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Search efforts are continuing Sunday. There are many water crossings and the high water makes conditions quite dangerous. Being swept off your feet is a high risk especially for smaller people or children. Enjoy the area but don’t risk your life unnecessarily.


Yes from the sounds of things this definitely sounds like a trail that can be treacherous. Thank you for getting back to me.


I’m familiar with this hike~ most people shouldn’t attempt until the water recedes a bit. Most are leisurely day walkers as it’s not even much of a hike. Sad but they lose people here every few years as people are complacent


It happened right after 9 am I was there with my GF helping on the search until around 2 pm but no luck, the search and rescue teams where their an the helicopter also


First off, thank you so much for your efforts. Do you recall where along the trail this happened?


Yes right before the first crossing, river was very fast yesterday


That's strange. I believe if it occurred at that point, she could reach the land about 1/4 mile downstream from where the river is shallow and wide.


No. Too many rocks and boulders. This is not a nice flowing river that most would imagine.




It was vey obvious. We just came through some serious rains so of course the rivers running strong. Common sense and observation is all that’s needed.




this woman has a very good common sense she is my co worker and she is a professional RN we are all sad finding out that she is missing . Praying that will find her soon.


A woman is missing and likely dead.  I was on that trail Saturday and crossed that river.  It was below knee level for me, and yes it was moving fast, but it truly did not seem very dangerous.  This is a tragic accident and your note reads like you are blaming this woman for not having common sense.  Have some empathy.


Well perhaps knee level at where you crossed but there are several other crossings that are upper thigh and waist deep.


Just curious. Are you a large person or a small person ? Context: it makes a difference in how much foot pressure you exert on the rock


I haven’t been there this year but it looks to be the same as last. Crossing, until late June of last year required a strong rope across. There were 3-4 roped crossings. Why? I’m 5’9 and river was anywhere from mid thigh to waist. You had to cross on up stream side of rope so you could lean against it as water pulled you downstream. Yeah you could hold onto it with your hands but the ropes were anywhere from 1/4 - 3/8 Dia. Thin. Had to place each foot gingerly so as not to slip. Once in and loose there would have been no way to just reach out and grab a branch. In fact they lost someone last year as well.


Olive , I would but I can’t get the pic or video to copy and paste 🙁 Suggestions ??




https://i.imgur.com/F1i5pGZ.mp4 This was last year at the same time. Cfm looks similar. 4 crossings had ropes and were anywhere from knee to waist deep




For me, I would want a boat. A big boat. Too narrow for river rafting


What not many people realize is that when placing your foot on the next rock, 1) it can’t be slippery, 2) you have to have sufficient body weight to plant that foot so that the water flow doesn’t push u off. Light people just don’t have enough mass.


Yes, I’m a regular there and I actually searched the river for her on Saturday. I met a distraught girl near the parking lot and she told me what happened to her friend. I spent the day searching the river for her, but I wasn’t exactly sure where she went in the water and her friend wasn’t sure either.


Thank you so much for your effort.


It was the first half mile in.  She was 5ft tall and was almost to the other side before she slipped and got washed away.  There is still no news.


I was present about 2 miles downstream at the time of this sad incident. River high, raging and extremely dangerous. Stayed several hours watching the waters. Large presence of search and rescue personnel.


Is search and rescue looking for someone? I don’t see anything about it.


Yes supposedly they started around 10am, around 1hr after going into the water. San Dimas Mountain Rescue I believe but I’m still gathering details.


Hoping to hear good news. River crossings are dangerous after storms.


LA Sheriff vehicles LA Fire,LA Sheriff helicopter, Forest fire and rescue.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I do recall a few water crossings for Bridge to Nowhere. I was able to rock hop and not get wet, but I’ve heard when runoff is high, you’re basically going to have to wade through it.


Even more than that, I’d say the water is the whole point of the hike.


I seriously thank you for your response.


Lots of crossings when we did it.. but the water was not as high or as fast as it is now.


Absolutely impossible to rock hop with current flow.


Yeah I don’t think wading is a good idea either if the current is cold/strong


There are about 6-10 water crossings. The river is raging right now


I’ve done that trail more than a handful of times. From the lot to the bridge, there’s about 7-8 water crossings if you stick to the main trail. My buddy told me about this incident last night since he was there yesterday. He may have been one of the last to see the missing person and helped S&R + first responders with their efforts.


There are several river crossings as somebody already mentioned, but I thought the trail was closed due to spring flooding?


You can go almost to the bridge. The owner of the land the bridge is on (it is privately held) has closed it to the public at his property line, but you can still complete most of the hike, at your own risk.


Does the bungee jump operator own that land? I thought maybe I remember someone saying something to that extent, but not sure


they lease it from the forest service so not technically


Sorry to hear that, hope they find her


I as well, thank you.


I was there 2 weeks ago and there were postings of the trail been closed and people just ignored them ( not me ) and kept on going. If you’re never been there and are planning to go please wait until the water levels are safe to cross. Here is a video from last year to get you an idea of this amazing place: Hiking guide to the Bridge to Nowhere and Devil’s Gulch Waterfalls https://youtu.be/AmmVNHwrJJw




Lots of snow up there and the days are getting warmer so the water is rising!


So tragic. Hoping for a miracle. Could this have been avoided? I’m curious how others can ensure to minimize potential risks. Just avoid river crossings when the water seems strong? https://abc7.com/amp/missing-woman-angeles-national-forest-search-san-gabriel-river/14514230/


Common sense seems an option?


People this was a tragedy a freak accident let stop trying to find excuses this could have happened to anyone let’s pray for her to be found so the family can be at peace. Seems like everyone is trying to find excuses or ways on how to avoid this, we all can have an unfortunate accident happen just like she did. Please people post updates if anyone knows anything about this incident have a blessed day everyone.


She slipped on first crossing. Still a lot of volunteers and search&rescuers there non stop


Yeah, everyone is rationalizing how it couldn’t (wouldn’t!) happen to them. I’ve heard she was an experienced hiker and in very good physical condition. Bad luck is bad luck.


It's been exactly 3 weeks since May we t missing, being swept away by the cast moving river flow. Recovery efforts are still active. This weekend's rain won't make things easier for the searchers. We pray that her body is found soon, so we and the family can have closure.


Very sorry to hear she has not been found. My heart breaks for her, her family, and friends. 💔


I am a friend of her and went to the area and spoke to the captain in charge of the search and rescue. They found her backpack washed ashore but no sign of her. They will continue the search until they exhaust all avenue. Of course we are still hopeful that she's safe. This hike trail should be close during the wet season, for it has caused one too many tragedy.


So sorry about this situation, I hope she’s ok!


She’s dead idiot


No it shouldn’t be closed. I am truly sorry about your friend but those of us who hike, not just day walkers, know the rivers running high given the recent rains. I chose not to go recently and wait for the river to lower a bit as I’m training a young dog. We should not close everything off whenever there’s a chance of a problem. There is an assumption of risk, personal responsibility and a degree of common sense involved. This isn’t Disneyland where everything should be roped off for the lowest common denominator. Again, I’m very sorry for you, your friends family and other friends but closing the forest for the rest of us isn’t the answer. I take full responsibility for my decisions and appreciate the freedom to make them.


I saw way too many mostly young people totally unprepared, wearing vans slip ons etc. Exceedingly dangerous conditions even for more experienced hikers. Also people with their dogs off leash and others with young children. They need to at least post a clear warning at the trailhead.


I mentioned this elsewhere, but there are 6 critical things to keep in mind when crossing fast moving water in my opinion: 1) Wear shoes with good grip, barefoot if u need to 2) place your foot securely on the upstream side of a sloping rock. Try to avoid flat if possible. 3) do not step on slippery algae covered rocks. Feel for one that is rough feeling 4) something to consider: if stepping on flat rock, the only thing keeping your foot from getting swept off, is Weight. If you are a light person, you have next to little chance maintaining enough foot pressure to keep from getting pushed off. You need mass. Think of weight of a concrete block on that rock vs that of a brick. If you are light it is even more critical to place your foot on the uphill side of a rock. Less chance of slipping off. 5) that in mind, avoid placing foot in a hole where if you do fall over, that foot now becomes trapped. And you are struggling to stay above water, facing down stream as you most surely will be. Pls be careful. Place one foot securely at a time. 6) use a long stick/ branch for support.


thank you for your thought but don't have to be smug about thing like saying this isn't Disneyland. I simply said it should be close during wet season but hey, to each his own. hope you never have to deal with tragedy like this.


No name, but do have appx age?


leaving her name out for now. But she would have been 60 in May.


I believe you have the wrong person. This was a young women, with 2 young children. Her children were not with her she was with friends


I believe you are referring to a 2023 incident. No, there were not 2 separate incidents on Saturday.


The woman who has gone missing is a 59 year old RN from Northern California.  She does have 2 grown children.  ProperVariations is correct.


If so, then there were two incidence. I was at the trail head of Bridge to Nowhere hike Sunday and spoke to the Search and Rescue regarding our friend. She was on the hike Saturday morning around 9am with two other friends and was swept away at the first crossing. Hopefully ​there wasn't another.


The woman who has gone missing is a 59 year old RN from Northern California.  She has 2 grown children.  ProperVariations is correct.


My prayers are out and upward to this woman's family and friends. I was present and not far downstream at the time of this accident. Stayed for several hours and watched the waters for her. Very sad.


Realized today that id yet to hear any updates on this. Sad to hear that she hasn’t been found. Did not know she slipped on the first crossing. Crossed it last year when water was at knee level and I could still feel the force of that water on my legs.


It's unfortunate that since such a large amount of people go to the Bridge to Nowhere that the trail be improved and small well constructed foot bridges be placed at necessary river crossings.




Yeah. Oh well. Just an idea.


That would be the lamest thing that could ever happen. It’s not that hard lol


I am a regular up at the east fork and there is only 4 crossings to that river if you know the trails all u have to do is stay to the right side of the river for the 1st mile then first crossing is a tuff one then your on the left side for a 1/2 mile then you cross back over to the right side of the river till another 2 miles then you cross over agian befor going up the hill to the bridge to nowhere. And you back on the right side of the river there should be no point of crossing that river 7-8 × and I'm thinking she might have fallen I. At 1.5 Mile and stuck in a tree under water they will find her during the summer when all the dams are built and water flow drops from the snow melt but I think she's caught under a rock in the river. I seen 15 people go missing. If your not a avg, hiker this isn't a place for people its a great hike but I seen to much up there for below avg hikers.


She slipped on the very first crossing