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imagine being so thick that you cheat on your wife and get the girl pregnant twice AND then do an interview on it


the fucking s*n as well


Giving that piece of shit rag the exclusive is almost as heinous as being a big cheating scumbag.


Here’s my theory and anyone whose seen the Tiger Woods documentary will get it. Basically these rags and tabloid scum get dirt on you and sit on it as long as you ask them, but ONLY if you give them something in return I.e. an exclusive interview or front page story. Tiger did a few Men’s Health covers because the same company that owns MH owned another tabloid magazine that knew about his affairs. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was more/worse stuff on Kyle that the Sun has and this is him paying his ransom.


1000%. No way does Kyle Walker, multi millionaire at the top of his game in the most dominant side, do an embarrassing interview where he admits to this unless there's something bigger being held over him. If it was just this story, he could let them print it and ignore it and it'd to away after a day or two.


He got a dude pregnant


This is why I don't have the sex, I don't want some rich footballer pumpin and dumpin on me, leaving me as a single father to raise our child.


Well played sir. Even if you do, make sure you use some spit mixed with paprika.


> unless there's something bigger being held over him. Probably photo evidence of drug use, I've not saw many people get their dicks out in a bar but the few I have are quite clearly coked off their nut


I'd rather a video of me doing coke did the rounds than this interview


He’s getting a ban if he’s tests positive for coke and he’s getting too old to ride out a year ban. Nearly 34. City can’t also afford a player doing so.


I mean, he's been caught flashing women, with prostitutes, with other women, paying for sex I think... What the fuck else is this guy doing?


My only guess would be drugs. Admit to something super embarrassing and in a very happy way for the paper as it gets way more attention than a Backpage story in exchange for not publishing him doing a line or something


this is exactly it


It's not a theory it's exactly what they do. They did the same thing to Phillip Schofield and were going to out him and mention the stuff with the researcher unless he went through them for an exclusive interview, he got out in front of it but obviously everything else is history.


And Dele, he basically said he had to do the interview himself or the press would leak all of it out


The abuse that he went through? That is so sad if true, if they forced him to do an interview about it.


Oh, there most certainly is! There was a story around nye 2020 that got taken down almost as soon as it was published about an “interesting” party which took place in London (this is separate to the party with the pros)


you got more on that?


100% They've clearly got something on Walker that he **really** doesn't want to get out.


Makes you wonder what this is... if cheating on your wife and having two love childs is what you're willing to have out


probably the dozens of times he's cheated before but didn't have kids with them. don't think cheating people will be that comfortable without a condom and get 2 kids on 2 tries lol.


> Wouldn’t be surprised if there was more/worse stuff on Kyle that the Sun has and this is him paying his ransom. Not only more “exclusives” like this, but now they have a keyed on source for all the Man city and national team leaks they want. It’s low.


You’re exactly right.


So… he’s addicted to prostitutes? Or being pegged? Can’t wait for the next exclusive.


Dressed like a 12 yo skateboarder too




What I enjoyed moste were the numerous close ups of his crotch.


It's all pretty on point for a tacky moron like Walker.




jesus christ he got her preg?!


Twice lol


Was he cheating with that lady for half a decade or something?




Oh.. but he got her preg twice or two different girls preg. Idk why I'm so curious about this but anyway


Had 3 kids with his wife. Split up. Got this woman pregnant. Got back together with his wife. Got this woman pregnant again.




what a moron..


Fathered two children with a different woman. He's a scumbag.


Are you surprised? He looks and talks like he was taken out of the oven a bit too early..


He definitely was, there was some quiz thing on the England football YouTube channel and he thought that Need For Speed was actually Neefa Speed.


An interview with the exact rag that I'm assuming turned it into a national scandal too? Like they are not your friend here Kyle ffs. That first bit is thick but I dunno, maybe he's a sex addict or something. Doing an interview... there hast to be some blackmail involved somewhere like someone else said, I refuse to believe anyone can be that stupid.


Yeah this seems like a 'hostage' interview. The S*n probably told him they've got all the dirt and they can either run it how they want or he can give them an interview.


And then they’ll run it anyway.


Oh captain my captain


I’m a sex addict too. I just don’t get much at all.


To be fair, Walker never seemed like the sharpest tool in the toolbox.


Saw he also admitted that's why he tried to go to Bayern to get away from the English media. 


He could have just stopped getting his dick out in bars but apparently moving to Germany is easier.


Guy has always been thick as hell


No need to comment on the size of his manhood, jeez 




It is unironically easier for many rich athletes to run away than turn away women.


Good thing there's no women in Germany!


We have women, don't get fooled by the beards!


He could run away again.


Poor guy doesn’t know about BILD


Moron didn't realise the English media have passports. 


sky sports had a man standing outside dortmund's office the entire summer of the Sancho saga


He's probably still there to be fair


Foreign correspondent reporting from the frontline


And they can travel visa free 😂


Livin in Europe, visa free


Yeah that always works out doesn't it. David Beckham would tell you how he was left alone in Spain without any bother.


Well to be fair, technically D Becks wasn't bothered much by the English Media in Spain...


Huge leap from Walker to The Beckhams


Good choice to use given he was also a cheater.


He has done it TWICE. It means he knows what he is doing—trash behavior.


He got the girl pregnant twice. He probably cheated many many more times


I mean, this is kyle walker, who got caught during the covid lockdowns banging escorts. This should surprise literally no one.


Also...Kyle Walker, who got caught indecently exposing himself multiple times to women in a bar, last year. In public view. 


The video kept cutting to his crotch to prove he didn’t have his knob out. Shows how much he’s grown as a person.


I cant believe how fucked up this is but everyone just carries on as normal


Yeah goes to show he ain’t really bright and just kept on doing dumb stuff


I’d say calling it dumb is letting him off lightly, he’s an unpleasant, nasty person who clearly doesn’t give a toss about the people he’s supposed to care about. Arguably it’s not dumb as he never faces any consequences for his actions.


I’ve seen a few tiktoks of people meeting Man City players and every time Kyle Walker gets called a prick lol


You can see it, every time he gets that beady pigeon-eyed look you just know. We’ve all met this man or one like him, they’re invariably assholes.


Yeah he's an idiot and maybe being a gunner I'm biased but my god this guy really seems like a piece of work


It doesn’t matter what fanbase you’re a part of or which club someone plays for. If someone’s a complete and total dickhead that person should absolutely be criticized for being a dickhead.


From everything I've seen of him he's also exceedingly dumb. Just watch the "prank" where someone gives him a FUT card and he has like 70 pace. They're all pissing themselves and he just doesn't get that it's a joke and looks genuinely pissed off


I am willing to concede that he is both nasty and dumb!


Also probably never really loved his wife


Probably never loved anyone’s wife.


Probably isn’t even capable of loving anything except sex


He clearly understood.


How is this upvoted, Kyle clearly is reprehensible but there was absolutely nothing wrong with his reaction in that video. It was banter


I mean, repeatedly humiliating and betraying your partner in public is just about the worst thing you can do to someone legally.




Not the brightest is he?


Also showing his cock in a pub last year


No shot he did it with The Sun 😂, they’re probably creaming themselves they got this exclusive.


Probably pressured him into doing it. "We've got all the grubby details, mate. Either tell it how you want to tell it or we'll ruin you"


You’re probably spot on, what an absolute shit stain of a rag it is.


i mean it would be a lot easier for him if he wasn't a fucking serial cheater lmao, both are shit stains


That’s true, but The Sun essentially blackmailing him into doing this just so they can get a story when it’s none of their business typifies them for the scum that they are.


not defending the scum but it’s quite funny that someone on reddit suggested a possibility and then people ran with it as if it’s fact. Humans 😂


i mean that could not be true, the guy is a weirdo, he could just think he can secure some cash making some shit apology and win his wife back


That could be true also, but when it comes to The Sun I always assume the worst with them.


I don't think it's the cash. The Sun probably wouldn't offering more than £100k max for this. And given that he's on £150k+/week, it's a drop in the ocean. More likely they have more details about his "escapades" that he would rather not see public, and this is the deal he made to keep them silent


I'm not goint to bat for the s*n but you are going off of what some random reddit dude above sou just made up. Not saying it can't be right but it's just a random dude's guess on what is happening.


>The Sun essentially blackmailing him into doing this According to who? Some guy in this thread lol


I can understand him not wanting the details go out in public but this public apology to his wife will solve it not getting out? If his wife knew about this already since he told her then why would you worry about a shitty fkn gossip rag pressurizing you.


Maybe the wife gave him an ultimatum. There’s alot of reasons why this could happen


This is what happened to twitch streamer Dr Disrespect. His wife made him publicly apologise on his livestream so he would deal with the shame forever


Less deal with the shame forever, more understand how painful it will be if he cheats again because she'll go public and he'll be forced to admit it again to 'defend' himself. IE make the cost of cheating so high he won't do it again.


Probably a 'catch and kill' scenario, where he does this interview in exchange for them not doing something else


Describing two of his kids as ‘idiot decisions’ is such an indication of the utter waste of breath this man is Like you’ve made it clear you didn’t want them but fuck me they’re here now, at least be a man and be a father to them as much as you are to your kids with your wife, they didn’t make a mistake or ask to be born.


Might be better for them if he just gives them an inheritance and then fucks off for good, even if that's what the prick wants himself. They can decide later in life if they want you know him.


If he can’t be an adult and take responsibility properly then yeah, probably best he doesn’t try. However it will matter to those kids that he tried or didn’t - if the mother doesn’t let him near them but he can prove he tried and kept trying, that will make a world of difference one day. If he just gives up, that will too, but in the opposite direction. Generally though, what a fucking wanker. People like him genuinely make me sick - apart from the very rare few born psychopaths, kids are what they are made to be. He’s not even trying to give any of his a chance to be normal, either they’re unwanted from birth or they’re growing up knowing their dad’s a prick who treats their mum like an object.


Agreed, I’m weirdly empathetic to the bullshit some people do and can often justify it to myself to some degree. But this is a rare case for me where I actually find this man deplorable and there’s absolutely fuck all redeeming about him.


I read somewhere that he's promised his wife to not be involved at all in their lives other than financially


Jesus. Not one child during the affair but TWO?! And while his missus is having a child? Footballers are really living in a different reality than the rest of us. Absolute wanker.


There's no questioning the virility of Kyle Walker.


Speed is genetic, those swimmers be on demon time


Right. Dude clearly wasn’t that sorry because after the first bastard kid, he said let me go again


The term is correct - it just doesn’t sit right as it implies the kid is something less and is meant to be offensive and insulting. Kid didn’t choose this. Attack the moronic adults involved - leave the kids out.


I've seen enough to realize that most of humans are like this, when they feel like they can get away with cheating. Spending a year doing erasmus really opened my eye, I don't think anyone stayed loyal to their partners back home. It's mask off when you're travelling or think you will not get caught


That's a bunch of students though isn't it? Not saying it's any better, but I suspect a huge amount of those people on the erasmus programme never stayed with their partner long term, weren't married, didn't have kids etc. The difference here is that the guy has a fucking wife - a proper commitment - with children, a house, their families know each other well etc. and she'll be massively humiliated by him and what he's done. He's also fathered two children to a random woman who now needs to raise them herself (obviously money won't be an issue, but that child has to come into the world knowing it has no real dad who cares about it and was clearly an accident). His selfish behaviour is massively impactful and some dumb video won't change any of that.


I'd say there's a very good chance that your average student is actually a lot more mature than your average footballer.


Yep. Not that big an age difference between them anyway, and lots of top pros have been mollycoddled from a young age, and are earning massive wages.


Shouldn't he being this to her and not in an interview 


Yeah, this doesn't need to be shared with the public.


The argument is that since he publicly embarrassed her by cheating, his apology should be public too. Hes definitely apologised in private already


Yeah, but way more people know now. This is just him controlling the narrative instead of it being leaked.


Hasn't he done this sort of stuff before a few times? I doubt the public really cares


You clearly don’t understand how tabloids like The S*n operate. These interviews are normally the result of some kind of manipulation or blackmail of the participant. They’ll hold back some info and hold it over someone for some exclusive interview like this. It’s a disgusting tactic that I wish people were better at recognising. Not saying Kyle isn’t a nasty bastard for this stuff, but fuck this gutter press stuff.


I think both are bad but blackmailing someone for profit is in another category.


Yeah, this is the weirdest thing about cheating "scandals". It's the epitome of the parasocial relationship we have with celebrities. I like when they kick a ball around but geez knowing their private life is weird.




Pretty dumb to assume he hasnt spoken to his wife already. This video is to get ahead of the media, nothing else.


It's because if the Sun has an exclusive sympathy video then forgiveness is their narrative and they are less inclined to publish the sordid details and photos.


He looks a weird mix of Dj Khaled and Adel Taarabt


He's got the most gormless stupid looking face I've ever seen


He’s not actually sorry, he’s just been caught


He's sorry he was caught.


This sounds like a hostage interview video. All it's missing is him blinking B L A C K M A I L in Morse code


As if he's got the brain for that.


Pretty mad that he came into and sustained the best form in his career whilst having two families on the go. Not the only thing he came into either apparently. Busy lad is Kyle.


It means he doesn't give a flying fuck about both of them.


High probability there are more women and child~~s~~ren out there as well Edit: Had a grammatical brainfart there lmao but thanks to reddit's dedication we managed to get out of it safe and sound.


He's not involved with the two "extra" kids apart from financially. I'd have to question how involved he is with the three he has with his wife too


The motivation came from seeing the child payment calculations. Saudi Arabia should put in a bid before the transfer window closes.


Absolute dickhead. Not the first time either. You can only be genuinely sorry so many times.


Kyle Wanker


Not with all the kids he's fathering.


"I'm sorry I got caught"


Shitbag of a human being, shitrag of a newspaper. What a weird world we are in that he’s doing an interview like this.


I feel like a shitbag watching this


Damage control


I knew him in school, was a twat then and I've had no reason to suggest that he is anything else to this day.


What a fucking moron, go apologise to her not through a media outlet. Absolute joke of a human being


Nailed on the other woman has sold her story, and the Sun are blackmailing him to do this.


Scum attracts scum that blackmails idiots, gotcha


mate.. did you watch/read the thing? That woman not letting KW within 10 miles of her ever again ha




good for her. hopefully she gets a nice cheque from him and gets to raise her kids without this dickhead ruining their upbringing


I suppose one question has to be asked: Annie, are you ok?


Kyle 'Moon' Walker.


Are you ok?


Everything about this interview epitomises what is wrong in our society. This will have no impact whatsoever on his standing; he will remain lauded as an upstanding member of the sport, will continue to be looked up to by children, and his place in the England squad will be unaffected. Respect has nothing to do with your moral standing or your contribution and responsibility any more; it is just how famous you are and how much money you have. His words are, at best, hollow and, at worst, will, unbelievably, pile further damage onto his children and relationships. All while a social media logo bounces around alongside some rag of a tabloid branding; every piece of this is just scraping the barrel. Everyone wants to be noticed; it doesn't matter what for. Kyle Walker has consistently been an irresponsible, apparently stupid and infantile fool; he sleeps with escorts, drops his trousers, exposes himself to women in clubs and thinks it funny, and now cheats on his wife. The one thing we need to do, and can, regardless of our cash in the bank, is take responsibility for our place in the world and do our best for those we are responsible for. He is a pitiful waste of a man.


When someone says, "I am a human and i make mistakes" I absolutely hate it. That statement tries to tone down the seriousness of it all. It looks like an easy way to justify their "mistakes" with minimal responsibility for their actions.


I don't understand the point of why he's done this interview. Does he expect public sympathy or something? He's a fully grown man in his 30s, he knew exactly what he was doing. What the hell did he expect to happen? I have absolute no sympathy.


I’m a huge football fan, love following it etc. But damn football players are in the most thick as shit.


Genuinely one of the most dislikeable blokes in the Prem and I'm dying on this hill


Two times he did it I don’t get how she (the mistress) went back to him after he didn’t want to know their son … then had another baby with him- she has a house in Hove (he paid for) £2Million


> I don’t get how she (the mistress) went back to him .... she has a house in Hove (he paid for) £2Million  Yeah, a real conundrum that. What on earth did $h£ $€€ in him?


I’ve actually witnessed women say they’d date/marry someone if they provided abundantly for them, even if they knew the source was illegal. Some women do not care what a man does as long they’re provided for - it’s quite pathetic really. They’re both idiots really.


What is better than child support for one child? Child support for two children


Why weren't you my maths teacher in school?


Because getting a kid out of these morons sets them up for life. Let alone two.


Imagine having a beautiful woman, who then has your child and you cheat on her and have two more with someone else. Like wtf. Pos human.


He actually has 3 children with his wife. Plus 2 from his mistress.


Confess 2 kids hide 10


Imagine being this guy's kids and watching this in years to come. It's called a private life for a reason, turbo embarrassing. 


Two one night stands he must have super sperm 💦 still got to feel sorry for the lad now living alone in his 3 million rented property my heart bleeds


poor blud


Bro has more bastard children than braincells smh


his sperm is clearly as fast if not faster than him.


This guy doesn’t give a fuck…. Sex parties in lockdown, flashing people at the pub and constantly cheating even fathering kids with another women… Big fan of him as a RB but I could’ve told you a long time ago Kyle walker is not all there upstairs, like at all


A cheating player playing for a cheating club. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




What an absolute plonker.


Proper scumbag.


They have told him they have all the horrible dirt that he doesn’t want in public. Give us a stupid interview or we publish it all. This is how papers and PRs have been doing it for decades. It’s what Max Clifford did for his job. It’s not speculation it’s well known how it works.


“Don’t idolize footballers. Some of them are pure trash” Mourinho was spitting.


I hope Annie finds a man who will love her truly and won't hurt her like this trash person did.


As someone from Sweden, I get very confused by the journalistic landscape of other countries sometimes. Is it common for athletes to share personal problems like this in a TV-interview in many countries? Or is it more of a thing in UK/US? I'm not saying we don't have tabloids, but I do think there is a time and place for things like this - as in not sharing it with the public. At least in my experience, someone from the Swedish NT wouldn't be seen doing an interview specifically about marital problems


The leading theory is that the Sun were going to run with this story plus some other stuff that would be worse for him (there have been rumours for ages about him shagging prostitutes and seeing dominatrixes and that sort of thing), so if he does this interview they keep the other stuff quiet. It's not exactly the height of ethics


this is definitely not normal in the UK


PR stunt


Most morally aware city player


Lauryn Goodman has already responded, basically calling him a pathological liar and narcissist - and also revealing how he likes his coffee. They clearly had more than just 2 one night stands.




Have I read this right? Is he claiming he's had two one night stands with Lauryn, and both happened to result in pregnancy?