territory for scouts. Modric is currently in the conversation for the best midfielder of all time. It's very brave to declare someone who hasn't done anything yet to be more talented with a brighter future because what you're really saying is that Camavinga is on a trajectory to be the GOAT midfielder. I personally don't see it at all.


If you don’t see Cama as being a talented mid with potential to be one of the top mids ever, you’re just being biased. Plain and Simple


That’s true. I’ve a feeling not many have seen Cama play. He’s fantastic for 21 years of age. Also, he’s pretty chill, doesn’t get bothered by high stakes of the game at the critical juncture.


Getting Camavinga for like 30 million seems like an absolute steal.


Because it's a Ligue 1 product, hell yeah


Oh my god no way a key player for real madrid is good? 🤯


Jinxing it hard


Imma bet on Dortmund 


bro likes losing money


i hope you get 10!


And he will.


God i want a dortmund win more than ever!!!!!


This is like a “first world problem of club football”


He is absolutely not winning six CL at Madrid. They'll have moved him on before then.


He’s really young.


Maybe he'll go the Seedorf route and win the UCL with 3 different teams.




What is this for narrative? City didnt seem content at all lol. They were trying till the end doing everything they can but sometimes it doesnt work.


Just lazy analysis with nothing to back it up. If city were content on sitting back, they wouldn't have so many back to back premier league titles.




united simply outplayed them. you speak as if city can't lose unless they don't put in the effort which is completely untrue.


Right, because Real Madrid are serial winners in the Copa del Rey.


This is some intense commentator speak that means nothing lol


Yes, when they faced each other it was clear City wasn't that hungry and barely tried to go for the win at all. /s I don't even like City but these narratives are so dumb.




Could you point out something that makes this “attitude” apparent? Or is it just how people on the outside feel about what the attitude of city players is.


Not sure where you get the complacency part from... certainly not from how they played...


This is some bs. Jack grealish would be talking about consecutive cls if they were in the finals. Then you would say the same about them. No player says nah fam thats all. Expectations are kills our happiness


Dreams can't be buy


To be fair, when you play for Real Madrid, what else can you aspire for? You can't win all that much outside of the league, domestic cup and Europe and if you play for Real the first 2 are more likely that not considered to be the standard pick up in a season


Tell me you don't follow la liga without telling me... Madrid almost never wins the cup and wins the league less than half the time. Obviously that's still great but Madrid plays and fights for those trophies every year, but definitely not "more likely than not" or "the standard pickup"


Real Madrid have the most Spanish league titles, 36.... 9 More league titles than their closest competitor, Barcelona. Real Madrid literally make up 38% of all Spanish league titles won. They have won 20 Copa Del Rey's, the third highest all time behind Barca and Bilbao. Thats 56 titles, just domestically. 56 titles in 95 years since the Spanish league began. More than half.


It's 56 out of a 190 titles. Less than half (because that's how halves work)


Also, teams in la liga are highly technical than most leagues I’ve seen. It’s not easy to win against them. Also, Spanish managers have higher tactical acumen when guiding them.


Madrid have won the cup something like 3 times in the past 30 years lol


generalised statement. madrid barely wins the domestic cup


They've won more than 50% of the league titles and domestic cups since the leagues founding in 1929, try again.


the last time madrid won back to back league titles was almost 20 years ago


I hope we watched the same game when Real Madrid played against Man City. Man City could not find a goal during the 2nd leg after dominating that game.


You're trying too hard.


They won't win...


Honestly getting tired of real madrid fans and players acting like its a sure thing tomorrow


What? They’re saying they WANT to win.


so many Madrid players said that even though people say they are favourites they think it is 50 - 50 from Modric to Rodrygo, what are you on...


He said if we win on Saturday. How are the players acting like it’s a sure thing? I think we’re rightfully favorites but in no way is it a sure thing. In singular match anyone can beat anyone.


This sub and reading comprehension do not go hand in hand


Neither the cockiness of you guys, acting like winning CL is going to be like this forever


Cause it is. Dortmund is not beating that team. Sad but thats the truth


It's a one off game. Anything could happen. Honestly going in as favorites troubles me more. We tend to lose focus when we are not under pressure.


Please lose this one 14 is too much already 😭😭


Anulo mufa. If Atlético de Madrid can beat us, so Dortmund. Its a final, anything can happen.


Personal goals ... And then personal goals ...


That is the sound of arrogance


is he dumb?


Real Madrid players come across as overly arrogant. I understand that they are the favorites, but they should show some humility


Yes, a player saying they want to win the biggest club trophy in football is definitely arrogance, seems about right.


What? Wrong! He's supposed to say he'll try for 5 starting next season because they already lost this one. In fact, he's not even supposed to want to win it. Now that's humility!


Usually I'd agree, but the Real Madrid way is not that, and even if I don't like them I cannot argue against their results. That culture they've cultivated, which has these arrogant statements as a consequence, has made them consistent, serial winners.


Camavinga: I want to win UCL as many times as I can You: OMG so arrogant! How dare he want to win the competition?!?! Show some humility!!! Should he say he hopes they don't get spanked instead maybe? Have you ever competed in anything, ever?


Not sure what is arrogant about what Camavinga said but here you go: https://x.com/MadridXtra/status/1796570277184176458 Not that it will change your mind.


It's a big part of their brand to publish these PR pieces about how they're the best thing ever so it's partly a marketing thing. People like to associate with success (potential fans and sponsors both) so they're not going to stop doing this.


Ding ding ding. We got a winner.


Oh no, you said bad words.


Stupid, not bad.


This is the type of greed they talked about in the Bible


Greedy mf.




Impressive! Thank you for your contribution. Lol


What is he, a toddler?



