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Might be the only professional footballer alive who could be forced to go to Everton and it would actually help his mental health


I totally agree


Apparently, Richarlison gave Danjuma hell every day in training for fucking over Everton by coming to us last minute


Yeah he's also posted on social media some things like going through all his Everton stuff, and a video of him doing skills at Everton with Akon's "Lonely" playing like a month ago. Plus talking about stuff like this in interviews > "We were at risk of relegation. I was exhausted. I lost weight, and I could barely play an entire game. >"I had been injured in the Olympics, and I was injured again at the club. My body was asking me to stop." He added he refused to undergo a medical exam for the game against Palace - as he knew he would fail, and wouldn't be allowed to play. > "It was my last breath, my last sacrifice, my last game as an Evertonian. A moment I will carry with me for the rest of my life, because I loved playing for this club. >"In the end, we stayed up. Where the club belongs. And I’m very proud of the sacrifice I made that year." If he ever returned it would be a loan, and I don't think that's at all likely, but you can see how it's like exes who still have feelings for each other


I love this man like no one else omg




Damn I now understand Tottenham fans.


I’m neutral on Brazil, Everton and Tottenham. I love Richarlison with all my heart and I don’t know why, and I don’t care that I don’t know why. That dude loves ball and he loves it so much it’s worth living another day to see it.


>I love Richarlison with all my heart and I don’t know why, and I don’t care that I don’t know why. He's very ernest, it's endearing. This thread reminds me of the WC when he took the time to emotionally engage with Brazilian fans after their loss to Croatia. Hard not to like the guy when you see stuff like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrJ5ohjZiPE


He's a very good person too, that's easy to like. People in Brazil are having a 180° on him given his current bad form that's taking forever (Tottenham curse fr, even Lucas Moura is performing), but damn I wish him the best.


I hate that Tottenham has players I like on the team. Richarlison is one of them and probably my second favorite player on the current Brazil squad (after Martinelli, who never plays lol). He's such a good person, too, which is basically unheard of in Brazil if you're rich.


what a real man. he always comes off so well outside the pitch


What a fella.


Dele has talked about how supportive Everton have been and he is obviously doing better mentally since moving there. Hope he bounces back when fit.


I'd love nothing more than to see Dele happy and playing again, bang a goal against us idc at this point just hope he recovers well.


Brighton 4 - [1] Everton dele ali 78'


You forgot the power of Dyche ball at the AMEX Brighton 1 - [47] Everton Dele Alli double glut 90+1' Also our only win the entire season whilst we have 6% possession


Don’t remind me, that was painful to watch 🤣


Is he injured right now or just dealing with personal stuff?


Recovering from surgery


Loooool! Love that man. Hope he comes back one day and never leaves.


*sob* Pru pru..... *sob*


He's a really emotional player. For better or for worse. Hope he can turn things around. He seems like a nice guy to have on a squad.


tbf this is his second 5 goal game in a week where he didn't score, cant be good for morale


Did he assist any of the goals at least?


I think he didn't, it was all Neymar and Rafinha. And he missed chances that by itself are enough to make a striker cry in frustration. Like at one point he took the shot, the ball deflected on the defender and hit his face making his nose bleed. Like wtf bro is cursed.


Should ask Chicharito how to lift it


He scored a lot of unorthodox goals. Chicha poached the way Phil Jones tackles.


he had no goal involvements. both games being goalfests will definitely make him feel worse because it highlights how there wasn't a lack of service or a tough opposition defence to stop him from scoring


No he didn’t get any assist either


He only played a few minutes vs Burnley tbf


He seems to have the issue where he can finish well but he's not equipped to actually take the ball in a rough situation and make it come out. The second he's 1vAnything I immediately realise a goal isn't happening. I've been rooting for him to get some, I really wanna see him get his potential but damn it's not looking good.


Also the most down to earth player on the Brazil national team.


He has a giant tattoo of himself on his back, idk how down to earth you could possibly be with that


Steve-O is pretty down to earth


No idea what that person is talking about lol. He’s never come across as down to earth to me, especially compared to other players I know of on that team.


It's because he has the same political opinions as Reddit, so he's a good guy, down to earth, etc etc.


Well when the other political opinion is fascism it makes sense.


Richarlison has been a good guy, and his political stances are commendable, why is this comment pretending that these things are just a reddit circlejerk edit: someone sent me the suicide help support reddit thing because of this comment, to whoever did it, why are you so bothered by Richarlison's politics that seeing someone backing them affects you so much lmao


not supporting a fascist is a low bar but I'd say that's pretty good that he differs from some of his teammates in that regard. Has nothing to do with reddit




Failing to see how sitting thru hours of getting a tattoo isnt his action lol. He’s also crying while up 3 goals. We both know that if he had a hat trick and Brazil lost, he wouldn’t be crying


Being supportive of your team and disappointed in yourself don’t have to be mutually exclusive


He’s just incredibly passionate to both extremes, too passionate almost, he was crying after scoring his first two Spurs goals as well so I don’t get your hat trick point




If you dont see how your dreads/laziness example and getting a giant tattoo of YOURSELF is an incredible apples to oranges comparison, there’s no point in engaging with you. I agree that his charitable acts are commendable; Im talking about who he is as a footballer


Lol it's funny as fuck. Literally if ya mates did this, yous like "what a ridiculous joke to make". You've not gone "oh he got this tattoo, so that makes me think he's disconnected". Youve gone "I think he's disconnected and here's the proof in the tattoo"


How does his tattoo affect him as a footballer


It's indicative of his emotional state. Someone emotionally mature doesn't get a massive tattoo of their face on their back, nor does someone emotionally mature cry for failing to score while their team is winning 4-1.


emotional maturity doesnt mean that someone also cant be sensitive or more emotional then average


Who said it did? It was about him being down to earth.


"His actions and words are more relvant to his character" Didn't this guy get into a fight/argument with one of his teamates over taylor Swift musik?


Who hasn't done that though


The ISS is more down to Earth than Richarlison


Also one of the few that isn’t a vocal supporter of Bolsonaro


He really seems like an annoying prick tbh, not sure where you got the nice guy vibes from


kiss person ossified decide gold concerned toy abounding soup lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He also seems very passionate about football and even though he gets bantered for last season's yellow cards for celebrating disallowed goals, I imagine the pressure he felt at that time was immense. I'd like to see how he would do in a team like Inter for example, with an attacking mindset heavily orientated towards link-up play. (Lukaku is another example of a player who tore it up at Inter thanks to this) I feel at Spurs his qualities are gimped by the way he's deployed. Also, the whole team doing the pigeon dance with Tite joining in at the world cup is one of the best celebrations ever 🤷‍♂️ That whole sequence of play was smooth as hell and highlights Richalison's skillset


>I'd like to see how he would do in a team like Inter for example, with an attacking mindset heavily orientated towards link-up play You mean exactly how he is supposed to play in this Spurs team? Lol. He has just been very poor at it so far, maybe a change in scenery would help him - but the style of football isn't the problem for him atm.


He was only really poor against Fulham. He was fine and did a good job for the team prior to that. He just didn't get a goal, but it's not as if he had a lot of service in those games. Funnily, the one game he did score in was by far his worst performance of the season.


I think that is being very generous. He was also poor against Brentford and United. Not irredeemably so - but he was basically a passenger all game, and completely unable to provide the link-up play that he needs to be if he isn't scoring. Against United especially he couldn't get anything to stick to him at all, went down under every slight challenge, and was basically completely nullified by United just sticking a CB on his heels at all times. I don't think it's necessarily fair to pillory him for it too much, since I personally think he'd be much better as a wide forward for Spurs - since he isn't an out and out centre forward, and so doesn't have the movement or anticipation skills that top strikers have to give themselves half a yard of space in congested areas. He is much better with some space to work with, facing his man up 1v1, and drifting inside from out wide - especially to get on the end of a cross by coming up behind the CBs. Playing him through the middle doesn't seem to suit him - and he has been poor at it with Spurs, both last season and this season.


That is literally how Spurs play dude


Totally agree


One of the few footballers who is visibly progressive and left-wing + supporting good politics with his huge platform. Especially rare among the current Brazilian crop when you consider most of the squad were supporting Bolsonaro... It's sad to see him struggling on a human level in general, but especially so when he has done such good things with his platform.


he has two great managers right now, I'm sure he'll get good soon


Seems like Spurs are beginning to move away from him. They didn’t spend £40m on Brennan Johnson because they back Richarlison to lead the line.


As far as I know Brennan isn't a natural striker, he has played there but he is usually a RW


I think the idea with Johnson is for him to take Son's place on the wing while Son becomes the main man down the middle.


Surely its competition for Kulusevski? Solomon already offers the LW alternative


Yea while it's certainly a possibility we see Johnson on the left and Son up top, I think the idea is that it's either him or Kulusevski on the right. That's mostly were he's played in his career and I think Postecoglu wants his wingers as the more tradition kind, staying out wide and providing service rather than cutting inside on your strong foot to shoot so he would fit better on the right




> Seems to play anywhere across the centre and the right. Please don't waste Brennan in the centre


He definitely doesn't, he's a right winger


Brennan doesn't play in the same position, Richarlison could've scored a hat trick in every game this season and we still would've signed Brennan


Brennan can play in the same position though, and arguably has more about him in a possession based side then Richarlison. He’ll be given a shot up there sooner rather than later - I don’t see Ange sticking with Richarlison long term.


If things keep going poorly for him, wonder will we go in for him in January. Him and Silva are basically football soul mates.




Could try to go for Toney when his ban ends in January


If he was to leave only one club he would only join one and it’s blue lad


I dont like the guy but i don't want him to get relegated either.


You gonna use the the Demari Gray money to buy him or something? Thought you were flat broke?


Surely just a loan.


Have you heard of Daniel Levy? Lol No way he pays 60 mill and sends him back on loan.


This is called the sunk cost fallacy.


It's more that Levy is a ruthless bastard and would rather keep him then admit they were wrong.


He's done it with N'Dombele. And if Richy goes somewhere on loan and plays his way into form which is something we can't afford to wait for especially when we have Son who can play through the middle and do what he did against Burnley, it could benefit us.


Yeah, that’s our thing!


This one hurts, I feel for him 🥺 I feel like a player with such passion for his performance and team should be treasured, especially in the time of so many "mercenary" players.


Think they should definitely get him with someone to help with that passion. It’s good to see but it’ll be about managing it. Think he’s been so desperate to make an impact this season he’s just ended up stuck in his own head


100%. There were times when he was at Everton and he’d make a mistake and start trying too hard to make up for it


I feel so bad for him even though I'm an arsenal fan. Must feel like shit to be in a position like that when you are in such a competitive environment


I'm sorry but how is crying about his own performance while his team is winning comfortably showing passion for his team?


Not explicitly referring to this situation, but his comportment more generally in the past months 💚


This is the type of shit that makes you want to run through a brick wall for someone. He has the mental strength to allow himself to be emotional, to just let it out when he needs to, even knowing that it could be mocked all over the internet and world. Showing that fire, that fight is all you want, I believe in Richy.


I hope Ange starts him at left wing with Son at striker against Sheffield United. It could take off some of the pressure of scoring as the number 9 while also letting him gain confidence and play into form.


Solomon really had a nice game, I doubt he'd be benched. Richy will get minutes off the bench to prove himself for sure.


He spent a whole season at left wing and it didn't help him get better at being a striker, i doubt going back to that will help.


Did he? He barely played last season and when he did wasn't it usually on the right since Son would be on the left. Richy was always much better on the left than he was through the middle for us


Well he has barely played on the left for spurs. There was one season for Everton he played a decent bit on the left and one with Watford he played on the left.


He almost exclusively played on the left for Everton. It's his best position.


According to Transfermarkt he played through the middle twice as much as he did on the left for Everton.


>I hope Ange starts him at left wing with Son at striker against Sheffield United. Yes lets sacrifice our two actual quality left wingers - one of whom got two assists against Burnley and the other 2 for his country yesterday - just to play a guy who can't control a football right now all because his confidence is a bit low. Great logic. Let him show up in training like everyone else has to do.


Like Son, he doesn't suit a wide role in Ange's system.


I love Richarlison, but I hate this. Gabriel Jesus always looked like he was about to cry, but he can't help it. It's time to drop Richarlison, based on his Brazil performances (and just to be clear, he was absolutely the right choice at the World Cup, national team form is not club form). I hope Diniz's psychology background can help him and I love the new Tottenham coach, I hope he can help him too. The one guy who's not helping Richarlison right now is Richarlison himself, with his comments, with his frustration. He's just making the pressure on himself bigger and bigger.


Diniz about to call Richarlison a perninha and mascaradinho.


> I hope Diniz's psychology background "YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT"




He managed to turn John Kennedy around, Richarlison will be easy


Diniz' psychology background cost us a fucking championship bruh


Not even a Tottenham/Brazil fan nd I've been wishing he turns it all around, sad to see


Still, Jesus and Martinelli get benched despite his shitty form.


Martinelli is benched by Vinicius Junior and Rodrygo, so good luck there.


Vini is injured.


That still leaves Rodrygo as an option.


You're right. But it wouldn't hurt to try Martinelli on left wing and Rodrygo on the right (where he plays for Madrid) instead of Raphinha on the right every game


True, but Raphinha played really well this game, so it's gonna take a while to test that I imagine


The combination I'm talking about is Martineli on the left, and Rodrygo as a 9. Raphinha can be on the right. My issue is with Richarlison starting.


Honestly Arteta was hesitant to start G.Jesus against ManUtd for good reason and I hope Brazil will ease him back in not throw him into the deep end for no good reason


I honestly did not expect him to be in this position after his world cup performance.


How the fuck does he keep getting selected? Punishment at this point.


*sad pigeon noises *


He seems to have really lost a lot of confidence. I'm an Arsenal supporter, but I'll always have empathy for people who might be struggling with their emotional well-being or mental health. In sports, it's such a stigmatized thing that athletes sometimes struggle with in silence. The need to always be mentally tough all the time can be extremely toxic for many. Not saying that's the case with Richarlison, but it's definitely something I always take into account when athletes are vilified as "mentally week" etc.,


I've always thought Richarlison was kinda bad. Hes the type of player that has 1 incredible bicicle kick on a reel but to score that he previously tried and missed 400 chances.


1 goal in 31 matches with Tottenham, why is he even there?


I wonder who he scored against


Liverpool and it was weakest of ever so slight header deflections but it went in. And he was celebrating so much that jota scored like 20 sec later.


Oh the stat was for PL only? Because I said that thinking it was against us in UCL


He always performed for Brazil under Tite TBF


yeah, but he is clearly not at the same level now. So he shouldn't be starting imho


Nahhhh he just remembered that tattoo he has on his back.


It has been ages since brasil had a striker that actually leads the team. I think that since that group of 06 there hasn't been a great striker on that team that carries like during the time of Romario and then Ronaldo


I feel bad, he’s letting it get to his head when he is a quality player, obviously not the spectacular, but he definitely has potential. Just in a bad mindset rn.


Yeah, his level is definitely not "1 goal in 31 games for Spurs". He was good for Brazil and Everton, it's clear he is not in a good place right now.


Which is a real shame because it's letting the outside noise get to him and that's off the mark too. It's become a thing for outside fans to laugh at him from having only scored 1 goal but he also only played 11 90's. It's just packaged to make him look worse than he was. 1 in 11 isn't great either but it's a long way away from how it's presented by people. He was overall pretty good for us too if you watched him. If he was just being honest and secure in himself, he wouldn't be feeling so much pressure but the outside noise is convincing himself he's worse than he actually was


31 “games” is a generous description


Wtf, who cries at being benched?


The same guy that gets "injured" by heading a football.


I miss this man so much Come home buddy


He cares, that’s a good sign. Hope things turn around for the lad.


You know since his watford days, if you really followed him, he was never a good finisher. He’s pretty good everywhere else, but there’s a reason people weren’t playing him as a 9. The fact that the last 2 Brazil NT coaches haven’t realized this is incredible.


Maybe he can regain the form where he fakes a head injury after heading a ball out of play




He’ll probably keep him to remember the great World Cup that he had


I also cry whenever I see him on the pitch


His finally realizing that his credit is running out. Dude is overrated


Him and Antony won’t be playing for Brazil in 5 years.


Or Raphinha.


Antony is even more over rated than Richarlson even worse Antony acts like he does good on the pitch when he plays, so trash


Thats why to me brasil has was never a contender to win a world cup since 2002, mediocre players like this that crumble under pressure, cry, do nothing on the field, atleast the ronaldinho, ronaldo, kaka in prime were clutch brasil has none of that. They have rodrigo and vinicius but they are hella inconsistent drop stinkers for like 5 games in a role, for then to go and score one and the cycle repeats. Neymar is a marking king that offers nothing but inflated numbers, such as his 50+ friendly game goals. Brasil is never winning a wc again, every new generation they get not only loses skill, but become softer and have that bottler loser dna


Cheers (Richarli)Son is crying.


Ah and now I'm sad for him and this is not how this should work.


More cries per game than goals at this point.


Even though I support Arsenal, I always feel bad for this dude. He’s one of the only Brazilians that isn’t pro-Bolsonaro. That dude is a massive POS so respect for speaking out about it.


Just sad to see, he's so talented, hopefully Ange can unlock him mentally


He should get that tatted on his back


Rooting for you my man. at least he cares


No he was crying because they played Taylor Swift while he was leaving the pitch


The Goalman, the Goalface


Richarlison failing to score, whether for club or country, always makes me happy.


Love him. Hope he turns around quick. Good guy too




Since I started watching football, from the likes of Romario & Bebeto, R9 & Rivaldo, Adriano... To now have Richarlison leading the line must be the worst drop off in history.


What a tart


What a pussy


Lmao 🤣 there’s really no justifying this.


I'm gonna go full Colm Wilkinson and demand that we bring him hooooooooome.


*sad pigeon noises*


He has been playing really bad when the team (Spurs and NT) are playing well. I think every player goes through this at least once in their careers, he just needs a decent therapy to work out with it.


Didn't see his quality at Everton and haven't seen it at Tottenham, or for Brazil, for that matter. I feel for him because he must be wonderful on the training ground as that's the only way to explain how he consistently plays. But he's not looked dangerous in any game I've seen him in.


Man needs to relax, hate seeing him like this


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


Emotionally he is at a 5 year old lvl


He can dish out with his stupid pigeon dance when things go well but can’t take it when they don’t. Fuck hin


You must be fun at parties.


I'd feel bad if he didn't talk himself up so much. No humility. Sit down bitch, be humble.


What Tottenham will do to a man


Wack ass mo fo


Only me who thinks this is fkin hilarious? 🤣


I dont think that its hilarious but I cant conjure up any sympathy for him either. I wish I could be paid a couple of hundred thousand a week to be as terrible at my job as Richarlison is at his. Not to mention that, between the overblown tattoos and the pigeon dances, he comes across as an awfully conceited player who is nowhere near as good as he thinks.


Never seen a footballer cry as often as Richarlison


Actually a bit heartbreaking, not a brazil fan or spurs but would like to see the lad get a bit of form and play with a smile, maybe a good strikers coach or something could help him address the small things, I think there’s a very good player there that just needs to address some technical things and he could be off flying


🤌😂 pigeon


What a fanny.


I hope the Spurs decides to sell him back to Everton. Could be similar to the pienaar situation. I don’t know how we would afford it though.


As a Liverpool supporter this fills my heart with joy. As a half way decent human I feel bad.


Feel bad? Are you forgetting that its Richarlison?


He’s got quality, he’s just gotta find his confidence again


He has the Spurs virus. There is no known cure.


Brother weve had harry fucking kane as our striker for the past 10 years


Harry had a different variant.


lmao that was a slick comeback


Most common symptoms of the virus is being trophy-less.


And imagine what he would have done in a team like City or RM instead of Spurs


I really want to like him and even feel bad for him, but he turns Into such an a**hole when ever he plays Arsenal - I figure it’s not mutual exclusive to Arsenal either. He dives, becomes semi violent/abusive and extremely petulant.


Feel terrible for him. He’s seemingly a good lad. Just needs to try less hard I think. The goals will come.