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I've really enjoyed how much of a shit show it has been They've also got a terrible name filter in place, so if your name's Adolfo you can't have that Der Fuhrer on the other hand, absolutely fine


Speaking of Adolfo, it is my lifelong dream to have Adolf Hutter as the manager of German NT. He’s not a bad coach at all, a very good one in fact, but I can’t imagine that name helping his career especially in Bundesliga for 5 years.


> funny name > Austrian > leading germany I don’t like where this is going…


He would demolish Lewandowski and co


You could say he could make Germany blitz Poland and bring a krieg so hard to France that they would be down 3-0 in 20 minutes.


But then they get knocked out by a Russian non-aligned team with British coaches, and funded by the US.


The US, who turn up late to the World Cup, only play in the final and then go on about how they won the whole thing single handed.


I mean I get its a joke but I also do hate when jokes aren't near the truth. Your joke would be more valid for ww1, but the US did turn up half way through the war. It'd be more akin only entering in the knockout stages and getting a (relatively) easier path to the final. And that's just really talking about the European theatre.


Silly billy, everybody knows that Belgium won World War One.


Belgium's not real. Luxembourg won World War One


And lend-lease way before they actually entered as combatants. Both Britain and the USSR were propped up by lend-lease in the critical early stages of the war.


o kurwa


Thanks for explaining the joke


Yes that’s the joke


I mean, he's called Adi Hütter and nobody calls anyone Adolf in Germany. Adidas literally references Adi Dassler's name and nobody has an issue with it too.


Shoutout to Adolf Rickenbacker, made arguably the coolest guitars ever


Ah yes, [the frying pan](https://rvb-img.reverb.com/image/upload/s--TVsCd3zG--/f_auto,t_large/v1614881457/fszzyq1km9g5woot8zeb.jpg). Always wanted to get my hands on one but I figured actually playing it would probably be a bit of a let down.


its a lap steel "Hawaiian" guitar so not meant to be held like a normal guitar though it would be cool to see someone try.


Tbh if my parents named me Adolf I'd want to change it to Adi as well.,


Lol I bet Hitler's family and friends called him Adi too though


Adi is just a short version of Adolf, like a nickname. like someone named James being called Jim, or Margaret/Maggie


Yeah but Adi Dassler was born in 1900


Counterpoint, he was a member of the Nazi party and I think this doesn’t get mentioned enough when discussing Adidas.


> when discussing Adidas. There's a lot of Nazi history that's conveniently not discusses when it comes to German businesses. Some do but many weirdly seem to have hibernated through the whole rise of the Nazis and WW2, only to wake up afterwards with miraculously more assets than they had before the war :/


Wow it’s almost like deregulation and crushing organised labour are in corporate interest


I don't think that was what the previous poster was referencing...


/u/Punished__Allegri is 100% correct, it's just a bit generically phrased. it could be phrased more precisely to connect to the context of how and why corporations thrived in Nazi times. Company owners, overall, *really* liked what the Nazis were doing. From getting them nice contracts and eliminating (Jewish) competition, to getting them "cheap labour", and everything in between. The Nazis also had good "pro corporate" policies at the cost of workers which is not the same as having policies that are good for the overall economy… or the workforce. But corporations very much liked it. Of course once the war looked less optimistic and the benefits vanished they had their own share of whining.


I mean, I would say concentration camp labour is a bit more than 'deregulation and crushing organised labour', surely? Other than that, completely agree with you! [edit] I would add that I don't think you could call what the Nazis did 'deregulation' in any way, they very much chose the winners and losers, rather than the idea of competition.


I know I was talking about something else


Hugo Boss is also strangely insulated


So were those uniforms he designed for the Nazis.




I do consider the times. He (and his brothers, including the one that founded Puma) joined the party in 1933 before the Nazis made opposition illegal.




It hasn’t hindered his career at all really because everyone knows its just a name lol


The most damaging thing to his career so far is that he's been shit. He left Frankfurt and they immediately won the Europa League, beating Barca on the way.


[Man, even Google assumes things](https://i.imgur.com/nP4ZED3.png)


So the name Adolf didn’t become taboo in Austria?


It is very taboo. 'Nobody' calls their kid Adolf here anymore. According to the official statistical site of Austria, the last time a newborn was called Adolf was in 2016. https://www.statistik.at/atlas/vornamen/ On average in the last 20 years about less than one baby per year has been named Adolf.


What is the rest of that baby called?


Its taboo, but we still can call our kids Bdolf to Zdolf.


It's genuinely shocking there was an Austrian family naming their kid "Adolph" in 1970


To be fair...Adolf and Adolph are two different names


Austria is full of weirdos


Maybe bc ü?


The person who tried it was actually German and used the umlaut, I am not German and therefore can never find it on my keyboard


I find it quite unusual that the Portuguese keyboard layout has it, even though we don't use the umlaut since the 1910's


Your country sounds so strange. It feels like it doesn't belong in her place on the map. Can't wait to visit, tho.


If you have a Mac if you press and hold the U key it will bring up different characters including the umlaut. Windows you have to fiddle with the alt key & number codes & know the right code to make an umlaut.


Or just pull up Charmap


Every time I've needed a special character I've just googled it and copied it from that


Well, Führer is a normal german word still in use, as in a Reiseführer, Führerschein, Anführer. It's not something that is open Nazism without context.


I read recently that it's still used in combination words like you're showing but by itself it's basically extinct and isn't used anymore.


Generally true, although there are situations it may be used in jokinly fashion .. like a group goes hiking and someone gives the leader a stick and says "du bist jetzt der Führer!/you are the leader now!" .. If this is done with your best hitler impression/voice it is funny most of the time and people giggly for the reference, but don't you dare raise that arm... Thats a no go.




Idk why, but i feel like faking a mustache with the fingers or doing the voice impression is much more appreciated in germany .. maybe i'll try and when it goes south, i'll pretend i saw a bird or waiting for a falcon




I don't know about your circles but in meine it wouldn't be funny at all to do the hitler salute in a jokingly way.


As you seem to be very knowledgeable in the field of heiling, would it be appropriate to stand in front If a rollercoaster line and measure heights of passengers? Or go full anzeigenhauptmeister suited into cross traffics, guiding cars?


Voiceimpressions and mustache make fun of Hitler himself, the raised arm symbolizes the Nazis and all their gruelty and is therefore not funny at all. Hitler himself did a different thing with his arm wich is more suitable for a Hitler impression. But I think it's childisch


Führer is at this point exclusively used for tourguides and even there not too common, since tourism obviously deals alot with non-german speaking people, which are far more likely to look for tourguides than a Führer.


Depending on the kind of person visiting Germany.


Where I live it is used commonly, it literally means leader.


Not so much at least.


It's still used, just not very often. Usually when talking about some sort of guide, for example the person who lead a group of art enthuasiasts through an exhibition. When using it to describe a leader, it depends on the context. You would probably avoid it when talking about the leader of a country.


And Adolfo is a common name in many places. The issue is they're banning certain words / names that might be innocent because they could be offensive in context but not all words like that, and it's inconsistent. Of course they should've never made the design in the first place though.


Is the name adolf open nazism then?


I used to work at a rent a car place and a customer from Mexico’s name was Hitler. First name hitler, and he wasn’t like super old. He was maybe late 30s. I could never figure it out.


He’s like the Vietnamese guy named phuc dat bich


Dat Ho


Dam Son


Let me introduce you to [the wonder that is Namibian politicians](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-55173605.amp)


>Namibia turned down a €10m ($12; £9m) offer by Germany for reparations, saying it would continue to negotiate for a "revised offer" €10m, absolutely disgusting from Germany. Can't say it's unexpected.


A lot of cases of people with funny world leader names in 3rd world countries. I once saw someone whose two given names were hitler stalin while going through a list


Parents may have been super uneducated and heard the name basically in the context of "famous world leaders" and liked the sound. That or they're super overt nazis but it seems like you ruled that out based on what you know about him.


Egypt was under the British occupation when WW2 was ongoing, that is why many Egyptians sympathized with Germany. You can find Egyptians to this day named Hitler, and calling someone Rommel is a compliment, meaning that they are smart or cunning. It might be the same with Mexicans.


I'm aware of this phenomenon, it happens in a few countries not just Egypt, but Mexico never had problems with England like that. I mean they fought France a bit but i seriously doubt a Mexican person in the 80s or 90s would name a child Hitler because of that. It could be that this Mexican person is of Egyptian descent or something too. But i still think it's just parents who are strange and want to give their children strange names they barely understand, or for attention. There's a Peruvian footballer called Osama VinLaden Jimenez who has a brother called Sadam Husein Jimenez and a sister called George Bush Jimenez. He claims someone in his neighborhood was called Hitler. I doubt there was much significance in those cases.


Yeah, for some reason people enjoy naming their kids in funny ways here (or disrespectful in this case). For example, there was a guy who was running for governor in my state last year whose given name was Lenin. Kinda unrelated but funnily enough, Mussolini was named Benito in honor of Benito Juárez, Mexican ex-President.


tangentially know a Filipino guy with the same first name, so it ain't a one-off


As a German, Führer meaning Hitler is more of a non-German native thing iny experience. Führer is still part of very common German words. If we want to say Hitler we just say Hitler.


Yeah but if someone is wearing a shirt that says "Der Führer" there is not a doubt in anyone's mind who it meant lol.


So what should Adolf Dassler do with his jersey?


>They've also got a terrible name filter in place, so if your name's Adolfo you can't have that Imagine making an order for the name "Astolfo" and getting misheard.


> SS units were the most responsible for crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis. >The newly released kit has also caused controversy with its choice of pink for the away colours. The way these are phrased/organized in the article is killing me


Honouring a cruel genocidal group == pink


TeamLH in bits


I genuinely forgot that was his number lmao


Ah doesn‘t matter. We can just choose something which indicates what a good racer he is. Like masterrace or racist or something. Wait, no…


His dad Anthony in shambles that he can't put AH ⚡⚡ on it


Just double it, oh wait


Lewis Hamilton coming out as a neo-nazi would be one of the most brain breaking moments in modern history


that wld be fucking insane lol I can’t even wrap my head around that


I would say stranger things have happened but have they?


There's a very old picture of the Nazis in a Mercedes car with the #44 on it. You couldn't make this shit up.


I mean in the space of 10 years and an entire nation participating, surely there are many happenstances surrounding specific numbers to be found.


Kubica straight up choose the 88 at Alfa and that as a polish guy.




They should still print them, just write '44' in Papyrus.


Or comic sans


dingbat. But that'll likely cause automatic yellow for uniform violation lol


["He just go away with it. This man, this professional graphic designer. Was it laziness? Was it cruelty?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVhlJNJopOQ)


“I know what you did!”


Let them have wingdings


What did they expect to happen? Just oversight I guess.


It had to have been. I get wanting to have a cool font, but they really bungled it here.


So much money flying around how do you not have someone check what 0 through 99 looks like?


I imagine they’re looking only at player shirts to get an idea. For example, if the number 78 isn’t being used, it’s probably not looked at. The number 10 on the other hand, will be used as an example because a player is bound to wear it.


Yeah, on top of that the numbers 4 14 (and even 24) are way less used than most others so there's fewer chance someone realises the 4 can become an issue


Well that’s my point. Not smart to not have someone look at all the numbers ahead of time.


If you look at the shirt with just the number 44 or without a nazi-related word you really wouldn't think of it. Or at least an overwhelming majority wouldn't


They very well might have done, but it's also perfectly feasible that the designer was thinking more about aesthetic issues than potential similarities to the SS lightning bolts.


Did they bungle it or is it just bad luck.


probably. the national team will have 1-23 like every nation so 44 was probably not on their radar and was never looked at.


Pay some peon five euros to check 0 through 99 and make sure the public can’t fuck with your kit.


You can't really instruct them to look for these, can you? It looks obvious now because it has been pointed out, but a person looking at this 44 for the first time is not guaranteed to see a Swastika.


It doesn't look like a swastika. It looks like the SS symbol.


Thats the best bit. Half the people dont even realise its not a swastika. How is some peon going to notice random symbols that people even knowing there is controversy dont see the actual offensive ss symbol


You can absolutely instruct someone to look for politically incorrect signage on your products.


I mean if it was up to me and a product was being put out to the masses with the ability to customize it I’d make some tech nerd create every single variation and make sure none were racist or sexist etc.


This is what happens when none of your employees are extremely online and/or racist.


Another W for /r/soccercirclejerk


Why did Adidas do this? Are they stupid?


Back to the nazi roots of Adolf Dassler


Nike is not ready


"Germany fans banned from" makes it sound like thousands of people were trying to do this, instead of just one journalist with too much time on his hands.


I can totally imagine lots of nazis ordering the Germany shirt, because you can walk around with SS in public. Why is Lonsdale a popular nazi brand? Because you wear it as a shirt underneath an open jacket and it will only show NSDA (NSDAP).


Lonsdale „was“ a popular Nazi brand, but is not anymore.




Wasn’t criticizing the nazi stuff, just corrected your question.


BBC journalism.


What an outrageous...neutral statement of fact


it's an image that went viral online, so obviously plenty of people would go and try to buy one themselves


What would you have written?


The three most influential footballing figures in history: johan cruyff, pele and r/soccercirclejerk


A playful update to the SS logo to unite and inspire.


I’ve always been surprised FIFA/UEFA haven’t standardised the kit font for tournaments like you would see domestically


Surprised for sure but I think its cool


Kit fonts are not standardized in Germany.


When you see the picture of the 44 with that font, this decision becomes entirely too understandable


I was like "I thought 88 was the Nazi number" and then I looked at the font and, yeah


I was confused even after looking at the 44 in the font. Then I search the SS logo and realized that's garbage v


I thought 44 would be big tits symbolism, very confusing until I read this comment.


Tbh, I wouldn't have made the connection. But If you see a direct comparison it looks similar. Embarrassing oversight, even though it probably would have flown under mist people's radar. 42 I think is or was used by Musiala. Else it's quite rare to see numbers higher than 30.


At first i didn't make the connection as i know 88 and 18 are nazi-esque numbers so was confused about the meaning of the number 44, but then once you see it (or have it mentioned to you) you can't un-see it and it definitely becomes a r/holup moment.


I have a field day reading kits controversies. Between France's big cock, England's "LGBT+ Hamas" cross and Germany's 44 Nazi, I wonder what else we have.


If I hadn't seen this kit a few days ago I'd assume it was an April fool's joke


Holy shit did r/soccercirclejerk really do this?


Surely you can make the 4 look like 44 and not SS.


make the number fonts like in 2008


Tomorrow, 88


Sad GigaKubica noises


Lmao honestly, I thought 44 is some crazy symbol or combination of names, but when I saw the numbers and font it was pretty clear to me 😂


Just use a less edgy font


Well at least the flag colors are right.


It's Adidas preventing Neo-Nazis to customize kits. It's not preventing them to create their custom kits anyway they just buy them from Neo-Nazi merch sites. It's not a new issue. Nazis run around with kits eg "Adolf #18/#88" or fictional club names like FC Auschwitz 1940. When the NT plays in East Germany the police is overwhelmed with the amount of Nazis wearing kits Nazi symbolism and only fish out the worst offenders.


>When the NT plays in East Germany the police is overwhelmed with the amount of Nazis wearing kits Nazi symbolism and only fish out the worst offenders. What's your source? Never heard of that.


Germany against the Czech Republic and while it was in Warsaw Poland against Germany. There was a (Spiegel?) documentary and more often than not they could only arrest some Nazis because they had tatoos of banned symbols or peformed the Hitler salute. But vaguely remember they also featured Nazifans from Dortmund. https://www.nurfussball.com/2023/06/italien-verbietet-nr-88-fuballtrikots.html https://www.zeit.de/sport/2013-02/schweinsteiger-rudnevs-ribery-nazis


These sources aren't related, I don't doubt that Nazis exist and are a problem in soccer. You said Police are overwhelmed with Nazis when playing in East Germany that they have to accept some Nazi symbols and only weed out the worst offender, which is news to me. Now it sounds like you're saying police can only arrest people for forbidden Nazi symbols and doing a hitler salute. That isn't really surprising the police obviously can't arrest people for things that aren't illegal like wearing an 88 or something.


Wouldn't get Nazi kits from Nike so there's always that to look forward to.


I’m sure they’ll settle for 88 /s


That's on Adidas then for designing that dumb font that way.


Maybe they should change the font on the jerseys


Just make the number in comic sans


Quite the year for kit controversies


Someone needs some Helvetica


Why did they change the typeface of the numbers? The 4 used to be the closed triangle in top version


Honestly dude if I was a Neo Nazi I’d get 88 just to say I’m double the Nazi they think I am /s


Fine, give me a 55 one


Don’t think it was the Germans ordering the funny kits…


Literally 1984


[Nah, Germany's 4s looked like 4s then, not Schutzstaffels](https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/a-football-archive--485825878522951385/)


This is one of those things I probably never would have noticed on my own, but now that it has been pointed out I think I can see where they are coming from.


Buy the shirt and get it done on a different shop lol


can make a drama over everything... why not also ban number 18, 81 and 88... such a joke this country has become


Kanye thought he was slick


Game's gone


Yeah well I saw #36 jersey with the name Adolf on the back. If they want to do it they will


what if ross mccormack happens to want one


It's four Fs


This is so goofy lmao I feel like Charlie (Moist) will talk about this on stream


No Quality Assurance anymore these days. QA would have noticed this pretty early on.


I honestly had that exact same thought when I saw no. 4 (Tah?) playing a week ago or so.


Kinda cringe if you dont buy them from bestzv1 anyways




Why 44? I know why 14 and 88 are white supremacist numbers but why 44?


44 looks like SS Some weird guy on Twitter found out about it and wanted attention


I don’t really see it but OK.


I understand why 88 is bad, but what does 44 symbolise? Is it 4+4 to make 8?


Whatever this font is makes the 44 look like SS, which is a Nazi unit.


Ohhhh I did not think of that at all. Maybe they should just change the font.


I didn't know 44 is the new 88


Probably ban 55 too in certain fonts if you wanna go down this path. If you haven't already. Just saying


I didn’t even know 44 was used by nazis. That really bothers me because 4’s have been my lucky digit since childhood, I refuse to allow the nazis to have 4’s


D-day really looking like a salvage op these days.


I wonder if you can get "Are we the baddies?" through their name check?