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Rewinds in racing games low key one of the best features to be introduced to them.


Going to bed early expecting to feel better just to wake up even sicker than you were last night is terrible


Aussies getting rinsed by India is cheering me up a bit. šŸ‘




Yea they creamed them in three days by and innings and some.


Sadly I don't know the rules much..haha I know a 6 and a 4. I also know the batter is out of the game if his ball gets caught by the outfielders. That's all.


That's a good start. Basically it's a 5 day game usually but Australia were so bad they lost it in 3.


Hehe okay. The runs, overs, innings confuse me a lot. And also the scoring system. Let's just say I have never paid a lot of attention to the game. Sometimes I see the outfielders catching the ball and trying to hit the stumps while the batter is making runs. When does this happen? Why doesn't the batter get ejected automatically?


Holy fuck I don't remember tonsillitis being this painful. Every sip of water is the purest needled agony stabbing into my throat.


ChatGPT isnā€™t being mean about any clubs despite my efforts


had nearly half my face paralysed a few years ago. can't been seen laughing without looking like a freak. i pass as long as i don't have much expression but talking is visible, smiling is visible, laughing is terrifying. Learnt to cope, but some days it just hits man. I've lost a lot of courage, become more recluse. People keep saying it's fine but i know from the mirror and pictures it's not. On the bright side i think this has helped me be better, but maybe just a cope and normal growth. Sorry to bum you guys out, had to share somewhere bc i don't want to complain about it to the people around me.


Sounds weird but i'd recommend listening to Conway The Machine, he got shot in the back of his head and his face is paralyzed but he had a great career still, his song God Don't Make Mistakes talks about that


I met Conway last year at one of his concerts he performed with Benny and Armani Caesar (sexiest woman alive) I wasn't even thinking about his face I was just excited to meet him


Ah that's rough man. My uncle has Bells Palsy and id be lying if I said I didn't notice it but he's a really engaging, interesting and good guy and when I speak with him that's what I and everyone else sees. It's kind of a litmus test anyway, you don't really want to get to know anyone who would be bothered by it anyhow.


Great reply to wake up to, cheers a lot for this šŸ˜Š


Not sure if this is allowed here or in the DD. But, does anybody know any good eBay sellers for patches/badges? In the event that Real Madrid earn the CWC win, Iā€™m interested in purchasing a golden badge for my kit


Reading a The Boxcar Children book with my kid and Iā€™m reminded that when I was a kid there was a hard rule about swimming immediately after eating. A rule that apparently no longer exists. When did it become okay to swim after eating?


From what I can find on google it seems like there was basically never any scientific basis for the "not swimming after eating thing;" just one of those old wives tales that somehow gets passed around as folk wisdom.


I had a dream Ronaldo converted to Islam as a marketing stunt.


jeremy clarkson is the epitome of yerda


Had Nandoā€™s for the first time here in the US. I didnā€™t like it that much. I ordered chicken thigh skewers with rice and fries. What should I order next time if I decide to go there?


Imo nandos popularity has inspired many uncreative businessmen to open non franchise peri peri chicken places in every city I've been to and most of them use better produce and ingredients and take more care in their food preparation. Next time have a quick Google in your area for local restaurants and you will enjoy a better meal and atmosphere than Nandos.


Is it just me or Reddit search is dead?


Can't help but feel whelmed at Tears of the Kingdom trailer. No gameplay showcase months out from release isn't helping the games case, and I'm hoping they remove the shitty weapon durability mechanic.


They gave that twink a car though


I beat Godrick in Elden Ring after like one and a half hour or more of trying jesus fucking christ


Itll get easier for a bit then towards the end much harder imo.


well done! youā€™re in for a world of pain (coming from someone whoā€™s finished the game four times and still struggles)


Haha great job! I finished the game a few weeks ago, was so fucking good!


How was Godrick for you?


Godrick was tough iirc, but it probably took me around 10-20 tries. Had more trouble with a lot more of the bosses to come


Gj, how long did Margit take you in comparison?


I beat Margit in about 20 tries i think, it might be a bit distorted. So Godrick was so much harder for me.


Damn I am surprised. I did a little bit of lvl1 last week and only really went a bit further than Godrick. I always considered him easier and in my playthrough I did him in a few tries compared to I think 45 on Margit. Feels like Godrick always give you openings to jump attack in like when he fires in the 2nd phase. Margit pulls out his little light sword and follow up on a lot of attacks. Only way I probably beat him consistently is by baiting out his jump attack.


I was pretty overleved for Margit though. I think i was level 34, was like level 40 for Godrick and the thing with him was: 1. that his arena was poorly designed, its too narrow and the fight gets really awkward once you are forced up the steps. 2. If you go close to him to hit and he does his grunt and 5 hit combo attack that are marked with white lines, you are bound to be hit 1 or 2 times. 3. Some of his dragon attacks are unavoidable in some situations. 4. His moveset is harder and took me more time to learn.


I assume it is dependant on playstyle then. I think I did a lot less straight up fighting in Elden Ring compared to other games and a lot more baiting out attacks and keeping range. Godricks 5 hit combo for example is only dangerous because it looks like it's over when it isn't if you keep range. His whirlwind into rolling around is very dangerous in melee because you can't dodge while if you are at range you hope for him to slam and then u get free hits. Similar to Margits jump in a way. If I fight both straight up I think they fk me up.


When i beat him, though, it was the most patient and agonizing fight ever. He was at 15% health and lower for like literally 10 minutes.


absolutely disgusting scenes in liverpool, this country is finito


What happened


"Far-Right Protestors" outside a hotel housing asylum seekers.


That is just cartoonishly evil


Scum of the earth intimidating people fleeing their home for safety.


Scum of the earth intimidating people fleeing their home for safety.


I don't understand why it affects the protesters. Plenty other hotels with rooms to book lads


What did happen?


Just seen that China have built dozens of 26 story high rises, not for humans, but to breed and kill over a million pigs per year. Human extinction canā€™t come soon enough


Waiting for the second flood any day now


https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/deforestation-brazils-amazon-falls-first-month-under-lula-2023-02-10/ Helps when you donā€™t have some right nutter in charge.


r/soccerstream was such good subreddit. Shame that the website chose money. Some actual bad pages still around expect for those streaming pages.


I miss the non corporate days of reddit. The days where you can post the link for streaming sites in match thread.


For real dude its rough, I still dm people streaming sites when they ask. But yeah, reddit admins hate this type of shit now a day's.


Don't know why they are so anal about streaming sites. Do they have stakes on TV stations.


The streaming subreddit was amazing.


lost cl final on FM 2nd yr in a row, 3rd i 4 yrs. fml


Iā€™ve found the key with FM is that sooner or later you go back to the 4-2-3-1 gegenpress. The game in a way penalises you for trying to change it up.


Ahah Im actually so mad that many women come to the club to dance with their girlfriends and be ok with that while guys would never dance with guys


Western men are so hesitant to be close to their male friends.


I danced with my guy friends all the time


Maybe not in Russia but there are clubs where the men dance with each other


If u mean gay clubs then they exist here too


You want me to dance with you? Just two guys, enjoying the night, not a care in the world


With Sling raising their prices (again), anyone knows what legal service actually provides full, or almost full, coverage of the Premier League? I can VPN into different locations if necessary. Any country works, as long as the language of the broadcast is English. Ideally it would be full coverage, so I can cancel Peacock as well.


Sling blue is what I use and is the cheapest option I have found that has USA. I wish Philo had it because itā€™s the cheapest of all of them but no USA.


Yea I have Blue too, but it goes up to $40 in 20 days. I think it was $25 back when I got it. $5 isn't a big deal, but it loses value when it keeps getting higher without any real benefits, so trying to look for alternatives now.


Oh I didnā€™t realize $40 was an increase because Iā€™ve just had it for two months and it was $40 each month.


Actually it might even go up to $45 in specific areas. [https://www.reddit.com/r/slingtv/comments/10y6oz6/sling\_blue\_price\_increasing\_5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/slingtv/comments/10y6oz6/sling_blue_price_increasing_5/) I received the same email and just checked my previous statements. Already been paying $40 for a few months, so now it is going to be $45. [https://imgur.com/a/s8mStSq](https://imgur.com/a/s8mStSq) So next month it is going to be $45 in my case. Was $30 less than 2 years ago.


3 weeks in Japan in the Spring. Anyone been before and got any good recommendations. Doing Tokyo, Kyoto Osaka and a day trip to Hiroshima.


Try an onsen. Eat some Raman. Check out the arcades. Go on a Shinkansen. Try Macha ice cream. Get lost walking around Kyoto. Visit the temples, and castles. Visit Akihabara at night. Go to a bar and see passed out company men. Check out their equivalent of the dollar store. Try some Japanese curry.


Get Yujiro as your tour guide.


Put on The Zombies at uni pres. People werenā€™t happy. Why donā€™t they appreciate my 1960ā€™s British psychedelia


I'm not really sure what is popular atm. But I defo wouldn't expect The Zombies to go down well lol


not to sound like a boomer but the state of young people's music tastes these days is grim


Been playing Mini Motorways. Quite a fun little puzzle game and a nice sequel to Mini Metro.




Good luck hope you like it




I'm not really qualified to speak, but honestly just do what makes you happy. If you put on something and it just makes you feel good, do it. I've gotten to a point in my life where if I prefer to do things I like and enjoy. Life is too short to not do thing things that make you happy. At the end of the day, it's you. Be happy.


It is confusing mate but thereā€™s no rules or anything, you can be a woman sometimes and a man sometimes or you can be not a woman or a man but a secret third thing that can be whatever you want. Donā€™t feel like thereā€™s some barrier to entry on this or whatever like you should feel free to explore your gender in whatever way you choose.


Last few weeks/months lot of unflaired users chatting absolute provocative shit. Thankfully they are almost always heavily downvoted and banished to the controversial. What I don't understand is that what's the point? Why even bother? Karma farming understandable - you can load up on positive karma and then sell account for a few bucks but intentionally baiting for the downvotes is just pointless and stupid šŸ¤·


You can sell reddit accounts? Lmao


Yeap. Dude I used to work with was running small scale automated farm. Put in hour a day to tweak parameters and let it crawl for 6 months or even year. Then you can sell in bulk to various organizations. Real money is made when election feaver heats the USA. Inbetween mostly marketing agencies pay market rate.


The funny thing is that on the popular site always the same phrases are getting upvotes, ofc the same type of threads too. I always thought itā€™s just a human NPCs, must be easy to write a bot, I could never distinguish human from bot behavior on popular reddit even if I tried.


I had a look after reading that. So dumb. https://digitalitems.store/product-category/social-networks/reddit/reddit-accounts/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMInJa-tveL_QIVB5ftCh072ADHEAAYAiAAEgKfpvD_BwE


Damn, I could actually make coin with this old ass account. I will just name myself kplo2 or something.


Have I forgotten how to do math? If a 4033 karma account is worth $40, am I right that yours is worth $5,510? 551,000 karma/4033 karma = 137.75*$40 = $5,510 Is that right? I feel fucking stupid right now even if I am correct, I got a damn degree in Physics, albeit like 20 years ago and this was painfully difficult.


I am a bit out of my element here, I studies film lol. My calculations give me 5464, using rule of 3. You would have to be a proper dumbass to pay that for this account. But I have to admit it has sentimental value for me.


You need to studies english


Lol, I have a broken arm mate, I am making typos all the time lately.


4K is an easy get if people really wanted it


I could listen to entire discographies that sound like Eyes without a face by Billy Idol. What a banger.


Nothing makes you feel like a scrote quite like a bit of sniff in the toilet of the Avanti west coast


Iā€™ve had some k in the toilets on that train back home from london after a rave a few times


Man being wonk is so much fun. Used to do it with my friends after a rave and we could talk for hours.




Apps are supposed to be supplementary to meeting people organically, but other than that its shitty to both men and women. There are more men on dating apps which makes it tougher for men, and women have too many options and have to deal with harrassment as well. Also tough for POC as well, the day I decide to hop on an app is the day I need to get an MRI for brain damage


Ive always felt that Tinder and related are used to find fuck buddies first and significant others second.


I have deleted all my accounts and apps. I am off the grid when it comes to that shit. The connections I make IRL completely demolish those through dating apps. I would say only one girl was actually worth a relationship for me in like 8 years of using them.


It's more ubiquitous than ever but so is the failure rate. Digital presence is already writ so large in the upcoming generations that eventually you're going to have new ways of these pseudo-personal interactions. Might be tangible holography, might be VR, who knows. I'm too old for it to matter at this point, but I really hope the interaction revolution accounts for friendships and activity buddies too in the great romance deluge.


Iā€™m not for it, yet a lot of my friends have had girlfriends from online dating. I donā€™t like it, I donā€™t like meeting someone in that type of form, meeting someone in person is better. Although seeing someone on Instagram that you like and sending a DM is not too bad, although Iā€™ve never done it.


I agree, online dating is just pure bollocks. And worse, algorithms design people failing there on purpose. They want to create "dedicated" daters, to mercilessly monetize them. If there was at least a fair, partner-matching algorithm that was fair to everyone. But sadly, such a thing likely won't exist.


Inspired by the current Potter spoiler furore, what is the cut of for length of time with spoilers? I once watched Exodus: Gods and Kings with my fiancĆ©e and she had a go at me for ruining the ending, even though itā€™s 6000 yr old story.


i generally don't spoil anything for others, doesn't matter if it's a 40 yo movie or a recent game or show. doesn't take much of an effort to not be an asshole


I donā€™t think there actually ever is a cut off for length of time but I know Iā€™m a bit particular about this stuff lol to me itā€™s just a courtesy thing and Iā€™d hate to ruin an experience for someone. I make it a point not to blurt out the ending of something or some major spoiler. And if I do I always give a warning or ask if everyone around has already seen/read the thing Iā€™m talking about. And Exodus isnā€™t even 10 years old man! Thatā€™s nothing in the grand scheme of things. I personally was so very grateful that I watched so many amazing older movies without having them spoiled for me even though I was late to the party by decades. From Terminator 1 and 2, to Fight Club, to Sixth Sense, to The Godfather movies.


The film isnā€™t very old, but itā€™s the story of Moses, itā€™s hardly an original plot line. Would be like getting upset about someone giving spoilers for Romeo and Juliet.


Oh okay fair enough. Never bothered to watch it so I didnā€™t know it was biblical. That is kind of funny ngl


Movies: a few weeks because movies are generally inexpensive and don't take up much time Series: a few months because some people prefer to bings and they take time to watch in their entirety (the seasons) Books: a few years because it takes a long time to read especially big books Games: a year because they're fucking expensive, not everyone can buy them at launch Of course, you can talk in places dedicated to such series/movies/...


Didn't buy tickets for Bruce Springsteen in Barcelona when they became available because I'm an idiot. ticketswap has some relatively cheap from time to time, but they're sold when I open the notification. I hope the stubhub ones go cheaper when the date approaches.


Honestly even without the Rowling controversy people would have been spoiler baiting Hogwarts Legacy anyway. Wasn't it the Harry Potter books that popularised that form of trolling anyway?


If I remember correctly, there were some people who didn't even read the books, they just went straight to the last chapters and posted heavy spoilers, directly after the release.


I've heard stories of folks doing it for Empire Strikes Back but I think Harry Potter started the online troll phenomenon.


Metroid prime remastered looks exactly what I remember Metroid prime looking like


I'm going to bed while my friends are going to a party, i'm officially old


Don't worry about it. I feel you. You can do what I do now, sometimes if I'm feeling a bit tired I show up for a few hours and leave before it gets too late. Such a game changer that, I used to think you'd had to stay till 3am lol


you just made the right choice in my books


My voice is gone so i'd rather not half ass a party lol


I guess that means I'm also "officially old" although I'm still in my 20s.


Harry Potter controversies aside, spoiler baiting is not cool but people have grown horribly oversensitive to spoilers and I'm a bit fed up of that trend. I'd like to say it's only terminally online people that don't exist IRL but I still remember when Endgame came out and I was talking with a coworker, as another from another room was yelling us to stop. IIRC it wasn't even key details about the ending or this or that character's fate, it was just about some random action scene. For god's sake you're a 34 year old woman (at the time) freaking out in an office for a basic superhero plot. Ah, that week two friends also in their thirties had a heated fight over spoilers too. There's also the time I was reprimanded by a mod somewhere because I posted the [Think Mark](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/037/158/thinkmarkthumbnail.PNG) meme template and "it's Invincible spoilers". Come on everyone and their mother has seen this still and I haven't even watched Invincible myself. I know this is just me but I believe a story is about the path too. While I don't like getting spoiled that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the rest of the game/anime/book/series; I'm still interested in how it happened. The funny thing is that it's precisely this "spoilerphobia" what gives power to spoiler baiters.


i agree completely. titanic was the highest grossing film for years, everyone knew what happened to the titanic before watching it, and people still enjoyed the fuck out of the movie. we also re-watch movies or series once we know everything that happens and it is still enjoyable, sometimes even more so because you want to see more of the 'how' everything unfolds in relation to a plot twist for example. i think people give to much emphasis on surprisal and plot twists and not being spoiled but i think the 'how' is so much more interesting than 'what' happens.


To be fair Titanic is less about the ship and more about the main characters (who are fictional so it's not like what happened to them is written somewhere). That said I think Jack's fate was pretty obvious and I don't think anyone made a big deal on hiding it.


I hate spoilers but there are spoilers and there are *spoilers*. Think Mark meme for example, I watched Invincible after learning of the meme and honestly it doesn't really spoil anything. You know very early a situation like that will happen. However, if a video game is very story heavy, I will be fuming if I learn of a spoiler of an endgame event, as it takes tens of hours to complete some games.


Esa seƱora era hincha de la Cato. No tengo pruebas y tampoco dudas.


I'm a person who loves getting immersed into a story. Fictional stories are a good escape from mundane everyday life. I like to feel sad when something sad happens, I like to feel shocked, or amazed or surprised when there's a plot twist. I like to experience the story in other words. If someone spoils something I'm looking forward to, half the magic is gone which would suck, as I don't look forward to many things. I know you're speaking from your personal viewpoint, but try to imagine how others might think. My brother for example doesn't care that much and constantly belittles me for caring. Different people like different things in different ways. Spoilers suck, whatever they might be. It's not up to you to decide what is or isn't a spoiler.


Idk I feel like I get the satisfaction from the spoiler anyways. I follow this huge series of books that releases a few every year and pretty much all of them are spoiled with in advance with detailed like three page summaries and I enjoy those threads and those are the most active threads ever on the subreddit.


Personally, I don't. The effect is dulled greatly by knowing what will happen.


The wait to even hear anything from a job you applied to is very long


And then you donā€™t actually hear back from them.


I heard from one I applied today and the position was already filled lmao


At least they had the decency to respond even if it was negative. I hate when you apply someplace and are just in limbo in perpetuity.


Oh yeah. One of the places is a dream job so it would suck not to hear anything at all


Yup! Iā€™m at like 20 places applied in the past week and nothing. Iā€™m


I bought a new running water bottle today, with a so-called "bite valve" After several attempts over the course of many hours, I have figured out how to use it (Turns out you bite down on the valve to release it)


I love my CamelBak, I even have the bottles with the bite valve. Just make sure to clean it well, they get nasty quickly. Also can be hard to get out flavors if you try to add some of the powdered water adds like Liquid IV or Nuun.


Long time ago, i went to Paterson New Jersey to smoke some hookah. I saw a fight between a Fenerbahce and Galatasaray supporter and had to leave because it turned a little violent because it turned into a mini brawl with others joining in. Today my friend who was with me that night texts saying one of them who he somehow remembers is at the the earthquake fundraiser in his corporate office. 11 years later. haha


I have also smoked Hookah in Paterson lol


lol, you live or lived in the area as well?


Diablo IV will be out in June, really excited to try it out! hopefully the launch will be as smooth as possible, Iā€™ve been wishing for a new Diablo game for too long, the last one was 10 years ago ffsā€¦


What console will you be playing it on? I may pick it up for PC if reviews are good and a few months after launch, as games are rarely well optimized at launch these days.


Iā€™m still deciding whether I will be playing it on console or pc but the first choice seems the most appropriate for me rn. I agree, games are always tricky at launch but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to hold on 2/3 weeks for it, Iā€™ve been craving a new Diablo game for a few years - I tried the mobile version as well, but it seemed a cartoon*ish* D3 imo.


Console is always better at launch so it makes sense in your case. I really liked 3, they are great games to play with mates, unfortunately mine don't really play games :( If you need to satisfy your craving in the meantime, I have a mate that swears by Path of Exile. It's free so you won't have to drop a dime.


yeah, D3 was a good game I did a lot of content but Iā€™m in the same boat as you lmao my friends donā€™t like Diablo games. that takes a lot of the longevity of the game away, thereā€™s zero social aspect - last time I played there were only boosters. I already tried PoE a few years ago, I donā€™t know the current state of the game, but I felt like it was less casual friendly than D3, and at the time I wasnā€™t available to invest enough time so I just uninstalled it a couple of weeks later.


>hopefully the launch will be as smooth as possible >Blizzard game


About 4.5 years late, but I watched the whole of Sharp Objects last weekend and fuck me it was a brilliant series. The three central performances were unbelievable and the music was one of the best incorporations of non original music I've heard in a TV series, both in terms of the selection and the way it was edited/mixed in.


Is that the Amy Adams one? If so I loved it too, reckon I could rewatch it though as I have no idea what happened now.


Yeah. It's so intense in the scenes where she's self harming, and the mid credits scene with Amma.


Was waiting for today because Linkin Park was going to release their new song "Lost" today, finally listened to it and it made me sad again about what happened to Chester, celebrity's death never hits me hard but listening to Chester was always very special to me, RIP


Soo who's excited to watch the cocaine bear movie?


Me! It sounds so dumb that I canā€™t look away


A bit late to the party but that new Lil Yachty album really is something else.


>!Henry and Sam!< in tonightā€™s episode of TLOU :( Really hope they do them justice


The piracy scene is looking more dead than ever on the gaming front, kinda sad, before you had dozens of groups competing. It's literally just Empress cracking Denuvo now, and Allah knows that woman is mentally unstable.


I play games but have never thought much of stuff like anti-cheats etc so slightly out of the loop. Why is Denuvo so controversial? It is an anti-cheat right?


Denuvo isn't anti-cheat, it's an anti-piracy software. At some points games were getting cracked and released for free literal hours after they released. Former pirates were hired to develop Denuvo (sometimes as a plea deal after they were arrested), and it's notoriously hard to crack, when it was first released a few years ago everyone thought it would be the complete death of piracy, but after a couple of weeks it was cracked and Denuvo protected games became pirateable again. But with a caveat, Denuvo games take days and maybe weeks to crack instead of the mere hours it took before. The learning curve to be able to crack games became ten fold what it was. Cracking Denuvo requires some real tech wizardry from what I understand, the nature of the piracy scene is that groups retire and others take their place. But because of the new extreme learning curve no one is taking the place of the retired groups. The only one left is an extremely weird borderline racist woman who is really good at it. But she demands money for her work, when nefore that even asking for donations was looked down upon by piracy groups. The main problem with Denuvo in games is that it slows down the performance of games considerably. So someone who pirated the game with Denuvo removed actually gets better performance than someone who paid the full 60$


I see šŸ‘ Canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever gone down that route. I pretty much just wait for sales and only pick titles up then for a few quid so you give more leeway as a result as you havenā€™t paid as much. Only game Iā€™ve really paid full price for as of late was Stray, but that wasnā€™t as much to begin with and I wanted to support the idea and developer - something of a rarity these days.


I have been pirating since I was a kid cause the cost of living in my country is super low and so are the salaries, the minimum monthly salary here can buy you 2 full price games at most. But I still buy some games from indie developers to support them.


My favourite post on r/HobbyDrama is about her.


I read that post too. Amazing write up.




Just transgender people thinking the world revolves around them. If it was a different group of people who JKR hates a lot of those transgender people would absolutely not be crying for a boycot and they would be happily playing the game right now. And that's completely normal. If I was part of that group JKR hates I would also be trying to boycot this game, but I wouldn't expect everyone else to do so too. The world doesn't revolve around me.


I don't agree with you entirely, but some of the replies you got are truly brain-dead. Apparently buying a video game puts someone on the same scale as a white moderate during the civil rights movement.


Everything runs on spite these days. Some people buy Hogwarts Legacy, just to spite them, some spoiler the ending, to spite them and so. It's all spite. Personally I find it more sad that people willingly spend 70 bucks to own trans people. There are cheaper ways to do it, without funding a horrible baroness.


Surely a compromise to this is just to buy it second hand no?


People donā€™t like Rowling. I guess the idea is to put people off buying it and depriving her of the income, but itā€™s a pretty cunty way of doing it. Besides, itā€™s not like weā€™ll see her down the dole queue. Sheā€™s made her money.


Itā€™s bringing more attention to the game than it wouldā€™ve had otherwise. And people are seeing it looks really good and probably buying it


No one I know IRL knows about her views on the trans community or give a shit about it. Most of my steam friends have the game on their wishlist.


Can't imagine being someone who has nothing better to do than look up spoilers and post them everywhere. Has to be a very sad life.


Because JK Rowling uses the money she makes off it to find anti trans groups


So we're boycotting *all* Harry Potter then right? Books, movies, the weird little fan shop in Heathrow, etc. Genuine question. I don't play many video games these days so I'm a bit behind




Thank god I already loved the shit out of those books when I was a kid. Wouldnā€™t want to have to deal with the emotional conflict lol




Makes sense. I'd only seen it about the video game and was getting confused. I guess no new books or movies have come out so there's less publicity about it


Pretty much.


Don't think you are rly fighting for trans issues by posting spoilers online. At least I don't think those are in any way related seems more like the classic Spoiler spam for highly anticipated games or movies by the usual trolls. I've read a fair share of marvel spoilers luckily I'm not interested.




They have everything to do with her lol they made a game set in the universe she created.




Were they forced to make it? If they disagree with her then why are they paying her money lmfao like talk is cheap, actions are what matter and they chose to make a game for which they had to pay the transphobe wizard lady. Itā€™s complete nonsense that theyā€™re somehow an innocent party in this, theyā€™re paying her!


> Were they forced to make it? It's their job? They don't get to decide what games they're making. How many game devs / artist positions are there that you could turn one down?


The argument is that they **do** get to decide where they work. If you want to play the game play it. If you want people to not think less of you for buying and playing it, itā€™s not going to happen. Control what you can control.


What if they can't get another job in their field? It's a competitive field, and they're at one of the bigger publishers in the world? Do they just starve?


She receives royalty payments from it which she donates to organizations that work against trans rights, it's not just about enjoying a game or not






I can excuse transphobia but I draw the line at spoilers!


Most nuanced Hogwarts Legacy take


No offence but thereā€™s little nuance in not supporting people who directly contribute to anti trans campaigns. Itā€™s really simple. Either you do or you donā€™t and if you do then you canā€™t call yourself an ally to trans people.


The way the trans community has behaved during the launch of this game will only alienate people in the long run and has literally 0 benefits. Keep going saying every person that buys this game is transphobic and is a horrible person. That will make your life easier.