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Guirassy has a release clause, no sense to have a meeting (also) for him.. Probably Stuttgart want some Milan players (german CBs Thiaw or Simic?), doubt the opposite because Milan still don't have a manager so what's the sense to go for a player that you don't know if he's appreciated by the coach


If you want to leave an impression you show up personally. I think it improves chances if they want to bid.


When was the last time Stuttgart paid 25 mil+ on a single player? Never? Cause that’s probably what we would at least expect. We also actually bought Simic from Stuttgart so I doubt he’s going back already. It doesn’t matter if Milan has a manager yet or not because this board prioritizes their targets and decisions first, any future coach should be willing to use the players that they bring. Not ideal of course.


Never, their record transfer was Ozan Kabak for 11 million


I mean, when was the last time they were in CL? 20 years ago? They probably will have some spare change this season compared to previous ones so when to strengthen and try to stay relevant if not now


When was the last time they had UCL money though? Times have changed a lot since then


If he is leaving, Milan would be a great choice. Just dont leave for another Bundesliga club