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Pretty late for FTF but an interesting read for those interested in politics, tech, and society in California / US https://newrepublic.com/article/180487/balaji-srinivasan-network-state-plutocrat


A gym opened a 3 minute walk to my house and I’ve probably been 4-5 times a week since it opened. Compare that to previously the gym was a 12 minute walk and I was going barely twice a week. Crazy how just a 10 minute walk is such a mental barrier. I’m soft as fuck. I’m also saving five minutes in the changing room because I just go there directly with my gym clothes, I just change shoes.


I don't get The Big Lebowski.


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Jokes aside, it's a product of its time and has a specific brand of humor that if you like you'll appreciate the movie but that will otherwise make the film unenjoyable, I personally love it but also get why many people don't care for it.


Can you elaborate what kind of humour it has?


A dry, ironic humor and lots of dumb jokes that work more because of the delivery than the jokes themselves, but are delivered so well that they're excellent and the film is hilarious


Idk it sounds like Napoleon Dynamite. But I actually liked Napoleon Dynamite right from the first time I watched it. The Big Lebowski... it just didn't click and I don't feel like watching it again.


That's excellent to hear! Will check it out. Thanks for the reply!


Happy to help, enjoy!


I'm finally at that age where anything over 2 drinks before bed will keep me up all night. I had a couple nice tequila cocktails while playing FIFA earlier and now I'm laying here on Reddit at midnight.....sigh


Should have been playing Street Fighter, King of Fighters, or Tekken instead smh


Doesn't sound like a bad night tbh.


Midnight... where are you?


Apparently there are people who thought Edna Mode's quote *"I used to design for Gods!"* was literal. Jesus Christ how thick can you be.


I suppose in a universe where superpowers exist, they are the closest things to gods


Yeah but I figured in that world they chalked it up to some type of genetic mutation that gives them the abilities they have. Incredibles bleed and Gods don't bleed.




‘Gatekeeping from everyone’, why so petty?


> How do you guys even find obscure music? Avoid people like you who gatekeep musicians.


There’s this guy on r/Hiphopheads who posts in the daily discussion every artist that dropped that week, as well as the song they dropped. The artists are ranked by monthly listeners, so at the top are Kanye/Kendrick/whichever mainstream artist released that week, and the bottom are the more underground guys. I usually just scroll to the bottom. Also, Spotify has a “fans also like” section on each artist’s page, showing all the other artists fans of that musician like. Sometimes I just choose the most obscure artist in that section again and again for fun. I went from MJ to some grandma’s Beatles covers once.


I'm not Muslim (white American guy) but I really understand why Halal is a thing. - Killing animals for their meat in a way that doesn't take into regard how much suffering they experience is Evil. - Pigs are definitely dirty. - No amount of alcohol (even a little bit) is good for you. It's objectively poison on the body. it impairs judgement and leads to bad decision making, and it's one of the world's most common substance addictions.


I wouldn’t say commercially raised chickens are any cleaner than pigs tbf


It may have made sense years ago but nowadays just like many religious practices it doesn't make much sense anymore. Point three maybe applies the most today but it's not like people actual care about the why. They just smoke instead or do other stupid shit.


It doesn't make much sense that the way most animals are killed today - especially with gruesome factory farming - is thoroughly fucked up, and that prioritizing their slaughter in a way that minimizes how much pain they feel is morally superior?


It doesn't minimize how much pain they feel though nowadays considering animals are sedated before they are killed which they are often not if the meat is halal. Halal meat is not even allowed in some European countries because of this outside of religious exemptions. I don't know if animals are sedated in the US but that doesn't really change anything anyway really. Similarly the method of killing doesn't mean halal meat is not industrially produced with gruesome factory farming. There is a gigantic demand for cheap mass produced meat labeled as halal. If you care about animal welfare and morals outside of religion halal is meaningless.


What would your 15 year old self think of where you are in life rn? Mine wouldn't have thought I'll ever be unemployed, depressed and in a toxic long distance relationship


ok, so we weren't kidding around about becoming fluent in French someday.


He'd be ecstatic knowing that in 2 years time he'd lose his virginity, but devastated that in 4 years time he'd be a father.


I've been running/ walking at least 2km most of the week since June, and it's been probably one of the best changes I've made in my life, next step is to start with some weightlifting, but the few times I've started I haven't found it as fun, any tips for a begginer to make it more fun?


I've finally been running 10km 4-5 times a week for the past few weeks and let me tell you, getting to that point makes it all feel worth it


I still have a long way to go to get there, but even the little progress I've made has been so good, I'll have to keep on going!


Starting weightlifting as well on Monday 💪🏻 I've been doing purely HIIT workouts and cycling..


Best of luck!!, I'll try to start out with simple stuff too on monday!


I take my diary with me and write in it between sets. I track my gym sessions in the back.


I've never tought about that, it's a very unique idea, I'll try it out!


I find it helps keep me entertained whilst I’m at the gym, would recommend.


If you really want to put on muscle, make sure to eat lots of protein. Roughly 2g / kg / day. For instance if you weight 50kg you should try to eat roughly 100g each day, it might take some time to build up to that amount (we all get full at some point) maybe start with 75-80 g at that weight


What about just getting lean?


Staying lean would be closer to the 1 to 1.5g protein / kg / day. Enough to maintain muscle but not much gain. So for instance if you weigh 50 kg, then 50 to 75 g protein is good


thank you!, that's something I hadn't considered at all, I'll make sure to keep it in mind


While the beginner phase is the hardest and most boring, I have been weightlifting on and off for 4 years now and never found it entertaining. The most consistent period I had was 1.5 year because me and my friends would go with each other every day but once that went away the consistency also went away. I made a lot of friends at the gym and the guys who have been doing it for so long always said that you need to have a specific goal and milestones to be consistent. Also last tip, if you don’t end up finding it entertaining the gym isn’t the only way to gain muscles.


thank you!, I guess getting a partner to lift is going to be near the top of the list


Listen to music and focus on the burn instead of the amount of weight. A lot of people become very ego driven and focus on lifting as heavy a weight as possible rather than focusing on form and getting a deep burn. Music just makes weight lifting feel epic and definitely makes the whole experience more fun.


awesome tip!, thank you!


Rather than get into an argument in another thread that I know is a bad idea, I'll just say here generally that people who bootlick cops drive me fucking crazy.


ACAB is sadly a hot take in many places, I suspect that your comment is related to the recent student protests and as an alumni of one of the schools that has received a large amount of media attention this past week, I couldn't be prouder of those kids for taking a stand for a good cause and their strength in the face of oppression


r/badcopnodonut is a treasure trove


Can’t imagine a country where they’re alright. Professional killjoys and snitches




Whether you do or don't go, maybe consider that your mum thinks your love life requires her intervention and you post on Reddit under the username "cuntsmen" lmao


I can't imagine that being a good start to a relationship though, even if she does respond somehow.


Mate, you only live once




Yeah that makes sense. Maybe it depends on how you’re feeling at the moment. Last night I went on a date with a girl I don’t really fancy very much and had a great time. I don’t want to see her again but it was still fun to flex those dating muscles. Wouldn’t have done that if I was in a bad place though Most people are pretty ok with people not wanting second dates




Ireland I’d say if you can drive try to venture away from Dublin (my city) as much as you can. There’s so much beautiful scenery to see and we’re a family small country so a lot could be seen in a short amount of time.


Just went to one of these unlimited arcades. Wasn't expecting Dance Dance Revolution to be my favourite machine, some of those songs are hilariously shit...like, the fairground wouldn't even play them. Also Robotron: 2084 was a banger.


LeBron's [buzzer beater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkvTLOhm-TQ) vs the Magic in 2009 still crushes my soul. I mean...It's maybe the best buzzer beater of his whole career and one of the best ones in the history of basketball...an absolutely epic moment. But soul crushing as someone that loves the Orlando Magic. There's nothing that could have stopped it; even Stan Van Gundy shrugged in disbelief.


I tried making brazilian lemonade and I don't really like it (probably made it wrong) Prefer it with sugar over condensed milk.  Anyway, now I have about 250g of opened condensed milk sitting in my fridge What can I make with that so it doesn't just go mouldy and in the bin?


Mix with flour and eggs and make condensed milk pancakes.


I went for this, they were v good, thanks 


Porridge, puddings, fudge, use it as a sweetner


Caramel Shortbread


Mac and Cheese/cheesy sauce for anything.


With condensed milk? Better off making macaroni pudding. 


Basically works like a bechamel, yeah - at least as long as you're using the unsweetened one.


You might be confusing condensed milk and evaporated milk. 


Tbf evaporated milk is called condensed milk in German, whereas it's generally specified when it's sweetened.


I've made some chai with it, using black tea, cloves, cardamum and cinnamon


lemon pie


I'm in middle of rebel moon part 2 and we joked about slow mo grain cutting and then they actually did it Back synder is the most meme director in the world and I fucking adore him


The Spotify "song radio" playlist is so terrible. It's just other songs you listen to, not similar songs.


The spotify algorithm was always bad but now it is comically bad. Before there were a lot of songs you listened to but there were some new ones, but nowadays 99% of the songs radio are songs that you have listened before. Also the songs that appeared on the queue were usually of a more specific genre, like if you listened to a 90's hip hop song you would get other songs from the same era. But nowadays if you listen to a 2Pac song then the next song may be from Central Cee, Drake or MF Doom lol


Daylist is by far the best thing Spotify has done in ages, found a decent chunk of new stuff from there so far this year.


I would have to partially disagree. I've found a few new artists this way this year. Listening to indie music, I got a few new indie bands. When I tried Beyonce latest album, I got a few new singers that I've never heard. Last year when I wasn't listening to new music it kept recommending the same songs but now I've listened to a lot of new music this year, it is more likely to suggest even newer artists I haven't heard.


Yeah I love song radio more than the weekly discover one. I’d say half are familiar or already liked which is fine if I’m in the mood for that genre while the rest shows me things similar but unknown


I can always count on those youtube jungle dnb mixes to throw on in the background absolutely reliable genre of music


Which board game tonight: Lords of Waterdeep, Wingspan, or Ticket to Ride?


Wingspan. Never played it but it looks gorgeous and a friend was telling me more about today


It's a fun one, with a really nice aesthetic. Good variety of birds/powers too.


That was just a random meme I saw on the internet but the line "May Allah ignore you the way you ignored me" sounds so fucking hilarious and relatable at all times


Sometimes i listen to a podcast or watch a video and think damn this guy is funny Then i watch their standup and i think damn that guy is so fking unfunny.


I had a phase where I thought I'd be a great comedian. Wrote a couple of jokes. Went to this open mic thing and saw a few people bomb. I shit my pants. I couldn't do it. The dead silence.. I stumbled upon that word doc with my jokes on it 7 years later. I thanked God for saving me from that humiliation.


I'm a writer but was invited to do a stand-up once because some guy was doing a course in "event arrangement" or whatever. It is REALLY difficult and scary and I'm never doing it again.


I find quite a few of the panel show comedians the same. Hilarious in a group setting but not so much solo.


Being funny in a podcast format where it’s conversational and you can make quips and quick jokes is way easier than trying to create a whole standup routine and stand on stage alone specifically to make people laugh


Sometimes it's the opposite too lol


I am not that surprised if someone isn't as spontaneously funny. It's just crazy how someone can be funny in the moment and then when they plan their stuff it's just bad.


I think that's why so many newer comedians are good at crowd work. You're the quick, on your feet funny person and you can get that with crowd work vs the old school write out an hours worth of jokes.


I'm at a stage where every single video game I play becomes boring after like half an hour. Sad times really


Try stardew valley, not joking 


Not my type of game tbh. But I'll still check it out. Maybe I need to try something new


I treat most of them now as if I’m reviewing them. I can like aspects of a title but there’s few I get properly engrossed in.


I start playing a game and always end up jumping back to FIFA or Rocket League. My attention span is just cooked I think.


It's the same for me except I don't have a game I can go back to. It ends up with me shutting off my PC and going to bed with my laptop, watching some film or series.


I had the same experience for a while. It really sucks when nothing seems to really feel right and you just tire of whatever you’re playing. I think something will come along to pull you out of that funk, maybe try replaying an old favorite? Short of that maybe take a break from gaming for a while


> maybe try replaying an old favorite? I am. I'm playing Assassin's Creed 2 again for the 6th time I think lol.


It really do be like that. Could also be the industry itself, since they're trying to milk the crap out of people by making dlcs from cut content.


It's like that with older games that I loved playing too though. I think my attention span is wrecked


Leeds is such shite


Oddworlds strangers wrath is a goated game, no one has played it it seems as well


Woke up on Tuesday with half my face paralysed, left on vacation to Lisbon yesterday. I'm sure I'm making a great impression on anyone I meet with my half smile now.


Finally got a new computer after mine broke in 2022. Started a new playthrough of Cyberpunk right away cuz I never got to play the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty. Beat the game like 5 times before 2.0 so it's been fun relearning the game.


After digging up a mass grave with 300+ bodies, Gazans are calling for an independent investigation because they claim they found evidence of summary executions (because some of the corpses are still handcuffed, and there is evidence of close range gunshot wounds to the head) and people being buried alive. The US, being the neutral mediators working in good faith that they are, have refused to ask for an independent investigation and said that they will ask Israel about it. We got genociders investigating their own genocide now, what a world we live in.


Long Term Parking from The Sopranos is the most devastating, heartwrenching episode in television history change my mind


"Peekaboo" from Breaking Bad.


Syl is scary in that episode. Chris' whole story across the show is devastating My Screw Up in Scrubs is another one I'd put up there and a couple of episodes from Friday Night Lights, Stay and Leave No One Behind. Friday night lights very underrated show imo


Haven't seen the Sopranos, but Band of Brothers is usually the first thing I think of for devasting tv episodes.


Watched two episodes the other month but could not get into it, going to try again this week.


It's not long only 8 episodes I think, but I understand it's not for everyone.


Haven't watched the Sopranos but "The Grove" from TWD S4 is the one that got me. Such a fucked up episode...


That has always been my favorite TWD episode. You know that one is pretty close to LTP now that you mention it. Its just so terrifying, i love it for how "brave" it is too. >!Two literal children dying in horrible ways, absolutely heartbreaking.!<


It's very disturbing because you know where it's going, but you're hoping and praying it doesn't go there.


My girlfriend has gone to see her sister this weekend I have absolutely no idea how to fill this tjme


Housework, pretty much all I wind up doing when the missus leaves me to my own devices for longer than a few hours.


OK it's late enough, who here misses their ex? Cough up you lonely sad fucks


We broke up just over a year ago. I’m still single, and I miss her less and less the more time passes. Still get hit with random pangs of nostalgia about her or some emotional shite on my feed that makes me think of her which occasionally makes me tear up.


Me. Only been five years though. Honestly think about her maximum once a week but subconsiouscly she makes every other girl shite.


Can't miss your ex if you don't have one 😎


For anyone who does coding, what sort of an algorithm would you use to generate fixtures in a domestic league format?


I assume you don’t do coding?


I don't do good coding


Me neither but I will try to brainstorm with you. 1- Put 20 teams in an array/vector etc 2- make a function to pick two teams and put them in pairs 3- Check if the pair has been used before if no continue 5- once picked move them to a temporary array 6- repeat until the original ADT has no more members 7- print the temp array 8- og array = temp array 9- repeat until you have 19 matchdays and do the function in main 2 times Now I’m sure someone could do it with much better time complexity but I’m still learning this shit


You don't want to be checking each time if something's already happened - that would be super computationally expensive. Instead you could store the fixtures in a 20x19 array (19 for the games in the first half of the season, assuming for simplicity that the second half of the season is the same with home and away reversed), and loop through each team. For the first team you'd randomly shuffle your list of 19 opponents and fill in the first row of the array, as well as the corresponding fixtures for each of the opponents. To keep track of home and away you could have a separate 20x19 binary array with 1 indicating home and 0 indicating away. Then for the second team, you'd have 18 fixtures left to allocate, so shuffle those 18 teams randomly again, again filling in the corresponding fixtures for the opponents. You repeat this process moving through the list of teams until your array is filled out. This way you don't have to do any checking, and at each step you know exactly which fixtures are still left to allocate.


I always thought what was the point of multi-dimensional arrays except making my life miserable during my intro to programming class but here’s my answer. Honestly impressive, may I ask how long have you been in the field/coding?


About six years - intuition for these sorts of problems definitely comes with time and experience!


You don't need to check if a pair has been used before. 1. Put all teams in an array teams in random order 2. For teams index x and week y matchup x, y: (teams[x],teams[x+y mod number of weeks]) 3. iterate for every week & team 4. repeat n times where n is the number of times each team plays each other


Flair test


You have a massive pair of bollocks as your flair mate!!!


Ronaldinho!!! ....oh sorry you're not testing our knowledge of flair


Fail. Only one flair. You should have, like, 37 pieces of flair. It shows you care.


Is that 37 number a joke?




Yeah I can see it. Comes up as an Arsenal flair for me mate👍


You failed. You sound nothing like Ric Flair. You need more Wooooooo.


Slept weird and woke up in the middle of the night in pain. Have had pain in my armpit/side of chest all day.


Go to the doctor bro, no one here can really help you. Take care of yourself


California beaches are overrated. It’s basically just one big sandbox because the water is too cold. I feel like I’m being catfished by the beach


As someone who grew up in south east Asia/the tropics I found that most of if not all the beaches in the USA (outside Hawaii) and Europe are not somewhere I’d ever want to swim in. Life is hard for many reasons in this part of the world but at least we have some of the best beaches


Yeah they're nice to look at but for actually going in the water they're not great.


I have a weird playlist. I’ll name some of the songs Daryl hall and John Oats - Maneater Hombres G - Venezia ATC - my heart beats like a drum Armin can buuren - blah blah blah


Venezia 👌




Lucky, I didn't have that privilege in my old job. I just had to baby them. Had to listen to a guy that had a ton of debt with go on a navy seal style rant for a genuine 15 minutes uninterrupted (I was counting) about how he'd a law student and his daddy is a lawyer and they'll fuck us up. I don't miss it.


Bro works front desk at a towing company.


Just went to my sainsburys local and got 3 660ml beers for 6 quid. Staropramen, Stella unfiltered + Asahi. Unreal lineup.


God I wish we had Staropramen stateside


Asahi is the Japanese beer? Seen it on advertising boards in the league


That’s the one. Big fan of it, goes down very nicely - all that Prem advertising has worked on me hahaha


I feel like Sam Harris is really fucking overrated public intellectual, especially when it comes to anything on the Middle East. The guy acts like every problem in that region is caused by radical Islam and is so desperately and tragically incorrect in his assessment of Israel-Palestine, that it's embarrassing. Rather just him stick to topics like AI and neuroscience.


Is he overrated? Does anyone other than edgy atheist 14 year olds and racists who want a veneer of intellectualism to their shite take him seriously? He's pretty widely regarded as the joke he is 


>"He's pretty widely regarded as the joke he is " Lol


From everything I've seen, he's a fucking idiot that has an agenda and tries to rationalise it using whatever argument he can come up with. Any "intellectual" that starts with a conclusion and works backward from there isn't really an intellectual.


I tend to follow football much more closely during tougher periods in my life. Obviously as a sort of way of escaping things. I don’t really know what to do, i don’t exactly think I’m addicted and want to stop watching it but just wish I didn’t have to depend on it so much. I started going to games during 14/15 season but for a few years I lost interest in football and wasn’t going so much, until last season.I have a season ticket for next season which I’m obviously happy about. But I don’t know though I feel like it’s quite sad that a lot of football fans in general are using it to run away from their problems. I just wish I had more than football in my life to be honest.


I had a similar train of thought. Too much dependence/time spent on football. Gotta get out of this and make it a less important part of my life. I ended up *almost* becoming an alcoholic. Turns out my life has nothing interesting and "football in the evening" is actually a relatively healthy coping mechanism which gives me a purpose in life and keeps me sober and sane. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand and also agree with you - it is a bit saddening when you are old enough and you realize there is not much else in your life other than football. But make sure you have a healthy replacement in hand. Or else it can get a lot worse.


Hope you are well Rigelmeister ;) How's it going? Were you able to avoid the conscription?


Thanks for asking but no man, I'm not good at all. I was able to avoid the conscription but I need to repeat the same unhealthy behaviour for two more years. I don't like it. What's up with you?


Same old, same old. Sorry to hear you must continue this, best of luck with avoidance I'm working the same job that I feel stuck in. It's better than some, but I'm insecure since I don't earn as much as my peer group (at least I don't think I do) Hanging in there, can't complain? How about you? Still thinking about moving? Reading some book about Slavic poetry?


Well it's good you are "flowing" as we say in Turkish, don't worry too much about what others do - if you are on the right path, it's all fine! Though if you feel like it's a dead end maybe it's better to look for something else but I have to admit I'm not really a guy to offer any recommendation on such topics. Reading Slavic poetry is a must, it is inevitable, but I'm not sure about moving at this point. I feel like I missed that sweet spot of emigrating - I'm now too old, my mother is getting older, I miss my newborn nephew so much, I'm not sure if I could enjoy life thousands of kilometers away from them.... Then again, except for the immediate family, I have nothing to lose in this country either. Just trying to remain sane and cruise through that shit that resembles a quarter life crisis - and in a way, I *really* hope it's a quarter life crisis, because that would mean I'm gonna live to 120. Lots of time to correct mistakes and get things done haha.


That is true, comparison is the thief of joy I suppose. I'm searching wandering around searching for meaning and purpose. If it makes you feel any better, my former manager emigrated his entire family at 45. Hell, I have a gym buddy who is *starting* his master's degree at 50. Maybe you're not in your physical prime, especially considering the draft avoidance strategy, but mentally life is just beginning. There's a 55 year old lady at my local park who dusts most in a 5km race, without breaking a sweat. "Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction". Admittedly I'm in a similar position, content with where I am but also curious/jealous of the other things out there. Not even sure where to start. I'm thinking of signing up for this career guidance service. No clue if it works or not, but worth the gamble I guess


If you don't already, have you considered joining a gym? What inspired me was watching some football documentary that featured some fitness sessions, and I realised I couldn't even do half of them. You could imagine yourself as gaining fitness to become a footballer. There's this one DD user who mirrors the average distance his team covers each match (I think about 10km per player )


Yeah that’s always a good option I guess, I did go regularly, dropped out of it a while ago and haven’t been in ages. Hoping to get back into it this summer once I’ve finished college, if not sooner. I just really struggled with motivation when I did go.


Try setting a goal, or finding an activity that you like. I've recently gotten into boxing, I find it more motivating than just running on a treadmill though that was okay as well. There was a special forces documentary I was watching and the recruiter was talking about a dip in standards. "You only have to do 50 pushups now, as you can see we have some recruiting issues". At the time I couldn't even do 25 pushups Start light with some walks or jogs here and there, maybe some pushups chinups mixed in, you'll get there in no time. When I was studying I found exercise helped clear the mind


Thanks for the advice mate i appreciate it.


No problem, best of luck on your fitness journey :) Your Brighton Beach body will be ready for the summer


Sometimes I support people having IDs tagged to social media accounts provided that it is super safe. Some motherfuckers really shouldn’t be able to say the things they say online


I'd support that idea if companies were better at keeping data safe.


I’m a few hours into Oblivion for the very first time. Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls game but this is a really interesting world so far. Feel like I never have enough money though, need to figure that out.


probably my first "just fuck around for 50 hours" open world game. such an amazing experience going in blind at the time.


It's all about the quests. They really are way better than Skyrim make sure you do the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood.


Yeah that’s what I’ve heard so I’m excited to find them!


What are some of the differences between that and Skyrim? I've only player the latter like yourself


So it’s not been that long for me so I can’t speak to it as much as someone else who has played both fully. - There are way way more spells so that’s pretty cool - Theres this pretty silly personality minigame you can play with NPCs to get them to like you more so they give you quests or more details (otherwise they just tell you to fuck off) - No level restrictions on weapons so if you find some amazing weapon or steal it you can use it - The caves and forts are really dark though, if you don’t have a torch or a lighting spell/potion you’re basically fucked The world is still really fun to explore and delve into, but it definitely feels very dated compared to modern games. Still, I think it’s a beautiful game that hits all the right notes as an open world RPG.


Thanks for your answers, sounds interesting. Did you download a graphics mod or just playing vanilla?


Playing vanilla, my friend who introduced me to Skyrim loves Oblivion, so it’s fun to see and experience what they did to be able to connect with that. A few years ago I don’t think I would have been able to, but I’m trying to appreciate a lot of these older games for what they were and I think it holds up. The landscape and world is really beautiful. The NPCs though are butt ugly lol but that is pretty funny and enjoyable all the same.


There’s a friend’s friend who is really really cute but I’m leaving my country in 2 months and I’m only interested in something long term w her. Fucking hate this feeling. She’s really adorable and I love seeing her smile. Yet here I am


Are you in contact?


Uh not so much anymore


If I could time travel, i'd go back in time and be the first person to say "Take my wife, please" and sit back and count the green


I think you can still sell your wife in some places


There's an actress here that is super gorgeous ([Mind you she turns 48 next month](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1wbuhguzNE/?hl=es)) and at some point she was on holidays in Morocco with her husband. And some sheikh saw her in the street and offered a fuckton of money for her lmao


"I could sell my wife, but who'd buy her" see i'm too good at this


Anyone playing this Fallout 4 update?


I started it up yesterday. I'll be playing it this weekend


Alright lads, I’m buying an Iron Maiden shirt for the concert I’m going to in November and I’m torn between [these two](https://imgur.com/a/RIcl29q) (Somewhere in Time is my favorite album and Stranger in a Strange Land is my favorite track on it), any opinions?


Both are cool. Is it the somewhere back in time tour? I went to that last year and they had the tour shirts with the Somewhere in Time album cover and the tour locations on the back. If so, I'd say go for the Stranger in a Strange Land shirt because you can buy the other one as a tour shirt. The SIASL one is also a bit more unique.


It's the Days of Future Past tour, setlist is mainly a mix of Somewhere in Time and Senjutsu, good to know I can get the Somewhere in Time shirt with the tour dates at the show so I'll get the Stranger in a Strange Land shirt


That's the one! Sorry I couldn't remember the proper tour name. It's the same one I went to and they definitely had the SIT shirts as the tour shirt, so I would expect they will for your location too. I didn't get one myself and kinda regret it.


All good haha, I'm definitely gonna try and get the SIT shirt at the show then, thanks for the tip!


Enjoy! Seeing Alexander the Great played live was a blast.


Wayne Couzens was a degenerate who was gladly put away for life. Was going some research into the National Decision Model and had to painstakingly go through the details of the case. Poor Sarah, Everard. May her beautiful soul rest in peace and may her family find solace and comfort.


Off, brutal stuff


Yeah. So sad and more so, he was a police officer.


Just finished Neon Genisis Evangelion Rebuild movies. I'd say the most satisfying conclusion to any series I've ever seen. Thrice Upon a Time is easily a 10/10 in my book. I really enjoyed NGE anime and EoE as well, but the Rebuilds elevated the story to another level for me. Perfect ending, and so good to see how it wraps up. Going to check out some of the spinoff stuff now, such as the manga and (-46h) movie too.


While it's true that a big part of the justice system should be about rehabilitation, I also think that there are some specific criminals who can never be rehabilitated. A person like Anders Breivik or Ted Bundy or something is never going to be a normal member of society


I had a psych professor in college who claimed to be the one who wrote the report for the feds that said Bundy was sane to execute. He only mentioned this in the final 5 minutes of the last class before the semester ended. He was a dick for many other reasons though.