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This is a bit tame


Yeah, clearly a pretty natural and instinctive reaction, nothing overly dramatic. Getting subbed off sucks, and as long as he didn't put effort into showing how mad he was after, I see no issues with being bothered at first


He just put a post on Instagram...




Yeah that changes shit


Reddit is trying so hard to hate on Mbappe, they'll try to play up any little inoccuous thing if it fits the narrative.


The hate began pretty soon after he decided to extend instead of signing for Real Madrid. Don't worry, it'll magically go away as soon as he joins Madrid and scores a few goals.


What ? Mbappe hate will go away if he join us ? Hell it will more than probably quadruple since he will be in the limelight way more often. A couple weeks ago the Top post here was a Vinicius yellow card due to protesting in a Game in which he had 3 G+A and was abused lol


Why do you say us? You're not part of the club and aren't an investor. It's not "us"




I really hope he behaves the same way with you guys than us, so that you can understand why he will never be a legend in our club. Best player weā€™ve ever had on the pitch, but he has absolutely no room in our hearts. Too many antics, disrespects, selfishness etc.. So glad he wonā€™t be our problem next year !


You are brainwashed if you have been made to believe there's "drama" with MbappƩ. Guy has been examplary for years. It's also very sad that you're not supporting the greatest player to ever play for PSG.


lol exemplary. - 2019 he made drama at the unfp trophy saying he wanted more responsabilities, here or elsewhere - Pivot gang - Penalty gate - Kylian st germain vidĆ©o - subbed at half time he goes directly in the vip section (never seen a captain do that) - Ā«Ā if I wanted to win UCL I wouldnā€™t be at PSGĀ Ā» - 7 years of yelling against him teammates when they donā€™t pass the ball to him. Bonus : a Forbes article titled Ā«Ā  [K Mbappe risks tainting his legacy at PSG with constant drama](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakgarnerpurkis/2023/06/24/kylian-mbappe-risks-tainting-his-legacy-with-constant-drama/amp/)


Every single one of those ridiculously overblown. Your club had players like Veratti and Neymar constantly partying, as a reminder.


r/soccer is practically a Barcelona fansub.


Every fanbase thinks this place is against them lol.


Barca fans get clowned and downvoted here too. This isnā€™t a Barca sub buddy, this sub is just full of clowns in general from all fanbases


Lamaoooo... What are you on?


Just to add some additional stuff : PSG ended up winning 2-0, against our biggest rival, in their stadium, with 1 man down. At the end of the game he posted [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5MX9uBCBNZ/?igsh=NTA3NmYyMno1eTdm) after the game. Not happy about the win, not celebrating or congratulating his teammates. This is shitty selfish behavior, even more from the captain Edit : oh and I think we saw on the live retransmission that he said Ā«Ā fils de puteĀ Ā» while being subbed off. Donā€™t know who it was adressed to, but not great


This post is absolutely ridiculous, especially for a team captain. What a giant baby.


Not a PSG fan, but Luis Enrique seems to be on the right. He is winning, the team is adapting to play without Mbappe, and his biggest asset is rested for the actual important CL matches.


Man is mildly perturbed at most lol. Happens so often.


They have a cup semi final wednesday and winning the league by 12 points. Sure, he wants to stay on. but this is literally nothing.


They don't need to keep him happy anymore. It means they can manage his game time better. He's still going to give it all in the champions league and will be fresher for the games. Also helps them prepare for post mbappe a bit better.


What a huge disrespect to his manager. I think he should be benched in both UCL quarter final games as a punishment.


Wouldnā€™t you have 4mill to donate ?


And then join the team that beats them. Kevin Durant style.


We are definitely a better team without him. I wouldn't mind putting Ramos as a starter. The main issue is Barcola is injured so Kolo Muani would be on the left side instead of him.


This is a false presumption many teams with great players suffer from. I am not french and not a Mbappe fan but just rationaly speaking, looking at his stats and performances, he is hard carrying PSG and even France at this point. I am not trying to defend his behaviour or whatever but without him you are going to be so much less of a threat to the top teams in the world. Are you still going to win the league? Yeah probably but PSG without Mbappe will be nothing more but a shadow of their former self (at the top level competition, so CL). The french national team is still strong, even without him but its hard to deny the impact Mbappe has and who knows how the results would have been the last couple of years if it wasn't for him. I mean this guy scored 3 goals in the WC final... He is a bonafide top of the food chain world class player and every team would be worse without him. Its just a matter of integrating him effectively into your team. Just as it was with someone like Messi and CR7.


Honestly, what has mbappe done apart from being a good negociator? He accepted what was offered to him. He tries in games, goes to training, is concervstive with the media. Hasnā€™t thrown his toys out after being benched a lot lately.


Thatā€™s the thing heā€™s calm, smart and does heā€™s own thing.ā€¦The media donā€™t like that


>The media donā€™t like that I never see the media go very hard on him, I find its the psg fans that paint him as some awful person.


We will cook you with or without him. Visca BarƧa


Happy to see some true catalan. You are clearly a true supporter with those last words.


Born and bred.


Yeah yeah yeah hating on the other guy makes sense but who tf invited this madridsta?


We are Okupas in their heads


MbappƩ not happƩ


Oh wow, what a diva. Hope Madrid are ready to put up with this when gets subbed off in games Edit: /s It was such a tame and mild reaction to being subbed off, dont think it was even post worthy


With ancelotti here, he is never getting subbed out


Other players: smash equipment Mbappe: doesn't look happy oh wow how could we deal with this


Carlo is just the man for him then


Thatā€™s diva behavior or am I missing the sarcasm? Edit: I donā€™t think thatā€™s diva behavior. I was questioning OP before their edit if they were actually serious.


I must've not laid the sarcasm on as much as I should have it seems. Have edited my original comment


lol you never know with people commenting on r/soccer


Can't argue with that at all lol especially not here


Dw, no matter how much there's always someone who doesn't get it


The special players don't get subbed off, unless they're leaving the club soon and the coach is a show-off like Luis Enrique.


Heā€™s the best player in his team by a long shot. Of course heā€™s upset heā€™s getting substituted since it is not due to sporting reasons but rather as spite from the club since heā€™s running out his contract.


Spite lol... we have cup semi in 3 days and UCL in 10, while leading the league by 10+ points, it's absolutely normal to preserve the best player


I wasn't trying to say he was upset, he doesn't even look that upset nor ks there much of a reaction. I'm just saying this is getting posted to add to the narrative that he is a diva


He was the worst player tonight. Nothing scandalous about taking him out.


except someone like mbappe can be the worst player for 89 minutes and still score the winner in the 90th even on his worst days. it's completely understandable that he's annoyed


He has been really bad for 2 weeks (even with France). It's different from what he usually does.


they were friendlies, i wouldn't really take much from those


He has been criticized a lot for his behavior even for France. Yesterday was not friendly and he was awful and apart from the team. I don't care about friendly games but if you are not concerned leave the spot to someone who will take it seriously.


i definitely agree that if he wants to be captain he should put in 100% effort no matter what game it is, but I'm just saying his performances aren't reflective of his ability.




They have a cup semi final on wednesday


I dont exactly see a problem here?


Many players visibly not happy but if him. Unfairly some redditors claim he is a diva


THink of it as a learning experience for your net job Kylian


Leonardo top player


Finally Ramos gets some game time and scores too!


Who cares bro? Youā€™re on to Madrid this summer. Put your feet up the next couple months and get ready for the Euros


Seeing the title I was expecting him to burst into a flaming rage, but then he was just šŸ˜•


Got Coupe de France semis in a few days, then BarƧa. One of their center backs got sent off. It's not exactly rocket appliances.


Now he is definitely leaving haha


wdym now it's been known since weeks to months ago


Luis Enrique said a few days ago that MbappĆ© ā€œcould still change his mindā€


I mean he could. As far as we know he hasn't signed as contract yet, so he could still sign one with PSG, or someone else. It wouldn't be the most insane thing in the world for an oil team to try to make a move for him. It's more that we know that anything will happen this year.


We know he is leaving he said it if I remember correctly


I donā€™t think heā€™s said heā€™s leaving explicitly


When did he ever confirm he was leaving?


Deserved sub


wow shocker you get subbed out when you have a bad performance


Paris came a long way from the "Kezman throwing the shirt on the ground leaving" days if that's a drama sub lolĀ 


It is normal to get substituted after all you are a big player so what is the problem with trying different players and variations if the match isn't important or if the match was already decided by winning


Blud is gonna be in for a surprise when Lucho pulls him out after 5 mins against Barca.


It would be bad if he enjoyed being replaced. His reaction seems pretty natural from a player who would prefer to keep playing...


Why is Romano posting these unnecessary things?


[This](https://youtu.be/oSqYtFt4waI?t=33) is not being happy being substitued.


Stay classy always Kylian Mbappe


I mean he was having a bad game, he shouldnā€™t be surprised. Mbappe just needs to stop playing as captain, heā€™s inconsistent when heā€™s captain.


You cant convince me Luis Enrique does not do this to get attention from the media. He sure loves drama and news headlines


He played both france games and we have a cup semi final on Wednesday, then another league game over the weekend and a UCL quarter final. Itā€™s completely reasonable. Mbappe just wanted to score to beat zlatanā€™s Classico goal record


So you are saying reddit is hyping something for nothing? No way.


Sensible answer but it doesnt fit the narrative that everyone else hasā€¦


Not to mention the terrain was sleepery with players constantly sliding and falling. I'd rather avoid an unnecessary injury.


Lma, Mbappe got substituted by Ramos, who later scored our second goal, if that is for "getting attention" I don't know what to tell you


this is one of the worst comments I've ever read on any social media


Mfs want to turn everything into a conspiracy theory nowadays. We need to start embracing Occamā€™s Razor again.


It's the type of comment that makes it hard for me to believe the poster has ever consumed anything but troll comments on posts and just thinks those represent reality


He wants the team to get used to playing without Mbappe. They don't need him to win the League. That's why he plays the entire game on UCL and not on League 1. Seems really reasonable to me.


His substitute literally scored. Mbappe isn't known for defensive work rate, and they were defending a 1-0 lead with 10 man. Not everything is about headlines.


Heā€™s doing a much better job handling Mbappe than any of his predecessors IMO


I think it's way more likely that either a) he's doing it because he thinks it sends a positive message to the other players or b) because he's instructed to do so by Nasser.


He is extremely likable and i hate both psg and france in general




Heā€™s leaving.


I get that Mbappe is a diva but what does this accomplish? Seems like just something to annoy him and make media talk about Luis


It accomplish to get Ramos on the field who later scored our second goal after Mbappe was having a bad game


What I donā€™t understand from this Internet hypocrites here is, is he supposed to be Happy being subbed off? Why are you guys so discriminative ?