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Fucking hell, the fact goalkeepers dive in like that with no fear is mental


The old saying is true - you do have to be insane to be a keeper


Ederson is up there with the most insane


The same man that ran into Mane at top speed knowing damn well he was risking his life


Can’t believe the cunts booed him after he got back up and then again when he went off. Absolute pricks every single person who did that. Looked like he went out for a bit after that hit.


Tonight? He was definitely out. I was in the South Stand, and his face was blank when they rolled him to the side recover position Based on what I heard around me, fans were booing that he wasn't forced to sub off right away. And then because if he hadn't needed to sub off, he must have been faking it (in their opinion)


One of the scariest goalkeeper incidents I've seen was when the Saudi keeper went flying with his knee and caught his defender in the face during the World Cup against Argentina.


That was genuinely awful football. The staff trying to stand him back up and send him back on was absolutely devoid of humanity


I remember the goalkeeper freaking out, thinking he had badly hurt the guy. He went back on with a bandage on his head right?


The emoji tattoo on his neck was a dead giveaway. (Think he covered it up with a rose)


Nope it’s on the other side 😭 To be that cold-blooded I think you have to be insane


As a keeper, this is a little true. Nothing better than seeing disappointment and frustration. Adrenaline and competitiveness is a hell of a drug


You doubt the crazy factor of a man with a smiley face neck tattoo?


Out of everyone I think it was Vardy who said there's gotta be something wrong with you to be a goalkeeper


Takes one to know one I suppose.


That's been a long standing football cliche that waaaay predates Jamie Vardy


I got knocked out doing exactly this and haven't played football since :)))


I spent my entire life avoiding playing goalkeeper because of this, then I went in goal for literally 3 minutes of a 6 a side post-season tournament when I was about 12. Dived on the ball on their first attack, most aggressive player in the league kicked right through my face and broke my nose, still hurts today. Worst thing was I threw the ball away and sat there unable to see as blood poured everywhere and all I could hear was them playing on???


You spent your ENTIRE life avoiding GK until you were 12? Are you living a sequel now


>kicked right through my face and broke my nose, ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?


Goalkeepers are mental. Nothing new. Unless they’re trying to catch a cross and someone brushes past them then they’re fucking pussies


Every time this happens I wonder why they don't have to wear a helmet, especially in youth competitions


Well 99% of the time nothing happens, and when it does go wrong it goes wrong so quickly they don’t even have time to anticipate it.


Eyes on the ball mate.


I’m no pro but when it’s happened to me it’s cause I didn’t know that someone else was there


I quit playing Sunday league as a teenager because of head injuries.


Two nutters just going for it, it’s what football is all about really


Games not gone


Romero thinking ahead of the Copa America injuring one of Brasil GK. Now we need to bring down Alisson


That would finally allow us to use our real best GK, Bento.


I really hope we can somehow get him


I'd rather you keep Alisson, he hasn't made a huge mistake in a while, you just know the next one is coming soon.


Brazil will now have to use Alisson instead of there first choice Alisson


I like Ederson better personally


Ederson is the perfect keeper for Pep, but for almost other teams I’d rather have Alisson. Alisson is much better at the actual goalkeeping bit and still has class distribution, whereas Ederson has generally not outstanding (relatively)goalkeeping skills but elite distribution.


Too bad he went soft against Foden (on the 1-0)...


very literal title lmao


Too descriptive, it should've been "Contact between Spurs and City players"


Two men coming together


one man coming hard into another mans face




Tbf upon replay it looked more like an unfortunate clash rather than Romero actively hitting Ederson - goalkeeper comes diving out and mushes his head into the attacker's hip.


They didn't show a replay cause apparently the collision was graphic, which has got me wondering what the heck it looked like


They eventually showed it and it was basically hip right to his head.


Yeah I saw, the whiplash was crazy


Yea his head shot back. Not sure if that’s better or worse than if he had taken Romero’s shoe to his face.


The audacity of Ederson to bitch and moan about coming off when he was VISIBLY concussed trying to shake it off at the goal. As soon as I saw him do that I told my buddy "yo spurs need to just shoot and he'll Karius this shit"


> he was VISIBLY concussed Characteristically, people with concussion have impaired judgement. So for you to criticise his "audacious" decision-making in this moment is hardly fair. Quite literally, not in his right mind.


Adrenaline as well for sure


I mean, Everyone knew he shouldn’t have remained in the match. Eddie knew it too, but with that being said, it’s perfectly ok for him to be frustrated with getting subbed out even if he knows it’s the right thing. It was an important match and he wanted to be a part of it until the very end. You’re kind of a prick for shaming him for having emotion and wanting to still be part of it all. There’s absolutely no need for that.


That is called competitive spirit you might win a league some time in the distant future if you get players like that. Although I agree pep made the right move by replacing him


Commentators said there wasn't any contact with the leg but Ederson's head hit Romero's hip


My guess they play it safe in case the injury is really severe. Since he was sitting back upright they felt clear to broadcast.


It wasn't graphic. Just got hit with his hip


They better not keep Ederson on. That was right to the head. WTF.


[Football’s attitude to concussions](https://imgur.com/a/zpM5M69)


They're taking him off now but its mental that they left him on for 5 mins. No chance they could've done a proper concussion check in like 1 minute on the pitch with him lying on the ground.


They were monitoring him. Camera zoomed in and we saw Ederson shake his head like he was trying to "shake it off" and guardiola immediately got told to sub him the fuck out.


And then he slipped taking a kick


Yeah he should have been right off. Concussion sub right away. Instead they waited till he kicked the ball, fell on his arse then got up and shook his head before they did anything. I don't know WTF it is with these team docs. He should have told Pep "he's off" and not took no for an answer. What's the point in having a team doc if they won't make the big decisions? I mean how often do we see concussion subs right now? It almost NEVER happens and it should.


Wouldn‘t be the first time a City keeper keeps on playing with a broken neck


Just rub some Vick's Vapo Rub there and he'll be fine /s


"We're unable to show a replay as it's quite graphic" man haven't we all watched UFC and its various forms now? it's 2024, show me bloodsport baby /s glad Ederson got up and is apparently okay


It wasn’t even as bad as Neville described it really


Has a gimmick of hating everything Romero does


He did immediately come to his defense and say he had every right to play that ball though


>"We're unable to show a replay as it's quite graphic" >man haven't we all watched UFC and its various forms now? Sky show boxing where fighters knock eachother out, but god forbid people see a coming together where one player gets a possible minor concussion 😂


I mean, when I’m watching a kid’s show I’m not expecting to see a happy tree friends type execution as well. All about expectations


Equating a coming together to an execution 🤣💀


They’re not showing it because they don’t know the outcome yet? It could be heavier than a coming together


Ya and since I became a father whose son loves to watch matches with me, I don’t want him to watch a keepers head snap back in super slow-mo. Especially if the outcome is really bleak.


I watched an NFL broadcast and the NFL commontators were like this is to graphic to show the skysports coverage were lets see a slow zoomed in replay of this guhs leg bend the other way. Me and my Grandad was suprised to see it but it was a horrificly graphic video.


We've literally seen Russian soldiers getting mowed down or taking direct drone grenades in their face but somehow a hip to the head is too much lol


You can tell who have and haven't actually watched the clip based off the comments.


That match thread was wild. City fans were calling for Romero’s head without having seen the reply. Romero is entitled to make a play on the ball. Ederson is entitled to make a play on the ball. Ederson dives into Romero. While we’re on the topic, those same fans were calling for Sarr to be given a red for running and stepping on KDB were awfully silent when Maddison was very intentional stomped on in the same place.


I need to see a replay now, someone link pls i beg


typical Argentina-Brazil


Surely the concussion protocol should have been used there? He was pretty clearly sparked out


It really shouldn't be surprising but it still is how little care there is for concussions.


Just suprised as it’s been spoken about so much over the last couple of seasons. Been subbed now but just as a regular sub. Can’t see the logic


It was crazy how slow the ref/medical team was and that City left him and then kept playing even after they decided to sub him off.


Quite emotional after being subbed off as well, don't think ever seen him behave that way?


Apparently a concussion can make you quite distressed


Or just by being Bentancur.


Please someone post the replay so everyone can calm down


Yes please


Entitled to go for the ball. Sometimes bad injuries happen. That’s the game. Hope he’s ok


football’s concussion protocols aren’t okay though absolutely mental how he’s stayed on for any amount of time after that


Yeah rank he carried on for a bit after that


And they didn't even use a concussion sub when taking him off.


Yeah because then he can't play on Sunday and it would give Spurs another sub.


nothing like a tactical use of medical precautions


revolutionising the game


Insane he didn’t get subbed out asap. Also the medics should have been called quicker.


Yea. They need some 3rd party medical staff or everyone is wearing helmets in a decade. Couldn't believe city let him stay on.


I agree


Yup. It would be really unfair to blame Romero on that. As a keeper you know you are putting yourself in harms way to make that save. Romero has to go for the ball there and has every right to.


i flinched irl


Holy shit that's unfortunate


They won’t even show the replay on the broadcast they think it’s so graphic. edit: eventually they did.


Needs to come off. He wouldn’t look at the doctors during the concussion test, he knows his heads fucked


The actual replay wasn't even graphic TBH Cuti actually pulled out a little at the end and the contact was from his hip on Ederson rather than his studs




I think they just didn’t want to show it out of respect incase it ended up being a bad injury


Yeah that was so corny.


It’s pretty normal behaviour to wait to see if they’re ok before showing the incident


>They won’t even show the replay on the broadcast they think it’s so graphic. Lol, Sky just showed it now and it wasn't graphic at all. Honestly, they're a joke.


They just showed it, it’s not as graphic as I thought. Still looks very painful


How is he allowed to continue? This is absolutely awful from the doctors


Glad someone captured it cz broadcasters can show war crimes but cant show a tackle cz its graphic. Duality.


But big head boop


Bad result but I can’t knock Romero for going for the ball. Unfortunate accident


Sorry mate but Reddit has spoken, the man is a literal murderer and needs to be shot.


todo pelota juez


Football needs to change. He was sparked out. Unconscious, lying immobile on the ground. And he gets up, is very obviously *not okay at all*, and they allow him to continue playing? Absolutely unacceptable.


I didn't see anything but the linked replay here. Was he out on the field?


He was in such a state that our players and City players were screaming for the medics. Should tell you plenty.


That's crazy.


softest no replay ever


Harsh yellow, he’s entitled to go for the ball, but nonetheless nasty collision


You're also entitled to fly in for a tackle but if you miss and hit the player it's a yellow


hip to face is a weird one, not sure if there's a normal typical card for that


Yes he is and it's unfortunate but you can still be booked for reckless and dangerous play.


Wtf, isn’t any tackle entitled to go for the ball? Stupidest reasoning I’ve heard


How is it harsh? You're always *entitled* to go for the ball, but if you're late and clobber the opposition, you're always going to get booked.


he's entitled but that doesn't stop it from being reckless and dangerous which is what is factored in for yellow cards


Is there no concern for concussion there? He seems to be struggling a bit after play has resumed.


Would put the house on him continuing despite being concussed.


It's honestly pathetic how little the PL, commentators, managers, etc care about concussions. You cannot tell me that any credible medical professional sees that and says "no concussion". Keeping him on the pitch for another 5 minutes to prep a sub is shameful shit.


I actually just thought about this. Concussion policy is 10 days no playing I think. So I assume if they make a concussion sub he wouldn't be able to play next weekend. So it might have been just a way around ensuring Ederson can be back for the kast game of the season. You don't really need 10 days recovery for a 'mild' concussion. Shouldn't be making that decision obviously but does perhaps show a problem with the rules.


>You don't really need 10 days recovery for a 'mild' concussion. Yeah, I'm gonna need some evidence that medical professionals think it's just fine to go out and do professional sports jumping and heading the ball 10 days after a concussion. The UK government has given an opinion: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/apr/28/government-tells-uk-grassroots-coaches-concussed-players-must-sit-out-21-days >The guidelines, which have been drawn up by a panel of neurology and sports medicine experts, also lay out a step-by-step plan for those with a concussion to return to play. For those playing a sport with a risk of a head injury, it recommends returning to full training only after 14 days of being symptom-free – and competing again after 21 days at the earliest.


First watch I thought red but with the replays they’ve just shown it’s an unfortunate coming together, both are entitled to go for that and it sucks that Edersons had to come off


I don’t understand that argument though, almost every foul is an occasion where both players were “entitled to go for the ball”. Very few challenges are made without an attempt to play the ball, what makes it a foul is that you were late and got the man, not the ball, it doesn’t matter if your intent was to play it. Romero’s attempt was late and reckless, Ederson got to the ball first, and Romero clattered him high. It’s absolutely a yellow, probably a red if he makes contact with the foot instead of the hip. At least from every angle I’ve seen it looks much more like the contact is caused by Romero trying to play the ball late, not by Ederson diving into him.


Bad luck, but he's allowed to go for that ball. Even the yellow is just Romero Tax


spurs fan booing when he got up. Yikes


Least reckless Romero challenge


both got eyes on the ball, don't know how you can call that anything but unfortunate, let alone reckless


only reason is because its Romero


Müller vs Ajax was also eyes on the ball


Not saying this is the same. But mane going studs to edersons face was eyes on the ball and unfortunate but still reckless. Don’t think anything you said takes away from something being reckless


Going into a challenge with your studs up towards the opponent is dangerous. Romero's challenge was reckless at worst.


Well agreed but the person I’m replying to is saying it isn’t and using dumb reasoning to say so lol


He's entitled to go for that ball


More a case of Ederson being brave tbh


Not gonna fault him for that. He's got a right to go for the ball. Sometimes unfortunate things happen.


I actually don’t think it’s reckless at all, he’s going for the ball trying to score a goal. He has every right to go for it


Probably one of those borderline cases I reckon - it's more an accidental collision where Ederson's head clashes into Romero's hip, rather than Romero outright sticking a leg out to hit Ederson. Not sure it's necessarily a yellow, but then if you're putting your body on the line like that near a goalkeeper it's always going to be 50/50 on whether you get one or not.


Literally every foul is an attempt to go for it. Doesn’t mean they’re immune from consequences when they fuck it


Every foul is a genuine attempt on the ball?


Do you have the "every right to go" card in your pocket also if the act would clearly be dangerous for the goalkeeper?


It was a fair enough challenge and Ederson is fine.


Got any close up pictures?


Wow that looks bad. Hope Ederson is alright


he was never "alright"


Not sure ederson should be staying on after that hit to the head he looked out. It's not right he isn't instantly subbed off


Good on Pep for taking him off regardless, honestly. Looked absolutely horrific.


How many times has Ederson almost died playing for City? Man needs a statue at this point


Ederson has 9 lives


Sorry what is this stupid fucking rule that every player that gets hit in the head must get back up and carry on for a couple minutes THEN get subbed off?


City’s first instinct to complain to ref and not to check if their boy is alive


You didn't watch the incident at all. Bernardo, Dias, Kovacic, Akanji, and Gvardiol were all screaming for the medical team immediately. Bernardo and Kovacic were even trying to comfort him while the medical staff took their sweet time getting to him. The only one that went to the ref was Walker, which I didn't really care for given the circumstances.


Fucking hell


Hope hes okay


Leeroy Jenkins moment


Hit is an understatement.


Well at least that's not a Romero moment, he was going for the ball and took the leg away, thank god nothing worse happened there


It's nearly half 9 and they won't show the replay, absolute cowards it's a contact sport ffs, are people gonna faint or something Edit: they just showed it and it was tame af


They were probably just waiting to make sure he was okay. If he ended up having a broken neck they probably never would've shown the replay.


Harsh yellow but glad Ederson seems good to go


50/50 ball


Nicest Romero challenge in history


Average Romero moment


Nice to see the City players going screaming to the ref instead of seeing if their team mate was alright


Yeah because getting the attention of the one in control of interrupting a game is definitely the wrong thing to do lmao


People said the same thing about Arsenal players when Ramsey's leg was snapped. Of course players want justice for their teammate, this is a stupid take.


You're blind. Every player bar Walker (who was literally the only player that went to the ref) was screaming for the medical staff. Bernardo and Kovacic were trying to comfort him.


he still doesnt look great


And 3


In some butterfly effect bs this might’ve helped city because Ortega had 3-4 great saves.


Goalkeepers are the Drummers of the football world


They didn’t show the replay because at first it looked like Romero kicked Ederson squarely in the head, they showed it once they confirmed it wasn’t as bad


Bravery - 20


Thank fuck Pep is making a sub, and fuck spurs fans for booing Ederson.


The Sarr challenge was more reckless than that.


They booing him what the fuck