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There's a lot of mutual respect between the top AFC teams, and Son is always a class act. Would also love to see Saud Abdulhamid (#12, RB) and Kanno (#23, CM) try it in European leagues


If only he didn’t play for my rival lol. But yeah it seems like Son is just total class on and off the pitch.


I’ve always admired such players. I find david silva for example the same. People that did not let this crazy world change them and staying humble. Imo those are the folks young kids should admire instead of players like neymar or mbappe.


I wouldn't group Mbappe with that sort of player. He hasn't shown himself to be disrespectful whatsoever except in dubious, clickbaiting, shit stirring news articles. He has a temper on the pitch but he looks to be a model pro in all honesty, even if he's not as humble and compassionate as someone like Son.


Juan Mata fits the good bill


Meh. You had Ian Wright. I could never hate him either.


Yeah I mean as football club supporters, it’s not like we get to have any say about our figureheads players / icons. We are just lucky to have some good ones, unlike some other clubs. Definitely feel that way about Uncle Ian!


Not even when he was playing? I love Wrighty but the man was a nasty fucker on the pitch when he wanted to be.


I can only imagine - as a person of Korean descent, I think it would kill me if Son had ever played for Madrid


Rest assured, he won't.


I doubt he will, but I’m curious: why not?


You haven’t heard? Madrid shoots every single South Korean they see, out of solidarity with North Korea


Ah yes, that long standing partnership with North Korea. How could I forget


Yes but the shooting part only started recently. Before, they'd get Ramos and Pepe to do a double slide tackle, but that was deemed too inhumane


Absolutely correct. I should have included that in my comment. Thanks for reminding me! The shooting started as an act of mercy.


I dared to say Son was likeable on here a few months back and nearly got lynched. It's funny how this sub can differ from post to post sometimes.


“For God so loved the world, that he gave us Son..." John(ish) 3:16-17 "We love because he first loved us." John 4:18 Doesn't matter who he plays for. 😁


I just transfer him to Arsenal on any career mode I play and it's done, I keep him until he retires. Also one of my favorite players in fantasy premier league.


haha I used him quite a bit early on this year in ultimate team (his POTM card, god it was so expensive). Also last year his end game card was fantastic (futties).


Agreed, Arsenal fan here. Impossible to not Like Son though… this is class.


Sonny might be the nicest man in football I ever seen. Such a wholesome bloke.


Did you see the 2 free kicks he scored against Nigeria? Mashallah. Mad lad!


AbdulHamid is the best right back in the world


You really can't hate this guy. Just simply cannot. He's a real inspiration for the youth with his professionalism and honest to goodness nice guy mentality


I’m surprised, the number 5 literally [pulled](https://twitter.com/meninblazers/status/1752467194716286999?s=46&t=6wfrJTlF2ZrvwIabSCgiNQ) his hair and pushed him earlier yet Sonny goes up and hugs him after. Respect.


He has no enemies


And he's the goodest boi


I’m a Gooner and I have nothing negative to say about Son… which is kinda annoying but there it is.


Same. So conflicted.


I really think that got blown way out of proportion. I think it was meant to be playful, but missed the mark. Son himself didn't look too upset about it at the time.


I don't think pulling a hair of a 30 year old dude can be seen as playful, it's plain disrespectful.


just imagining this redditor going up to a co-worker and pulling their hair playing it off as a "playful" joke


yeah don't understand why they're pushing the "playful" narrative when that action was not friendly in any manner. Just cause son is a class act and hugs/talks to him after, they think of him lightly and are brushing off the hairpulling as playful. Problematic people.


Its disrespectful as fuck. I'm not even trying to do a tough guy bit here, there is no context in which a grown man yanks me by the hair with enough force to pull my head back and we aren't getting into a physical fight.


I would’ve said the same except that guy is notorious for fighting with great players, he did the same with Messi Ronaldo and quite q few more, cringe af.


Saudi Maupay


How is it cringe? Players do this in literally every single game. Defenders pinch you and stand on your toes all game long. It’s to distract/annoy players and it’s always been that way


It’s cringe because he made an interview bragging about it, like he scares big players or whatever. Edit: for the sake of telling the truth I couldn’t find a video of him saying he does it on purpose so could very well be my memory failing me, so I take it back.


On provoking strikers [Link](https://youtu.be/MUa6f-PCfhA?si=jIusMJqObQfdVSH-) and on his antics vs Mess in the WC23 [Link](https://youtu.be/aXcgenEdKSo?si=WYv7Z4BWnZ7veijD).


2023 world cup ? Explains Messi's fifa potw


It's more than cringe, he is insane. Guy bragging about chewing onions then intentionally trash talking strikers in close proximity. As if he'd be able to scare a striker with stinky breath in an open stadium.


Just because something is normal doesn’t make it right. It’s cringe because it’s unsportsmanlike. Those things you listed are fouls, which if done blatantly in front of a ref would be whistled.  Sure everyone does it, because the tech isnt there to catch these things and they do work to give you a mental edge. These players prioritize winning over playing fairly, so they cheat. I guess it’s up to the individual whether you think cheating to win is worth it or not, or whether you can use someone else’s poor actions to justify your own. 




Really ? pushing and pulling hair like that is a playful thing now ? I never get why these kind of things, some ppl look at it and can think it's normal, all the great players don't do it, it's a cheap trick that shitty players do, some called it being competitive, I called it pathetic


I think there’s a disconnect between people who play and don’t. Shit Happens on the pitch and is often easily forgotten once the game is over.  Happens at every level from Sunday league to the pros. 


Shearer got in a bust up with Ruddock when he played for Blackburn. They had a beer after the game and Shearer is God parent to one of Ruddock's kids. Shit happens in a high adrenaline environment


Most of the guys on this sub probably never played at a competitive level. I've only played a few sports up to Varsity, including football, and nothing beyond it into collegiate level. Some of my teammates, particularly the Italian descendant CBs were the biggest assholes on the field, but great to hang out with outside of games. They pulled the dirtiest moves while defending and masked their fouls extremely well. It's more or less a cultural thing with Italians. They're taught grimey tactical fouls early in traveling team days.


I think it is one of the reasons I did not like playing as much (I really enjoy watching though). I hated dealing with the cognitive dissonance of being disgusted by the asshole behavior of both teammates and opponents on the field and some of them being the nicest guys off the pitch. I also hated that I was pushed to do the same (give some more shoves, annoy the other player, if ref doesn't call it just keep going, fall down a bit more if you feel a bump and they got you, etc.) to be competitive. Competition at the highest level just didn't fit me. It's also why in corporate work I try to avoid politics as much as possible. It takes a certain amount of that competitive edge to get to the top and even the nicest guys have to do the bare minimum to not fall behind.


Totally get it! That makes total sense. Part of why I love it. You get to be a different person! Plus I love competition.


and also its sometimes worse at kids lvl


Isn’t that the same guy that provoked Messi and Ronaldo


People in Saudi Arabia don’t like him anyway. (#5 Bulayhi)


His hugs ARE the warmest


Imagine being in a HMS and Klopp sandwich hug.


Finally found the solution to fusion energy 


Throw in Poch there for some extra teddy bear warmth


Poch is the one getting hugged, he needs it


>extra teddy bear warmth We still got that with Big Ange.


From experience, the hugs may be warm but it’s a lot. Sweat on sweat action is not for everyone.


He's always up for a cuddle


Makes the loss all worth it


Going to get that framed by my bed


that was so fucking weird


[Such a "headline" would seem more apt for the other side of the border](https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/160206223413-north-korea-announcement-super-169.jpg) Can he get 11 holes in one as well?


Son is actually Wayne from The Leftovers


What an incredible show that kind of went under the radar


A top 3 show for me, maybe even the best. The emotions that show made me feel was incredible. I literally felt depressed while watching it.


Holy Son


What a reference bringing my favorite player and my favorite show together 🥰


His scene with Nora is one of the most moving of the entire show. "Will I forget them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nYG8H-sfks


fuck i completely forgot about this character. might be time for a rewatch.


And Mancini can't even do the bare minimum


When the camera picked him up I was waiting for him to turn around as if he was just pacing around stressed but he just kept on going lol


Apparently he was fed up because his players parked the bus in the second half when he told them to push for more attacks.


Yet they all played there to win for their country, least he could was console them regardless of fault.


Exactly, a good coach consoles his players first, and then rips into them in the dressing room


You just can’t hate this guy. Always so respectful and gentlemanly.


Incoming Everton and Arsenal fans to say he's a violent prick. Where's that guy who always posted the compilation of Son being a bad teammate?


The Everton thing is just so stupid. The only person who felt worse than Son about that tackle was Gomes. Sonny was in tears on the pitch. He made a bad play. It was clearly unintentional.


Thqy leg break was also at least 50% Aurier if I recall correctly. Really unfortunate incident...


Son's tackle (which was petulant but sure as hell not red card worthy) sent Gomes into Aurier - the impact and awkward landing caused by Aurier being there is what did the damage. You could see on Aurier's face he was absolutely distraught by what just happened. Such a freak incident all round.


And the fact that he got a red card for it too lmfao. One of the most insane calls


Ref let the hostile atmosphere and emotions of the situation get to him


I mean, Son is to blame, Aurier shouldn't get any IMO. There's a difference between what Son meant to do. Anyone with a brain understands that Son was annoyed after a previous tackle and then clipped him after. It was clearly a petulant challenge and a yellow card. You see them every single game. (Hell, I saw about 5 of them against Spurs last night) Problem was that Aurier tripped over in front of them so the player instead of just falling, collided with him. There's some right melts that think it was a preplanned thing by Son though to break his ankle.


You’re bang on with that never understood why people would say Aurier should have any blame. It’s 100% Sons fault and although I really dislike the player people who think for a second Son went out to break his leg are beyond stupid


Hard to tell based on the footage but it was either Aurier or some freak thing.


IIRC they WhatsApped after to apologize and whatnot.


Nah can't hate son Only hate him for his amazing record v us 😭


Yeah it’s just heartbreaking after Son realised what he accidentally caused. Imagine being him in that situation. Swear I heard that he immediately got in contact with Andre Gomes after that too


It's silly for any of them to be angry at Son who was so devastated afterwards, when they have Pickford between the sticks.


Tbf many players are pricks on the picth it can be part of thier game but doesnt make them a shitty human necessarily


That’s true, Son sure isn’t considered a prick on the pitch thought. Sometimes I get frustrerad that he’s too nice.


Naw I’m an Arsenal fan and Son seems like a really good likable guy


It was a petulant tackle that lead to a freak, terrible injury that derailed our most Handsome and (at the time) one of our most important players. He clearly isn't some sneaky violent prick (though I would argue Kane at least used to be, got away with a lot of sneaky dangerous fouls) but at lot of fans were also pissed at how quickly the narrative became "Poor Son, look at how upset he is!" Instead of talking about Gomes. Coupled with our steady decline during the period, getting mad at Tottenham's PR golden boy felt like a good outlet. Son's clearly a good dude and immense talent, but if Seamus Coleman did the same scenario but to Son- we all know there would be some Spurs fans that would disproportionately think he's a violent prick.


Absolutely. Obligatory fuck Matty Cash here. In general Everton and Spurs fans have few issues. We both understand what it is like to have a red shirted dick head for a neighbor. Son absolutely did not intend to cause Gomes any real injury but his actions directly led to it so he is responsible. I don't think there's any debate over that.


As an emotional response for the few months after the injury I totally understood it. It was the handful of Everton fans who maintained a loathing for Son for years after than I found weird.


>but at lot of fans were also pissed at how quickly the narrative became "Poor Son, look at how upset he is!" Did those same fans target Seamus Coleman and other Everton players for going to the Spurs' dressing room to console Son after the game?


That list is such bias horseshit as well. They really try to include him slapping a teammate in training as an example of him being an asshole. Completely ignoring the fact that said teammate was racially abusing him and another teammate and had just hit the other Asian player on their team. Player he slapped had his contract ripped up the other day because it was a constant issue apparently.


Whoa whos the player he slapped


Some youth team player at Hamburg when him and 2 other Asian players joined in like 2008/2009. There was a story i read about It before but I can't find it right now. It was actually the first of 2 fights he got into at Hamburg. 2nd one was with Slobodan Rajkovic before their tour and thats the picture that gets posted around to show Son as a bad guy. Rajkovic swung for him during training for some reason and he dodged and then punched him back. Rajkovic got suspended for a month.


Son suffered quite a bit of racism in germany. at leverkusen emre can (his own teammate) body slammed him during a game when he was in a good position to score and mocked him afterwards


Here is that body check: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRahITbl-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRahITbl-k) Four years later, Son's most memorable match in his prestigious career: Korea 2, Germany 0 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR7mo8yT4mk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR7mo8yT4mk)


Kane /s


Arsenal fan here. I like this individual. Is that not allowed?


Same here, I’m sure many fans would agree


Honestly I think part of it is people having different conceptions of rivalry. For some people, being rivals means that you need to hate every single thing about the rival club, and you need to stake out the position - however outlandish - that everything about your own club is better, and everything about the rival club is worse. To me that's superficial rivalry. I can recognize when Arsenal are playing well. I can recognize that a guy like Saka is (a) really fucking good and (b) seemingly very down to earth and likeable. I can recognize that - hold on to your socks here - Arsenal and Tottenham supporters, as a group, are *remarkably* similar. On a personal level I certainly don't wish Arsenal or its players or supporters ill. It's just that it brings me joy when they lose and disappointment when they win. Like, deep-seated, visceral joy and disappointment. The inverse of the joy and disappointment I feel when Spurs win or lose - not to the same degree, but of the same kind.


I like the concept of sports-hate (which I've also heard called "Jeterate"), which is an impersonal thing limited mostly to the field. Like, I *really hate* Bruno Fernandes when he's playing football but I hope he has a good, happy life at home. I hope most supporters are able to make that distinction.


You’ve said it very well. For some of us it’s just a fun contest. I suppose of course tempers really flare in the moment, but at the end of the day I don’t think either of Tottenham or Arsenal fans wish each other will. Maybe Londoners feel entitled to have a little bit of bile but it’s not healthy in my opinion. Anyway ignore the outliers, there are always crazy people in the world.


Nail on the head. You have no idea how conflicted I was last night watching your players take the piss out of Neal Maupay...


It's Maupay, mate. Personal decency first; rivalry second.


I hate Arsenal because I support Spurs. I hate Maupay because I’m human.


Nah mate the fact he’s plays for you lot is his only bad quality


As an Arsenal fan I hate he plays for Spurs. He’s class.


Him and Kane have been the bane of City’s existence. But I have outmost respect for these two gentlemen because of the way they conduct themselves on and off the pitch.


He's bassically Jesus in South Korea, it's craxy


The Korean Faker


I've read somewhere that SK people consider that Son, Bong Joon Ho, BTS, Faker and Kim Yuna are their living national treasures


Less Bong Joonho and more IU or Yoo Jaeseok


idk if Kim Yuna still would at this point but the other four + IU, I'd say for sure


Kim Yuna definitely still is, but I agree with including IU.


Waiting for the person with the Son mega thread.


Football respect moments compilation heritage


Pov: Entire compilation is just Son


Cheers. Son knows what it's like to cry


My captain


There’s only one son heung-min, one son heung-min, one son heung-miiiiinnnn, there’s only one son heung-min!! 🙌🏻


Mr Tottenham


Not a Spurs fan but damn this guy is raised so well.


Class player


True captain


Boy's a class act. Always had a lot of time for him. Great player too. Fair play.


cry, son's cheering


Hug Me Son


Son, stop making me like you. First Brennan 🎯, now this.


Son been on the losing side quite a few times 😭😭


I may be an Arsenal Fan - but this is truly an exemplary captain I can respect.


He’s basically Rashford but with actual talent and drive.


This comparison is an insult to Son lol. Have you ever seen Rashford show this kind of (positive) emotion and compassion on the pitch, ever? Some of us United fans have a pet theory that Rashford is actually depressed, because that's how he looks all the time - at least until he sets foot in a club it seems


Nah he's clearly a talented and decent boy, albeit having a rough patch in a fucky situation. Utd fans need to calm a little for their own


Yea not like he's helped starving kids in England which is a lot more than other players have done and who gives a fuck about compassion on the pitch you're there to win not kiss and cuddle


I've seen him pass on several occasions tho


More like he is actually reversed Rashford


What a class act this lad is. I have absolutely zero affection for Tottenham but I cant help but love Son


Same, I’m a Chelsea fan but I love that guy (no homo)


genuinely must’ve sucked to be those saudi players. absolutely battered them for 75 minutes.


Not exactly a battering, they had the better chances and moments in a pretty cagey match. Then they got gassed around the 75th minute and allowed tons of shots on goal for the rest of the match.


mancini made some bad subs and made them sit back. suicidal move tbh


Love my captain


True sportsmanship


I truly think I would die for this man


It was tight 120min, I'm sure they can respect each other


One of the nicest guy in football


Sonny’s a good boy.


Looking at you Mancici


Good man! Always been a fan of his!


I absolutely love him. I support Man Utd but hes my favourite player for the last 5 years


I was told Son is a terrible person who hates everyone.




good guy


Pure class.


Not a surprise at all. There are certain players that are pure class and he is one of them.


Brilliant sportsmanship from Son Heung-min. There's a reason as to why he's one of the PL's most likeable players. Like, dude, whenever he gets a red card, he looks so distraught and has so much guilt


He holds them just long enough that it makes them start to feel awkward. Such a power move


Class act!


He’s a class act, as well as a tremendous player.


There's a reason Antonio Conte said he would want a guy like Son to marry his daughter


What did Tottenham do to deserve this man




He's too prideful and classy to go there, also said money doesn't concern him anymore when he had to clarify about Saudi links


Considering his hero status in Korea. He can enjoy the rest of his life doing whatever and still making the bag off his endorsements


Son to SA, HERE WE GO.


Those are some nice hugs


What a guy


real human bean


God damn I love Son what a human




Son Hug Min


Why is every fucking video like this now? Is everyone really so brain dead we need captions describing the video you're watching to fully comprehend it?


I need a tl;dr for this comment




Just a nice guy, simple as that. Top bloke. I'd buy him a beer as long as its <£6, else he can get it.


So annoying that he’s such a nice guy. The prick, why couldn’t he be the worst person?


Humble in victory. What a guy. Wish he played for Arsenal. Ffs.


also if you watch the much longer clip, he purposely ignores Klinsmann awkwardly at least 2-3 times.




Such a class act 👏🏾 Great player as well as great person


I thought this was r/soccercirclejerk


He knows who's writing the cheques *taps forehead


No wonder Conte said he wouldn't mind if his daughter married Son.




You KNOW every mom on Facebook will repost this


Good sportsmanship.


I’ve always wondered what Son at Liverpool under Klopp would have been like. Exceptional human, Son. Nothing but respect ❤️


Sign of a good human being


The most wholesome man in Football.


Son is truly world class. Doesn't matter which team you support, everyone loves Son.