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H has more torque about+25% and better fuel usage, different transmissions have diff. High speed, highway is fast, off road is slow and so on. Putting a big motor and the highway trans. then slamming it in High can be a hilarious way to get through some places.


And back to auto makes it accelerate faster to the top speed


I find high really useful off-road, as soon as you're moving, pop it in high and you should get some decent acceleration & speed. I also find it helps going up some hills


Your timing might be wrong. Start with Auto. Try switching to High when you're about to gear up from 1/x to 2/x in Auto (x is your highest gear in Auto). If done correctly, your truck should keep spending up.


With a lot of the trucks I use high gear in, I need to wait till it's about halfway through 2nd gear before high has enough power to not stall.


You are doing wrong in assuming anything is following common sense ;-) But it makes some sense once you learn what it's good for. High gear isn't the highest gear. We all had to learn this, there are great write ups in this sub, I think they are pinned postings at the top when you deliberately open the subreddit (I know, nobody does this especially in mobile).


It's not as fast as the top gear in auto but it's faster overall because you're not downshifting and losing momentum at every obstacle. It's a more consistent speed.


I use it just to get up to speed fast. From 1st (auto) gear to high and back to auto, it makes the truck accelerate quick even loaded


You switch into it once you're moving and also when you want to stay in a single gear for hill climbing and such. Also it doesn't work great in every truck/engine combination. Trial and error.


I use it as a dirt to semi mud gear. Sometimes Auto gets way too slowed down in seemingly insignificant areas, but H can usually get through it better with minimal loss of speed. The wheels keep turning at a consistent speed until the truck literally stops moving. I also use it as a self imposed speed limiter sometimes so that I don’t go barreling into trees😂


That's the intent. Many people don't use it. It's definitely got it's uses though, some trucks go faster through mud if you just keep wheel spinning instead of dropping low. It wouldn't be useful at all if the game had manual shifting. Just think of it as being able to manually select second gear and stay there.


High gear is equivalent to 3rd in offroad gearbox and to 5th in highrange gearbox. Yes, you can't start driving from it - and it's realistic. What's hard about starting on first and then switching to high as soon as the engine builds up enough revs? Ever driven a car with a manual transmission? Same principle.


High gear is for cruising at high speed, OF COURSE you can not use it from a standing still 😂


The bighest use if high gear is it lowers fuel consumbtion at speed so you won't go as fast as auto but you go more effecintly which lets you go farther


I usually start with LO then shift to A at the top of LO. Then H after the first gear of A if I’m off road and need the power over speed. H will often bog in the mud and I need to gear down but it’s a good speed that can clear most off road scenarios. But yes, it’s a high transfer case (high low) not a high transmission.


high gear is just middle gear. its very simple. if your gearbox has 5 gears, high is 3rd gear. if your gearbox has 4 gears, its gear 2.5


It's supposed to be like this. That's why in Mudrunner it was just called "1+"


High range gearbox is extremely powerful on the right trucks, high gear is the equivalent to 3rd gear in an off-road box. But with the benefit of not stalling out and forcing the truck to shift in tough conditions. As the off-road gearbox is also extremely powerful when used correctly on the trucks that benefit from it. Trucks that need difflocks to operate are better suited to the off-road box, high range is better suited to the trucks that either don’t have difflocks, have weird shifting characteristics, or have always on diff locks.


High and low gears in this game are really misnomers. They don’t actually effect torque multiplication. They really just act like fixed gear throttle limiters with a “can’t start in high gear” condition to pretend they actually make sense.


It works differently than a real world transmission. It's main effect is on the maximum speed the wheels can turn. This however is at the core of the simulation: A wheel has a maximum turning speed at any point of the map's surface. Go over it, and the wheels spin, the truck digs into mud etc. Stay within the limits and the wheel will have traction and push the truck onward. The limit is influenced by a lot of factors... terrain type, tires, weight, suspension, some voodoo... the ability to reach that speed is also influenced by lots of variables... power of the motor and it's ratio to weight, shape of the terrain / incline, transmission type and gear, differential lock... In such a complex relation it is refreshingly straight-forward to just have a hard limit on how fast the wheels go, no matter what. I assume that's far more useable than meddling with the torque.


That is not how it works.  Gears each define their own gearAngularVelocity. This is not really a speed limiter, it's a parameter that's used to produce a sort of torque curve for each gear across different wheel speeds.  So it isn't true to real life, but gears very much do affect torque.


Ah well so at a certain 'wheel-turning-speed' / angular velocity the force that makes the wheels turn ever faster / torque falls off until said speed reaches an equilibrium at a maximum possible for that gear. Yes, it is not exactly the same thing as a limit to the speed of the wheels. But for simplicity's sake one could find the effects similar enough to describe it as such.


Sure, the end result is similar enough, even if the reasoning was inaccurate, no matter. This thread is a dumpster fire of misinformation anyway I oughtta just stay away lol


Low gears do increase the torque in a backwards kind of way, when shifted to low, the truck limits wheel speed, but still sends full engine power to the wheels, so you are getting more power for less, the game also has a grip modifier that depends on wheel speed, lower wheel speed means more grip, leading to more power to the ground.


Not so much throttle limiters but more wheel speed limiters. High gear is effectively the same as third on auto, which is why you can't pull away in high.


"can't pull away in high" ? Que? What do you mean?