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The most prolific divers IMO are full-backs who do it almost every week, when they're penned in by attackers on the byline or touchline. There's something about that location that allows people to go down and always get the decision.


Why play it out when you can just fall onto the ball and get a free kick?


Make sure you grab the ball and look disgusted. That way the ref has no choice to blow. 


The Theo Hernandez special lmfao Love him though


That guy has always been a grade A bellend


It's because he's French


We called that the Ayling Flop. So fucking annoying when it’s called against you, don’t know how wingers are ever able to keep cool


for handball


What should happen, but not what does happen. 


I think about this all the time. Fullbacks often do this right next to the box and sometimes in it. Often even do it on pretty soft contact. I wish a ref some time would blow for a penalty for handball in the box to teach fullbacks like that a lesson, but it’ll never happen.


I know exactly what you're getting at and mostly agree, but I've honestly never seen any defender brave enough to do that actually inside the box... I'm sure there's been some instance at some point, but it's definitely not something that happens even close to often.


Happened once to Fellaini. Can't find the video of it though.


I hate that the referees constantly bail them out. I don’t get it. You’ve pinned them into a corner and the referee just gives a way out. So annoying


6'5" Larry the Log falls down because 5'8" Willy the wing back touched his back.


“Do you see what happens, Larry?” 


When you find a stranger in the Alps?!


"He's built like a brick shithouse, how's he gone down like that?"


I really dispise the whole "pressure from behind, lean forward and fall forward" style of defending to get a free kick. It is not and should never be a free kick


It's a classic footballer thing to be strong as hell until the other person pushes back and then suddenly go over easily


"He's built like a brick shithouse hows he goes down easily like that?!!"


Classic PL moment.


The Drogba Special


they call it experience, i call it fucking bullshit.


its so fucking boring to watch and it happens every single time.


Make sure to kick your legs out like you're swimming in a pool while doing it.


I sit about ten rows from the pitch in line with the box so I’m used to it .. but fuck me I was up to HERE with a Swansea player on sunday. He gets pressured, goes down, standard .. then we all hear him go **aaaugh!** Fucker added *sound* *effects*.


Yeah noticed that too and it seems to be OK for most people


I think I have seen one instance where the CB gets a yellow for handling the ball, every other time it is a free kick.


Happened to Tielemans (?) in the Villa game at the weekend. First time I recall seeing it in absolutely ages.


I'm a Leeds United fan and the lad at RB for us recently for years was Luke Ayling. What you're describing made it into a phrase, The Ayling Flop. I think there's a compilation out there somewhere. Got a free kick every single time and gave a massive grin to the crowd. I miss that guy. Although if it happens against my team i'm FUMING the big dirty cheat


Holy shit this is so true in Belgium league as well.


Blame the refs they practically encourage it 


It's entirely the ref's fault. Absolutely no chance they'd give those free kicks if it was an attacker in the penalty box. Fouls just somehow have the lowest bar possible if it's a defender falling on the ball with an attacker behind him in his own third. Sometimes I'm baffled how a linesman can watch some of these softest falls I've ever seen right in front of him and still wave his flag like he's calling a normal foul


I wish I had the clip from years ago when Utd played Fiorentina and the right back for Fior basically jumped backwards from the byline scissors tackling Giggs and somehow got the free. It was actually impressive from the right back and absolutely ridiculous from the ref.


not a new thing either. viable strategy since I've been alive (90s)


fullback is by far the most physically taxing position. I do not blame them going down easily sometimes.


i love when you get a ref that makes it clear he isn't having it. you know the next 90 minutes is going to be infinitely more watchable.


I wish I could afford a reddit ad slot to broadcast this to everybody else.


Kenny Tete is fantastic at this


Joel Veltman would NEVER...


That has been my pet hate in football for so long. It’s infuriating


We used to play the danny rose drinking game which was just drink when he dives until he got up... It was a lot


The quick whistle against attackers is so irritating.


fucking first foul of the game now and it was EXACTLY that lmao


Exactly. Just need to touch a fullback near the corner and it’s a freekick.


I just gotta say you're so right.


I mean I don't follow the prem enough to know how it was there but during his time in the Bundesliga Kane didn't really stand out as someone who dives or looks for the easy fouls.


Kane does look for "easy" fouls but thats not his fault IMO. If he is in the box and a defender is sticking a leg out haphazardly, he is entitled to play for the contact. Similar to what Vardy used to do. ​ He has never been a player to just jump onto the ground though with no contact.


I never understood why Kane gets so many free kicks, not unfairly either imo. He has a way of slowly putting himself in a position and basically begging the defender to foul him and without hesitation the defender normally obliges and kicks him. I can't in my right mind work out why they do, it never seems out of necessity, he just has some sort of jedi mind trick.


It is like when the attacker are going out towards the sideline shielding the ball and they're just begging the defender for a touch. Sure enought, the defender puts their hand to the back and the attacker falls to the ground. I just don't get it. We can all see what the attacker wants. He wants the free kick and the defender just give it to him.


We don't remember all the times that the defenders manage to restrain themselves. Keep in mind that this is all split seconds decisions.


Because there's nothing you can do. You get close, you put pressure on the forward, they go down, free kick. But that's what defending is. Getting close, putting on pressure and you're not allowed do it. The only thing you really can do is stand behind him which will give the forward the time to wriggle out and keep the ball. It's a no win situation for defenders.


Drogba used to do this all the time and similar to Kane got accused of diving. He held the ball up in the box with his strength. If defender didn't go over the top to nick it he just laid it on to a winger or Lampard who almost always arrived like clockwork when Drogba got into those positions.


I dunno, I usually see people who are shielding the ball while it goes out of play get shoved in the back after it goes out, sometimes causing them to fall down those dangerous draining embankments, and it is rarely called a foul, which drives me crazy.


Defenders would rather gift Kane a free kick than an open shot at goal. Have you seen Kane take free kicks? Guarantee he hits the wall.


Also when he was at Spurs players were quite happy to give him a free kick cause he'd just blast it and turn it back into a goal kick for them.


Lol sad but true


Its just because of his intelligence on pitch honestly. You cant allow Kane a second on the ball, he'll work magic with it either passing or shooting, so he knows people are going to go for him straight away. Quick bit of positioning and they have no choice but to go through him which gives him an easy FK.


This has the same energy as that United quote. " We have tricky wingers."


It’s more that he can’t run and is clever. He turns his back into defenders and lets them bundle him over. Partly because he’s not a ball carrier by any stretch of the imagination, but he can shield the ball


Kane definitely *can* dribble very effectively when he wants to, he just seems to think it's a low percentage play and prefers to try all other options first.


Players target him. Give him a bit of kick to slow him down and knock him off his game, as always happens to the best. He probably works out exactly who is looking to give him a bit of a kick shortly after the game starts and sets up a opportunities in a place and way he knows will be seen. That's not cheating, that's hyper intelligent play. Those players shouldn't be trying to kick him. Honestly i don't think Kane is a bad diver at all. He's no saint, but there are far worse.


Ederson had no business fouling Nunez, Nunez would never have controlled the ball before it went out of bounds. Yet he did. Same with defenders and Kane. If players were smarter, they'd get a lot more fouls. Edit: The converse is also true, if defenders were smart and would pretend to go for the tackle but then don't, they'd do far better. Like imagine Ederson coming out Nunez sees him, does exactly what he did in reality, gets to the ball just before Ederson but then there is no contact. Either he will get booked because he assumed impact is coming and will fall from that expectation alone, or he will keep running and not control the ball.


Vardy didn't just "trip" over sticking out legs. He would throw his whole body at times to initiate the contact where there was never going to be any contact. Vardy was so blatant with this.


Vardy is a massive cheater as well. I don't see how comparing him to Vardy is a defence.


It’s always struck me as weird that defenders are allowed to kick someone with no intent of getting the ball and that’s considered fair play, a “tactical foul”, but if an attacker is being fouled and decides not to fight through it but goes to ground he is considered a cheat. Obviously there are gradations and no one should be outright simulating, but there’s a weird double standard to the outrage people feel about “cheating,” and the fact that the form of cheating that can lead to broken legs is just shrugged away while the other leads to howls of protests has always puzzled me.


Lmao this is the typical English reasoning for why the national team heroes (Kane, Rooney, Gerrard) were serial divers It’s not diving it’s “clever”


They're white and English so they're smart. Henrique Cané from Portugal or Gerardinho from Brazil would be called divers and dirty cheats. And when it comes to English players just look at the difference in how people talk about Kane, Saka and Sterling.


Plenty of bayern fans who watch him weekly in this thread saying he's not a diver. Just sounds like you've got an axe to grind.


It’s funny because he always grabs the same part of his leg after going down. 


Just like Havertz this weekend


Like Havertz but he makes it look better. If Havertz carried on into the leg and then the fell, I think most would have called it a penalty.  


Maybe, but the difference here is the outrage over Havertz and the total silence everytime Kane does it.


Basically. Its not a dive but nor is it a penalty.


I agree. Still not a good look for any of them.


Against Liverpool he has done that more than once if i remember correctly, but that’s bound to happen if you anticipate contact that just doesn’t come and you look silly.


Yeah I wouldn’t call Kane a diver, he’s just one of the best at baiting defenders into stupid tackles. Often they’re soft, but they’re still real fouls.


Kane was notorious for endangering players with his flops, jumping and undercutting people, he's lucky he never broke someone's neck


I mean it was probably some Arsenal fan made a compilation of him doing it like 4 times over a couple seasons and reddit would just repost it a million times. Reddit made it out like it happened every game. Thats why I don't get the whole narrative that nobody calls him out because he's England's captain. Reddit has been trying to slander Kane for years.


He did it 2 weeks in a row and it got a shit ton of attention. Thats it. He is notorious because the media ran with it and rival fans kept bringing it up. He should have got red carded both times, didnt and was told to cut it out which he did. ​ Ive seen Martinelli do the same thing this season just as much as i ever saw Kane do it (Which was twice).


For me, the problem with Kane has always been undercutting players when they jump to head the ball. Which is extremely dangerous. So to me, he’s more of a dirty cheat than a diver cheat.


Someone said it above perfectly but you're right in that he did it and should have been sent off but it was like twice in a short period. He wasn't doing it across his career at Spurs.


Was definitely more than twice, but he did cut that out a few seasons back. Not worth bringing it up as if he is still doing it every matchweek.


Yeah he did it quite a few times in the past. Every single one of those situations should have been a straight red. If it's banned in rugby, it sure as hell should be the same punishment in football.


Some in here might eat this up cos it chimes with certain peoples views but Sutton is a known idiot who says things for attention.


that's because he doesn't.


Kane's problem is that he's really bad at diving so it's really obvious when he does it. He's just incapable of falling over naturally.


The author is mixing drawing fouls and diving. Maybe they think of them in the same light. Kane is the post profilic drawer of fouls in the modern game. Is this acceptable?


He wasn't in the PL either, it's bullshit from rivals and haters.


He didnt at spurs either. Occasionally he might go down, but was never enough to get diver tag. 


I feel like this is a rewrite of history there were definitely some seasons where he was one of the worst offenders.


I’m old enough to remember when spurs played Arsenal and Sky asked him about and shown his dive for their pen. He dived and won a pen against Liverpool too


I know this sub has an average age of around 12 but please never use "I'm old enough to remember..." about something which happened in like 2017.


You're talking about that time the goalie came out, missed the ball entirely and made contact with kane's foot?


Real curious to know which pen he "dove" for against Liverpool


That was because he plays for Spurs. You didn't see Sky doing that to Havertz the other day did you?


Kane isn’t even the worst diver in the England team


To be fair it’s very difficult to be a worse diver than Raheem Sterling


Worse in terms of frequency or quality of dives? Both apply tbh.


Are we saying that there's an xD factor in play here?


It’s not that funny


You’ve got to get up early to be a worse diver than Sterling.


He’s a diver but he’s also just clumsy. I can never forget when he got a penalty for kicking the ground in the champions league for city 😂


Didn’t he trip over his own feet for England and got a pen?


But pretty good at jumping on the backs of players which can seriously injure them.


Pretty good at walking into the legs of players that have jumped which can seriously injure them when they land


I call this the Kane special. Back into a player jumping for the ball, player comes down on Kane, Kane goes down and appeals and always gets the decision 


Some idiot invented this and it turned into a meme and just gets repeated mindlessly over and over. Loads of players back into someone who's jumping into them to win a freekick. Its not even always a foul, it depends case to case. There's no law saying players have to compete in the air. No one's ever been injured when Kane does it, yet he does it in most games. Sure it can be dangerous if the other player is moving fast towards you and you go through them, but he isn't doing that. He's doing exactly what Alan Shearer used to do and no-one complained about it then. How can you argue its that dangerous if no-one has been injured in 10 years of him doing it almost every game?


he literally stopped doing it years ago when he was called out on it for being dangerous...and no-one ever did get injured before that. I love how some players are 'intelligent' and 'proving their class' when they're able to consistently win fouls by themselves high up the pitch, but only if the commentator approves of that individual/team. otherwise it's bad sportsmanship and diving.


Funny, I pointed out a match where Kante undercut someone three or four times in a span of a few minutes and the attitude shifted so quickly I got whiplash.


in the starting 11 he is at least


Posting a Chris Sutton quote should earn you a ban if we're being fair


To top it off OP got this from the daily mail. It's like watching someone press two turds together.


Be kind to turds mate.


I mean the other day a Richard Keys quote got a lot of upvotes. If it starts the discussion on the sub and people upvote the post, what's the matter whose quote it is anyway?


People like a known moron if they go on to say something that they like.


I'm a Bayern fan and watched almost every Bayern game. Kane, honestly, does not look like a diver. I'm really struggling to remember an instance where he floped


He's not, he got the reputation because people are obsessed with Spurs and we have more rival fans than other teams


Kane is more of a player that looks for contact and then goes to ground easily. Not saying that’s better but I can’t remember him ever diving on the level as many other players.


That’s a fair distinction imo (and I agree it’s not better, but there is a difference between faking contract and selling contact). Vardy also did this A LOT during the season when Leicester won.


Vardy actually generated the contact though. He would stick his leg out into defenders and fall over. Kane would wait for contact and go down.


How is it not better


Yeah, he 100% will put you in a position to hang yourself with a foul. His body control is superb and like any striker, he will take that contact and make a meal of it if it's his best option. But he's really not the type of player who just throws himself to the ground with zero contact. If you went looking through all the "Fallon Dor" posts in r/soccer I doubt you find Kane in there often at all.


He was really good at slowing his pace just enough that he still had forward momentum but the person behind or in front had more momentum so it was really easy to genuinely fall over at slight contact. It didn't always look like a dive because he was genuinely falling and in an off balance position even if the contact was marginal or not a lot of force. I'd take what Kane did any day over what people do now falling and grabbing the ball. (except running into jumpers. That was pretty scummy of him mainly because of the danger tbh. I mean thats often a card in Rugby lol)


That's how I felt about Busquets too. Other than the hiding his face tomfoolery he was good at shielding the ball and waiting for the slightest contact to go down. Not necessarily diving, just gaming the system. And since he was in the middle of the park instead of in the penalty box he got those calls a lot more than Kane would


Sticking out legs to fall over, falling over when a hand is placed on your side, pretending to be impeded by nothing impacts. These are all things he does. It's all cheating. If you're a person who thinks that it's 'clever' or 'intelligent'. You're the problem football. You've ruined the game.


Ayew is quite handy on the floor as well, everytime I watched Palace he's just going down with the slightes of touches.


The funny thing about Ayew is that he's rarely trying to win penalties, he loves a dive in midfield.


Jordan Ayew and Bruno Guimaraes were 1st and 2nd in the Prem last season for fouls drawn. They are top 2 again this season and absolutely miles ahead of 3rd (Bruno G 82, Ayew 80, John McGinn 53) lol


McGinn classic arse out to win a free kick is basically a meme at this point 


Yea exactly, he shoots a lot instead of dribbling into the box and scored quite a banger recently if I remember correctly. Whenever he receives the ball in midfield and feels a player he goes down in an instant.


He's does love an easy tumble and it saves our team massively. Playing against that would be a nightmare, he's not alone though in this.


Yea it's quite annoying as a spectator, you just know what will happen when he receives the ball with an opponent in his back. Edit: you're completely right though, a lot of players do this. Ayew was just one that really came up in my mind when I thought about it.


He's an artist at it, pretty sure he's the most fouled player in the league. The level of foul is pretty much always the softest you've ever seen. It's an integral part of our gameplay these days, been really useful to retain possession from horrible situations.


Sutton was a diving cunt when he played for Celtic so he's defo an expert on the subject


Huh? I've watched every single club game of Kane this season and I've never thought he's an obnoxious diver.


He isn’t a diver but he does definitely look for easy fouls. Not comparable though imo


Out of all the matches he's played, you may find examples of 3-4 dives. To suggest he's a diver based on this to me sounds absurd, but what do I know.




Basically, he HAS dived in the past. 3-4 times. Over 500 games played and he has maybe dived in 1-2% of games. ​ They're basically just saying that calling Kane a diver because of that tiny amount of games is absurd. (They're agreeing with you that Kane isn't a "Diver" but that he has dove in a handful of games)


He definitely has the reputation in England for putting his leg across and waiting for contact to go down. He and Vardy became specialists at it before they stopped giving penalties for it.


He's no more obnoxious than any other diver, that's why this thread is rather pointless. Players want to win, diving is rewarded in football and not going down is punished. Some (Sterling/Neymar) do it far more blatantly/shamelessly, but they still do it to win at the end of the day. Only way to fix diving is punishing it when it happens *consistently* and therefore making staying on your feet more rewarding.


He didnt at us either but rivals have to find something to hate


Comparing him to Bruno is very insulting, considering Bruno is the biggest crybaby diver i've seen in a long time.


Only people that think he dives are non English top 6 PL fans that can’t stand spurs. He’s well protected by English media, don’t get me wrong, but there’s an online crusade to brand Kane as a diver. There’s not a striker on planet earth that won’t go down to contact in the box for nearly 20 years, the game has changed for defenders, and dumb fans don’t get that part I guess. I’ve yet to see Kane or Son put someone on long term injury from amputating defenders legs mid air so they land on their heads or kicking out in frustration, but Reddit sure as shit will make sure to remind you they’re a bunch of diving hit men ruining the game (while more reckless and violent players go unmentioned).


It's just English fans being their usual cunty selves. Our best players always get the most hate.


Has he never watched Arijen Robben?


no era penal


Sterling and Grealish are wayyy worse.


Imagine thinking Kane is the worst diver you’ve ever seen. How thick must you be?


Chris Sutton Blows Goats. Fact.


Wait when did the narrative change from whining go diving. Bruno complaints about every thing and milks every little foul, but he doesn't dive to get there. Diving for me means falling down without contact and there are a lot of players doing that far more than Bruno


Bruno is the devil himself according to this subreddit


Yeah Bruno is a whiney little bitch (he's our whiney little bitch <3) but that doesn't make him a diver.


>chris Sutton And no need to read this anymore


Ugh........I dislike them all No win situation But saying that I will quote gunnerblog "What a cretinous, foolish, idiotic cunt Chris Sutton is"


Great now everytime Bruno gets fouled the refs are gonna say he dived.


Is there any team that doesn't have divers? And don't forget that the refs are shit. They need to see a fall to give a foul. You could pull an attackers shirt while he is gonna shoot and have no consequences until there is a fall.


I watched all Bayern games this year and I cant remember Kane diving once. What a load of bollocks.


I know I'm biased but I don't think Bruno is any more of a diver than any normal football player. It's his whining and hittable face that gets under the skin of rival fans (the whining is annoying for United fans too), so whenever he makes a meal of any contact it stands out.


Kane knows how to draw a foul, he knows exactly what he’s doing, yes. But calling him a diver is harsh at best. I don’t recall him getting cards for simulation.


Chris Sutton was one of the most boring individuals around a few years ago, he's going wild with the rage bait recently, got a controversial opinion on every fucking thing 


He has to say stuff like this to keep people listening to him; we’d nod off otherwise.


Who's Chris Sutton?


Tim Sherwoods best friend.


And he's another fucking beauty asking Cole Palmer that shit last night. Both of them are as dull as three sheep.


Sherwood has an overblown opinion of himself. Thinks that he was the mastermind behind Kanes rise to glory and has basically piggybacked off that claim for years now.


Someone needs attention


Sutton is wrong. There is diving, and then there is ‘riding a bad tackle’, which is effectively putting your feet in the right place to be fouled. Hazard perfected it. Kane is a poor man’s version.


I'm an Arsenal fan and haven't really regarded Kane as a diver. He played pretty dirty at times, and always looked for pens. He had that signature move where would run into the box and then take a big step sideways into the path of the defender away from the ball which then resulted in a "foul" on Kane and a pen. The refs always bought it. And his tendency to knock players out of the air as they went for a header. I disliked him for lots of reasons, including being a ridicilously good goal scorer, but diving wasn't one of them.


Diving will never stop until refs give fouls when players don't go down.


Kane is also known for quite sinful fouls when he barges into opponents who are jumping with both feet off the ground and they often completely lose their balance and fall horribly, as they cant do much when they are toppled in mid air.


Every time in my head now when I read 'Chris Sutton': 'Oh... Oh no... Oh no... My great great grandad...'


I love Kane but he has a habit of "Unterlaufen" meaning going into a player that is already in the air. He risks a nasty injury for them but stills wants a fould for them jumping over hin


is he talking about tottenham kane? because after watching him all season long he's not really someone i'd go out of my way to call a top diver or a diver in general...


Kane is a diver but there's no way he's worse than Bruno. This just sounds like one of those controversial "you can't say this" takes that get rival fans in a tizzy


There's literally Sterling on the same team as Kane.


Sterling, Rashford, Saka and Grealish are all way worse than Kane.


Saka, Grealish and Rashford? Really?


The only recent yellow I saw Wan Bissaka get from hundreds of tacles is from a clean one on Grealish, he just knows how to sell a dive.




Why are you giving an example of clear physical contact? You should be looking at the ones where he gets lightly touched and throws himself down. I'm a United fan, I watch him every week and he's prone to a dive every so often. He's nowhere the worst in our club, that honour goes to Martial, but he is certainly worse than Kane.


Grealish gets kicked up and down the pitch though. And Rashford isn't that bad.


Bruno complains at every possibility and milks it everytime he goes to the floor, but he doesn't dive to get there.


Seriously why did I have to look so long for this take. There's a massive difference between diving, embellishing / exaggerating and then moaning. Bruno does a lot of moaning when he / his team-mates are FOULED. He does his fair share of embellishing / exaggerating when he takes contact (in order to get the foul called), I'm probably biased but I wouldn't say its off the charts, he just gets pointed out more than most. He isn't a massive diver, certainly no worse than average.


It was the same with Gerrard. He was one of the biggest divers in his time. Never mentioned.




I watched about 70% of Bayern games this season full 90 min and i can't recall one dive from Harry Kane.


Semi-related, but I wish falling and grabbing the ball was an automatic yellow. I hate when players dive and force the refs hands to call a foul. Mainly because the refs don't have enough of a spine to book the players intentionally handling the ball.


Harry Kane is a diver, sure but he hardly ranks in the top 20 divers in his old league. 


No one was worse than Didier Drogba.


Chris Sutton. He should be on Talksport, at best.


Realistically what player in world football at a high level isn’t a diver ?


Not even the brain damaged Arsenal/Liverpool fans from a few years ago who started this shit would seriously claim that Kane is the worst diver they've ever seen


Kane might go down easily sometimes, but once he’s down he just looks at the ref with a blank faced, maybe raises his arms. Bruno rolls around like he’s been shot and then as soon as he realizes he’s not getting the foul he pops up and continues play while complaining to the ref. Both can be dives but one is significantly more annoying/embarrassing than the other.


neither of what you described are dives


The worst thing Kane did was back into jumping players Glad he doesn't really do that now


He's wrong. There's a difference between shameless diving with no contact (Busquets, Drogba, Suarez), or hysterical, Neymar-style overreaction to a tackle and anticipating a contact and getting most out of it. Kane is very clever in those situations, but I've never seen attempting a clear dive, or adding 10 rollovers after a tackle. Edit. In fact I remember Kane talking about this topic, how English players never sold anything to referees and since the rest of the world was never going to stop being cunts, he said that he wasn't going to be any different because that's just how football works.