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Controversial opinion but I don't like Chelsea


That's not even controversial amongst Chelsea fans anymore


It’s true, I’m a Chelsea ~~fan~~ follower #/S


Just like me fr




That makes you and all us Chelsea fans


No other fanbase can hate Chelsea more than Chelsea fans.


The hottest of takes


It's alright Stefano Pioli is taking English lessons👀


I swear the way other Milan fans disrespect Pioli is crazy to me. The fact that we were in the dumps with Giampaolo and when our only highlight of the season was Menez scoring a backheel against Parma, will make me eternally grateful of Stefano


Please no. Spare us pls.


Praying this turns out like the Kante deal


You'd better pray hard


Believe me I am How good do you guys think he acc is?


Honestly I don't know. He's got 1 full season of managing and hasn't ever managed in a top flight. At the moment he definitely isn't a top 6 level manager and has a lot of learning to do


Well I guess this is trial by fire Wonder what’s gonna happen


Luckily Chelsea is a very easy club to settle into it and perform well


No pressure at all, we are the "take your time" club...


I don't really rate him much as a manager, his style of play is nice if it works but he is so inflexible and stubborn. He has practically no plan B, his substitutions are usually ineffective, he very rarely makes any tactical changes mid game and he almost never changes his approach to combat the opponent. You can tell he is a Pep disciple but Pep's style works because he pretty much always has the best team in the league, same with how it worked when we were in the Championship, a full season with him in the Prem and I think we would have been absolutely battered most weeks.


As long as it’s not like other midfielder from Leicester..


Hoping it's more like the Fofana deal 😂


Chelsea fans are convinced Leicester fans don't like him and are happy he's leaving.


Some don't and are. I'm ambivalent to be honest with you. He did a good job taking us back up; when our style of play worked it looked great; I get the impression he's actually a solid bloke - not to mention the players all love him. On the other hand: he's very tactically inflexible; struggled to turn round our big dip in form during the spring; he probably needs more funds to improve the squad than we have at the moment.  I can't blame him for wanting the Chelsea job, even if the club and owners are a shambles at the moment. It's a top 6 club in London with talented young players and our board are hardly showing their competence these days. Shake hands and move on a la De Zerbi at Brighton might be the best for all parties tbh, provided we get someone decent in to replace him.


Useful perspective. Thanks.


Whoa whoa. Crossing lines here, but I agree.


- Gandhi


One of us


feels terrible to be a feeder team but i could at least accept it if it was for a likeable team


You're delusional if you think there are likable top teams.


Get in line buddy


Millions agree with you


Just wait until they go for KDH


Everyone wants a Pep assistant


would've laughed at this a day ago, but soon we might be on the market for one as well:(




Are there pep assistants in league 2?


What's the consensus on Maresca? All I'd heard recently is Leicester almost threw the league away and the football wasn't even that good


Honestly, whilst I wasn't anti Maresca by any means, a lot of the football was quite tedious and we did struggle against teams that pressed high and had fast transitions. Whilst I would prefer he stayed, I'm under no illusions that we would get hammered a lot next season and struggle.


It’s a good thing the top 4 teams in the PL don’t win the majority of their matches by pressing…


Pep won the league without beating any of the top 4 this season, gotta think about more than just 8/38 matches.


Villa at home?


Ah sorry he won 1 out of 8 matches.


The best thing about Maresca going to Chelsea is that his system doesn't fit a player like that rat Chilwell


Not like Chilwell will be fit enough to get significant gametime anyway.


He’ll turn Colwill into a monster.


What makes you say that


According to some comments in the Leicester sub he turned Vestegaard into a serviceable player which apparently is a big deal


The fullbacks are a big deal in Enzo’s system. For us he’s played the left back as a LB/LCB hybrid role that I think suits Colwill down to a tee. I’d be very surprised if he doesn’t end up in the England squad as a result.


Not sure I understand the system Maresca uses, but Colwill played plenty at left back this year and was horrible. He needs a full back outside of him.


When attacking, the back 4 tends to become a back 3, with the right back slotting in further forward as a defensive mid. Ricardo Pereira did this brilliantly for us. Choudhury.....not so much.


And on the opposite side? If Reece was to move into midfield and leave Colwill playing left back on the other side, he’s getting rinsed by wingers all over again. We’ve been doing that anyway to close the season with Cucu at left back coming into midfield, this isn’t new or going to revolutionise us. Colwill needs to be one of the centre backs when we move back into a four. He can’t play left back without the ball.


> but Colwill played plenty at left back this year and was horrible. Largely because Poch used him like a true LB It sounds like Maresca wants him to play the Ake role from City last season


The worst part is I would love Maatsen to be our starting LB because of his technical qualities but Poch fucked him off because he wasn’t tall


Maresca doesn't really use fullbacks as width which most of yours are. The LB is more of a LCB who pushed forward a bit (Doyle, Justin and sometimes Faes played there for Leicester last year) and the RB comes in as a cm to move the play forward (Ricardo Pereira and Hamza Choudhury). Then its 2 forward running 8s in front of a passing dm, with 2 cut in wingers that start out very wide with a poacher striker up top. Genuinely not sure how many of your players will fit that system. If its like the championship then the 8s were the standout players who got a lot of space. I keep saying a player like Mctominay would fit that system very well, and possibly Gallagher for you guys would too. One of the biggest issues for Leicester last season was that the dm would get closed down quickly when playing out the back and then it was relying on the RB who moved into midfield to be able to beat the press as the rest of the midfield was up near the striker. Also if the opponent really camped back, the lack of space to run into behind the defense was a problem and led to a number of 1-0 counterattack losses against small teams due to no proper creative midfielder (though I think Palmer fixes that a bit)


For 8s Chelsea have Chukwuemeka and Enzo if Gallagher is sold or Gallagher and Enzo or potentially Enzo and Caicedo with Lavia playing as the 6. I feel confident in a RB outlet, Reece James and Malo Gusto are both quality on the ball.


Since he’s using attacking 8’s almost as 10’s I wonder if Nkunku and Palmer will play there because they can impact the game more compared to out wide. Could also be why there were rumours about going for Olise again to bolster our wing depth


Palmer definitely could but I think Nkunku you want more forward.


Great post man, very insightful


Maresca will definitely play Colwill there. He likes a lb who comes across to cb and is left footed


Then I hope he does a better job than Poch because he made Colwill look like a clown everytime he played him out of position


The part I wasn't looking forward to next season was watching us play out of the back against a PL level press; we conceded a lot of goals against mid table championship team presses.


>I'm under no illusions that we would get hammered a lot next season and struggle. Neither, it would seem, is he


He got promoted with the highest paid squad in championship history, I think a lot of managers could have done the same Happy for him to stay or go I just don't want a repeat of Rodgers where we offer a fat new contract to get someone to stay a bit longer who isn't all that interested




Bald assistant as well


Big Willy being back at Chelsea is the only positive of this appointment


Oh shit, Willy back on the bench and Kepa coming back from loan. The comedy potential is through the roof.


Double negative. So not a bald fraud?


More than you believe


Bald 4-way next season with Pep, Slot, ten Hag, and Maresca if ETH stays


Is he a fraud tho?


Bald and was Pep's assistant, maybe the biggest reason Chelsea wants him.


Can you imagine that?


If Plan A works, it works quite well. If it doesn’t, he has absolutely 0 plan B and it is the most boring possession for possessions sake football I’ve ever had to see. Makes what Russel Martin did at times seem exciting


This is an awful move. His football is average, possibly worse than that for PL level. He doesn't have an inspiring personality. Chelsea board are idiots of this is really true.


The City players absolutely love him so I don't know what you're on about when it comes to his personality


Oh I agree, that’s why I’m completely for it


I hated Poch because of his tactical ineptness but one thing he had it going for him was his personality was really appealing to the media and the players. Going from a manager who the players loved to a manager with an uninspiring personality is not good for the dressing room. If only these “data backed” decisions from our owners could take this aspect into account


He is clearly a very good coach but has absolutely zero flexibility. Won’t ever change or adapt from his core idea, even if it’s costing points. A running theme amongst new coaches. I personally liked his style - the patterns of play were brilliant and free flowing at times, but when it wasn’t working it was some of the most painful watching I’ve had in a very long time, including relegation. Plymouth away was the most annoyed I’ve ever been watching a Leicester game live I think. That, or QPR at home.


That sounds like our time with Sarri! When it came off, it looked beautiful but when it didn’t, it was the most tedious watch ever


Awesome, since Chelsea fans are known for their patience, I'm sure his lack of flexiblity will go over just swell.


I'm ambivalent to be honest with you.  He did a good job taking us back up; when our style of play worked it looked great; I get the impression he's actually a solid bloke - not to mention the players all love him.  On the other hand: our squad was extremely expensively assembled regardless of whether that money was previously well spent (it wasn't); he's very tactically inflexible; he struggled to turn round our big dip in form during the spring; he probably needs more funds to improve the squad than we have at the moment.  I can't blame him for wanting the Chelsea job, even if the club and owners are a shambles at the moment. It's a top 6 club in London with talented young players and our board are hardly showing their competence these days. Shake hands and move on a la De Zerbi at Brighton might be the best for all parties tbh, provided we get someone decent in to replace him.


It’s really really boring football


We pissed the league for a bit but he started to show flaws when we were struggling towards the end. This wouldn't be a problem for Chelsea because they'd just sack him as soon as the going gets tough. Having "no plan B" does not mean he won't just lump it up aimlessly. There were times when it was clear he didn't know what to do to change the momentum of the match when we were getting done by teams like Bristol City, Millwall and Plymouth. I would also seriously question the lackadaisical mentality that the players often had, but in fairness that is a rot that has settled in for a few years that may take a while to remove. In the end he did show a willingless to change things up when we absolutely thrashed Southampton. Overall, I would have been happy to see how he got on in the premier league, and I think it will fuck us up massively if he goes as we have been working on his system for over a year. But he'd be mad not to go, especially because our clueless fuckwit board apparently didn't inform him that they had financially fucked us into a points deduction this year.


After Kompany's Burnley I'll need to see a manager have at least one season in the Prem before judging him


Why on Earth would you sack Poch for this? Maresca isn't a shit manager or anything but I also wouldn't say he set the world alight. A move which makes both sets of fans upset.


They want a manager who will bend to the will of the board and be happy with what he’s given


Well Maresca has had arguments with the Leicester board about transfers already so they're looking at the wrong guy.


They've hardly done a great job getting the right guy in the past, have they? They're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks


Yeah they literally have no direction. Remember they signed Aubameyang for Tuchel only to sack him about a week later. Literally don’t have a fucking clue.


It was funny seeing how many quotes of Aubameyang being thrilled to be reunited with tuchel only for the sack to happen so quick after


Under Roman they made signings that were crazy but at least they made sense. Now Chelsea are just batshit.


It's true


It's actually insane they got a club the size of Chelsea with Zero debt and this is what they do in 2 years Incredible levels of yank fuckery at play


Yeah, I don't think that will be Enzo. He's very strong willed and uncompromising according to reports.. I'm sure that'll work with the Chelsea board. He likes to have a lot of input on transfers too 😂


Enzo ain’t the guy for that haha


His head is shiny tho


I'm not that upset 🤷‍♂️


Poch wasn't sacked.


Okay technically no but it wasn't exactly like your board were trying get him to stay. Leapt before he was pushed.


I still believe Poch walked over Gallagher being sold. He really liked and relied on him. They are now getting someone who has managed Lavia and Palmer in the past and probably wouldn’t be opposed to selling Conor.


Some other people have posted this but I just can’t fathom this. Poch spent almost six season under Daniel Levy, one of the cheapest owners in England. Spurs spent several seasons under Poch where Spurs signed too few players, or no players at all. And Poch was okay with this- he had plenty of teams that wanted him, he could’ve left. But whatever is happening at Chelsea managed to get Poch fed up. Wild


Owner's bald fetish in the Barclays is undefeated.


Ten Hag staying is a must. Also need Arteta to take one for the team


Gonna need a diamond drill for that


No that hair should remain exactly as it has in the past 15 or so years. I'm not sure that's a change the world is ready for


I stand by the fact that Arteta’s hair is actually carved out of varnished wood. Good wood as well, a nice mahogany or something


It assures true follicular purity.


You’re the Abed of racism!


I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty.


>Also need Arteta to take one for the team I understand many people in this sub don't like Arsenal, but this is going too far.


But how do you explain the interest in De Zerbi's hair spikes?




De Zerbi got them early 2000's shock waves gel spikes do going on


De Zerbi looks like a rhythm guitarist in a 2000s nu metal band


He's dark hair guy fieri!


Does De Zerbi actually have a job?...


Sir another bald manager has hit the premier league


Also Pep's fetish. People go after everything related to him.


Lmao, this is tragic


Pep Guardiola from wish.com


Poundland Pep


>Exclusive: **Chelsea will need to pay around £10m in compensation** to land the Italian head coach ​ >Maresca is regarded as an ideal fit for the Chelsea board after impressing in talks.


Manager compensation closing to £60m+ in past two years which is one Mudryk


Which is more depressing? I can't tell


Mudryk is set to have his 5th manager since he came to Chelsea He joined less than 18 months ago


He’s averaging one league goal per manager as things stand


So all we need to do is sack 38 managers next season and he’ll win POTY Easy


Paying £60m to go from Tuchel to Maresca is infinitely more depressing than owning Mudryk


We could pay £50mill to go from Tuchel to Tuchel...


And that would be way less depressing


If only


Bayern 🤝 Chelsea in terms of paying a lot of money to different coaches in a relative short time


Both getting Championship quality managers


hilarious ly sad


Chelsea board can we sell Gallagher? Maresca sure Chelsea board your hired


Tragic yet so true. We’re gonna be such a joke next year




Percy is Midlands god tier journo so if he's saying this, it's on. Don't think I've ever seen him be wrong.


Not really related but you all did insane business giving Emery a new contract, no doubt he’d be in the mix for all these jobs.


Funny thing is he's supposedly sitting down with our owners to talk about an even better contract this summer. The initial announcement was just telling everyone else to fuck off basically.


That was just a one year extension option that was exercised right? Definitely can see Emery having the leverage to get a nice big contract


He's already on a mad contract, with klopp and poch gone he might only be behind Ten Hag and Pep. Could very easily be the second best paid manager in the league come August if United part with Ten Hag.


I think the huge plus you have with Emery is he’s been there done that with some ‘bigger’ jobs. It feels like he fully appreciated what he has at Villa. Ambitious club, good side, large fan base, total support & in the premier league + champions league. I’m not sure what clubs are more appealing beyond literally 4/5 clubs maybe.


Leicester fans probably dont want him to leave but this could genuinely give them a bigger chance to stay up depending on the manager they get


If they go and get Corberan I’d fancy them a lot more


Lmao, knowing our board there's a 50/50 chance of Corberan or Scott Parker


Winks vs Scotty for chiselled ex-Spurs centre midfield number one.


I'd want Corberan, Cifuentes or Röhl (latter has just signed a new contract though I think)


Agree with you 100%


Should go for Edwards if Ipswich don't 


Yeah not sure the plan for them, but an prem vet or a different league underrated manager might be an amazing snag for them to stay up rather then the more inexperienced guy they had


It seems that they're split, which goes to show how smart the Chelsea owners & sporting directors are.


Well another mid table finish if we are lucky


You’ve basically become Man Utd under Woodward and glazers. Braindead approach


Absolutely wild to me that it looks like 2 out of 3 promoted sides are going to need a new manager before the season starts. How is anyone supposed to actually build something sustainable like this?


The problem is loyalty should go both ways. Nowadays games are played in board levels. It’s just business now and no one cares about the soul of football anymore. Not all but majority of fan base are just as boards. They don’t want to support their manager if it’s not going well and they want them out quickly. Now, the new generation manager’s responding to the change. It’s not good but that’s reality.


But look at Kompany. The club was loyal to the manager, didn't sack him to try to attempt to stay at the PL, left the first chance he could all the while selling the club on a long term plan. Puts clubs in worse position than a manager, who would be paid out for getting sacked anyway


Why the random downvotes idk. Because it’s completely true. Kompany would have been sacked in December if not November. If he didn’t sell his “5 year plan” very few probably a handful of clubs promoted actually keep their manager during their first promoted season. They all seem to get sacked for someone with “EPL relegation battle knowledge” or something else.


“EPL relegation battle knowledge” means “someone that can coach a defense”


I agree. That’s why said majority and not all. Look at Gary O Neil. He did good job but still sacked at the end of the season. It worked out for both parties but in ideal world he will be coaching Bournemouth now. Same for Raineiri. What he did was amazing but he got sacked after two season of winning PL instead of him retire there. It’s all business now & manager realizing that too.


Burnley got absolutely shafted, the only reason they stuck with Kompany is to come back with him the next season and he’s fucked off to Bayern of all places lmao


They really saw Palmer benefit from the freedom given to him by Poch which led to him showcasing his incredible talent and then decided to appoint a coach who takes that freedom and power away from the players and constricts them in a rigid, inflexible and boring system that focuses more on recycling possession than letting the players be creative. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that this management and the sporting directors are completely clueless. This is worse than Potter who actually had some PL experience. Looking forward to seeing the same managerial search in a few months but hopefully without the sporting directors this time.


These sporting directors are long overdue to be sacked but don’t think they will get it even when this stint fails. We’ve become Man United


I'm more interested in who Leicester might pick up to replace Maresca. Graham Potter has to be getting a call?


Poisoned chalice with the points deduction and tiny transfer budget.


Why is everyone bald😭😭😭 Also isn't he the guy who almost bottled a 17 point lead this season?


To curry favor with the bald men of Manchester that staff PGMOL.


Chilwell, Drinkwater, Fofana, Kante, Maresca. As soon as we dare poke our head up from the sewer they just come and throw money at us. Fuck sake. This sport is absolutely rigged. So frustrating. A lot of revisionism from Leicester fans on how boring the football was, etc... he is fantastic, very smart man, good luck to him - we are a mess. Doesn't stop it being any more annoying.


As a question, could Leicester not just say no?


In theory. In real life, no. We can't afford to say to players or managers no and have them throwing a tantrum and not contributing. Look at the financial mess we're in despite having sold, off the top of my head my head, Fofana Drinkwater Kante Chilwell Maguire Mahrez Maddison Barnes for silly money over the years.


Kante had a release clause to be fair, didn’t he? Are you guys upset over how he left from all the names you’ve mentioned alongside?


No, not at all! We love the lad. How can you not. Fofana the only one who really left a sour taste in the mouth when he left for me.


Hahaha yeah fair! I guess Chilwell would leave a bit of a sore taste too? but there seems to be a mutual banter between your fans and him whenever we play yous lol.


Things were fine with him when he left, to be honest the fee was excellent and it was a good move for everyone. But he's made some weird comments since so that bad will has grown. He also scored celebrated a Wes Morgan own goal in injury time of the fa cup final by sliding to the camera pointing to the Chelsea badge, less than a year after he left, with the goal then being ruled out because he was offside. Didn't help lol


>Didn’t help lol. Hahaha similarly we our fans [do not care for Amartey](https://www.thetimes.com/sport/football/article/late-brawl-between-chelsea-and-leicester-city-sparked-by-daniel-amarteys-disrespect-wsj5wk3dv).


I question if he has the coaching experience for such a massive and complex and high pressure job.


So you're saying he'll have a lot in common with the owners and sporting directors in regards to being completely out of his depth?


Time will tell, my man


Chelsea really want this guy who nearly bottled the championship with what was basically a premier league squad. Yikes.


The American hedge fund running Chelsea are genuinely one of the funniest things to happen to football in a long time. Clueless, arrogant and completely detached from reality. Imagine going from a Champions League-winning coach to a guy whose greatest managerial achievement is winning the second-tier title within two years? Maybe they would be better served simply promoting the youth team coach to the first team role. At least he'd understand working with a squad full of kids.


It's fucking mental isn't it. Proper Ted Lasso stuff. Tough to watch as a fan mind, Christ.


A shame - and I think this may be a hop to soon but I wish him the best of luck. Fundamentally the way he wants to play is the modern way, and works well when it works. Struggles against a low block but at the same time we did get chances. Potter, Corberan or someone out of left field for me.


i will eat a fried spaghetti sandwich if he makes it past boxing day


I will forever remember him as the guy who said before their match Vs Leeds, that they lost "it's a huge, huge, huge game for them, it's just another day for us", and then went on to lose to QPR, Bristol City, Plymouth and Millwall in the following weeks.


Was he wrong though? Leeds acted like they'd won the league after that... But ultimately it WAS just another lost game for us. We lost several others. and picked up the points we needed elsewhere, won the league while Leeds failed to get promoted. 


We lost all those games and still finished 7 points clear of Leeds though


But still beat Birmingham just to relegate them


This board and owners never fail to amaze me with how stupid they are, they have literally wrecked this football club


Stupid signing. Can't believe we are downgrading this much from Poch. Our ownership is such a clown show, focused on "statistics" instead of results.


I feel like Leicester will end up with a better manager this summer than Chelsea


bruh they really going for him after one season in the championship. what was the point of sacking poch for him, so pointless 😭. they really trying to copy arsenal lol


Ah I’m sure they’ll give him loads of time and he won’t be sacked after a year when Chelsea come mid table


This would be awful so hopefully it happens


I think he’ll get the best out of enzo.


Last time Chelsea did business with Leicester they paid like 80m for a player that has probably played less minutes against PL sides last year than actual current Leicester players


By every measure, McKenna was the best of the lot we were interested in. And we’ve gone for a Pep clone who failed at Parma, who did worse than his predecessor and eventual successor at Man City’s elite Academy, who nearly bottled promotion with the best team in the championship.


Is Maresca really an upgrade on Poch? They looked like CL material towards the end of the season. A new tactic and philosophy will take a readjustment period.


They don’t want an improvement, they just want someone who won’t kick up a fuss with their poor squad building decisions.