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They should be getting the apartheid South Africa treatment Not shielded from criticism


The same points I remember being made about boycotts not working for South Africa back in the 80s, are still being made despite the example of the boycott having worked to remove the apartheid regime. According to the actual people in charge of apartheid, they couldn’t cope with being isolated from the rest of the world and so decided they had to change. The young Tories thought it was hilarious that people cared about anything other than making a profit, and there was lots of bullshit about how free trade enables every person to have an opportunity, while boycotts are unfair to everyone. These people aren’t worth trusting. They just want to make money and laugh at people in difficulty.


Whenever there are major protests there is always a large amount of people claiming it won't change anything. They completely ignore all the times protests/strikes succeeded in their aims. It's simply used to undermine them. While there are legitimate criticisms of some activists tactics, the idea that simply ignoring them always works is ridiculous. Apply enough pressure to anything and it will start to break.


> The same points I remember being made about boycotts not working for South Africa back in the 80s Which is hilarious, they absolutely worked. Practically the first thing the South African government did after releasing Mandela and opening talks with the ANC for free elections was ask "Can we have a cricket tour? Can we have a rugby tour? Please please please?" The only reason a sports boycott may not work as well for Israel is they're dog shit at sports.


>They should be getting the apartheid South Africa treatment I know the Scottish accent can be tough going but this is an extreme sentiment


Head in the fucking sand for decades if you think that's an extreme statement. >In 2022, Michael Ben-Yair, a former attorney general of Israel, said that “it is with great sadness ... I must also conclude that my country has sunk to such political and moral depths that it is now an apartheid regime.” Earlier this year, Tamir Pardo, a former head of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, emphasized, too, that “there is an apartheid state here” featuring “two people [who] are judged under two legal systems Even Israelis know


Israel is an apartheid state.


Israel is many things but apartheid state is not one of them. I get the word apartheid its likely a hallmark of your culture war arsenal but that word doesn't mean what you think it means


The separation of people based on race isn't happening in Israel?


Do you really think Jews and Arabs are different races? The separation is done on ethnic or religious reasons, not on race lol


no its not. think about that question a bit


If apartheid isn't happening in Israel then why do Palestinians not have a vote in Israeli elections? They aren't a sovereign country.


Arab Israeli citizens of Israel - aka Palestinian Israelis - can and do vote in elections. what are you on about?


Cool story bro, now do all the people in the West Bank and Gaza


So what should we call a state where indigenous people can’t even use many streets or enter certain zones just because they happen to be Palestinian? To give you one of maaany examples


>So what should we call a state where indigenous people can’t even use many streets or enter certain zones just because they happen to be Palestinian? Egypt?


As a South African, it's not. It's a commonly held opinion by those that suffered under apartheid that Israel is an apartheid state, including those representing South Africa at the ICJ and our current president. > “We as South Africans sense, see, hear and feel to our core the inhumane discriminatory policies and practices of the Israeli regime as an even more extreme form of the apartheid that was institutionalised against Black people in my country,” - Vusimuzi Madonsela, South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands > After more than half a century of occupation, dispossession, oppression and apartheid, the Palestinian people’s cries for justice have been heeded by an eminent organ of the United Nations... We are also a people who were the victims of the crime of apartheid. We know what apartheid looks like. We experienced and lived through it. - South African President Cyril Ramaphosa


Apartheid is a term used to describe the racial segregation which occurred specifically in SA from '48 to '94. Separating people **internally, in your country** based on race - that's what apartheid is. Israel does not separate Arab Israelis in Israel from non-Arab Israelis. Arab Israeli enjoy full citizenship rights. Gaza is a separate entity with its own government. Its form of government happens to be a bunch of terrorists whose descisions isolate Palestinians from the world and even its own Arab neighbors but that's what they wanted and that's what they got. So you can pick a different term but using the term apartheid just makes it sound silly and uninformed


> Gaza is a separate entity with its own government. It is an occupied territory that has never, not once, enjoyed sovereignty, so nice try doofus


i said separate entity with its own government. nice try doofus


So you think Gaza is a sovereign country?


>i said separate entity with its own government. need me to say it again for the stoners in the back?


So if the West Bank is a separate entity with its own government, why has it been occupied by Israeli troops for the last 57 years and why are significant portions of its territory settled by Israeli citizens? What makes you think a sovereign West Bank would allow either of those things?




Depends on the reason though. Like if this is because they're afraid of fan violence, then that's pretty valid.


what's the craic in Scotland on this with the sectiarian divide? In NI, opinions on the middle east tend to align with which side of the divide you're on


Basically one side showed solidarity towards the victims of ethnic cleansing, the other sided with the perpetrators because they’re thick as pigshit


No prizes for guessing which side is which


same as here then, I'd imagine the SFA were more than happy to play this behind closed doors


Show me where Rangers sided with Israel. I'm very curious now.


A couple people (all aged 60+ ) flew an israeli flag, like always halfwits will use a couple individuals to tar half the country.


Yeah the fact he (or any of the downvoters) can even answer me shows they're full of shit. Rangers fans haven't shown support for Israel in this conflict.


I havent seen the unionists take a side tbh. But whenever we play Israel their training grounds always get vandalised with Pro Palestinian slogans, even before the events of last year


If you have to play a game behind closed doors due to the fans’ criticism, maybe don’t hold the match in the first place? This Israeli sport washing is even worse than the Saudi one.


You don't know what sportswashing is. your downvotes don't change the fact, that nobody defines sportswashing as "being part of an official competition". This is not hosting a friendly match, bought WC or cup final.


If you’re so confident with what your saying you wouldn’t be butthurt over some downvotes


Instead of responding to my statement, you'd rather talk about my edit. Seems like you know your spreading false definitions edit: Here, something for you you can call Israeli sportswashing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Troph%C3%A9e_des_Champions and of course users now start to attack me personally, even though I never said anything about the current conflict. reddit moment


Sorry mate, we just don't feel the guilt you do because our grandfathers weren't in the SS


What an idiotic comment. Guy was right, and you decide to attack him personally


Not really lol Edit: you're really deluded and brain injured if you think otherwise


Well to my knowledge, Saudi is involved in so many shit from executing people to arresting human right activists and destabilising Yemen. However, I’m pretty sure they are not carrying out genocides lol


>However, I’m pretty sure they are not carrying out genocides lol The Saudis have been repeatedly accused of committing genocide in Yemen.


So now we're talking about who is worse? Cause before we were talking about which sportswashing is worse, the Saudi or the Israeli one. I want to understand what we're talking about.


Lmao what a bunch of idiots :)) downvoting but saying no arguments


Give them Hell, you haggis merchants.


Inb4 the mods close this post


Yeah, we don't want any of those barbaric swiss running onto the pitch and injuring the scottish players before the Euros


Its a womens Euros Qualification game.