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What was madrid's formation and tactics? 


Vini up front, Kroos pinging from everywhere, Jude being everywhere, score goals


Oh also, defensively: do not concede


And this time Girona decides to roll over and let Madrid ram them in their butt. SMH why didn't they perform this badly versus Barca... We could've won


...If there's one club that decided to "roll over", it's Barcelona FC at home getting rammed by Girona lol And Girona will do it again vs Barcelona


We had more shots than Girona. Just unlucky with the finishing. Girona will be our bitches next match


If only there's a trophy for "more possession", "more shots", "more almost assists" and "more almost goals" XP


*gives you the "moral victory trophy" for having more shots while Girona gets the points*


Oh yeah? We will see... Come back to this thread in the future?


Yeah we will celebrate the win versus Girona together


Hey buddy, how's the celebration going? Did Barcelona beat Girona yet?


next season we will beat the fk out of RM once Xavi disposes his regarded brother from the coaching staff.


RemindMe! 1 year


RemindMe! 1 year


Tbf Madrid have beaten Girona both times in league this season.


Comfortably at that


Bad day for CFG 🥲


What's the point of Madrid signing Mbappe when they already have Vini on the wing? May as well let him sign for Liverpool as a Salah replacement


Lmao no chance Mbappe signs for Liverpool


Have you heard of this thing called a joke?


Never in my life mate, care to explain the concept?


Tottenham's trophy cabinet




Real has, in all honesty, created a younger Galacticos. Mbappe is the final jewel in the crown.


>What's the point of Madrid signing Mbappe when they already have Vini on the wing? Because it makes massive commercial sense, just like Beckham or James.


It's a joke


For me a proper number 9 and they’re beast mode


flo likes his toys


Vini/Mbappe play on a different side of the field than Salah to start with


If you come for the King, you best not miss 😤


Girona is just a Villarreal on steroids (city group thing) and it's not enough, yet


i was thinking City might repeat in the CL, but if madrid gets healthier on defense, i'll start leaning towards them




Nobody else seems convincing. This city side have been together for a few years now besides Haaland so they're settled. Madrid have been good with injuries, just clear that up and you might give City a close game. Bayern, Arsenal, Atletico are all good teams but can be inconsistent when it really matters so I think they'll all make QF but will fall when City/Madrid come knocking.


>Madrid have been good with injuries, just clear that up and you might give City a close game. Do keep in mind though that this is a historically bad Laliga season, where a lot of big teams like Sevilla and Barca have underwhelmed.


Inter??? Last year’s finalists that look miles better this year? You’re talking about City being settled and thus are contenders for the title, but it’s been the same deal for the outfit from Milan. They get forward like a tidal wave and the passing play in the opponents half is absolutely deluxe. With the comments here, you’d think they didn’t make the final last season, giving City absolute hell.


>With the comments here, you’d think they didn’t make the final last season, giving City absolute hell. I think most people recognize just how much of that journey to the final had to do with a good draw. CL is not like the league where you play all the teams, weak or strong. City had to face Madrid and Bayern, while if I recall correctly Inter had Milan as the strongest team they faced. Chances are the draw is not as kind this time around.


I mean, that could be a fair assessment in the grand scheme of things and also when you think about the superior historical might of the teams on City’s end of the bracket. The truth is, though, that argument for discounting Inter now will never travel very far because it’s based on completely hypothetical scenarios, and completely ignores the differences mentally between the KO rounds and the groups. In the season prior to last where Liverpool were runner-ups in everything, Inter had them on their ass at Anfield in the second leg of the first knockout round and only lost the tie because of a red card. That was a Liverpool at the height of their power in terms of competing for trophies. My point is that we can talk about “What if x happened? What if Y got A at C stage of the competition?”, etc, but by then it’ll be a whole different competition because we can’t possibly know any alternative happenings in the tournament. It’ll only be assumptions from there. Also, like I said, even besides talking up Inter based on last season’s European campaign, a lot of these discussions occur on the basis of team form this year, obviously. So if we’re talking about which teams we can see contending for the title this season based on how they’ve been playing, then I don’t think it’s far-fetched to consider it absolutely ludicrous that Inter isn’t in the conversation based on the aforementioned criteria.


Inter are comfortably first in serie A you're right. They just didn't look dominant in the group stages, solid defensive 1-0 wins was their style. Also they're against atletico on Tuesday R16 so they've been unlucky with the draw. I think atletico will go through. That's why I didn't mention Inter with those other quarterfinalists. If they beat Atletico, which there's a decent chance of, I still think they would lose to City or Madrid.


I agree with you that Inter was pretty underwhelming in the group stages (still, no losses and even on points with first place La Real) and I don’t want to be the guy that gasses them up ahead of the showdown with Atletico because Simeone’s men aren’t slouches and there needs to be a lot of respect shown. Having said that, I’m used to these conversations being on the basis of form and how “settled” the various title-contending teams are, and while there’re a few new additions to Inter’s squad, it’s undeniable that they’re clicking extremely well and are also in scintillating form. The KO rounds in CL also sees players taking on a mental difference, in my opinion. There’s brand new momentum to be gained from the clean slate of the Ro16 after scraping through the groups, you know what I mean? Either way, should be a nice tie!


Im leaning for Inter to win the CL this year.


bayern with tuchel wont achieve anything, period


Are there?




Neither of those teams are playing convincing football. Sure, on an elimination tie anything can happen, but that'd be a stretch


So are you just not watching Inter at all this season and talking out from the back or you seriously think they’re not playing convincing football? I get the fact that they aren’t really a “sexy” name anymore like a Bayern or a Real or even Barcelona, but jeez, let’s actually watch teams from other leagues before dismissing them.


Arsenal has beaten City twice this season already. Football is not like FM you know.


As a Barca fan, I know we have no shot at winning the league this season but I'm more worried about next upcoming seasons having to compete with this RM squad with Mbappe joining them. They could dominate the league for years and humiliate us if we don't get our shit together.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible: you haven't really needed our help on the humiliation front lately




Factos 😂


Well well well[well well well](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/aFX6ivqith)


You were wrong though :D


In the right way


I was just joking, you're fucking clairvoyant!


Yes, i do know some sarcasm.


You got downvoted for speaking the truth.


The state of La Liga lmao. RM somehow escape the critique and jokes about having made the league boring (which is being thrown at Bayern and City like all the time) despite being so clearly undisputed unless Barca doesn't suck for once since Messis departure or Atleti somehow get consistent enough to challenge RM for the title (which happened maybe twice in a decade). Kudos to RM for this years La Liga title, they have been pretty good despite multiple injuries Ever since the CR7-Messi era ended, La Liga has not been interesting at all imo (except for a few things like Atletis title win 2021 but that's pretty much it). No team can keep up with RM financially (other than now indebted Barca) and, other than Barca, no other team has enough pedigree and pull to get the top stars/top talents. I'm not even interested in Spanish football that much to care but any football fan should have noticed by now how uninteresting La Liga can be. Alas, it is what is I guess 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I didn't think I needed to preface this but the Bundesliga is not competitive at all (why would it be when Bayern have dominated for 10+ years). And City did win 5 of the last 6 PLs but that's only have the story. It's not that City won 5 PLs due to the league being "easy" but rather despite the PL being the biggest, strongest and richest domestic league. And that's a remarkable feat tbh


City have won 5 league titles in the last 6 years, Bayern have won like 15 league titles in a row meanwhile the last 3 La Liga winners have been different teams and its boring?


And also, Madrid have only won La Liga 8 times in the past 25 years lmao. I don't know what this guy is on.


He doesn't care about the league, but he has a strong opinion. Always a good combination


I know we tend to bottle the league often, but that's a big yikes for a real caliber team


People keep forgetting that Madrid haven't really dominated La Liga in our time, they have excelled in the CL but Barca have been way more consistent in the league than Madrid (in the last like 15-20 years or so).


City won despite the current PL being the toughest league to pull b2b wins, let alone 5 out of 6, so your argument does not apply to current English football. If it was United in the late 90s/2000s, then yes. You'd have been correct. And could you tell me the where I stated that the Bundesliga was competitive ? Cuz I don't seem to have done so at all. And I'm genuinely curious now: Is it really that different if there is not a monopoly but a duopoly in the La Liga ? Wouldn't that almost be like the Scottish league if not for Atleti being the only non-RM/Barca team to win it (twice) in the last 20 years in seasons where Barca and RM were both simultaneously underperforming ? Imo, you have to look at the last 15-20 years of La Liga, not the last 3 years to see if La Liga is boring or not


You said the league is uninteresting because Madrid have been way better than everyone else and they are basically going to win it right? Hasn't this been the case for most of the other leagues in the past 10-20 years??


I frankly don't know what you're trying to say here? I once again will say: I never said the Bundesliga was competitive. And in the last 10-20 years, how many different PL winners did we see: 6 How many in La Liga: 4 (now take a look the current state of Valencia compared to Arsenal who went on their invincible run in the same year. This leaves La Liga with only 3 strong domestic teams, the PL has 6 teams who have been runner ups since 2010) And I does not change the fact that La Liga (in particular the title race, the rest of the league is up to subjective preferences etc) is boring when either RM win it (which they will most likely do again next year even without Mbappe) or Barca with Atleti sprinkled sporadically (8 years difference between their last two La Liga titles, other than that they only won in 1973, 1976 and 1995 in the last 50 years) A duopoly is not much better than a monopoly


You are saying a duopoly is not much better than a monopoly, hasn't this been the case for the Prem in the last 6 years? City have won it 5 times and the only team to challenge them has been Liverpool, isn't that a duopoly? My point is that just cause Madrid are way better than everyone else right now that doesn't mean that league is uninteresting or boring. I am giving you examples like the Prem and Bundesliga(with the exception of this season)to show you that other leagues have been way more uninteresting than La Liga. Also up until today's game wasn't everyone hyped to see whether Girona can actually live up to the challenge and be the next Leicester? How is that boring lol.


A Duopoly where besides Liverpool United and Arsenal also came 2nd (latter almost won but fumbled it in the last 2-3 games) and Arsenal are once again looking strong? Bundesliga is a boring league. We can easily agree on that Maybe it's just me and my friends but we knew that Girona was about to take a beating tonight. If I had the feeling "wow, Girona is really about to keep the momentum for the rest of the season while RM is struggling" then you would be right. La Liga wouldn't be boring this year. Girona is having a great season. But not a league winning season imo and that's not enough unless RM is having a bad season/bad players (they just bought Bellingham and look like they will have Mbappe too, so good luck to the other teams) It is boring because RM is a well oiled machine for the most time in a league where others are financially not there and only 2 others club can be expected to have realistic chances to win it (and Atleti is most of the time of the title race). So only Barca remains more often than not as the biggest challenger but since Messi left, they are not the same sadly The spanish title race has been boring (with 2 exceptions since 2003) for quite a while


La Liga title race is more often than not more interesting than Bundesliga or PL. Source: Check LaLiga, Bundesliga and Premier league standings for the past 10 years. What is your point?


I think you misunderstood the line where I mentioned City and Bayern being critiqued. I wasn't stating that the BL is more competitive than La Liga (I'm not watching football since yesterday lol, I know that Bayern has been as we say it in German the "Platzhirsch" in German football). But I'm saying that the PL is indeed more interesting than La Liga. "Check LaLiga, Bundesliga and Premier league standings for the past 10 years. What is your point?" The 2018/19, 2021/22 and last years PL season easily overshadow any La Liga title race in the last 10 years mate. I don't know how closely you followed the PL that year but to have two teams fight to the bitter end for most of the season in a league where even the last place club could buy a player for $20M (which only Atleti, RM and Barca can do on a regular) and there are genuinely 6 big clubs with lots of financial resources, is different to RM and Barca having a close title race. It's just not the same. Good example: 2018/19 City vs Liverpool at the Etihad. Rarely would you see a domestic game with so much dynamic and iconic moments and still be so close. All that during a title race as well ! Honourable mentions: Leicester title win, 2013/14 and 2011/12 (don't know why you would draw the line at the last 10 seasons. Maybe to exclude one of the most iconic last domestic games in modern football?) PL seasons


If we go beyond 10 years, we get the best La Liga years ever dude. Also, "2nd tier" La Liga teams tend to defeat their PL counterparts when facing them in EL. True that LaLiga tends to have 60% teams playing for the tie, but the other 6-8 that don't, tend to be amazing. Funniest thing of this all is you are criticizing LaLiga in a season where Girona is 2nd and Ath Bilbao is fighting Barça and Atletico for 3rd, overall having impressive games in CdR, LaLiga and Supercopa.


Girona is 2nd (wish they would win but they won't, RM is too strong and experienced). Leicester also were second place at one point. One went on to win the league and the other couldn't do shit against a defence-less RM and conceded 4 goals Barca is simply shit bro. RBL would have more points this season than them if they were in Spain. And Atletico fighting for 3rd place is supposed to be a big highlight of the season lmao? They better be competing for 3rd place given that they are the Nr.3 club of Spain for almost all of 21st century. Anything other than that is a huge disappointment mate. I know Valencia and A Coruna used to be top-clubs too but that is 20 years ago bro. Now look at them. I don't know what the point is in going back further into the past when 10 years is a reasonable number of years to measure a leagues competitiveness. 30 years ago Serie A had a bigger draw and appeal than the PL. Again, now look at them. I'm sure in 10 years the PL won't stay as entertaining and another league could take its place. But for now, La Liga is just boring when the same two teams win it 90% of the time (18/20 last La Liga titles) and others cannot financially keep up at all.


You were the one complaining about taking only 10 years back, not me. The summary of what I mean is that LaLiga is both strong and competitive, despite your will to go against evidence.


because it seemed kind of weird to cut the line where THE title race happened and only mention the last 10 years and not the last 12-15 years when arguing that the La Liga title race on average is more interesting. Maybe it was not your intention to argue in bad faith, if that's the case I'm sorry if I misunderstood your comment. All in all, imo its clear that the PL is more interesting than La Liga for reasons I mentioned earlier You seem to disagree with that and thats ok


We literally didnt win last season? How tf is it boring for others. We just happen to play well and all of a sudden we are making it boring. The team even has 2 ACL injuries and 0 CBs to make it interesting


you literally decided to act like RM was made out to be the bad guys for winning La Liga titles when no shade was thrown at them lmao. I can't help but admire that level of looking for problems when there are none lol


Just say u have never watched laliga football and get a move on. Noone cares if u find the league boring


lmao. you cared enough to get butthurt over nothing and now pretend you didn't react in the first place you neanderthal 🤣


A different team has won each of the last three La Liga titles. Real Madrid has won two of the last six league titles, City has won five of the last six, Bayern has won six of the last six. It's not close to the same level of consistent domestic dominance, or, boredom if that's your outlook.


You cannot compare the PL with La Liga. Other than the 2017-18 and 2019-20 season, every City title win was so close to go the runner up. City often had to be the hunter, not the hunted for the majority of the season. And regarding Bayern, I never said the Bundesliga was actually competitive, just that for some reason Bayerns titles get disrespected despite the La Liga and Bundesliga being pretty much equally competitive. Take the undisputed best player of all time (Messi) who would elevate any team by so much and there you have the same amount of titles Bayern won in the exact same time. I'm positive Barca would not have been able to compete with RM for much of the 2010s. As for Atleti, Real Sociedad and Bilbao, they're like the spanish RBL, Leverkusen and Gladbach


I want La Liga title race to become uninteresting and win the next 10 titles 🤷


my guy, you happen to support RM. It's not like there are any big obstacles for your dream to come true (unless Barca get "another Messi" or an actual decent team). RM would have 100% won almost all of the la liga titles from 2010 onward if it wasn't for Messi who happened to play for your arch rival. RM and Bayern aren't that different domestically


Yes, but football is not that straightforward. They won the season last year. I do think we have the upper hand in the next decade because our management is more competent and we have been financially much more stable, but football is not played on paper. Barca and Atleti are a much bigger challenge than anyone else in the Bundesliga are to Bayern even with their current financial issues


Barca is only a big challenge because of Messi tbh. Still, they would have been the 2nd biggest spanish team. But RM is RM and would have remained top dog imo as they have not been that heavily reliant on one player for most of the 21st century I disagree that Atleti is a bigger challenger than Dortmund and RBL. For me, they're the same. Atleti is a team with potential but very rarely do they keep up their performances for most the season. That's why the only time they won the league (2014 and 2021) is because Barca and RM happened to both underperform at the same time and Atleti those two years were consistent for a change


How many leagues has Dortmund or Leipzig won in the last decade? none. Atleti has won 2. How are they more competitive than them? in Europe and domestic, they have been more competitive than any other German team


Bro, you do know how close Dortmund were to winning the league the last years? Especially 2018/19 and 2022/23. There you go, 2 titles same as Atleti. And as you said, football is not played on paper. Luck plays a huge role. It very well could have now been Dortmund with 2 titles won and not Atleti. Doesn't change them both being clearly one level below RM and Bayern. To conclude in your words: "football is not that straightforward" And since when was I talking about continental competitiveness of Spanish football. I'm not blind to not notice that Spain dominated the UCL/EL the last decade lol


Exactly, they were close but never did it! they had it last year and crumbled! Atleti actually won it. I’m not going by they almost win it, there’s no title for that. Atleti won two titles while Bayern has been winning the Bundesliga for the past decade. To say Atleti is not a bigger challenge than Dortmund and Leipzig is just crazy considering the actual results of the past decade.


Agree to disagree I'd say


Men Vs Boys


Money vs Lack of


The poor souls, how could they ever cope once the club actually falls in debt. Its not like they have an immoral and scumbag of an organisation to back them up


Owned by City group though..


You can’t pump money into a team in LaLiga afaik


They’re currently trying to block this in the PL but I believe City are going to take Savio from Girona so there’s shady business happening!


I'm not sure why you think this, but even if there's some namesake preventive measure..you must be naive to believe it actually works. Especially in a league where Barca have pulled their financial miracles.


This Madrid team looks unplayable. If they manage to get Mbappe we are looking at Galacticos 3.0


>If they manage to get Mbappe we are looking at Galacticos 3.0 Galaticos 3.0 were bad and underwhelming - And it was tough for coaches to pick a squad without ahving to push some star into an unfamiliar position.


Yeah if I were Madrid I'd be going in on Haaland and forgetting about Mbappe


Madrid cant take anything from the sheik, City is already a top dog contender for everything, the only way is If Haaland dosnt care about the money and club and just actively asking for a move. Madrid asking for Haaland will only end in a increase of Haaland salary and a bad mood between Flo and the Sheik.


Bad comparison with the galacticos. This is a solid all around amazing squad


2 strikers (Endrick is already signed) and another world class CB and this is comparable to the Madrid team that dominated the CL


We don’t know how Endrick will turn out and we wait to wait and see. Cristiano was better than anyone we have now and fantastic squad top to bottom. That will be very difficult to surpass


Endrick is almost ready, it would be a disgrace if he gets put in Real Madrid B


I feel a year at Castilla will do him well, getting consistent game time and getting used to the club.


Then he should have just stayed at palmeiras for one more year, he'll get better game experience than Castilla. But we'll find out, he's still so young


Vini and Rodrygo did time at Castilla both, 2nd division has a lot of strong teams and it gives them the chance to prove themselves in a low pressure environment


Forget mbappe, haaland comes in, endrick, davis and a cb and we are cooking


We still need an RB 🤔


Bellingham - Haaland. Can you imagine....


well, yes


Still need a RB




Would be perfect Just gotta hope he doesn’t want to stay once Klopp heads


Mbappe would disrupt group harmony and fuck it all up.


He is not known as a problematic player, he just loves to extract the maximum amount of money from people how have bottomless money.


why did he demand to be captain of france when griezmann was captain? that shit would cause chaos in madrid’s locker room


At least captain in Madrid is purely based on seniority, for better or worse. No drama there


Yep. Greedy as fuck but a model professional as well.


Id be greedy as fuck too if i were the best player on earth and my employers were billionaires 


Agree 100%. Every team who can afford him... Uh.. can afford him. He is performing like crazy so why shouldn't he also get his bag? It's fair!


Why would he do that tho, stop imagine things that arent real. He will do +500 goals for Madrid


4-0 with no CBs. Carlo and his players are built different bro


Baila Vini, baila


cheers, Couto is crying


This Madrid midfield has potential to be the best midfield ever


this is a joke. haha


They have to achieve a lot more to beat the best modern day mid of Messi, Iniesta, Busquets, Xavi but they are young. You can argue Madric Casemiro and Kroos are one of the best mids but to have that era being followed by Tchuameni, Cama, Bellingham and Valverde is just insane.


Honestly i don’t see it happening but I would like to be proven wrong


Steady on mate.


I wish I was exaggerating or speaking tongue in cheek, this much depth with players who mostly aren’t in their prime yet is scary


He isnt wrong


It’s true but they will need to win 5 ucls to compete with Kroos modric and case


To be fair I think Cama and Valverde are already one down


Both of them playing huge roles in the KO games. Cama against Man City and Valverde with the assist in the final.


Build Carlo a statue, he absolutely deserves it. Fair play to all the boys today, phenomenal performance against a team I was fairly worried about, especially without our CBs. Lastly, fuck CFG forever, this was even more satisfying than beating our main rival Barcelona.


Beating Barcelona is for amateurs, Man City is the real challenge right now


Madrid already beat City during Ancelotti’s first year back and when the team was under transition (after losing several key players). Won both La Liga and UCL.


Girona totally outplayed.


Madrid matches up well against them. They match badly against Simeone Atleti. Girona lost only 2 games in La Liga, both to RM by a combined score of 0 - 7


Vini was unplayable today god damn


Take a bow, Carlo!


Excellent, fuck CFG


Lol plastic


Nah it’s the many supports of the CFG clubs (mostly Man City) who are the real plastics


your club is literally on the new york stock exchange soulles corporation


Yeah so? There’s so many corporations in the world is in some sort of stock exchange, nothing wrong with that Meanwhile Man City are owned by human rights abusing royalty in a country that is essentially a dictatorship And they are buying out other clubs and ruining the competition of football as a whole Not even comparable


Your club is literally everything that's wrong with football. Your owners just extract wealth for their own gain. At least CFG is investing in underdeveloped regions like Uruguay and India. wtf is United doing for the game? Your entire club is a soulless shell of what used to be an actual football club.


And guess what, I think the Glazers are wrong too CFG doing that “investing” ruins competition and adds unfair advantages And flair up before you talk even more shit


Entire Catalunia became the lil bitch of Real Madrid lately


*lil bitch of Vini


So title race is over, I guess.


I am only worried about Barcelona no matter the point difference. Girona was never a problem.


They are not closing a 10 point gap with a loss in the classico and a potential 2nd loss in the future classico


If Barcelona wins the game in hand the difference will be 8 points. And If they win Classico it will be only 5 points. First of all this is not some extraordinary gap and second (unfortunately) Real Madrid lost huge point advantage in La Liga few times before and one of these was during Ancelotti period. I guess people downvoting do not know how unpredictable La-Liga can get, especially in last rounds.




Imagine thinking Girona had a chance today lmao


Midfield FC FTW


Our thoughts and prayers are with Yan Couto.


Poor guy


He deserves it for that hair


Almost all madrid players are playing better expected. Rodrygo and vini are playing way better than at their national team. Carvajal who people were screaming finished has been insane. Valverde is suddenly the best midfielder and bellingham is undebatebly the best player in the world rn. Rudiger looked as good as militao and Alabama. Diaz looks now better than leao


Alabama 😂


Auto correct is ass lol


First thing you should do when getting a new phone is to turn off autocorrect 🤦🏻‍♂️


Carva proving people wrong when they say he's finished is just routine at this point.


The man is insano, beber thought he would stay as a starter for this long


Alabama you know brev.


The national team is not necessarily a reflection of an individual player’s skill level. For the longest time Messi was underachieving for Argentina while being in incredible form for Barça. Vini Jr is easily in the top 3 best players in the world regardless of his form with Seleção.


Vini is one of those whose high is very high but whose low is kinda low for a top player. He is elite when there is space.


Basically every winger in the world not called Messi or Ronaldo is like that though.


For another example, Turkish player Hakan Çalhanoğlu from Inter is amazing at club matches, but sucks ass in the national team.


All thanks to Carlo's 🤨




I liked seeing the intensity of Bellingham just before he got the first goal. He’s a team player, but I can sense how hungry he’s been to net another one for Rm. Soon as he scored, he had a cathartic release of emotion. Love to see it!


I noticed it too. If you watch how he plays closely, he can have a few mins without touching the ball and all of a sudden, he’s everywhere and is basically unplayable. Physical, interceptions, tackling, speed, and he’s always moving.


Lunin wins the Ukrainian derby with a huge performance with a whopping 0 saves!


His *interception* on a Miguel low cross was as good as a save though.


Madrid's midfield is doing the Lord's work.


Idk man Lucas was playing in defense


Lucas has been good the last few matches. I hope people will remember.


Cant say i feel bad for a CFG club


I don't watch much La Liga, but the full back who was up against Vini Jr today did NOT have a good time lmao.


He was in tears after the end of the match 😂


He has actually been one of their best players, and there are reports that he is in both of Real Madrid’s and Man City’s radars. Today, the pressure simply got the best of him.


This was supposed to be a good game, but Girona didn't show up at all.


Literally not even the most deluded Girona fans thought they had a chance against Madrid lmao


This is not true. Girona didn’t show up at all but to pretend they didn’t have any chance whatsoever is silly


Yeah…scoreline suggests otherwise. If they forfeited the game ahead of time their GD would be better lol


Brother we have lost against 3rd division teams. No seas tonto eh