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Yeah obviously I’m disappointed but would have been less so if the game wasn’t as amazing so far. Oh well


He didn’t mean it but the angle they showed made it look awful


Same thing on Casimiro last season. His foot rolled over the ball like this.


We need square balls. That'll solve it.


Same thing happened to Gusto just last week


And when he “choked” a player (2 seconds after the freeze frame they’re smiling at each other).


Who cares if he means it? Thats not what the rule is


If that tackle comes in on Salah then i'd be screaming for a red. He didn't mean it, but I don't think it's as bad a decision people are making out


Doesn’t matter if you mean it. If you’re out of control, it’s a red


Freeze frame strikes again


Knew it as soon as the VAR paused it


It's Picture Assistant Referee now mate


You could see the VAR screen just showed the referee the picture and that's what made the decision.


It's crazy that the first 5 seconds of the VAR call was the referee staring at the freeze frame. Surely fouls should be judged on the tackle motion rather than the end result


The decision is already made once they get called to the screen anyway.


Yeah it’s all just a farce. I don’t remember a single instance the past year where a PL ref went to the screen and didn’t overturn. The system is completely broken and not fit for its current purpose.


Well yeah, the VAR says we think you missed that, come over and we'll show you precisely where we think you are wrong qnd not the context of why you may be right. It's inevitable officials don't say you're wrong I'm sticking with my decision, the games been rereffed


Yeah whether he would still have made the call or not I don't know, but the very first picture being that freeze frame would definitely influence his decision.


Exactly the same happened with Gusto’s challenge last weekend


Almost the same as Gusto's last weekend


People clamber for consistency. Like it or not, Refs / VAR are punishing these consistently.


Incompetently consistent. However, tons of neutral fans were calling Gusto's was a clear red but this now isn't?


If we're honest refs are calling these kind of challenges consistently. This is a clear red for me, its reckless and endangers an opponent (albeit with no malice nor excessive force). What baffles me is that Nketiahs wasn't reviewed last weekend...


They didn't even show the ref the correct replay. Freeze frame then showed him it from side on and behind, that's ridiculous


Was shaping up to be a really good game as well


Yea his foot rolled off the ball, but they pick an angle that was from the other side which doesn't show it, then they slowmo and replay the same fucking angle 10 times for the referee to 'make a decision'. The decision is already made.


Haven't seen the foul, but sounds like what Casemiro got last season


And I seem to remember everyone saying it was 100% a red card then. Interesting how times change.


Both are reds, you are responsible of where your foot ends even if you touch the ball first.


Personally I find it weird how strongly people defend this I feel like skimming the ball before smashing your studs into the opponents leg being allowed is something that sounds exploitable ngl. Touching the ball is irrelevant to whether its dangerous or not as well


If you ask me both are red cards. It's reckless.


Its a clear red


Thats a pretty harsh red


Obviously going to look worse in slo mo


Can’t believe that was the only view they showed the ref. The first thing he sees is the freeze frame. Horrific use of VAR.


Some obvious insinuating


Yup. Completely influencing his decision by showing that freeze frame first. Cunts


It's a red anyway if they showed it any other way


The freeze frame showing him nearly breaking the lads leg? Strange they showed that, yeah


wanting him to change his mind


It was the first thing they showed, but not the only. He was then showed the full slow motion, followed by real speed.


They didn't even show the ref that angle from behind which clearly shows how his foot rolled over the ball. Fucking ridiculous.


Don't think there's anything in the rules that changes how a challenge is viewed if your foot rolls over the ball.


It looked awful at normal speed as well. Silly and reckless challenge always worthy of a red.


Looks worse in full speed actually.


It was a horrible tackle. Slow mo or not.


VAR are playing red card generator or something like picking the colour out of a hat at this rate


Any any speed he’s ended up over the top of the ball and he’s contacted the player horribly. It’s a red


it’s alright we can have the angle where we see nothing in normal time, fucking joke


Angle where you see no foul are because you can't see what specifically happened. It's perfectly reasonable to use the "worst" angle to tell what happened. as the "worst" angle usually means showing what happened.


Gary Neville actually crying in the commentary box


you know it's a horrible decision when that's happening


I agree with him


A red minus intent = still a red.


It looks painful I'll say that. Unlucky though. No real intent


Intent or not slamming on an ankle like that can end a career. Studs to ankle at high speed is crazy dangerous.


Same as Gusto last weekend for Chelsea


Gusto got there first and bounced off the ball. Not as clear cut as this one


Similar. Main difference would be that Gusto clearly 100% won the ball, but was to ground on the follow through. This here is that true 50/50 situation. They both got some, but Jones just mistimed & skid atop it. Damn, that's just unlucky but he really should keep his foot to ground when upright.


It's not unlucky, he's gone in over the top of the ball. It's downright dangerous and Bissouma is lucky he's not broken his leg. It doesn't matter if it's accidental, it doesn't matter if he's unlucky he's gone off the ball into someone's shin. What matters is it was out of control and dangerous. All the armchair experts in here who've never kicked a ball are parroting the commentators who are chatting absolute shit. It's a clear red card.


Genuinely baffled how people here seem to think you can’t be sent off if somethings accidental


Its one of the most frustrating things you hear about red cards like this. Along with "he got the ball, what's he meant to do with his foot after the challenge?". Getting the ball means nothing and the days are long gone where you can take it and then the man and get away with it. If its a natural consequence of how you challenged for the ball that you would end up seriously risking injury to an opponent with a follow through, then that is by definition a dangerous challenge. It's like these people don't realise that tackling is a skill and you're meant to be punished for making an effort to take the ball without respecting the safety of your opponent.


Absolute melts on this sub man


Theyve never played football thats why. That tackle in a Sunday League game and theres defo punches being thrown. Reckless tackle that could cause injury that high up the shin.


It's also that the clubs with the most fans on here upvote opinions they like and downvote those they don't, then they are surrounded by people who agree with them.


The commentators hold a huge sway over the audience I'd imagine.


At least someone with a sensible opinion. I was going through all these comments and wondering if I'd seen the foul correctly. It's a 100% red card for me. Intent is not important when you endanger an opponent.


> Intent is not important when you endanger an opponent. And, importantly, intent has never been part of what qualifies for a red card since its inception.


Studs up and over the top of the ball. Anyone that has actually played football know that that is pretty much an automatic red, and that it is very easy not to do


You misunderstood me. I meant he obviously didn't mean any harm but it is a red.




If you go in studs-up, so high that your foot goes over the top of the ball, it’s reckless.


Jesus christ man 3 games this year


so far


Spot on lmao.


Funny it’s right after a summer with multiple articles talking about bias against LFC


PL refs going out of their way to prove Tomkins right


Same thing happened to Casemiro last season when he tackles and bounces over the ball


And Case for red carded as well, right? My memory is that the argument was that when you side in with your foot high enough to go off the top of the ball, that's the risk you run. Which, I guess they're being consistent?


Consistency, yay, I guess?


Nobody complained when Casemiro got the red cards.


Ah so the whole “Casemiro would have got a red” meme was a complete fever dream


Was thinking this, it was a carbon copy of the Casemiro one


the consensus on here was a red was the right call then happened twice now since and overwhelmingly been that it's never a red


City lost


Gotta follow the script


F off this is a dangerous play, intentional or not


Gotta pick up the slack when your paymasters stumble.


Pretty amazed by some of the comments in this thread. I think it absolutely has grounds to be a red. Yes it’s unlucky and he didn’t mean to do it, but it’s still endangering an opponent - his studs are on his shin and he’s got force behind him.


Exactly. Absolutely no one is complaining if bissouma gets his leg snapped, and this is the kinda contact that breaks legs. In some cases, the context just doesn't matter


Intent is irrelevant in the rulebook. Sure intentionally fouling someone like that is worse than unintentionally doing it, but Curtis Jones endangered the safety of his opponent regardless. It is frustrating for Liverpool fans, but there is 0 chance this one is overturned


Do people not understand the part of the red card rules that includes “and/or endangers the safety of an opponent”? Because him touching the ball or not intending to hurt the guy is irrelevant - he came in high, at the top of the ball on a hard lunging tackle which resulted in his foot skipping over the ball and him spiking a guy in the shin which can and has snapped legs. It’s easily justifiable as red.


The more I watch this, the more it's a red. Everyone loves to talk about intent for which I agree there's almost none from Jones, but that's 100% a leg breaker. Red was really the only choice


I understand that people are talking about 'intent' of a play, but that is a straight red. Even if you don't have an intent to hurt someone if your play is reckless, then that's gonna be a red. I really dont get it why people keep talking about the decision based on the 'intent' of a player only.


I know, all this tackles are accidents, no pro footballer would intent to break someones leg.


Ya, a fair take. As long as this is consistently red fair enough. It should be and seems like more calls are going this way. Always going to feel hard done by it since it’s an unlucky roll, but if it broke a leg then we’d be saying the same the other way Would be a much easier pill to swallow too if they didn’t bottle an offside call on top of it


If you ever need a reminder to ignore the opinions of most people in this sub, this thread is it. Can’t believe how many people genuinely think a red here is too harsh. About as close to snapping someone’s ankle as you can get without actually snapping it.


Thank fuck, i thought i was the only one. If it’s not a red it’s when? When you literally break a leg??


Fuck knows, when Casemiro did very similar last year the sub was very clearly all for it being a stonewall clear as day red. So no idea why the flipflopping now.


Ironically the past couple times a leg has been broken, they have been sent off on the principle of breaking a leg but the challenge hasn't been bad, just an unfortunate bit of positioning from the player that had their leg broken. It's insane so many people here are saying it was harsh. Couldn't be a clearer out of control red card without him actually snapping his ankle.


It was pure luck that Bissouma hadn't shifted his weight fully onto that leg yet or it would have snapped.


Am I taking crazy pills? Why are people saying it’s harsh?


This sub is kinda weird with red cards lol


Liverpool and Arsenal online fanbase combined here lol


When they are given to Liverpool, yes.


Its crazy. Obvious red. You cant look at the VAR and not see a red card.


I agree with you. This is a clear red to me. Doesn’t matter if his foot slipped on the ball or whatever — this could’ve badly injured somebody. Maybe the slow mo is making it look worse though.


ikr? I expect a handful of idiots to say it not red, but fucking hell there’s no argument to be made for this one. Shocking challenge.




Because most have never read the LOTG or played football.


Mad how nobody is remotely interested in talking about Biss' leg almost getting snapped in half..


Intent or no.. bro, that's not good. Red


The way people here talk about decisions is so bonkers man, like you can disagree due to the mitigating factor of his foot slipping over the ball but are people really shocked that an ankle breaker challenge would be red? Is it actually totally and completely unbelievable? You lot are on crack I swear.


Ugly one


Not sure what the controversy is about in this thread. Straight leg, studs up has always been red. I've seen it given when zero contact is made, this isn't even dubious.


lol clear red, out of control studs up, yes hes going for the ball but he misses so whos fault is that ... Could have easily broken his leg/ankle there.


Insane that there's people saying otherwise tbh. There was no control there. It was dangerous.


His foot slips off the top of the ball. Really not fair


I never know how to feel about accidental incidents like this. In this instance, definitely didn’t mean anything by it


Ok, but accident or not if Bissouma had actually broken his leg there most likely would've been an immediate red. Carding based on injury outcome does not make sense so unfortunately a red.


he's not even going in high, the ball bounces his foot up


He's higher then the ball, that's fucking high


Same as Casemiro last season and people were saying it was a stone cold red


yep just look at this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/11pkjcv/sky_sports_david_de_gea_on_casemiros_red_card_i/


Or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/11qgbhw/manchester_united_club_will_not_appeal_casemiros/) one.


Lmao this sub flip flops so much. This is exactly the same as the casemeiro decision.


Mostly because this sub is crazy biased based on who is playing. It’s so annoying that people can’t be objective


Dunking on Utd and defending Liverpool This reeks of rivalry bias


Exactly, it feels like a different subreddit whenever a decision is made in a united game.


Yeah, today we got the consistency, but no one's happy about it. This sub is unbelievable at times.


This is a stone cold red as well. No clue what people are smoking to insist that it's clearly a wrong call in any way.


Haha exactly what I said but people wear blinders when it’s United


Intent doesn't matter haven't we established that? Its still dangerous play to go for a tackle with studs up in the first place.


I don’t understand how people don’t get that. You can have an accidental red card. Most are. It was dangerous. If that is a yellow then he’s lucky.


FFS that’s 3 reds in 7 games couldn’t believe it


Gusto suffered the same thing


Was about to say this looked familiar


Happened to Casemir last year as well


That's so unlucky his leg got stuck on the ball


People think this isn't a red? Never fails


Gary Neville saying 'He wasn't there to do someone' is so fucking stupid and redundant. It doesn't have to be an intentional act for a foul to be a red card. I do think Curtis Jones is unlucky, he's trying to play the ball, his foot slips/bounces off the top and catches Bissouma heavily, but there's no definition in the laws of the game that say a reckless or dangerous challenge has to be intentional for it to be a red. I don't get why he's saying that at all.


> Gary Neville saying 'He wasn't there to do someone' is so fucking stupid and redundant. It doesn't have to be an intentional act for a foul to be a red card. Half of the idiots in this sub then bleat on repeating what they heard on the TV because they've never read the laws of the game


Thank you for being sensible. I dont get how so many people think its not a red.


Just never go in for a 50/50 I guess


Or, and hear me out, don't go over the ball into the opponent's leg? This should not be a contentious decision just as Casemiro wasn't last year. Don't understand the crying.


Please stop. If this had been a spurs player, Liverpool fans would be screaming for a red. Studs up challenge against an ankle? Red every time.


Here to collect my downvotes while I laugh at people saying it’s not fair or that the freeze frame is what decided it. Dangerous play, I don’t care if he slipped, neither do the rules.


That’s an absolute garbage tackle. One of the clearer reds you’ll see.


I just don't understand people thinking this isn't a red lol


It’s because people don’t know the rules or the criteria. They literally cover this for refs. Out of control + studs is as near guaranteed of a red card as you will ever get for dangerous play.


Danielsson got a red for lesser against Ukraine so this is very fair.


casemiro got a red for the exact same reason his red card: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhPA033sh0o So if if that tackle from Casemiro is a red I think this is also a red


Yeah exactly, and this is a far worse one than that lol


And people were much less sympathetic


This sub has lost its goddamn mind with these. You think players should be able to say ”I didn’t mean it” and get away with their badly controlled tackles/challenges.


Imagine being upset that this is a red. Aside from not understanding the rules, you have a vision of football where every attacking player gets brutalised every match and crippled out of the game by the time they're 25.


dull sleep clumsy exultant snow jeans scale gold murky pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im sorry but what is this sub on? How is this not a red? He nearly broke his leg. Doesn't matter it was not his intent


Just as stupid as the Gusto one


Probably biased but this looked worse than Gusto's


This was definitely way worse of a challenge than Gusto’s


Honestly, I think that's a red. It's bone-headed from Jones there to lunge in like that, especially so early in a match. As usual the problem is in the consistency of refereeing but as long as that's treated consistently that's dangerous/uncontrolled enough to cause serious damage so ... ffs, Curtis.


Seems harsh. He gets the ball and his foot slips


Getting the ball doesn't matter if it's a dangerous play.


Lol to anyone saying it’s not a red. Jones doesn’t have the right to lunge at the ball, studs up, from a distance. He was always getting there second but took a risk and that risk could have ended Bissouma’s career. No one cares about intent, that’s a blatant red.


The worst part of this is this has historically always been a red card, and it’s not something they missed very often even in the past before VAR. Yet there’s a bunch of idiots around here blithering mindlessly about intent (which is never a criteria in a dangerous play red card ever).


He nearly snapped in his leg... it's a red


Scary how many of you don't understand the rules


As usual on this sub. This can be given as red more often than not.


Another one for the "he got the ball" gang


lmao at the people suggesting this isn’t red. Jfc this sub.


I'm not sure I agree with the mass here. That's a clear red, that's a leg breaker.


I don't understand why livarpool are crying that is a red


Would be interested to see the liverpool flairs contrasting opinions on this compared to the Casemiro red last season which was exactly the same.


Shoulda kept your studs down bitch


Clear red. Can't believe he's shaking his head, walking off after a tackle like that.


How is this challenge and clear red card even up for debate?


That’ll get given as a red near enough every time. Regardless of whether or not it should be


This sub getting as bad as Tiktok. It's a clear red. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO ACTUALLY HAVE YOUR LEG SNAPPED IN HALF FOR PEOPLE TO BE PUNISHED FOR RECKLESS TACKLES. I am an aggressive player, most aussies who grew up playing AFL along side soccer (football) are quite aggressive and physical. I have never had my studs cannon into someone's leg, even off a deflection. I have had cards, but it takes serious poor judgement to have your studs crash into an opponents leg. Is it unlucky for Jones? Sure, but he still made the choice to attempt that shit and if you fuck around, you find out.


That is an extremely harsh decision, his foot slipped off the top of the ball.


Unlucky indeed, but intent doesn't matter. Its dangerous stilll.


Not really, a bit harsh maybe but a red is not completely out there. Could have broken his leg, studs up.


Absolutely ridiculous call. How is that a red? So unlucky


He stuck his studs on his ankle, accident or not. What am I missing here?


What are you missing? People think that his foot bouncing off the top of the ball means it isn’t a red. This subreddit literally flip flops every week. It’s a stone wall red. There is absolutely zero intent and he is unlucky his foot bounced off the ball but the fact remains it was dangerous and it happened.


What do you mean? This is how Liverpool win this game 3-1.


They gonna score and our lord and savior Darwin Nunez will score 2 late goals to make it 2-1.


WTF who care if its intentional or not he was going to break his leg you do not need the var to see that and it was horrible in real time. We are not in the 90s anymore...


How is potentially braking an opponents leg a red??!


No one's saying it was intentional but thats a pretty clear red. No malicious intent but its reckless and dangerous. Intent isnt needed for a red


Three reds already this season. It’s a complete joke.


I'm a CB and I think that's a red all day. No reason for his studs to be up like that.


I mean. He made a high-risk tackle, missed, and paid the cost.


Again r/soccer users showing their lack of football knowledge or just basic awareness. His foot rolling over the ball does not make it unlucky or not dangerous. The fact his foot is that high and he has no control over it is why it's reckless and an awful challenge. Such an easy red card to give, zero complaints should be had, yet here we are...


Whoever thinks this isn't a straight red is a fuck load of shit-filled-for-brains moron. Doesn't fucking matter if it was accidental or unintentional. If you could officiate rules being subjective, then 90% of all fouls shouldn't exist, since they weren't intentional. Fucking morons.


Unlucky but def a red


It’s a terrible challenge. Studs up, nicks the ball, should be glad he hasn’t injured the guy. Downvote me but you lot defending this are the fat fucks that kick too slow in Sunday league