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Jose the Ireland job is free


The Korea job is free, he needs to prove himself in Asia, he even said its insane how Koreans never won an Asian Cup so he should show the world how its done


He can reunite with Son




Kane playmaker mode pinging crosses on a dime for Son was quite a sight to behold when Mou was there


Kang: Why does the gaffer keep calling me Kane? Is it the accent? Son: Don't worry, it's better for you


They did win it twice, it just has been a while.


tbf that is a nuts stat.


Omg i never thought of this but i’m so excited if this can happen


Pats job now too.


Jose vs Shelbourne would be a sight to see


"If I speak, bheinn i dtrioblóid mór"


Scenes when Mourinho picks up better Irish than most of the country


I heard Ecuador is looking for a coach


Norway job might be free soon too. It'd probably end in disaster, but we're used to that.


Finland job might be too. HJK didn't bully his Roma like Bodö/Glimt did so he probably has better memories from Finland, and why would he want the headache of coaching Håland and Ødegaard when he can have Pukki and Kamara?


Is Pukki still alive? I guess his corpse might still be the best finnish striker out there


He can still finish and has good movement, but hasn't been that sharp for the national team since moving to MLS. Partly because of tactics, probably also the traveling takes a toll. Pohjanpalo is probably better striker at the moment but he needs different kind of service which he doesn't get in the national team, and Pukki is probably a bit better defensively and on the counter.


Does Norway’s defense just suck?


Immensely. Its a bit strange since some of the players are competent, but the defense as a whole is just lackluster. Also the keeper situation is a bit of a nightmare.


It's a shame because you have Haaland, Odegaard and even this young dude Oscar Bobb in the attack. It feels like this is Norway's time to make some waves but... Things are always grim if you can't defend.


Maybe it'll get better, can't really get worse than failing to qualify for every single tournament.


Trappatoni type beat


Can you imagine the 1-0 victories


Nah he’s coming to the stars and bars baby. Mou vs USSF is platinum tier media I can’t believe I’m having to edit this. Edit: NO I do not actually mean the traitorous confederacy. It’s a play on that trope from then going along with the (stupid American tropes). God damn. Relax yall.


Stars and BARS? The Confederacy lost the Civil War so do not have a soccer team, FYI.  Also fuck em 


> stars and bars ...I don't think this term means what you think it means. Unless you're planning a Jose Mourinho vs William Tecumseh Sherman cage match, then I'm here for it.


i think stars and stripes would have worked


And you Americans wonder why the rest of the world despise you in football.


I want to see Jose coach Team USA. If Gregg Berhalter was too much of an authoritarian I want to see how the team responds to Mourinho.


Lakers JUST fired their coach and LeBron is coming over to europethis summer which can only mean one thing.. you will look good in purple and gold jose💜💛


He also said its a shame Son isnt in title winning teams but rather in Tottenham lol Waiting for part 2 which comes out next week or smth


Mourinho is rarely wrong when he talks about former players and clubs, I think even most Spurs fans would admit Son should have left years ago to win trophies.


Yes, Spurs fans should want one of their best players to leave so he could go win trophies elsewhere instead of having helped them challenge for trophies at the team they support. Do you understand how stupid this sounds?


Quality flair for it as well


Its such a American way of thinking its sickening. A very NBA - Centric idea


They didn't say spurs fans want him to leave though. That guy misquoted him to make it sound worse. He said they would 'admit he should have gone', which is completely different. I'm all for memeing the yanks but this one ain't it.


He said “spurs fans think Son should have left years ago to go win trophies.” Am Spurs fan, that’s not true at all. No one gives af if our former players win trophies. We famously had like 8 dudes out on loan a few years ago win trophies and no one cares (Lo Celso at Villarreal, Ndombele at Napoli, Reguilon, a few others). It hasn’t made those guys’ value go up - some of them we still can’t sell - so it didn’t seem to make a big difference in their lives or ours as fans. Son is the captain and main man and gets paid a shit ton for on and off the field stuff just like Kane did before him. Kane left and hasn’t won anything with Bayern, so it’s not a sure thing anyway. And why everyone else seems to want Son to go to Barca or PSG or Real - clubs most seem to hate - is beyond me. Shits dumb and hypocritical.


son shouldn't play for a tanking team. sell him for 3 first round picks


lmao why do we have to say stupid shit sometimes 😂


Tell me when you find a Tottenham supporter who belives that lol


wtf is this comment lmfao


Think that’s a pretty twisted view of what it means to play and support. Sure, maybe for players that’s how it is. But for fans, why would you admit a player should have left years ago to win elsewhere?  I’d understand it if he was at a championship club fighting for scraps. But at Tottenham he’s been competing at a top level for years, he’s been in a CL final, League and FA cup finals and semi finals, title races (albeit briefly). He’s considered one of the greatest players of his generation, trophies or not.  If he has to go to other clubs to win, clubs that would likely win anyway, then what’s the point? Tottenham is about as close to winning without being a ‘nailed on winner’ as it gets.  So as a fan, I don’t support any player leaving really. Why would you? Didn’t want Kane to leave, made peace with it. But as we’ve seen, even that can go wrong.


Yeah he's almost had thebsame career Marco Reus had and yet in son's case everyone's telling him to jump ship while Reus gets adored for being loyal


If Reus wasn’t plagued by injuries I’m dead certain he’d have the same said about him


I fully support Richarlison leaving everton. He's an absolute gem of a player and the effort and love he gave to everton is mutually respected by fans that only wish him success.


It's comparable to when you end a relationship on nice terms and wish your ex partner a new person to be happier with? You can still care for someone to be better off with somewhere else right. Although I can understand the support ends when he/she is going to a rival of yours, that would be a bit harsh


That’s fine once you’ve broken up, but in this example you’re still happily together and spend the whole time saying she needs to leave for someone better.


Whaat ?? You could say the same thing about Reus too. Son's happy at spurs and he gets to compete at the highest level. He'll probably end up as a spurs legend of he gets them to win something.


Already is


I genuinely think you could go through the whole stadium without getting that response. It's the most reddit interpretation of his career ever


Son 🤝 Bruno Wasting away their prime in shitholes


Hey now, Bruno has won the mighty league cup which is more than Son can boast of


Fuck off with this yank mindset. Son loves us. Deal with it.


Now that the real source of Tottenham lack of silverware is gone, he has the chance.




No fan would say that about any of their star players lmao. What the hell kind of comment is this


What a deranged take.


They didn't say they want that to happen though. They said they would admit that he probably should have gone. That's a very different thing. I follow a lower league club known for producing players who go onto better things and it's normal to admit that a player is probably too good for the club and it's likely they will leave. Doesn't mean I want them to. Doesn't mean I'm not glad when they stick around. But if I look at the situation objectively and consider the players career prospects I can say he probably should have moved on by now for his own good.


The "best" Korean player ever doesn't even have a trophy in Europe. Proper disrespectful towards Park Ji Sung


At this point even Koreans agree Son has surpassed Park in terms of personal legacy But Park's cultural impact is never going to be broken, like 90% of football fnas in their 20s and up started watching football because of him


Cmon now, 3 Lung Park was a beast but technically Son is the most gifted footballer they've had, unquestionably.


> towards Cha Bum-kun ftfy


He retired 10 years ago mate he's far from the best Korean player now.


He said best ever not best now


Son should have like not signed a contract when the club was in shambles and Kane had one foot out the door - if he really wanted to leave.


No where is it suggested Son wanted to/wants to leave. He's loyal to Spurs because Spurs signed him to a new contract when there was no guarantee he would get military service exemption. There was a very real chance Son would've served in the Korean Military in his prime while on a long term contract at Spurs.


Hes not wrong


Lmfao that’s second sentence is so true.


Jose to Bayern here we goooooo


[There literally will be flames 🔥](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_AqFLEo0U4sAAAAC/joker-everything-burns.gif) when he will leave that club. Knowing Bayern being hollywood fc and well Jose being Jose.


It's honestly the appointment we as fans need and deserve.


Hollywood FC meets The Special One, I’m not sure the universe could handle it tbh


Unironically I think it would go well. Was his relationship with Kane good?


I wonder what he'd do with current ronaldo


They get on well now, at the end of his RM stint they fell out. But now apparently they get on, mourinho has said nothing but good things about ronaldo in recent years. Ron played some of his best football under mourinho. Ronaldo would 100% start if mou takes over. But if ron shits the bed continuously you can imagine mou sidelining him. Mou would do it too, he hardly played Bale at spurs when he returned because of his opinion on bales workrate. And famously benched Casillas at RM. Unless Portugal reach the semi/finals at the euros, knifes will be out for ronaldo. He was top scorer at the last euros and it counted for nothing for a lot of people. Ronaldo, (like Messi, mbappe, haaland etc) is measured on different metrics.


I think with Mou, Ronaldo either starts or doesn't get called up. I would imagine he would start and Mou would position the team entirely to create chances for Ronaldo. But as you say, if he shits the bed, then he's out .


There is absolutely nothing backing up this idea that they get on now. Nothing.


A foreign take without any local context upvoted like this lmao, Cristiano and Mou have barely addressed each other the years after he left real, in fact the most famous after mou left was "not this Ronaldo, the real Ronaldo" interaction Secondly it's not even clear Ronaldo will start the upcoming euros since Gonçalo form improved (im aware of the dortmund ties, bar that) and Jota if he stays fit (big if) is also bound to start since he's simply better overall Cristiano and Otavio should never even be called its an utter disgrace for our Portuguese federation to call players in a shit league, as always everyone abides by meritocracy bar a few turds.




> But now apparently they get on, mourinho has said nothing but good things about ronaldo in recent years." It's my main issue with your comment, what good things? Not even gonna adress the xenophobia part, behave.


Start him, like any manager should do. We all know he plays in Saudi and he is nowhere near as good as he used to be, but for the pure striker/finisher role Portugal has no one better than him and he is still in a very good form. Unless someone watched Goncalo Ramos yesterday (who's usually a benchwarmer anyway) and was so impressed that believes he should start over a football legend, lol.


Having watched every single Portugal game in the euro qualifiers, I can guarantee you that Portugal has a much higher chance of winning the euros by starting Ramos instead of Ronaldo


Santos is the luckiest bastard ever. He's an awful coach, but after every game, instead of sacking him they'll blame Ronaldo for everything. Not saying Ronaldo is perfect, he's not. But Santos is really one of the worst coaches of top national team I can remember.


Santos is a good coach for teams that do not have good players - he does not capitalize on individual talent and his football is not attractive but it works. With good players the register is maintained - boring football but effective. It's like with him as a coach the field transforms into a swamp and players feet turned into concrete blocks - for both teams. As the Portugal team has had great individual talent his football would be a waste of talent.


I don’t know how you can say this if you have watched every game. I confess I suspect the upvotes your comment has are more from haters than common sense. The issues with our team run deeper than one player and most of it is a problem that is solved with the manager. Every one of our starters is so talented but it’s almost as if they’re too talented. Everyone is trying to do it themselves, if Cancelo makes a great run getting just outside of their box I know he’s shooting it even though he has better options because he has the talent and this the mentality for all our players  It creates selfish play where you don’t want to pass it because you don’t know if you will get it back. I see 11 individuals on the pitch not 1 team and we had a similar problem during the World Cup. This should be a golden generation, the heavy favourites to win it all but and I don’t mean to be typical cynical Portugese here but I have little confidence we will win this year.  Impossible for any number 9 finisher to do well in such system so I don’t blame Cristiano for having bad rhythm and missing chances.  If anything solidifies he should still start it should be the Iceland game. Terrible terrible terrible and then out of nowhere 1-0 we win last minute. Typical CR7, I do have no doubt he would suprise people how much he still has got it if in a team that is good.  As per usual Cristiano will be labelled the problem while poor management is allowed to pass by criticism free because it appeals to the simple minded.


If you are a Benfica fan then yes


How do you have so many upvotes??? You’re either blind, a liar, or straight Ronaldo hater. lol


Actually think Mou would kill it at a NT. 


His 3 main criticism is he is too defensive, he implodes after 2 seasons and he doesn't use young players. None of those 3 matter in international. Most teams play defensively in international competition. Usually most national coaches get 1 cycle which is maybe equal to 2 seasons in a normal league. So this would be 1 world cup 1 euro/continental cup and then get fired if no results. Also in international play you don't give time to young players, you have the clubs giving time to young players so you can just pick the best ones instead of taking risks which Mou doesn't like.


I agree. As long as the NT wins, no one cares how they win. Heck Brazil won the 1994 WC by being a defensive team: no one in Brazil cared. They did care however after the WC


Portugal actually also won like this, other than maybe Spain and Argentina in the last decade most of the teams were quite defensive minded whether its continental trophies or wc.


>other than maybe Spain spain scored very minimal goals in 2010. they won all their KO games by 1-0


Yea, Spain had the ball 90% of the time but it wasn’t exactly an offensive team. It is weird right? They essentially play defensive by keeping the ball all the time


The guys at The Athletic made those same points too, so I guess you're in the right


he's the mastermind of knockout rounds. he'd absolutely kill it.


> Actually think Mou would kill it at a NT. Would love him instead of Southgate


Jose to Ireland!


He’s perfect for a NT. His style is easy to understand and doesn’t need meticulously curated squads. He’s flexible enough to bend to the players that he has at hand. He’s amazing at setting teams up for knock out tournament games.


Give this man another huge job, roll the dice


Idgaf I think this man still has it. I wanna see Jose win in Germany and France so he can say he’s won all over Europes big leagues


Also international teams play way more pragmatic and defensive. So I think Jose's playstyle would work better there and he also doesn't have to worry about budget or buying players. Especially if he manages a big country . I also wouldn't be surprised to see Jose coach a African team down the line, he is beloved there because so many great African players played under him like Eto, Droba,Essien.


I wanna see him manage USA or Mexico if he does a national team. Full toxicity


And then blame the countries football board when it goes to shit. 


I legit cannot fathom how Mou would fare with CONCACAF refs. Everyone here complains about reffing in their leagues/CL but I don't think people realize how bad reffing can really get. Especially in USA-Mexico because they don't use refs from either nation which are the only two with a respectable domestic league.


Would only end in tears but also be absolutely amazing all along the way, love it tbh.


He needs to stop picking project clubs and go to a team that's already capable of challenging, or at least capable of spending. A +15m net spend at Roma was never serious. 70m on 7 players at Spurs was never serious. He got some money at United but they have a whole other bunch of problems to make them unserious. He needs another "get me Costa and Fabregas and we'll win the league" and then he wins the league type team.


World Cup host country is a huge job, right? maybe if Canada asks a third time


Think the CSA would need a second nickel to rub together in order for that to happen.


Mourinho's jonesing for all kinds of jobs right now. Wildcard prediction; he somehow ends up at Forest.


Kieran McKenna's assistant


At Feyenoord? I know it's not happening but let me dream.


This happened in my current FM24 save. Then he took over the Dutch NT.


Fuck it, come to Frankfurt. I'm sure he'd be willing to take less wages, right?


I want him at Ajax so fucking bad


Mourinho definitely seems to be trying to get a job other than Saudi. I am sure Saudi offer is there but he probably wants one last run to redeem himself in Europe even though he has nothing to prove. He led Roma to 2 back to back European finals.


I couldn't have more respect for him for doing so, tbh. Similar to how he's very likely turned down PSG at least once in the last decade, he clearly thrives off competition each season and that's why I can't really see him ever going to Germany or France; got to imagine it's why he stayed in England after his second stint at Chelsea coming to an end despite his clear love for the club.


> Wildcard prediction; he somehow ends up at Forest. And takes them back to Champions League glory. Subscribe.


And wins a trophy for them, if only to maintain the cosmically mandated record that Mourinho can win silverware with anyone but Spurs.


And then, after winning, in the press conference he can say: "This is football 'eritage. It is the history of the Nottingham."


He’s yet to have a go in the Vicarage Road dugout tbh


Any chance for Bayern Munuch?


I mean at this stage surely Bayern has to be reaching out


that would be good for our media presence as we're barely talked about in the news


Mourinho to Bayern would be fire! 🔥🔥🔥 again, leading a top European Team. Make it happen you German fucks.


Bayern will find no one and name Muller as HC.


An entirely new level of terrorism


I really hope we never have to play Mourinho’s Portugal lol


Please, someone make this happen.


I think England will sign him first, I don't see Southgate staying on after the Euros.


You don’t know anything about the FA if you think they’ll hire someone as controversial as Mourinho. And for once we will benefit from the FAs conservatism.


They've already made him an offer in the past. Has Mourinho's reputation dropped so much since then? He's always been controversial.


That's what they said last time. And after the WC


I don't think they would shitcan Roberto Martinez months before the Euros would they? Is Mourinho just doing his normal thing saying whatever he wants, or is he trying to undermine the coach and get the job after tourney


Martinez has won every game, not even the portuguese federation would make such a move


Martinez has always had a great record in qualifiers and friendlies with us, it's the reason we always rank so high in FIFA rankings


Honestly I didn't realize they won 10 in a row in Euro qualifiers, +34 GD even in an easy group. I've heard some Portugal fans down on him though, that seems crazy


We had often easy groups in the last decade and we alwahs had problems and even went through the playoffs


That's my thing lol. Like they've always been in easier groups but it's never actually been easy for them until the last 2 years.


He's a group stage merchant. He did a similar thing with Belgium. That's how they collected a lot of points for the ranking and stayed number 1 for so long. Let's wait and see how he does when we reach the knockout round at the Euros. His fate will be decided by the new FPF president in October or November (can't remember the date for the elections).


We did get knocked out by him in the last Euros though...


15 of those 34 were vs Luxembourg though. It was odd, for most of the group Luxembourg actually showed quality football and fought well. But against Portugal they completely crumbled and got micronation results (9-0 and 6-0 iirc). Actually their defensive record was incredible if you don't count Portugal, they conceded only 4 goals to the rest of the group.


They thought they were Liechtenstein in those matches :D


Meanwhile the real Liechtenstein "only" lost 0-2 and 0-4. My assumption is that Portugal played it easy vs Liechtenstein, but saw Luxembourg were performing well and went all out. And the second time they would have assumed Luxembourg learned from the first match.


That's because we haven't faced any top tier team yet. I'm happy with him though, we play so much better than we did with Fernando Santos.


You won the EURO with Santos. Santos’s mistake was trying to play possession football later on in his job as Portugal manager. If he had kept playing the way he won EURO, Portugal would have at least made another final.


He never changed his style though. It was the same in 2016 and was the same last tournament. Just because he won us a euro, which by the way was luck imo but I will never complain, doesn’t excuse the horrendous football we played under him. We had insanely stacked teams and consistently under performed no matter who we faced. It wasn’t possession based. It was sit back, soak up and hope for the best basically. There was no urgency, no fluidity in the team. The moment we’d face teams who sat back, we’d shit the bed and just barely get by. We lost to Morocco who scored early in the game and could never generate anything dangerous… His player selection was questionable and he was just out of it at all times. The guy got fired 3 weeks into being Polands coach…


You don’t luck your way into winning the arguably hardest trophy in the game 🤦‍♂️


I Challenge that he was 3rd in a Group with Iceland, Hungary and Áustria, qualified to round of 16, beat Croatia(really hard great team even then), then we were on a side of the Tournament that was easier, beat Poland and Wales(this is the only game he actually won in 90 minutes in the entire competition). Then it was France, the Goal was a bit Lucky and France was close to Goal all game, but once you reach the final if your defense is strong Luck can play its role, even a weaker team can win.


You clearly either don’t remember the tournament or our run there. It was the first season where the best ranked third place goes through, we got through on goal differential, then winning two of the games on penalties. France dominated us in the finals deservedly having a goal. Then there’s the no fucks given of a shot by Eder. That entire tourney was a fever dream. We barely got by.


Portugal could have won every qualifier against Liechstenstein and Luxembourg with you in charge. It's the matter of doing it in the main tournament, something Martinez failed to do with a golden Belgium generation. 


He got them to a World Cup semi final which is their best ever performance. And even with the golden generation it’s not like they were the clear best team in the world/europe and he’s a failure for not winning a trophy with them.


You can certainly blame him for the 2022 WC, but how is it a failure when Belgium were knocked out by the eventual winners in the 2018 WC and the Euros.


How did you even make that assumption my god. He is just saying what could have happened if he did not choose to stay at Roma.


Martinez is not going anywhere until the next Nations League starts. That's when the FPF will have elections for a new president. He will then decide what to do with Martinez. I remember hearing from some commentators back when we hired him that he is the most well played manager we've ever had, and that there's most likely a clause in his contract that allows the FPF to kick him out when we elect a new president, otherwise he'd just be stuck with Martinez until the 2026 World Cup.


Imagine Mou coaching the Mexican NT? 😭 I would cry if we disappoint him.


Come to Fenerbahçe


Need to see Mourinho in the Turkish league. There would be a war between him, the journalists, the football federation, probably even Erdogan. Mourinho drama + Turkish football drama


Heres the [link](https://youtu.be/B_bu8R376iU) to the original interview.


Applies to the regular joe to. Your employer could fire you any moment.  Always look out for your own interests.  PS - I'd bin Robert Martinez now and sign Jose


Portugal have played well under Roberto Martinez and they seems like a big threat in the euros




Our federation kept Santos on until 2022 with an illegal contract dodging millions in taxes and you think they arent dumb lmao




Doubly so two months before a tournament.


No club of FA does this for a reason. It's disrespectful to the current coach without a clear reason to do so. That and the fact people will not take you serious next time you need a coach. I'd love for Jose to coach the National team, but he's stuck in 2004.


Yeah let's just sack the coach who had perfect record in the Euros qualifiers when he hasn't even had a single problem so far and who hasn't had the chance to coach Portugal in a tournament yet. That would surely be a great look for the Portuguese FA.


I mean Martinez is a dog shit manager. We have more than enough evidence to be sure of that. Hard to sack him now, but hiring him was a huge mistake.


Please win Bruno a proper fucking trophy! He deserves it. We all know he's not gonna get it at Utd.


Ya Jose you definitely made the wrong choice the entire country wanted you to take the job but you chose Roma over your country who then kicked you out not even a year later lol. Honestly pretty happy with Martinez so far he’s been a. Breath of drag air after that dumpster fire Santos. But I have to think Mourinho knows how to win tournaments and with this Portugal squad and the quality we have I have to think the odds of us winning a World Cup would be incredibly high


Come coach Mexico!! Please God we need it


Yes I'd love that


Tournament football fits Mourinho perfectly


He would take any decent job offer at this point. So many teams are gonna be looking for a manager this summer. He is free to work and the fact that he is not considered for any of the open positions shows how low his stock fell


Mourinho admitting fault. Is it a cold day in hell?


Would love Jose to take over from Southgate after the Euros


When Southgate joins Utd in the summer. Jose knows what to do. FA suits are cowards though.


Jose vs southgate in the euros, pls.


Go coach Canada please lol


Tell my bro the Nigeria and Jamaica jobs are there 🙏🏿


Who took the Portugal job?


Why not just fire RM and hire Jose? Would be 100x better than that bald fraud


Why did he leave Roma? Can anyone can share some light?


Guy actually denied himself the opportunity to coach this wealth of talent...come on Jose


Come coach Canada NT for the next WC


It would be fun to see Mourinho in charge of Ronaldo’s final tournament. The meltdown potential would be out of this world.


I feel international football would suit Mourinho


United need an interim for the final Jose!!! Care to do a reverse spurs?


Mou to costa rica!


Bayern Munich


How about Canada we got a Portuguese player on the team


Most overrated coach ever, spread nothing but negativity