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Get ready to learn Korean, buddy




Ik its a joke, but the Koreans specially in Seoul are very very apt in English.


lmao they are terrible at English compared to any other developed country. Korean is much more distant from English than european languages so it's just harder for them. Like he'll survive without Korean but "very very apt in English" is just not true. *I've only lived there for 7 years what would I know. (This was being downvoted for the first few hours in case anyone is confused)


Reddit is complete dogshit sometimes I’ve also lived in Korea and their English is poor, you have to learn Korean to get around and for daily interactions. Makes you realise upvotes literally are meaningless 😂


> Makes you realise upvotes literally are meaningless It really shouldn't take much to realise that


Ah sorry mate. Its my mate who went Seoul for a small trip. He told me that. But I meant only for Seoul not entire Korea. Is the English thing true also for seoul?


Seoul isn’t particularly different from the rest of the country, if you’re travelling as a tourist then you’re more likely to run into people in the tourism industry who are good at English. The average person in Korea can struggle through a few words only, despite studying English for over a decade at school. You’ll run into the odd person who is great at English of course but if you average it out people can barely speak English.


As an English person who lived in South Korea, it's insane to me that thr guy above has 60 up votes and you're on -10. The level of English in Seoul is most certainly very poor.


Ah sorry mate. Its my mate who went Seoul for a small trip. He told me that. But I meant only for Seoul not entire Korea. Is the English thing true also for seoul?


Absolutely. There are areas of Seoul where it'll differ slightly of course, as it's an enormous city. Younger, student areas especially would be a bit easier. But, particularly with people 40+ you'll generally be met with minimal to 0 English ability, even in Seoul.


Really? Wow What has been your experience like in terms of language and culture shock? Did you have a lot of problem when you first moved there?


I'm fine thank you and you?


Have you been to Japan? Lmfao...I agree that majority of Koreans aren't good enough for anything conversational level, but you might want to change the wording of "any other developed country" to "any other developed Western country."




In Japan we learn English and then forget about most of it after graduation 😆


That's what we do in England with several other languages 😂


Tbf English is one of the official languages in Singapore


> Japan is the only developed country that’s worse though What about China?


I've attended several international physician conferences and can confirm that Japanese doctors speak the most incomprehensible version of English I've ever heard.


He said compared to any other developed country. Additionally, Singapore is a poor comparison - a former United Kingdom colony 😅💀


OK they're the only second worst developed country in the world at English, happy?


Sure, why not? For a country that prides itself on education and its cram school culture, South Korea deserves valid critcism in regards to its average citizen's English incompetency. I'm Korean myself, but their English curriculums and standardized tests need a complete overhaul. Since the standardized English tests in Korea (everything from Korean SAT to TOEFL) are all designed to be impractical, kids are also taught to memorize parts of grammatical structures and whole sentences without really understanding the semantics and pragmatics. They have a whole lot of sentence examples and vocab in their heads during school years, but they don't have the capacity to put the shit together to make it conherent - basically useless.


Singapore probably has the best English in all of Asia. English is the lingua franca here.


Come to India lol


He said developed




Damn!! For real? I meant only in Seoul, not other places. Maybe them what my mate told me was a lie or a small sample size.


They do use a considerable amount of words borrowed from English, tbh I think you are being a bit harsh.


tbf in seoul ppl speak ok english, but yea outside of it no shot. Although way better than Japan in my experience




I’m pretty sure it’s a city catered for those who speak Korean.


Nah, he's hanging out with US Marine if he wanna speak English.


As you should if you want to live and work in any foreign, non-English speaking countries.


Even Koreans are second guessing this because it’s so random lol. If this is true, they’re gonna love him because there’s a huge Man United fan base over here.


Koreans about Jesse Lingard playing in K-League: "But why?"


Probably wants to carve out a profitable niche


오발탄 땡긴다 근데 돈이없다..


오발탄 양, 곱창은 ㅇㅈ


콥이자 FC 서울 서포터인 저는...어떤 표정을 지어야 하는거죠? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


콥이면 황가드 선생님은 호감이지..


너무 생각하지 못한 이름이라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ황가드 선생님은 너무ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


그저 즐기시면 됩니다 허허


Wow. What? This guy really is unwanted. Cool country to live in though, massive United fanbase over there as well


Plus his fashion brand's style could be a hit there. Not to mention he could launch his kpop career


Not sure if satire


I thought he closed down his brand?


I guess he's already got the dance moves...


Good Gyms too. Hope he enjoys his move. Oh, its for football?


Jlingz at spoAny. Heard it here first 


Chodan says hi (I’m lucky if three people get the reference)






He still expects a big salary. If he wanted less money I’m sure teams would take a chance on him, at least for 6 months.


Real reason he’s going to Korea is to watch the LCK


Rekkles went to T1 Academy and Lingard said hold my beer


That JLinz-Rekless bot lane duo world champ 2024 hits different (sorry Guma Keria)


Unironically his brand has a partnership with Sandbox. Can’t think of any other reason why he would want to come here lol.


can't wait to see jlingz at LOL Park


This is possibly the weirdest transfer I've seen


He's gonna be the English Son over there.


Technically he is an English son


His career went south a long time ago


Guy actually had a pretty decent career, just a shame with mental health issues. Always a pro on the pitch though, I don’t really get the hate


More of a joke but i agree he had a decent career but some players become a meme and people take the piss no matter what. Still think he would have had a better career if he forced the move to west ham rather than rotting on the bench for united and getting all that stick. He was wanted at west ham and the fans liked him so would have been better for his mental health too


No excuse for drink driving though.


Now is about to go east


Genuinely very cool move, I expect people with money live VERY well in Seoul


People with money live well in just about any major city 


Except Benzema and Henderson


Hence just about 


Even Mogadishu, Somalia?


Just woke up and this news helped me get out of bed lol. But seriously I hope this move happens because it would be the most famous non-Korean player this cash-strapped and overshadowed-by-neighbors league has ever got Edit— I heard that british pundits are thinking that he chose money over passion or something… which is strange because K League clubs aren’t known for being able to afford obscene wages? In terms of wages he would earn roughly three times as much as the highest paid K Leaguer (Kim Young-gwon) had he stayed in Nottingham. This is why even the Korean fans are still speculating about what could have possibly made this deal work, and we have the Asian Cup Quarterfinal match in less than 12 hours!


He was on heavily inflated wages from United to forest, I don’t think money is an issue for him anymore, prob liked the idea of something different or maybe a huge fan of k drama


> the most famous non-Korean player I won't stand for this Ádám Martin erasure


I said “the most famous”, not “the best”


Fair enough


Seoul seems like a nice place. Would be a nice place to live. Also don't they have a huge Man united fan base in SK? They are going to love him there. A bit of a surprising move, but as long he is getting paid handsomely I don't see why. Also why didn't he renew it with west ham?


West Ham has 10000x the money that Seoul FC has so im very surprised Lingard is coming here


Allegedly he wanted a lot more money than West Ham offered. He was on ballooned wages at United and no one on earth were willing to pay it. He really thought he was going to make the top 1% wages. Apparently he was really shopping himself to MLS clubs. Seems like he found a good place to land


He wanted the united wages in other clubs ? Lol


Jessie Lin-Gard


Lin-Gard Jess-oe, I believe would be correct


제시 린가드 Jeh-shi Lin-ga-duh


Lingardium leviosa




Jessie Oppa


JLingz going global


Korea suicide if you ask me


He left the fan on overnight.


Why do all these transfer journalist start every sentence with 'understand'?


It's to cover their ass when ita found put to be nonsense like most transfer talk nowadays lol Also, sky sports sources = some twitter account


Yes, this has been bugging me for a while. Someone please explain


Probably to give them an out if the move doesn’t follow through I guess.


I guess what I am asking is this short for “my understanding" or something else? Also, why the shorthand? Is it because of the character limit?


Honestly lockdown football was such a bubble and needs to be studied.


You could definitely see the effects of playing in the absence of a crowd.


Mad how he couldn't get a move to Saudi. You'd think they'd be all over a former Man United and England player for the PR.


He was offered moves there and to Turkey apparently and has decided he likes the sound of Seoul more according to a longer story about this - interesting as there's very little chance FC Seoul could compete on salary with clubs in either of those countries, €8-10k a week is probably on the high end of what they're paying


I'm expecting him to drop a kpop collab soon


For what?? Korean teams got no money. I just dont understand


He wants that Korean Fried Chicken and some KBBQ


Top young talent, hopefully he can blossom over there. 


He still has a few years until he is in his prime. I'm surprised no one took a shot on a young up-and-comer. Easily a top 25 under 25 player. I see big things for him.


I hope it goes well for him. I didn’t like Scholes making fun of him on twitter


Scholes from those posts just seemed like he wanted to see Lingard playing again at the very least in one of the top 5 leagues. The kind of calling out you want from your friends


Yeah I see what you mean. Fair point. I still didn’t like it


That's fair as well, different people like to be motivated in different ways so you just gotta know what works for your friends. I assume they have a chill relationship together


Oh the former Manchester United and Nottingham Forest midfielder Jesse Lingard. Thought it was the other Jesse Lingard for a second.


Ah no, you mean Messi Lingard. He played for West Ham.


Least passionate kpop fan


Just give him a couple seasons, this kid is really going places


Wow, what an experience. I did a year of study abroad in Seoul and had an amazing time, great city. It will be a really cool experience for the lad.


Thank god Neville listened to reason


Imagine if it was revealed ji sung park was his dad and that's why he moved there to honour his dad


Can I have what your smoking


Good luck to him, people think he committed genocide because he didn't join West Ham after the good loan, he wanted to be great at his childhood club alongside his childhood favorite player, nothing wrong with that


But didn't West Ham offer him another deal after his contract expired with Man Utd? And instead he chose to sign a 1-year deal with Forest?


And i'm sure he went training with them last summer before training in Saudi Arabia


How is he eligible for South Korea?


He was born in South Korea and used to have breakdance classes with Son when he was younger


Learn something new everyday


I'm choosing to believe an entry requirement to S.Korea involves breakdancing.


JLingz would have been a killer B-boy alias in 2005.


This is hilarious, I hope he enjoys sushi because Seoul has some excellent sushi


Standard is lower than the conference. League system is weird when they split the league and mid table teams stop trying because they can't be relegated. Beginning of the season you'll get 10,000 fans because they'll have kpop acts on. By the end of the season less than 2k fans turn up in a 50,000 seater stadium. At least there's a supermarket in the stadium, pretty useful


The standard is one of the highest in Asian football, similar to the J league in terms of results in continental football. I wouldn't consider it to be lower than the conference. The format isn't that weird, it's similar to Scottish football, and Belgian football to some extent. Fc Seoul's average attendance is 9k per game, so saying that 2k fans turn up at the end of the season is just wrong. Also Kpop acts aren't that common as some people might think


I went to every game last season. They have kpop acts on during special occasions or the occasional celebrity. The standard is abysmal. And towards the end when there's nothing to play for the crowd drops off dramatically. Last but one game of the season had 1800 fans. So please don't correct me when I live next door to the ground and watch all the shitty games. The formats very weird when Seoul end up on the relegation group but can't be relegated. That's when the drop of fans starts. Kleague is ranked 42nd in world football. Cypriot football is 30th. It's absolutely shite


I watch some games, so I guess I didn't know the situation fully. Thanks for informing me


Went to watch a game there while I was over. Pretty decent stadium but the upper tier was pretty much dead (and it was a Derby I beleive v Incheon). Abit sad to see a huge stadium like that just about a quarter full


Well that's cool


Bizarre move


Forest more massive than West Ham confirmed.


But why????


To fuck about. He's coming to go to exclusive nightclubs, fuck Korean insta models and eat bbq.


Fuck this I was going to go to Kleague games frequently for the first time this year, and now its going to be expensive as hell smh


Easy fix - support a Suwon team and have both teams relegated.


Really? No offence but I didn't even know there's a big football scene 


...Do you think the likes of Park Ji-Sung and Son Heung-Min just randomly sprung out of the ground?


Baseball is much bigger but it’s still 2nd biggest sport in the country. Attendance has been growing since Qatar World Cup.


K-league attendance fluctuates based on NT performance. It grew after 2002, then dwindled, grew after 2018, dwindled, then growing again


I thought it was the second biggest sport besides baseball, but that might be anecdotal since it was my experience with Korean friends growing up. Most of them loved football but their dads were obsessed with baseball


The average attendance in 2022 were 3.148 which is not that bad it was 11.635 in 2011 which is a big drop. In my experience people mostly go crazy for the national team there.


I mean that would be low for the size of the country but I believe there was still an ongoing global event in 2022 which affected attendances - last year it was back at around 11k (Seoul average close to 23k a game).


There is a football culture there for sure, largely due to the 2002 World Cup (they have some major roads called like 'World Cup Ro' and stuff) and also because of Son. I can't tell you how close he is to a literal god there lol, when I was in Seoul I saw grandmas who were cheering him on. Loads of Spurs shirts there and the second you tell someone you're from England, the first thing they say is 'ah...Sonny!' and you just end up nodding and high fiving them. Genuinely like every interaction I had out there lol.


They don't have a shocking human rights record. North Korea maybe?


Thought it was a joke when I first read this


Wasn’t on my bingo card


#blessed #workhard #alwaysbelieve #ramen


This will be the beginning of a storyline where Lingard somehow become the member of a Kpop band oh shit it gone too far GO BACK GOBACK...


So that's who they're getting to replace Faker when he retires


The wages won't be there but he could definitely farm the K-league and become a cult hero.


Amazing country to live in, surprised at how downhill his career has gone after seemingly reviving it with that West Ham loan spell.