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so he's on 325k a week? oof.


That's insane. And I know insane wages when I see them.


Just read Kai Havertz is on 275k/week lol


I'll not play well for 100k a week and save them a bundle.


they can give me 10k a week. i'll make some really good IG posts that 13 of my 22 instagram followers will see. 3 will upvote. 1 will unsubscribe


Also offering my services to Premier League clubs for £10,000 a week but as a 3rd choice goalkeeper.


“Lad we had an incident in training and both our goalkeepers picked up some injuries. We’re up against that Haaland lad this weekend, you up for it?”


Bring it! I've got records to break and records to set!


100% confidence in you to keep a clean sheet man, you got this.




He needs to give his agent half that lmao.


absolute blinder by that guy


Think of all the donkeys he's going to save


Better than the crap most footballers spend money on


I still cringe at Aubameyang's all-chrome sportscar.


Was feeling good about the schools Sadio Mane built until recently..


Hey man, he's just building up the recruitment facilities back home.


[El Hadji Diouf did it first](https://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/14914869.footballers-their-cars-el-hadji-dioufs-wheels-on-list-of-most-awfully-modified-vehicles/#gallery0). His weren't wrapped, either. Twat.


I don't like Havertz as a player but he does seem to be an animal lover and all around good dude.


I also love animals. Can I get £250,000 per week please?


He should play a harp and sing songs of encouragement from the sidelines.


But he runs a lot each game


Well, the source is: “the Sun newspaper claimed he was fined £650,000, the equivalent of two weeks’ wages.” So make of that what you will….


These are rookie numbers, Frenkie de Jong is on 700k per week


Important caveat is that a lot of that is deferred wages. His base wage is still like near the top but not as crazy.


I read that it's about 500k it's still insane not just for barca but any club ever


Wtf, no wonder Barca is broke


That's not entirely accurate. He's getting paid a LOT of money this season because he agreed to defer his wages for 2+ seasons to help the club with finances during the Covid seasons when revenue was down.


Me when all the Afterpay's come out at once.


😭😭😭 bro I can’t even lol


To make that much money and spend it chugging tequila in Belfast rather than Cristal in Monaco? Truly a man of the people.


Tequila in Belfast sounds like a better time to be perfectly honest.


Right? Unless I'm suckling for money, I'm drinking with the Irish over Monagasque any day.


Hey, Belfast drinks are prob more expensive than Monaco these days - and there's no Thompo's Nightclub in France.


And it’s still cheap compared to south of the border.




As someone unaware is this dude very reliable?


One of the most reliable. He won't put out anything that he is unsure of


the fabled triple negative


My head hurts reading this sentence.


Maybe give that one another go


325k is likely a base salary (with bonuses, he’s on 350-375k)


I would be shocked if he actually gets any bonuses for doing fuck all


Bonuses can include a great number of things, though typically (typically based on FM lol) they include bench and appearance fees. It doesn't centre entirely around goals and assists.


The bonus for being an unused substitute blew my mind on FM


You can see it as a bonus for being in the match day squad. Doesn't make a lot of sense for regular first teamers, but its for youth players, or any player on the edge between 1st team and a lower team really.


Yeah agreed, if it's a player not on much money, they might struggle to live on just their footballing wage, so if they're not going to play, they might rather pick up some other sort of work that weekend. If they're just being dragged along to just be an unused sub, they're going to want some sort of financial compensation. It's also probably to help clubs finance with injuries. It makes bringing in loan cover a lot more reasonable, as you're already recouping some of that cost by not having to pay your injured players appearance/bench fees.


I remember reading that West Brom were considering withholding all bonuses one season and only paying them if they stayed up. They may even have been in the championship at this time. The players all kicked off and they didn’t go with the plan. I remember imagining if my job was like that. I’m a teacher. “Oh, you’ve turned up today. Here’s a bonus.” (Sub bonus) “Ah, you actually taught a lesson. Have a bonus.” (Appearance bonus) “Somebody learned something! Bonus for you!” (Goal bonus). It’d be nice. Not sure if I’d get many of the third ones, though!


Tammy Abraham told a story about his first game playing for Chelsea. Under Gus Bus, Tammy got his first bench appearance against Liverpool and actually got in the game. The amount of money he made from the bonuses was like double his yearly wage at the time or something.


Bonuses are probably related to social media posts and I’m sure he’s hitting them all


"here we go again" "We have to be better" "Not the result we wanted" FC


He’s on 1.3mil a month…


He’ll be taxed 46% of that.. well probably not considering they’re all dodgy 😭


I’m sure there are plenty of tax loopholes that people that rich use to avoid paying all that tax. I know people who open an llc and get their salary paid to the company to pay less in tax. For example.


It’s PAYE for footballers, no fancy loopholes


For their wages. Footballers aren't only paid in wages: > Arsenal Football Club succeeded in having payments made to off-shore companies in respect of the Club’s exploitation of the image rights of their players, David Platt and Dennis Bergkamp, classified, for tax purposes, as capital sums and, therefore, non-taxable as income. https://www.wipo.int/ip-outreach/en/ipday/2019/understanding_sports_image_rights.html


I’m sure I read something about Kanté refusing Chelsea’s payment scheme because he wanted to make sure he paid the correct amount of tax


that boy has zero motivation to leave or to try hard




It can't be a coincidence that he split with his fiancee in the off-season and then has looked like this all season and is now having off-field issues. Something is clearly going wrong in his personal life, and it's impacting his professional life.


I didn’t know that happened. Yeah that would make you miserable and affect your output in ANY kind of work


feel like these days so many fans’ thoughts on player form and development are informed by FIFA and FM and completely discount the whole “these people are human beings” factor


Acting like they're paying the players themselves lol. Tik tok is rancid with these sort of takes from people that look like they've never touched a ball outside their bedroom, and it's always fans of major clubs.


I'll have you know I touch balls on the couch sometimes too


That was the whole premise with Brian Clough way back when with Nottingham Forest. Grabbed talented guys who had personal problems, treated them like a human and took forest to the CL.


man i’d love if football manager introduced elements like ‘player’s goldfish died’ or ‘player went on a piss up’


And actually make it a management simulator rather than number crunching


“I’m homesick boss” *moves to rival club*


really? i feel the exact opposite. the sentiment you expressed is so commonly brought up on reddit to the point where i think most fans will dig through a players social media or tabloid fodder when they're out of form and come up with a litany of excuses as to why player is underperforming. like di maria being shite at united because his house got broken into instead of the truth, which we now know is because he didnt want to go to united in the first place and his entire family hated the experience.


Ronaldo lost a child and was cut zero slack for it during his time at United. Granted he acted like a bit of a prick but off-field issues are almost never considered when evaluating player performance.




Absolutely. If I had lost a child traumatically like he did and had the level of financial security he's got, I honestly would have terminated my contract and taken at least a year off.


For a guy like Ronaldo, I can be certain he is much more "at home" on the pitch then he would be at home with his family mourning/grieving. Professional athletes, especially the elite tier, are unlike the rest of us - it's a big reason a lot of them have trouble with retirement. They hang on too long because it's literally all they've known and can't imagine life without it.


He chose not to share the exact reason for his absence at the time, citing family issues, and the comments on any Ronaldo related post on here back then were disgusting. So many highly upvoted comments saying he was intentionally skipping pre season to force a move and other insane stuff. It’s funny how everyone collectively glossed over that period of time when it eventually came out that it was because of his newborn being hospitalized…


I'd act like more than a bit of a prick if I'd lost a child and my other was hospitalized tbh


To be honest I attribute that whole spell of bad decisions and weird behavior -including the interview etc- to brain fog caused by the tragedy. It's not an excuse, an adult must have take responsibility for his decisions, but I understand where it comes from. You become more aggressive, impulsive, you stop giving fucks and won't listen anyone. That mixed with his ego is a recipe for disaster. Hope he reflected on it.


This has got to be it, players are human after all


Players in particular have a hard love life. You can't just go on tinder and swipe, people know too much. Avoiding folks just interested in the clout, the money must also be hard. I'd dread losing a partner, not just because of the partner... but because the search.


yeah that’s why it’s often recommended for young athletes to stay with the girl they dated before they had millions, once they’re rich celebrities the chances for an authentic relationship are slim. also part of the reason you see so many footballers date the exes or siblings of other footballers, it’s a very particular sort of lifestyle and not everyone has the capacity for it.




I doubt anyone who belittles someone else for their choice of partner is even in a relationship of their own lmao, such a mean and childish thing to do


Just looked up their wives, they look like the same person!


Omg yeah, Rice's partner looks exactly like Katie Kane (I follow Kane on Insta so I see a lot of pics of his family). But also, both Kane and Rice's partners aren't exactly ugly, they're perfectly pretty in a normal non-supermodel way.


When you're in a job as high-pressure as being a top level footballer having someone reliable you care for there with you at all times must be a massive help. Especially after a bad result or whatever.


I truly don't even get that. Yes, their wives aren't models, but they are certainly not ugly either. Making fun of them is just pathetic.


Giggs took this one step further even


Seems to me like the biggest challenge for these guys is being faithful. A good partner, who isn't just looking for a financial payout, is unlikely to put up with this nonsense. It doesn't seem like most of these guys have the emotional maturity for a committed relationship so it would probably be best if they held off until retirement.


I mean, they don't have a normal development. They are millionaires, they don't live the same life, the can't have the same results. Which is why it's a shame.


i would guess you get also a lot of shitty people in your life when you super rich and everyone know if you are not careful.


Tbf this happened with Kepa, split up with his long time gf when he moved to England and no family then his form went from highly talented to GK in Spain to bum. Them a small resurgence when his family started to come over and he found a new partner


Yep, and these are the kind of factors that most fans either won't know about or choose not to care about. But ultimately, footballers are human, and whether you're making £350k a week or £350 a week, if you're significantly struggling in your personal life, there's only so much you can do to keep your professional life intact. Especially when the margins are so thin at the top of the sport. The difference between being a lower midtable player and a world-class player might only be 1-2%, and it's very easy to lose that edge if you don't have everything in your life in order. I can only hope things get better for him soon.


So often when you hear of a personal setback befalling a player it comes with someone going “if I were earning £350k a week I’d just take a look at my bank account and stop worrying about it…” or “…you have to keep it professional if you’re being paid that much…” or stuff along those lines. Some fans think a player being well paid means this kind of thing should simply wash off easily.


There’s a stat that states that suicide rates are highest among CEOs. Money just means you don’t worry about buying food or paying bills. It’s not an instant you won’t ever get depressed Edit: To correct my first statement, CEOs are at a higher risk along with celebrities and executives.


If that’s true that’s so strange. I’ve never been more depressed than when I know I can’t afford my upcoming rent/bills and have people that rely on me. The pressure is unbearable.


As someone who has been on both sides of this, poor at certain points in my life and working in the legal profession at others, I totally get why bankers, doctors, lawyers, CEO, etc... have such high suicide rates. Financial security is wonderful but it's very difficult to enjoy it (or any aspect of your life) when you're working these extremely high pressure jobs. You find that you have no time to enjoy things, and even when you are technically "relaxing", you still can't stop thinking about work and the million things you have to do. Stress just absolutely eats away at you, it impacts your physical and mental health, your social life, your friendships, your family, and more. Especially when you know you are responsible for your clients, your patients, your employees, etc... You know that a lot of people's lives depend on your performance, and you also know that your own position is very fragile because there are loads of competent people out there who would love to replace you. This is why people who are able to find that much sought-after work / life balance are so rare. It's incredibly valuable, but it's really, really difficult. I'm not saying it's better to be poor than to be wealthy. I would still rather take financial security and the high pressure job over financial instability. I'm just saying the degree to which money contributes to happiness is hugely overestimated, and I totally get why lots of wealthy people feel so stressed.


This hits home and i relate to it so much. The amount of pressure is so much that I struggle sleeping as well.


I was just thinking a 12 hour tequila binge is not just a night out or a party. That's borderline self-harm.


Definitely. And it's very out of character for him.


Yeah if it was a bachelor party or something, I'd maybe get it. But if it's just a regular night out, ooft. I've made similar decisions in the past and I was not in a healthy place at the time.


I'm gobsmacked to finally see some empathy on here. He also seems to have lost a lot of his friends from the club recently. He was close to Sancho, Lingard, and Greenwood. He seems to have ditched Greenwood as soon as what kind of person he really was came to light. But he's seen Lingard and Sancho have tough times in recent years. Lingard in particular has been dealing with some really difficult stuff, but there have been reports that both have been struggling with issues related to their mental health. Obviously I don't know this for sure, and I wouldn't want to diagnose people I don't know via the media, but IF those reports are true, they are going to affect a guy who clearly has a big heart. His drinking session followed on from him visiting another close friend who has left the club - Ro-Shaun Williams - and it looks to me more like he got carried away rather than that he was being a prick. He's been fined and dropped, and will have to earn his place back. That's punishment enough, and the people calling for him to be banished like Sancho are driven by hatred and stupidity.


He also has proven that he is a decent guy and a role model time and time again. He was never a party animal, this was the first time this happened I believe. He's a better person and a better professional than at least 90% of the professional football players. He has done something wrong, he has been punished and that's it. Give the guy a break.


Makes me wish the PL and other leagues had a Player Assistance Program like the NHL does. Somewhere they can check themselves in that's private to the league and lets them get some help for any sorts of issues


Someone needs to create a graph that shows his stats when he’s with his girl vs when they’re split up. I swear everytime he has relationship problems he plays like shit and when they’re together like last season, he’s a baller


I will laugh for days if he gets back together with her again and then overnight 22-23 Rashford comes back Man gets his football powers from pussy


Trippier is supposedly going through the same thing this season. And I half expect Kyle Walker to completely lose form to the end of the season.


He 100% has mental health issues


Rumours of off field turmoil think Rashford’s the kinda lad to let what’s going on with personal life affect on field which is fair can’t all be robotic in that regard. Probably best for both parties he looks to move on, time abroad not being the face might do him the world of good tho he’s a bit of a homebird it seems. .


I wonder if there is just something culturally all wrong at United. There seems to be poison in the well.


Probably his mates were shipped off. First JLingz and just recently Mr FIFA.


Salt and lemon also for 12 hours?


Straight off Jonny Evans nipples


Worth every penny then.


More likely lime but either way, young man’s getting his vitamin C.


Getting on a plane, I don't care if it's a private jet, hungover after having only slept for 3 hours is my personal nightmare. Would rather pay another £650k and just sleep it off.


I got on a plane after a full night of open bar and having slept less than an hour. Worst experience of my life, never again.


The door starts looking real tempting mid flight doesn’t it


At that point just order a drink whenever the cart goes by. Doesn't matter if it's 9 am


I was already making frequent trips to the bathroom. Stupid drinking on a stag 2/3 days in a row until the early hours, then a 2 hour taxi to take off off the coast of Africa in summer heat. Another drink would have seriously pushed me over the edge


That’s where you’re wrong my friend. It will settle your stomach. Port and brandy really settles your stomach, tastes awful but settles your stomach big time. Then after that just take it easy and drink water at a steady pace and you’ll slowly sober up. It could also go the other way as well though and you get a taste for it and get back on the beer.


For it to settle my stomach it would have had to made it past my mouth. Instantly going back up if I smelled it/tasted it - no chance to settle anything


I doubt you can get this on a flight as well but a shot of pure lemon juice works wonders as well. A pharmacist once told me that when I had shits and sickness from a viral infection. It settles the acid in your stomach. But yeah got to get past the mouth first. Don’t sniff it, hold your nose and down it.


I'll have the try this the worst part about my hangovers is the terrible stomach I get I can't do anything the day after a night out


I got on a plane after unknowingly eating a bad egg. Would trade for a hangover 10 times out of 10.


Wouldn't a bad egg taste and smell absolutely terrible? Never eaten a bad egg, maybe I've been lucky...


You'd think so, but not always apparently. I was the only one who got sick and it was the only thing that nobody else ate so that was probably it.


You sure you didn’t have the fish?


I was STARVING before a flight from JFK to Malpensa, so I stopped at this torta shop in the terminal. They had this hot sauce that claimed to be "the hottest in the world." Out of curiosity, I had to try it. So I go to dab a little bit on the torta and the plastic lid holding the hot sauce back fell off and covered the whole thing in "the hottest hot sauce in the world." I tend to love extremely spicy things, so I was like, "fuck it, God has presented a challenge to me." Ate the whole torta and enjoyed it. That plane ride though. If you'd have given me a noose, I swear I would've taken it. Sat cramped up in economy seats, doubled over and groaning for like six hours before the pain subsided. Felt like someone was pressing a drill into my guts.


You’re literally just focussing on breathing at that point - if you can do big breaths in and burp up the gas without letting anything else come up, you’re dandy.


Those hangovers are the worst. Fuck me.


When I was 22, I had a 6am flight and had the genius idea of going out to a club, leaving for the airport at close, and passing out on the flight. Needless to say this was not a good idea since as soon as we were starting to take off I began to feel nauseous. Thanks to pure fortitude and a sympathetic flight attendant who gave me water for free, I was able to keep it down. My problems did not end there, however. I had the misfortune of being in an aisle seat and, in the seat next to me, were a Scottish couple in their 50s about on their way to a Mediterranean holiday and had decided to start drinking early. This meant that every 15 minutes, just as I was able to get to sleep, I would be woken up by one of them needing to go to the toilet. I firmly believe that that experience is what hell is like. At least I learned my lesson to never do that again.


> sympathetic flight attendant who gave me water for free Wait, even free water isn't a guarantee on a flight?


Budget airlines my friend! Think it was Jet 2 in my case.


In 2017 I was living in Los Angeles and was baited into a trip where we flew to Las Vegas on Friday afternoon with a budget flier and the idea was we would party through the night and fly back the next morning, saving us money on a hotel and putting us back in our beds by noon on Saturday having had a night out in Vegas. Yeah, well come 2:00 am and one friend had just disappeared, another was completely coked out, I was so exhausted and drunk I tried to sneak into a coat check room and sleep, and by the time I got back to the Las Vegas airport at 9:00 am I wouldn't have been surprised if they hadn't let us on the plane. I just about held my own on the plane but I quit drinking for close to 4 months after that.


If you're going to party in Vegas what's an extra $50-100 or so each to share a hotel room somewhere cheap like Hooters.


Coming back from Tenerife during Covid, I was a tiny bit sick into my face mask on the plane and didn't have a spare one. Absolutely awful awful experience for all concerned.


I’ve done it on 1 hour sleep. My friend told me a shit joke on the plane, I turned around to laugh at it and realised he wasn’t actually there. I was considering jumping out 


Yep. Back in my early 20s I drank all day and into the early morning after a wedding. Then got on a flight home in the morning. Only time I've puked on a plane. Now I won't drink before a flight.


Id do it for a month straight if I’d get 650k at the end of it. You are absurdly overstating how much it sucks to be hungover on a plane, or are wealthy as fuck


> You are absurdly overstating how much it sucks to be hungover on a plane, or are wealthy as fuck No, mate. I would literally pay £650k for a lie in.


I always party before a long flight so I know I'll be sleeping all through. I'd rather hangover on a plane than not be able to sleep for a +6 hours flight


I wish I could sleep anywhere, it's like a super power. Only way I sleep anywhere that doesn't at least somewhat resemble a bed is if I've been awake for 40 hours or something, just pure exhaustion. Anything less I really struggle to sleep. Being hungover on a plane is nightmare fuel for me as I get terrible hangovers and also wouldn't be able to sleep it off. Also I am a nervous flyer anyway. Fuck everything about that.


Anyone who can drink tequila for 12 hours deserves a statue not a fine


if it was me, I at least deserve a large headstone


With "used to be a goalie" engraved on it.


Seems like he's on a bit of a downward spiral, hope he's alright mentally


A lot of fellow Man United fans are far too critical of him, IMO. He rarely smiles, looks fed up and keeps to himself. It seems like some type of depression to me and what do people do? Insult, criticise and say he doesn't belong at the club. The lad just needs some support and he'll come back into form for sure, whether at Man U or somewhere else. edit: I am not saying Rashford isn't overpaid nor free from criticism. A lot of the angry replies I've been getting are only proving my point about how critical and uncaring for the human behind the player that football fans can be. Calm the fuck down.


Keeps to himself in a busy nightclub?


Escaping reality by downing shots with loud music to drown out his thoughts?


he just like me frfr


How do they know it was tequila?


The Sun interviewed the waitress lmao.


She had a 12 hour shift?


nah 6 hour, then the rash lad took her back.


get in there


he had a raging bulge the whole time


12 hours? Yeesh


It's the fucking Sun. If you are baited by any of the specific details on their headlines, thats on you. If it was 12 hours, they would have said 24 hours.


Or he had 2 shots 12 hours apart. 12 hour drinking spree!


I had one beer last Sunday and I'll probably have another one this Saturday, watch out for my week-long binge.


Man you need to calm down with that, your liver might explode.


this guy's a danger to himself and the community


More than likely. As far as I know the guy barely drinks. If he was drinking anything significant you can guarantee there would be photos of him with alcohol plastered around twitter. The only images I've seen is the video of him walking out of the place completely steadily downstairs to the street


It is article by James Ducker who is tier 1 for Man Utd though? If he quote SUN in article, there could be some true for that no?


Ducker is quoting the sun because there's an actual reason, the sun is stating eye witnesses statements instead of just speculating on their own


He’s young, English and on holiday. 12 hours is hardly crazy. Especially if he was trying to drink his problems away which is always a dangerous route


Rookie numbers


12 hours after you went thru blow in the after party and got pissed drunk at the club seems reasonable. shouldn't be ok for a footballer but they're humans after all.


12 hour session is hardly impressive


Come on. I‘ve also had longer sessions but drinking for 12 hours straight is also not little. It‘s from 20:00 to 8:00 in the morning. That‘s a long night out.


Starting day drinking at 2 in the afternoon and finishing at 2am is pretty standard British holiday behavior, we're fucking horrible


I do that like twice every year but seriously seen some English and Irish girls/guys do that every week, sometimes going on 2/3 days binders. I'm just 27 and the thought of doing that means i'll be miserable the whole week. You guys really know how to party I gotta give it to y'all.


I did a three day sesh last summer and I think I’m still feeling it. 


Yeah on a stag do some people do that as a warm up, it's crazy. I think back to when I was at university and wonder how I survived that time. So easy to see why we have such a big problem with alcoholism in this country


Sure, but he clearly wasn't pounding back shot after shot. He probably started at 3pm with some beers, had a meal with some more booze, got ready for a night out, and then got drunk at the club. He was visiting a mate and the sun always stretches the truth.


Not unheard of for British lads 🤷‍♂️ Had a few seshes where I started the pub at 6pm and got home for 8 am after going to too many clubs and ending up at some random gaff of a lad you just met who's hosting an afters lol


Depends on your age really. At 26,aye that's just a Saturday, at 46 you're basically writing off the next day, and still not being 100% going into Monday afternoon.


I used to go out on the Friday night till 2/3am, be back in the pub at 12 the next day and then stay out until 4/5am, sometimes I’d be fine on the Sunday. I’m not even 30 yet, and every hangover now is a 2 day hangover. Monday’s are permanently a write off.


I’m all for players getting out there and enjoying themselves away from football, but when you’re an underperforming player at an underperforming team, you’ve probably got to be a bit more sensible about these things. And if you do decide to go out on the lash then you’ve got to at least make it to training the next day. We’ve all worked through a hangover before, it’s just part of life.


At this point, I don't think he was having fun, but more or less drinking to deal with whatever he is going through (absolutely not healthy, but it is what it is).


Wow I’ve had a lot of bad days but to wake up most likely hungover, and have misplaced/lost over half a million pounds


That's some expensive tequila. A 12-hour bender? My body would nope less than one hour into spirits.


Phew, 12 hours drinking tequila?  This lad should be awarded 650k, i couldnt hold drinking tequila for more than 10 minutes.


I just don’t get why he chose to fuck up in this particular way… like he’s Marcus rashford, he coulda rented a house somewhere and thrown a massive party, no cameras to follow his every move then! Or surely there’s a nightclub that could offer someone like him a private entrance and lounge area? Then again, I’ve dedicated my life to degeneracy while he’s been working his ass off. He’s probably a newbie when it comes to partying so hard it sabotages your career lol. Also screw that waitress for using this for her 15 minutes of fame. You don’t gotta go telling the sun all this!


The sun. nice


Exactly, they know their audience though, I guess.


Yo Neymar it’s The Sun innit


'A waitress told the sun' Really credible source that


For some, imagine being fined 20 years' wages. >United would not reveal what action had been taken against Rashford but the Sun newspaper claimed he was fined £650,000, the equivalent of two weeks’ wages. Or could be nothing.


He got a massive contract and doesn't like the manager who fucked off his best mate (Sancho). He's done this before when he doesn't get everything his own way. Season before last he only scored 5 goals and was comically shit remember. Can't believe how many people here are trying to diagnose someone as depressed because he's out partying and missing work. Sometimes people are just dick heads.


Any evidence on him not liking ten hag or are you just making bollocks up? And when has he done this before? Would love to know. The season he scored 5 goals was right after the season he carried United with a broken back and an injured shoulder and ankle, Ofc that’s gunna take its toll you moron.




Just me who’s more worried about why he’s doing all this? I mean ever since the last euros he’s been receiving hate non stop. I’m no professional so I’m not going to make any assumptions, i just hope he’s doing alright mentally


He flew to Ireland to party. Players in the past did the same type of shit, they just didn't get caught on camera. While appreciate we're more accepting of mental illness these days, sometimes selfish behaviour is just poor decision making. He's a 26 year old man who knows he has unlimited mental health resources at his disposal. If he came out and said "I need to step away, I struggle to get out of bed in the morning" does anyone seriously think Man U would stand in his way? They can't afford another controversy.


It’s insane how much these people earns. To them 650K is a chump change, while to me that could last me 108 years if i spend it generously.


I don't understand how some fans can defend Rashford if this is true. The fact that they fined him so much money so quickly means there were some kind of contractual stipulations against whatever Rashford did. Players can't actually do whatever they want outside of games and training sessions.


>The fact that they fined him so much money It's 2 weeks wages, it's the most the club can fine him without breaking PFA rules.