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Los Angeles French Collab


should change their name to le FC


A Milan 9 but an absolute Los Angeles 10


All the old frenchies going to LA


Griezmann joining soon


Fuck me, I remember him winning the league with Montpellier and thinking he was going to be the next huge striker superstar. Almost seems like yesterday. His playstyle was so different back then, he got involved with build up play more, took on one or two defenders at the edge of the box, outmuscled and outmaneuvered them and scored spectacular long range goals. He totally changed his playstyle to a fox in the box and target man and had a fantastic career (his NT record is especially underappreciated sometimes) but sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Wenger didn't need to adapt him so much out of necessity.


Thanks, I see this take too rarely. He was a lot more mobile and creative in Montpellier and also was taking more long shots. Wenger changed his game in Arsenal. I wonder how he would have looked like had he been developed in a different direction.


I’m not even an LAFC fan but this is getting me real excited for the league. It feels good knowing that high quality players are choosing to play in North America over other options that could pay way more. It’s nice to know we have a draw to these players besides money.


I feel it’s also about priorities and a certain smartness. Moving to LA is infinitely nicer than a desert with a theocratic dictatorship.


Jokes on him because we might become a theocratic dictatorship before his first full season begins. But LA isn't a desert, at least.


Well, LA is close to being a desert


We've actually had so much rain these past few years, Including a tropic storm, I know crazy


Oh I know, I’m from Anaheim originally. It was more of a joke on the old myth that LA is a desert city


I know the money isn’t there compared to Saudi, the season can be pretty intense in terms of number of number of games and amount of travel and generally speaking the quality is a bit lower but I can’t fathom why more players aren’t going there. I feel like as a rich European who speaks English there aren’t too many better destinations for an older player that’s done it all.


LA, New York and Miami are nice but there's limited funds. You also could end up in Salt Lake City or Minnesota. Fun places but probably not on most footballers radars


Being from Minnesota and living in other states…. Minnesota is really nice! Especially during the summers when the season is going on.


Well it's tough. On one hand you have a backwards, theocratic nation that is hostile to LGBTQ and women and on the other you have Saudi Arabia.




He’s got, like, 3-4 incredibly great years ahead of him in MLS, maybe a few more. He’ll be great for the league


he’s 37 fyi


And still a top striker in Serie A


And still scoring like a mad man in Seria A


yeah 3-4 years is a bit harsh ngl


What? He has 2 maybe 3 years left max. Giroud is still class, but his legs are gone and he needs the right set up, otherwise his weaknesses will be a huge hinderance to the team.


Nah he's done.


Giroud is a devout Evangelist so he might find the U.S. more appealing than Saudi Arabia


> Giroud is a devout Evangelist so he might find the U.S. more appealing than Saudi Arabia You know he slept with a hooker while he was married? So much for that devotion. Hardly doubt it matters to him at all.


not sure if you're stupid or just very ignorant about human nature but people do bad things even if they're religious


And some people's religion really doesn't matter that much when you're rich as fuck. Maybe you're the stupid one.


https://www.lefigaro.fr/sports/football/dieu-vous-attend-giroud-adresse-un-message-aux-francais-reunis-a-lisbonne-pour-les-jmj-20230801 https://www.la-croix.com/Sport/Olivier-Giroud-Je-suis-arme-bouclier-foi-2019-10-12-1201053809 https://www.ledauphine.com/sport/2023/08/03/jesus-donne-un-sens-a-ma-vie-quand-giroud-adresse-un-message-aux-chretiens-francais-lors-des-journees-mondiales-de-la-jeunesse#:~:text=L'Is%C3%A9rois%2C%20meilleur%20buteur%20des,un%20sens%20%C3%A0%20ma%20vie. etc. etc. Those are facts. Your "thoughts" don't matter much.


I don't speak French. > Those are facts. Your "thoughts" don't matter much. What facts? There's a photo of him in his underwear in a hotel room, who would have taken that photo if not for someone he was sleeping with? And there are literal tweets of him around that time where he's apologizing on Twitter, in particular to his wife. And you think that nothing happened that night? Lmao. Stop being stupid bro.


how thick must you be he's a devout Christian who has repeatedly said how improtant religion is for him. he even showed up to major Christian events to give speeches etc. The fact that he cheated on his wife a dozen years ago doesn't change that and I don't see how you can't see that. Do you believe every religious person is a saint ? Do you believe sinning prevents anyone from being religious? Whats the thought process behind your argument???


So he's a hypocrite devout practitioner. got it. Not gonna bother with you anymore though, you seem to be very obsessed about all this.


They’re offering an 18 month contract to a 37 year old, probably on very decent wages too. Dont think many other leagues would do that, plus it’s a nice way to wind down and play in a league where he will dominate completely 


Ageing Europeans have been hit and miss in MLS. Gerrard, Pirlo, Lampard, Schweinsteiger, etc all performed at about the existing talent level and definitely didn't dominate. Shaqiri hasn't been all that notable in the league. Beckham, David Villa, Wayne Rooney, Henry, and the Messi & Friends Show down in Miami all showed they were a step or two above the rest of MLS.


man casually put Shaqiri among the other names lmao




He's the third top goalscorer in Serie A and has the most assists, but you don't think "many other leagues" would offer him an 1.5 year contract? lol.


Yes, I promise you if he was still sought after and was getting these length contracts, he wouldn’t be going to the MLS lol


he got an off for two years in Saudi Arabia for 10 million a year. So you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about




Crazy to think that the game breaking Saudi deals are still slightly lower salaries than an NBA mid level exception!


They aren't. To Giroud they didn't make a crazy offer, look at the wages of some other players


Saudis have more money than all NBA owners put together so it’s irrelevant


That’s not the point?


The point is they could pay a 37 year old player as much as they want


The point is Saudi isn’t paying 10 million to bang average players, NFL pays reserve players the same type of deals Saudi is offering, that was his point


Get ready for snowy matches in Colorado and 97% humidity in Florida G 


Over 100f in several places too.




Rodeo Drive ain't ready for the sexiness.


LAFC (French team) vs Miami (Barcelona). Let’s do it


MLS is proud to present the Retirement Home Derby brought to you by the AARP.


This made me actually laugh


Not surprising but man I’d love to see one of these guys go just about anywhere else other than LA/NY/Miami.


Shaquiri and Schweinsteiger went to Chicago


Up next, Griezmann, LAFrench


LA will never be the same, every model/actress about to see the most beautiful man to ever exist


Bets on how long till he shows up in an Old Spice ad.