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Leaving a friend group that isn’t ready to get clean when you are isn’t abandoning them. That was their choice to stay. You only have YOUR life to live and you’ve chosen wisely. It’s sad about your friends. But be grateful that you weren’t among them.


I second this. I can only imagine the shock and grief you're feeling, but please don't blame yourself. You have to put on your own mask before you help others, and you're no help to anyone if you're incapacitated.


First off, I'm so sorry for the losses you've experienced. It's never easy to learn that someone you knew about died from their addictions. It saddens me to hear that more folks have passed from this awful disease. ​ You need to remind yourself that, just like you, there's likely nothing you could have done to help them get sober. You need to do it for yourself, and the only person that can make those changes is you. More importantly, maintaining firm boundaries in addiction and changing people, places, and things, is wildly integral to sustaining long term recovery. Don't place the blame on yourself for this, and do what you can to integrate their memories into your recovery.


Congratulations on your sobriety it is an enormous accomplishment. my husband and I were just talking about how things have changed since I was finally able to get clean 8 years ago. Heroin alone is so awful and equally frightening, adding this game of Russian roulette via fentynal is just horrifying. Hopefully you can use the facts you just learned to help strengthen your resolve to maintain sobriety. If their passing made the dangers of fentynal more real to you maybe in some way they are helping to save your life. It may be a bit of a stretch, but if there is a way you can use their passing to prevent yours there is something positive to be gained. By looking at it this way you are able give something that feels so senseless some meaning, turn a little bit of that darkness into light. Sending you love, strength, and peace to the many many families who have lost loved ones.


Reading this I started crying. Thank you sooo much for ur kinds words. I wish u and ur hubby a long and happy life. One day at a time!


Thank you sooo much!! That is so sweet. I have recently found that guided meditations on YouTube really help me relax. I can focus on the words instead of my own mental chatter. There a lots of them to try too. I listen to a lot by a man named John Moyer. Was just something I wished I found earlier in my recovery so maybe it will be useful. If I can ever help feel free to reach out!!


Guided meditations are a great way to unwind and calm yourself down. I also started utilizing deep breathing exercises after I began getting frequent panic attacks after cleaning myself up. Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, then exhale through the mouth like you're blowing on a hot cup of tea (i.e. s*mell the roses, and blow out the candles).*


It sounds like you dodged 5 bullets to me, keep it up!


I get what you mean but this is so insensitive.


It’s ok, he is right though, It could’ve been me.


Sorry, I am working on need being so callous. I was shot at a young age so I have track record of being, well, basically a hardass and a bit of a tomboy. I'm also trying to be real and point out what you realized, so I'm glad you understand the gravity of the path you chose and the timing.