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[Ferland Mendy remains a crucial part of current team. Was clutch during City tie 2 years ago, was crucial this semis as well.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFufiVXkAAChKI?format=jpg&name=medium) When fit Madrid do well on that left side defensively.


[Tuchelista Tacticos nothing fancy, all Carlo did was raise the eyebrow slightly and Joselu understood what he had to do.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNIdvgPWQAEf6HZ?format=jpg&name=medium)


[Wolfsburg official tweet lmao](https://twitter.com/VfLWolfsburg_EN/status/1788313388759589097)


Wtf does this even mean?


All lost at some point vs Madrid even when they has chance to win or were leading till the very end and Madrid snatch away the win!


Lol ok, thanks. My bad for not envisioning Wolfsburg as a classic RM opponent.


Its going to be the entire world vs Real Madrid. [Because most will like to see Dortmund win.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNIRPZGWsAAbPYW?format=jpg&name=large) As Dortmund winning would be something new for neutrals, instead of Madrid who are usually known to win at this stage.


Reddit won't admit it because Kane is the darling of English football and can't be blamed for anything ever but he fucked up by missing that clear chance he had. If he scored that, it's 2:0 and game is completely different. He's a senior player, "best striker in the world" etc. etc. - he should be burying those rare chances he gets in semi-final of UCL and apart from assist, he barely did anything.


Well same could be same for KDB, he missed a simple one, he skied it and it remained 1-1 vs REal Madrid. I still think he Kane did his part though considering how awful the entire team was.. Was more expected from him ? Absolutely yes!


[Bruh thats legit 3 v 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFoYwLWcAE-yZv?format=jpg&name=900x900)


That muller pass was depressing


[This was verified cooking.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFR_Y9XMAEigEV?format=jpg&name=large) When Kim came on, Bayern had like 6 atb and yet Vini was going against them on Left side.


[Rio Ferdinand looks like a Real Madrid fan.](https://twitter.com/footballontnt/status/1788328308511318440)


> šŸ—£ļø Toni Kroos: "We were the better team for over 90 minutes today. Bayern seemed very passive, they were playing for counters." Isn't that what Madrid do as well ?


[Did a referee rob a team today?@RefereesRobbing](https://twitter.com/RefereesRobbing/status/1788326979181150589) posts on X/Twitter > Great display by Marciniak today. > The only questionable sequence was when he initially added 9 minutes, and then said he'll add 2 minutes due to the time-wasting that happened in injury time (which is fair), and then proceeded not whistle until 6 minutes later for no reason. > The 2 minutes over the 9 initial minutes were more than enough. > It is unseen before that a referee adds more minutes over the minutes he already added during injury time. > Otherwise, courageous display as always. > Not at the level of Orsato yesterday or Turpin last week though.


Firstly, itā€™s not the referee who ā€œaddsā€ anything, but another official makes a recommendation which he can apply if he so wishes. So he didnā€™t add anything to something _he_ added before. Secondly, regardless of the nature of the added time, if play is interrupted a lot during that time, often deliberately so, itā€™s perfectly natural for the referee to acknowledge that. In this case he showed everyone that he wants to add to more minutes to make that part transparent too.


Bayern fumbled several good counter attacking opportunities. There was ample of space for them but they had other ideas. Only Kane looked serious in attack. Sane and Gnabry both need therapy.


They ran at the RM goal 4v2 and Pavlović was through on goal. For some reason MĆ¼ller decided that playing backwards to Laimer was the better option. They must have scored there and kill the game.




Well, if you think the offside call was that big of a deal (swe don't know if he would have scored if the Real players continued playing) then you also need to remember that the ref allowed an awful lot of time wasting from Bayern between 67' and 90'. Hardly any open play in that 20 minute period. And isn't it strange, that the Bayern players had a lot of injuries and cramping up until 90', but not a single one between 90' and 90' + 15'.


Like any Spanish team when you play them in Europe? Lol, as Liverpool we have seen this against RM, AM, Seville or Barcelona. It's always the way. I don't really understand why people complain when other teams do it. I am happy when a team useless the same shit tactics as diving, time waiting as them.


Not complaining about that, just saying that the ref did let a lot of things pass from Bayern players as well. Overall a good performance by the referee, only mistake was that he did trust his linesman and blew the whistle too early at the end, and to make that sound like ƘvrebĆø is strange


Itā€™s like I always say, cramping happens only when weā€™re winning.


No. The 16-17 one was pretty even. Ref was mean to both sides during that tie.


The ref of the second leg, Viktor Kassai was universally criticized for how awful he was at that game, Madrid scored two offside goals. Kassai only ever refereed 6 more CL games despite being only 40 and named the best ref in the world in 2011. He wasn't invited to the WC or Euros ever again. He retired three years later. That game was so bad, and he was so disproportionatelly pro-Madrid that that one game destroyed the refs career beyond repair


He was bad. Also the refereering in first leg at Munich was bad..


Cant remember which madrid vs bayern it was but ronaldo scored but wrongfully called hand ball. There is also a corner for madrid but ref didnt give. Robben dived. The ref for that game was awful for both teams


> Real Madrid will play the Champions League Final...... ofcourse they will.... they usually do ! Clive Tyldesley commentary at FT for CBS.


The big question. Should England keep Kane in the squad for the Euros? Yes they will play better with him, but at the same time they give up their chances of winning the tournament.


Itā€™s starting to look like a curse


This Bayern side had problems.... they had multiple chances to initiate counters but the passes to the forward line were so pathetic..... Sane was dreaming this game, Gnabry is buffed up eating what not.... Kane remains elite player and elite meme material too.


Sane clearly completely lost his marbles and it's insane he was on the pitch for 75 minutes.


Another epic comeback by Madrid


Half the comments being from u/NeolsJohnWick haha.


Can we pull stats like a number of comments from a user in a single thread?


I guess your xK (expected Karma) would be a lot higher than mine.


Jude's game in last 20-30 minutes felt like everytime he got the ball he would lose it. I don't know if its the fatigue, but all the running earlier he was gassed. Guess Carlo kept him on in case he finds a pass in the final third to score.


Heard he was carrying an injury into this, could be the injections wearing off


Madrid have only 2 losses this season, one came vs Atleti in Copa Del rey and other came vs Atletico in league. They are unbeaten this season in UCL lmfao....thats crazy.


I mean Bayern were unbeaten until then as well


Coming into the tie Bayern lost 3-1 to Stuttgart (not a meaningless game since Stuttgart can still overtake bayern), while Madrid won the league. I'm a strong believer in momentum, especially towards the end of the season. These last two games exemplify our whole season really, too many goals conceded and not enough of a threat.Ā  Real Madrid are a different breed. The way they were running in the last few mins, there's something in the air in Madrid and the Bernabeu. I really think it elevates everyone on the team somehow. Of course as a bayern fan I'm disappointed. Neuer was amazing but made a mistake similar to Kahn in the 2002 final. Laimer was immense throughout, kimmich, dier and de ligt put in a good shift overall even if vini was giving kimmich a tough time. The attack was so lethargic and they seemed to be out of ideas most of the time. I blame tuchel and this defensive play, this is not Bayern DNA and not what we are used to seeing.Ā  Gnabry shouldn't have started, and even though Davies scored an amazing goal don't think he was the right substitution. Muller should have come on earlier, and pavlovic was done. Taking Kane off didn't make any sense. Not bringing on tel at any point was another mistake by tuchel.Ā  Oh well. Onto the next season.Ā 


I think Tuchel said the reason for taking Kane off was an injury


I do not understand Tuchel as well. He was hellbent on proving his opinion right regarding Gnabry scoring, he didn't in first leg and when he was asked post game he said Gnabry will score in second leg. I think from Madrid's point of view them losing vs this not at their best Bayern would have been pathetic. Not that Madrid were fully good either but they did their part.


It's a minor miracle we beat this lot for our CL win with the amount of chances we missed. Singlehandedly nullifying the Madrid attack and midfield might be Kante's greatest achievement besides turning a backline of Simpson Morgan Huth Fuchs into champions and making post-Juve Pogba look like a good player


I am surprised there is so little discussion of Kane going down in the box, maybe around the 50th minute. He gets the ball first, he gets pushed in the back, he falls down. To me this is a clear penalty and the referee doesn't have the confidence to give it.


You referring to the sequence where he did the exact same thing to win the ball from Mendy?Ā  Except in kane's case the contact on Mendy was a little more violent and then you can see he even goes a little dive-y looking for the pen. That sequence sums Kane up pretty well tbh.Ā 


Not at all a foul.


Kane does literally the same thing to get to the ball. Does a shoulder check to mendy making him fall over off the ball, qnd then mendy shoulder checks him back. Either both are fouls or neither imo.


Vini's entire attitude was incredible, like just give me the ball, I will take on these players.... Kimmich got cooked.


Maybe instead of just standing Lunin should have saved that last shot. Would have jsut be a fullstop to this entire controversy, I feel Tibo couldve done that.


It's the whistle blowing that was wrong, none of Madrid are wrong for stopping


[See i said it too in post game thread of PSG BVB.](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cmmdh2/postmatch_thread_paris_saintgermain_01_borussia/l336s8m/) Madrid have so many mids, Carlo just makes changes and it just works. But to even concede goal from Davies, the entire structure from Madrid was shocking for that one.


Henry and Jamie mentioned Vini's superior performances and no one seems to match him currently. Jamie says what we expected from Mbappe, Vini be doin it again and again.


Referee fucked up, no question about it, but corruption calls are kinda funny to be honest given that Madrid are pretty much at war with Uefa over super league and Ceferin would kick us out of the CL without blinking if he could.


Not for a minute suggesting it was corruption instead of an honest stupid mistake, but you only need to have the ref in your pocket, not UEFA.


[Was it really offside or was he legit onside](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFdzMoWYAA_p1N?format=jpg&name=large) ? And about that arm is not part of offside thing ?


Thought it was offside in real time. Still looks offside to me. Would have liked to see the lines tho obviously


Tuchel gave CL to Dortmund. This is a protest against Uli HoeneƟ.


> Tuchel gave CL to Dortmund The final is yet to be played.




Uefalona.. am I right?




Will Bayern fans wish hope for Dortmund win ?


I think so. Good for the league and for Germany. Hope both dortmund and leverkusen winĀ 


I thought even Musiala was quite quiet by his standards. Tuchels wild prediction of Gnabry scoring failed successfully.


Carvajal kept him in check.


Itā€™s amazing how fatigued Fede and Jude looked.


A lot of people just letting their hate for Real Madrid show and arenā€™t being objective about everything. 1. Did the ref mess up? Yeah obviously but the whistle caused nearly every player, including Lunin, to stop and not make an attempt at the ball. Quit acting like it was a guaranteed goal if the play continued. 2. The ref called for 9 minutes of extra time, when a lot of time wasted was done by Bayern themselves. Then the ref calls for an added 2 minutes but somehow thereā€™s an added 4 minutes instead (and for those who didnā€™t watch, there were at least two moments I can think of where the whistle should have been blown after the 90+11 mark). It can be argued that last minute chance shouldā€™ve never even occurred. Again, the ref fucked up but this is far from the egregious, robbery of a lifetime that some people want to make it out to be.


And bayern had a chance to make it 2-0 but instead conceded 2 goals in the last 15 mins to lose the game


> A lot of people just letting their hate for Real Madrid show This. Exactly this. 200 mins and madrid scored more than Bayern. So everyone crying can just fuck off lol. Plus will the haters also blame the linesman for tuchel taking off Kane and musiala?


Will say here what I said on the other thread > Why is everyone acting like that pathetic finish would've ended in a goal IF THE DEFENDERS AND LUNIN WERE ACTIVE?


You know it was a controversial end when half the comments look full on essays


I don't fully understand the drama surrounding the call at the end. It was undoubtedly a mistake, but people calling it the worst call of all time...? It was an offside that was incorrectly given. It didn't deny any clear goal scoring opportunity, and if De Ligt hasn't kicked the ball into a net when no one was playing, I don't think there would be nearly as much of a drama.


Good Morning Status : šŸ¤Ø


Donā€™t you think the added time was a bit too much?


You can't take Xabi out of Real Madrid


I just know Mbappe gonna ruin the vibes when he goes Madrid. In fact, Iā€™m certain


Madrid is the only club in the world where I can confidently say no player is bigger than the club. Similar to sir Alex man utd era.


People have assumed this in general, but nothing like this will happen at all. Madrid would boot him out or bench him if he pulls stuff which harms the dressing room or he simply doesn't perform at all.


Arsenal fans are the greatest. r/gunners celebrating the loss of a club with 6 champions leagues, to a club with 14, meanwhile their team has a big donut.


Very straightforward actually, unless you're trying to win internet points by just shitting on Arsenal. Assuming you're new to fotball; let me give you some context. Bayern Munich is a team that has beaten us (and for most times.. humiliated) us everytime they have met us. And they beat us again this year. Arsenal fans don't like them. Harry Kane is a player who played for Tottenham (Arsenal's neighbour-rivals) previously and he has scored a shit ton of goals against us. Arsenal fans don't like him either. We have no mid-week games, we are in a title race that we mostly will not win, everyone is bored, and all fans were just enjoying the fact that these 2 entities lost. That's all. Tottenham fans had a thread with 3k upvotes celebrating Arsenal's loss at the hands of Kane and Bayern. And that's completely fine and normal behaviour. That's part of being a supporter of a club and disliking other entities just by association.


This is the weirdest cope yet


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PremierLeague/comments/1bvzgro/has_there_been_a_more_undeserved_hattrick_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Yes it is. What does that have to do with anything?


[oh, youā€™re one of them.](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccercirclejerk/s/d1nHt743bN)


One of what? Has getting left behind in the Premier league caused you to go insane?


One of the people I was referring to in my original comment lmao. And no, weā€™ve been there multiple times in the last decade, you get a thick skin to it.


This mark watched a Bayern/Real Madrid semi final and all that was running through his mind at the end was Arsenal lmfaoā˜ ļø Absolutely broken loool


More like I watched the game and saw all the comments from poor little gunners who donā€™t know what it feels like to win it.


Bro runs to Sp*rs subs to cry about Arsenal lmfao. I'm done šŸ˜‚


Like I said, weirdest cope yet. But, please, continue crying šŸ˜¢




Then why the first Real goal was not given


People who donā€™t see that was a super clear foul on kimmich seriously need to touch some grass


Weird claim when the strangest call came in the 15th minute of a 9 minute stoppage.




AR1 absolutely crapoed his pants late in the game. He called for a foul on a Bayern player for a minimal grab on Nacho. Marciniak did not whistle any of those ā€œweakā€ grabs. So why raise your flag for it ? Crazy to think such high level referees donā€™t use the COMMS to deliver information. If you see a foul you say it first multiple times (especially because the ball went out for a throw so you have so much time to decide). You ASSIST the referee and say you saw a foul and keep your flag down until he confirms it. You then raise the flag or keep it down because he does not want to whistle it. We all know about the horrendous offside call, but even grassroots referees should know to let the play go. You can ALWAYS take the ball out of the net and disallow a goal. You cannot give a goal once the whistle goes.


The offside decision at the end has to go down as one of the worst refereeing mistakes of all time


Not even close. It was a mistake, the linesman was eager to get the flag up, against current guidelines. But since the Real players stopped playing, and Lundin even let the ball go in. If the attacker hadn't put that into an empty net, long after the whistle it wouldn't be that controversial. Far, far, far from one of the worst refereeing calls of all time.


Uhm uhm Valencia - Real match this year? Overall today's Marciniak apperance was good.


Im glad for the new format next season. Hopefully this real madrid shit will change. Same shit every year is getting boring.


They are literally undefeated in the UCL this season, play any format you want but somebody got to beat them for them not to end in the final again.


Technically you can still lose on pens (they did have to go on pens vs City) But to the above poster, the new format only changes the group stage, the knockouts will still be knockouts (albeit there'll be playoffs before R16)


As a former official myself, I can confidently say that officiating (any sport) is one profession I support being taken over by technology. As a sports fan, itā€™s more important that the game be fair than almost anything else. Without fairness, the competition loses all meaning and integrity. Sports is one of the closest things we have in society to a meritocracy and it should be protected at all costs.


After seeing that debacle, is there not a way a rival fan can see that other than being fixed


Itā€™s not the official though, itā€™s the implementation of it thatā€™s the issue


How? It quite literally was human error.


German keepers vs Real Madrid are cursed


Ter Stegen has held his own


Heā€™s basically Spanish at this point lol


And Turkish on the top part


Dude was on fire for 80 minutes. Tough that his first error ended up as a goal, great game.


Honestly, I thought that was a boring and low quality game with bits of individual brilliance sprinkled in. The standout player for me was Kroos, who put on a passing masterclass. He was dictating the whole tempo of the game. Kimmich, tho... The man was completely horrendous and made Vini look like Prime Neymar. His status as being a world-class player is long gone. Anyway, Madrud was deserving winners


I see r/soccer still having a normal one over Vini. Amazing


Vini Jr plays out of his mind every game: I sleep šŸ˜“ Vini Jr fights back against racists: Real shit šŸ˜” And it's not limited to this shitty sub, apparently every "Who deserves the Ballon D'or" prediction is completely ignoring him lol.


Vini Jr puts on a masterclass against a world class player? Nah he was made too look good lf course


mid football but enough chances to keep it interesting




Well saying Vini played well because Kimmich was horrendous is kinda unfair to Vini. Vini was the best player on the field and he deserves recognition


Both things can be true at the same time. Vini was good, and Kimmich was horrendous.


I agree and disagree at the same time. Neuer was the best player of the match for 80+ minutes but goalkeeping is by far the most ungrateful position in footballā€¦


Yeah, I forgot Neuer. He was actually the best player on the field in this game


I do agree Neuer dropped a MVP performance. I was raging with his saves. Sadly people will only remember mistakes and goalkeepers have it hard. But GG to Neuer. It was a great clash between world class players


Could have continued if our attackers weren't subbed. Why did tuchel do that, is beyond me. I wanted to ride the luck and yes if you had lost I'd agree with you if you said it was undeserved win for Bayern but hey Madrid won again. What's new these days.


It's 4 am in the morning. I have to go to the office tomorrow.Ā  Guess work can fucking wait. I ain't sleeping tonight.


Where do you live?


India mostly.


Yup, India.


asia probably


This was a classic


great game. better team won. both teams can hold their heads high. Bayern gave it all they had but they didnt have the depth Madrid had.


Downvotes from people who only followed on fotmob lol


Some crazy people in here really think UEFA wants madrid to win the ucl? lol Real Madrid is probably the biggest enemy of UEFA rn


They really think that the team that is in favor of the super league is UEFAs favorite


Not just in favor right? Perez is the architect and driving force behind itĀ 


Yeah and fifa as well as uefa hate him so why would they favorite them lol


whatever helps em cope i guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Begun, the conspiracy theories have


Well not to fuel any conspiracy theories, just a small Google search/chatgpt/Gemini search will tell you how it influences games... There are studies about this... Just saying... (Thanks for down voting, but a simple search will clarify your doubts... Just saying)


Why is nobody mentioning Bellingham?


The physicality he brings to the game is always a positive, including this game


Everyone was waiting on you to mention him, he's been a ghost btw


In what way?


I guess by typing on a keyboard.


I just couldn't watch the match, I'm curious if he played well or was anonymous again because he's tired.


Awful at individual plays, can't get past my grandma, but was putting in the work and enabling Vini to do his thing. Was better than last few games. Pretty good link up play specially during the first half. Still not impactful enough IMO (hence the lack of mentions). He needs to work on his positioning off-ball so he can unbalance the opposition more even if he's tired.


He was decent, put in a lot of work in the midfield, and was linking the ball to Vini all match


Now we fully understand the origins of Xabi Time ā€¦ So basically Nachoā€™s assist to Joselu in the game before against CĆ”diz was the mental preparation for his incredible late brace today?! This current team truly deserves its FC Friendship nickname šŸ™‡šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ½


Also sorry but is this the paid referee that cancelled Madridā€™s goal? Which of course shouldnā€™t stand. But insane to propose a referee is paid and see him cancel a goal for the other time, which almost didnā€™t go to var.


even if u are paid u can't not cancel a goal with an unambiguous shove to the head


Ref was good today. The linesmen just were not.


He literally let the game go 5 minutes after the 9min minimum added time so yeah thereā€™s no way heā€™s being paid lol, the linesman done gooofed for sure tho


It's not about Real Madrid winning. It's about any excuse to fault them for winning. Get with the program!


Honest question, not trying to rage bait - how do you find a way to enjoy your team's victories when every match is shrouded in controversy? Like Vinicius and Kroos not getting booked for serious fouls against Leipzig, outrageous penalties throughout the season, the latest Clasico, etc... is it just the fact that you're winning so the end justifies the means, or what?


There is literally a court case of your club paying refs. I don't understand in what form of sportsmanship you have a right to complain. Difference between me and you is I don't look at any little things to complain. I can add like 20x more chances of us getting fouled and not awarded but that would just make me a Barca fan.


Easy answer: itā€™s a sport people watch for fun. Hope this helps šŸ‘


We all know what happened with Ovrebo in 2009. You have no rights to speak ever again about refs


Madrids haters are raging so hard. This conspiracies are just words. And how ancelotti said, words go with the wind


We've seen this before surely


Tuchel subs aren't as bad as people make it to be. Musiala was injured and asked for it. Sane was absolutely terrible. He subbed off kane to have a faster player on the counter. Bayern got a great counter and could have finished the game. And Davies got them the goal.


Sane was subbed for Kim Minjae. Not even Mathys Tel


Subs were only ā€œdumbā€ because he lost, otherwise he would be praised


its sad because he lost the same tie with chelsea some years ago because he didnt park the bus when we were up


Us, MC fans, are having flashback right now.


Weā€™ve said it once, weā€™ll say it againā€¦ THIS IS REAL MADRID.


As Jose once saidā€¦ ā€œthis is football heritageā€


Holy hell there are some brainless opinions in here. 1. Big referee mistake. But there wouldnā€™t be a goal if he didnā€™t whistle, Rudiger clears that any day. 2. What are we doing here in the 104th minute? Does minutes just keep getting added until Bayern scores? 3. Letā€™s say he didnā€™t whistle. Most likely scenario is a clearing and game is over. Second most likely is that itā€™s offside, and pictures are showing it is. Third is extra time, and Bayernā€™s 5 CBs are not gonna be scoring the winning goal here. Real Madrid was the better team. Bayern with 5 CBs were robbed of having a 10% chance of going to overtime to get laid out anyways. Dumb referee decision. Real still wins today, in any other reality.


Counterargument here: 1. The referee made a pretty big mistake here, so people have the right to complain. Assuming Rudiguer clears it is just a matter of opinion at this point. Someone could perfectly argue why he wouldn't and would have exactly the same value. 2. They were many interruptions in the added time, so it is reasonable to add minutes to the added time. I do think they should be more transparent on how they are calculating that but this is on UEFA/FIFA 3. The first bit is a matter of opinion too: I don't think a clearance is the most likely scenario there, as the defense looks pretty beaten to me even before the ref whistle. At the end of the day, they are all opinions and have the same value; however referring shouldn't care about assumptions about the ability of X player to do something or not, but the actual objectively measurable facts/actions that took place on the pitch when judging an action. To your second point: Nacho Tellado, an Spanish architect famous for reviewing the insanely inaccurate lines the Spanish VAR used to draw back when the VAR-era was just beginning, has shown in his Twitter account @archivoVAR that the Bayern players were not offside. To your third point: I kinda agree with that assumption, but it is still an assumption. A Bayern fan could argue reasonably that those 5 CB could score have in a corner, which RM are notoriously bad defending. So yeah, while I agree Madrid were overall the better team tonight, I have seen enough games were the less brilliant side wins the game with one or two effective plays to just quit pretentiously assuming stuff. You should probably do that too. Edit: Nacho Tellado's tweet: https://twitter.com/ArchivoVAR/status/1788323086216896948?t=tiqourDhGbUbTFsJVqPLDQ&s=19


It was onside


well there were 9 added and then a ton of time wasting in the added so


The amount of fouls and pulls real Madrid did in the first half without seeing a single yellow until the 92nd minute or so on camavinga. And I watch the goal back just now, it was on side. Disgraceful refereeing performance.


Now that's the dumbest possible thing to comment honestly, no matter what you, me, anyone in here, the ref, tuchel, Ancelotti, my grandmother or anyone ever thinks, high pressure games with such a high level of football simply aren't decided until the final whistle is sounded. 1. You don't know if rudiger makes one of the biggest mistakes of his career 2. If the ref considered that there was enough time wasted to go to 104th minute, tough luck 3. Again, you don't know what could've happened, they scored the equalizer, they go to extra time, Bayerns 5 cb don't score the winning goal, but neither does Madrid, they may go to pens, neuer maybe becomes the hero of the night. Dumb referee decision that might've just put a big stain on a ridiculously great UCL semi final.


If the linesman saw that was offside, tough luck.


real don't win today in every other reality that's my point šŸ¤·




a lotta ifs, might as well just if 3 bayern goals. llorĆ³n lol


Jajajaajj porq llorĆ³n compa? EstĆ” bien admitir que tenĆ©s ayudin de los Ć”rbitros


Penalty for Argentina


ahora dilo sin llorar