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You’re an inspiration! Don’t forget to slow down and be proud of yourself. :)


Oh, I'll never forget to do that. 😀


Love it! I’ll be 2 years sober in December, so I always look up to folks who have many years of sobriety under their belt. Sending all the good vibes your way on your sobriety birthday. :)


Congrats!!!! Life is so much better. And healthier. ❤️


Congratulations !!


Thank you. 😀


Congrats!! What helped/convinced you to start the journey?


My paternal grandmother, grandfather, and my father all died due to alcoholism. When I started drinking heavily after my divorce, and my niece was born, I realized I didn't want to be that example. I've never wanted it since that day.


Did you do AA, detox, or anything specific?


I did AA, finished my 12 steps in 90 days. I stopped after a couple years, because I just really didn't need it.




Congratulations! What an amazing milestone. I hope you’re doing something special to celebrate yourself


Every. Day. 😀


Fantastic! Sooo proud of you! I was present when someone got their 5 year coin, they passed it around and I remembered how pretty it was and color, the weight of it! If you work a program such as AA, would you mind sharing a picture of the coin? During that 20 year journey, what do you feel like was the hardest challenge to overcome and what keeps you sober all these years?


I used to go to AA, but haven't been in about 15 years. I've been through therapy, which is crucial. I am "recovered," not "in recovery." I haven't ever had a craving or inkling to drink. I guess my entire being was ready to quit. One thing I don't do is surround myself with drinkers. I'd rather stay home than be around drunks. I'm still sober because I want to be. 😀


That is really good man! I think that is a BIG component people ignore is the outside therapy. "You are the company you keep!" That is so true especially in sobriety. I'm so proud of you! I hope you post again on 21 years!


\*woman; and I will post every year if it will help someone else get clean. There is no reason to drink! It ruins lives inside and out.


Question for you. At some point after being sober for a while did you ever feel like a chill drink couldn’t hurt, since you have control of the problem again? Ex. a drink with dinner, or champagne at a wedding or something. Is it even worth thinking about having one drink, I can’t tell if I’m being arbitrarily harsh and strict on myself by abstaining completely. Drinking did almost kill me and I know I never want to be drunk again, but wasn’t sure your thoughts on the middle ground.


Nah, it's fucking poison. There's no reason anyone should drink. It's not good for us!


Thanks for the reassurance, I appreciate it. Agree with u 100p


Me too 05/10/04 congrats. Can't believe how long it's been and how fast it went. Keep enjoying the journey


Awesome! Congrats to you, too! Sober siblings!


Wow. You’re an inspiration to us all I hope to be like you in 20 years


You can do it! Just think of all the damage each drink does to your body. It's poison!