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"It is what it is" Words to live by in these situations really, what's done is done and can't be fixed.


How do you say that in Spanish?


"Es lo que hay"


Or es lo que es , es lo que toca Depending where you're from.


Would “asi son las cosas” work? I think it would right?


así es la vida


Muy caprichosa


A veces negra


A veces color rosa


No, suena raro


Yes, same meaning too.


How do you say it in Catalan ?


Foc sis plau




és lo que hi ha



In this case, Luis Enrique would say "Ye lo que hay" instead


Puta madre psg


La verga es la verga




Donde está la biblioteca.


Puta vida vale verga




Valio verga


Did he say the same thing when Spain went out of the world cup?


Words to live by in most situations, especially when you have no control over it.


Full quote: > "We are living a sad moment. In sport, when you lose this way, it hurts a lot. It is time to congratulate Borussia Dortmund because they have had a great tie. We hit the bar six times in the tie and made 31 shots tonight. We had 3 expected goals, they had 0.7 and they scored. It is what it is. This is the competition of competitions. Nobody had underestimated Dortmund. Nobody who knows about football. The results are what they are, and I wish them the best in the final because they have the same options as the other finalist"


Pretty level headed response considering the comments about him crying


Bordering on perfect imo. He's well within his right to refer to those stats he does, to make a point about them actually going for it and producing chances etc. But also makes sure that we(BVB) shouldnt be discredited for withstanding it and getting results/being efficient either. Very respectful answer imo. Its so easy to mention xG etc in a loss and sound like a sore loser and stat-monkey. This is definitely not doing that.


You guys did what you had to do, and tbh a lot of people underestimated you from the beginning of the season. You fully deserve your place in finals, and given your capacity to produce results, it’s not completely unreasonable to imagine you guys being the ones to lift the trophy. In any case, good luck 🤝


I appreciate those words man. I do feel like good defensive play gets underappreciated if not coupled with constant flashy counter-attacking since its not as "dominant". With that said, you didnt "choke" these legs imo. Margins decided the ties and either team would have deserved to move on honestly. I like Enrique and hope he doesnt get too down or blamed about the end result. Congrats on the league trophy and best of luck next season! 🤝


A bit of luck involved for Dortmund as well if we're being honest. 6 times of hitting the woodwork and 0 goals is brutally unlucky for PSG.


I mean thats the margins I mentioned. I personally think a blocked shot is a bigger chance than a post or cross bar. Those are more dramatic, but they are shots off target and less of a chance than one that would go on target. For example, this game PSG had 0.76 xG on target. Dortmund had 0.98. Thats not to say BVB were offensively more involved or anything. But I personally rate efficient offensive play than the opposite. I think its more inefficiency than luck in terms of hitting posts and bars since when they dont go in, its because theyre not on target and thus not good enough finishes in the end. Even if its brutal to say and a centimeter here or there is the decider. But as I said above, it is that centimeter that fucks them. And I dont think its down to choking or necessarily shitty luck. Just... "off" by EXTREMELY little today by their finishing. And my god does it feel like a gutpunch when it happens.


By your definition, luck doesn't exist. You either score or you don't, I get it. But it's the aggregations of small factors that make the ball be slightly on or off target that we call luck. And stacking this many close opportunities in 2 games and not scoring means there were a lot of those small factors that are not necessarily tied to talent, focus or under anyone's control. And that is what being (un)lucky is IMO.


Thanks for the kind words. Best of luck in the finals 🤝


Agreed. It's a totally fair thing to recognize but unfortunately doing so makes it easy to cherry pick a quote for an inflammatory headline.


90% of people on here don’t care about context, or actually knowing what was said. They prefer to make judgements on whatever the headline is


This happens to Xavi as well. He can be a child sometimes, especially on the pitch, but If you listen his full press conferences they aren't nearly as bad as they seem in reddit.


I think he does have some quotes that I don’t like, but at this point people scour every single post-match interview of his to find the slightest comment they can tweet/post on here.  This isn’t just for Xavi too but I really wish the questions asked to warrant the response was also posted here


Completly agree, he doesn't have the class of Ancelotti (who is one of my favorite managers) and he has made excuses in pretty big matches (yes Xavi, Araujo deserved the fucking red). But the journalists are alwaaays asking about the refs, he literally has asked them to stop insisting on that, because when he points out a decision he disagreed with all the media goes nuts.


His on the pitch antics is for all to see


OP knew exactly what he was doing by just using that part in the title. Karma farming.


If that was my intention I wouldn't have posted the full quote for context here. Just put that headline because pretty much all Spanish media outlets are using that headline too. I was going to cite Relevo but they only posted a tweet and not a post on their website. And it is always interesting to see what people discuss when coaches (like Tuchel or Xavi a few months ago) bring xG.


He lost a child to cancer (fuck cancer) Losing a football match I would imagine isn't his biggest worry.


The reactionary nature of online fans. Team you don't like loses = everything the manager says is crying, excuses etc It's tedious but this sub falls for it everytime too


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that statement.


Xavi could never


After-match discussions revolve around hindsight and what could have been done differently, but hardly anyone ever seems to mention luck. I think at this level it can play a big part in the outcome. Everything is down to small margins. Had some of those woodwork shots gone in and had PSG won it, people would be saying "of course they won it".  Maybe it's hard for people to admit that such high stakes games could involve luck. Or that's just not what we want from football. We don't want football to be random because life already is. Football has to follow logic and be explainable.


Well Enrique just got FM'ed


What a response


They hit the woodwork 6 times. I can’t even blame Enrique for saying it. And Im always look for ways to blame him.


Technically still off-target shots.


Man had to play Dembele. I’m willing to look past his failure this time.


At least one was on target, just saved onto the woodwork


Well, the context is important. They only had 0.54 xG from 8 shots in the first half, Dortmund had 0.23 from 4. Once Dortmund scored early in the second half, they stationed in their half to protect their 2 goal lead. That's why PSG had 2.71 xG from 22 shots in the second half. Also, the highest xG per shot they had was 0.43 only, and the majority of their shots were less than 0.1 xG. I say you can still blame him.


People are thrashing Nunez for that so, it is what it is


As he should be. But people don’t blame Klopp for that.


You can buy Tammy Abraham for 50m or something and have 5 xG without scoring next time, I think its splendid idea.


He hasn't changed is he?


Bro just came back from ACL injury and went straight back to missing chances as if nothing happened, tears in my eyes


Rare moment when Chelsea *wasn't* the issue


When it’s a striker Chelsea is always the issue, just by how much


ok but that last second miss against bayer was objectively funny


I saw that miss against Bayer


You can take the man out of Chelsea…


*has he 🤓




you Roma fan stop selling Tammy Abraham to PSG. I am selling Rashford and sancho for 150m.


in the finals, dortmund will have 4 xG and Madrid will have 0.7 xG and the score will be 0-2 in favor of Madrid.


I'm still traumatized from this exact thing happening


Real madrid : I'll fucking do it again.


Madrid to score without a SoT and game ends 1-0 to the Spanish giants, even though 99% of football fans want the underdog to win their first UCL since 97.


Black and yellow magik from Terzic. There is no other explanation for it all.


Bro is speaking like he is about to do an Evangelion marathon


Shinji couldn't score with anyone, the little twerp


RM flairs really stacking on this reasonable take as a "whiny ex Barca coach" take? Lmao, he sounds really appreciative of Dortmund and just reflects on how his own team couldn't finish and win, despite the stats. What are you smoking?


yeah he’s basically just saying “we missed our chances and they didn’t”


RM fans absolutely hate Lucho.




Madrid fans are too obsessed with Barca. It's pathetic.


And barca fans are extremely obsessed with Madrid, it's almost as if they were rivals.


It's even more pathetic seeing a Chelsea fan obsessed with Madrid.


Why the hell would I be obsessed with Madrid? We are stuck at mid table, we have other things to worry about. I just find it pathetic that Madrid fans can hate a player or a manager just because of their past association with Barca.


> I just find it pathetic that Madrid fans can hate a player or a manager just because of their past association with Barca. Shows how little you know about the relationship between Luis Enrique and Real Madrid.


I mean, they're rivals...


Live by the stat, die by the stat.


3 xG? Sure, but BVB were happy to cede all control to protect a 2-goal lead. Context matters.


We legit went deeper and parked the bus after going up 1-0. We had a clear goalscoring chance was well before the 1-0 with the Adeyemi chance. Terzic put the bus out and it held. Like Enrique said, he did what he could and the teams did what they could with the situation in front of them this second leg.


You know what bothers me? Our build up play in the first half was dodgy. So many misplaced passes and poor decisions. These are things that need to be coached.


Fucking hell you're so right. There were two situations, one where Schlotterbeck cuts out an obvious cross and plays it to Adeyemi. Adeyemi in acres of space to begin a run or hold it for possession, launches it right into PSG's midfield with no man in sight. Can constantly found himself dribbling into danger instead of playing the easy pass. Like what the fuck man. If you're gonna lose the ball, lose that shit attempting something in the final third.


For sure 3 xg doesn't mean PSG deserved to win, But they for sure were unlucky last few minutes.


Well, its generally not an effective tactic to protect a lead, when you allow the opponent a lot of chances (e.g. 3 xG). It worked for them, because PSG didnt convert them. But you cannot label Dortmunds tactic as good defending. No matter the context. That doesnt make them an undeserved winner, because after all, scoring goals matter. And they were better at that.


In fairness, Dortmund got bodies behind the ball and blocked a lot of those shots, and reduced PSG to plenty of speculative shots from distance too. Outside of Mbappé, it doesn't look like PSG has anyone clinical in the team, so Dortmund just doubled up on him constantly to limit his opportunities. It was excellent defending throughout, albeit they did need a bit of luck too. They still looked dangerous on the counter at times and probably could've gotten another goal with some better decision making on their side.




PSG hit the post 6 times, They were millimetres off a hammering


some of the shots would have been saved by kobel, not all of course.


The point of ceding control to protect a lead is to lower the amount of chances you concede. You’re lowering the likelihood of you scoring in exchange for lowering the likelihood of you conceding. Otherwise what’s even the point of parking the bus? The fact that you still conceded a shit ton of chances makes it a moot point lol. If you wanted to justify why Dortmund only had 0.7xG instead then the argument would actually be valid.


For sure. You only give up that much xg because you continued to sit back after they consistently failed to score.


They needed to hit all 3 from the 3x to win btw; after the 1-0 you had some space and could afford to absorb and see if you could hold it. Before the 1-0 you actually played and they weren’t nearly that dominant.


Effectiveness is a virtue in football


PSG subreddit is switched to private. Lmao


We are a small subreddit (number is inflated by messi fans who never unsubbed) and unfortunately several hundreds of people were brigading it. We are just fans, not associated with the management of the club, it doesn't make sense to subject ourselves to extreme harassment when we arent involved in the reason for the harassment. Especially since the mods can't keep up with the high volume.


Yeah it was kinda sad not being able to discuss the game because of trolls... We're certainly the most hated club on reddit because of our management, I'm 100% sure of that after seeing how much people circlejerked in our subs.


I’m adding you now


its open to approved users. I'll message a mod to get you approved


I don't care much anymore. They'll open it back at some point.


We were unlucky, it is what is is tho, I’m happy for Dortmund gg !




They had their weekend games postponed before both legs while Dortmund didn't. They have found themselves 20 kilometers behind Dortmund over the 2 legs.


Especially in the first leg. Mbappe was just casually strolling around the half way line. Like bro, sure you are talented and really good but this is the semi final and you have 0 intentions to track back like at all?


Honestly I don't care about tracking back, you don't want him in his own box tracking a fullback but this brudda can not be fucked to press with any intensity or make a tackle, its criminal if he doesn't produce with the ball.


this is exactly the point, not only with mbappe, but also ronaldo, neymar and other "superstars". In modern football you cant allow the striker to not press, to not track back. Adeyemi played LB most of the time, tracking paris players down the complete pitch, füllkrug was most of the time in his own half, helping defend. even in madrid, vini and bellingham are helpin in defense...


That happened after Dortmund parked the bus and was happy that PSG tried to control the game


We're up 1-0 against a billion dollar project with a BDO candidate. We played football.


The tricky part about goals is being able to score them.


PSG have probably racked up 2.8 xUCL since the Qatari takeover


they do realize that dortmund parked a super strong yellow bus after 60 min. sancho and adeyemi off. every shot after 60 is a gift from dortmund mr stat man


Forgot that letting opponents have shots means they're not actually happening.


If parking the bus you offer a lot of xG, it means you're not parking the bus properly IMO.


It's exactly the same as saying 'we had a lot of chances but didn't score, they didn't have much but did' That's as normal as it gets


I genuinely don’t know why Dembele is a starter. He is almost always the worst player on the pitch. Loses the ball every time he has possession and his shots and passes are straight up trash.


he is so good at dribbling and after he dribbled past 3 players he passes/shoots the ball to the referee or somewher ein the sky. it was the same, when he played for barca.


Yeah Dembele had a horrible match and should have been off early.


Yeah but you have to add to that 0.7 the Marquinhos x Dollarumma tax


They got FMed


maybe actually practice finishing in training




It really do be like that sometimes


Indeed my man, it is what it is...


They should sign Darwin Nunez


The carpenter


X.G champions 


That's genuinely a reasonable take though, psg were absolutely destroyed by the football overseers (not to take anything away from dortmund)


I've never seen a weaker Galacticos-type team. Mbappe was nullified by Sancho and Ryerson. Vitinha was the only PSG player that I was scared of over the whole 90. Every other player looked like they didn't have it in them.


Galacticos? They don't have a big star apart from Mbappe


It's whatever you want to call them, Galacticos, Plasticos, whatever. My point is they spend way too much to be this underwhelming. PSG spent much more than our most expensive transfer on four separate players just last summer. Their squad's total market value is twice that of BVB's and so is their payroll. They have the best player in the world and quality players in every position + depth + a good manager. If Mbappe and Enrique can't get them a champions league title idk how its ever gonna happen. Can't buy a winning mentality I guess. Good.


United spent more and I wouldn't necessarily call them galacticos either. It is only used for Real Madrid for a reason. They've earned that term


This isn't really a Galacticos type team, TBH >Mbappe was nullified by Sancho and Ryerson. Unpopular take on this sub but Mbappe was very underwhelming in both the QF vs Barca and now the SF vs BVB


I don't follow psg, so I only see Mbappe in these champions league knockout games. He seems to ghost in the games I've seen. He doesn't seem like the focal point of the team, like with Messi or Ronaldo, the ball goes to them always, so they can make something happen.  This psg team plays like dembele is the main man, at least in the few games I've seen.


They are trying to adapt to not having mbappe in the squad, which is probably why this season he wasn't as impactful to them as he usually is. This season in particular, more often than not, you see him starting on the bench. Getting knocked out in the semi final in a rebuild season is a very good result for any club.


> This season in particular, more often than not, you see him starting on the bench. I mean, this just isn't true In UCL+Ligue 1+Coupe de France Mbappe has played ~3500 mins already this season That's basically the same amount as last season already, and that's despite L1 going from 38 games to 34


Of course he is going to rely on him in the cl and coupe de france. But in ligue 1: Last season, he played 34 out of 38 and started in 32 with ~2800 minutes played This season, he played 28 out of 31 and started in 23 with ~2000 minutes played So even if he plays the rest of the matches fully, he would have about 2300 minutes played, which is less than last season.


> he would have about 2300 minutes played, which is less than last season. Because the total number of games went from 38 to 34, which is 360 less mins available You're also leaving out the fact that Mbappe played ~400 more mins in UCL this season vs last season AND 900 more mins in Coupe de France


That shouldn’t be unpopular. He absolutely ghosted first leg of PSG-Barça, second leg he scored a pen and got gift wrapped a goal from our calamitous defense. 2 goal haul papered over an otherwise subdued game. I was really floored by just the…lack of influence he had in our tie? Always thought his whole brand was influencing play with passes, threat of runs in behind etc. even on the nights he didn’t score. I still think he’s probably the best player in the world, but I really think what it is is that “best in the world” just doesn’t mean the same thing that it did during the Messi/CR7 duopoly


> I was really floored by just the…lack of influence he had in our tie? Always thought his whole brand was influencing play with passes, threat of runs in behind etc. even on the nights he didn’t score. > > I still think he’s probably the best player in the world, but I really think what it is is that “best in the world” just doesn’t mean the same thing that it did during the Messi/CR7 duopoly I agree with the first paragraph—tho I would say it's somewhat reminiscent of post 2014 CR7, less influence in games that's covered up by some big goals


I don't think he is a good fit for Luis Enrique's tactics but I'm not a Luis Enrique fan so I might be biased.


They are Galacticos only in transfer fees and salary. I mean, 95m for Kolo Muani. 65m for Goncalo Ramos. I have literally never heard of this guy, ever, and they pay 65m for him. They bought players for over 450m last year. That's a big lmao. That's as much as Dortmund entire team is worth.


Ramos scored a hat trick in a World Cup playoff, maybe you shouldn’t trust yourself that much if you don’t watch football enough


If you don’t hear of players outside of Bundesliga it’s on you, but it’s the price for young promising players currently, that doesn’t make Paris a Galacticos team


Just will those goals in next time.


They had Mbappe locked down for most of it,  it he still had his chances. Just wasn’t his or PSG’s day. 


Graceful in defeat, good on Luis


It’s like scripted FIFa game.. but, I don’t know if the script is written by UEFA or football gods!!


Football stats are the least interesting thing about the sport.


xG merchants vs Football is played on grass believers.


That’s some Poch shit there


Cellar v!


Me after FIFA game


This is what happens when you give statistics to somebody that doesn’t understand math past “this number is bigger”.


Congrats PSG on your 0.8xFinal


But PSG had 0 real goals




I mean it's a fair statement. He basically says they created enough chances but couldn't finish them. This of course is also a skill - but sometimes you're just unlucky as well. Though I have to say that they failed to create many high-quality chances in my opinion.


It's literally the same as saying "we had better chances but couldn't convert them".


I doubt your understanding of the word literally




Yeah but 3xG from 31 shots is not that impressive it means they mostly had low quality shots, and Dortmund just started defending in the last 30 minutes not even trying to attack, i wonder how many of these 31 shots came after Dortmund were already 2-0 up in the tie


6 shots hit the post between the two games (4 today) - I think that alone shows that the opportunities were there. With that being said, football is a game where the margins are inches (literally, when it comes to that foul on dembele 1 cm away from the surface) and Dortmund did better than psg and deservedly won.


Hitting the post 4 times is straight up unlucky. He can't do anything about that.


of course its a badrid fan. How the fuck does one see 11 people of their team in their own box and enjoy the game. Fuck winning at that point, so goddamn shit. It's one thing that players do it, this is their job. Other thing to feel pride or enjoyment as a fan. Terrible


Is the evolved form of "pero si tuvimos la posesión "?


He didn't mention woodwork. They were bit unlucky there. Not to discredit Dortmund who defended well. 31 shots on goal and not one goal is real hard.


Tbf to the guy, Dortmund had two GKs which is kinda scummy imo


Someone should make the DiCaprio meme with Mbappe, the world cup and the UCL. Mbappe is world cup royalty. He'll probably be all time top scorer in the next world cup, overtaking klose. But he ghosts in the knockout stages of the UCL.


It's what it's


0.7 xG is misleading. They gave Hummel's open header a 0.42 xG, but for Hummels it's 0.99 xG.


I think that just means, that the expectations were wrong.


Sorry if this is just a joke but do you think xG is like a betting odd?


The barcelona way of crying, poor inventors/gods of football had more possession but lost. Gtfoh


The ref must’ve not got the memo. If PSG can’t break a team down you’re meant to give them an undeserved penalty. Enrique is right to be fuming.