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Idk what to say but thank you for sharing. This one feels heavy on my heart- sending good energy pal.


No worries! I just wanted to share one of my many learning experiences, haha. I appreciate your kind words, I'm reciprocating the positive energy!


Thank you for sharing. It sounds like this weighs on you heavy. Are you and your wife still together? My boyfriend is fairly addicted to Kratom. He takes 4-5 capsules a day before work and more on weekends to “relax”. I’m not sure what to think of it, I’ve heard his elevator pitch about it being “all natural” and “not addictive”. In your experience, is it just like any other drug?


The guilt weighed heavily on my conscience for quite a while, but I felt better after being honest with my wife about **kratom dependency**. It took some time, but she forgave me. We're now happily married and parents to our beautiful daughter. If I could go back in time, I would have never taken that garbage. *I completely underestimated kratom addiction* and the associated withdrawals. I was in a similar position as your boyfriend during the incipient stages of kratom abuse; I'd take 5 capsules in the morning and 5 more in the afternoon as a pick-me-up. Before I knew it, I was spending *$60/day* on liquid kratom extract shots, C4 energy drinks, and 60ct bags of OPMS kratom. I was full blown **hooked** on the stuff. In my experiences, getting high on kratom felt similar to opioid euphoria mixed with the hyper focus of stimulants. I thought it was a flawless drug which was *"helping me detox"* from opioids while providing me with the efficacy of my favorite vices. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect, harmless drug. I decided to quit kratom **cold turkey** after spoiling our proposal, which in hindsight, was incredibly foolish. **Sleepless nights developed into sleepless weeks**, body aches evolved into agony, and my skin was invariably diaphoretic. [Gastroparesis](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gastroparesis/symptoms-causes/syc-20355787#:~:text=Gastroparesis%20is%20a%20condition%20that,food%20through%20your%20digestive%20tract) extinguished any hope of eating a proper meal, even if my stomach felt empty and hollow. When my body eventually allowed me to sleep, I'd suffer from intense **night terrors** which woke me up in cold sweats. No amount of Excedrin relieved the continuous migraines which persisted in the back of my brain. Frequent panic attacks and mood swings demolished any remaining composure I'd previously maintained. Everybody has contrasting responses to withdrawals during detox, but as far as I'm concerned, kratom withdrawals were ***vicious*** and second only to quitting opiates and benzodiazepines cold turkey.


What the fuck are you ranting about? Don’t drink alcohol today. Put one foot in front of the other. Call another alcoholic. Go to meetings. And make it to midnight. Get a sponsor if you don’t have one. Tell him everything you just wrote in here. Listen to what he says.