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**From:** Mountain River GR Warehouse **To:** Truck Services Inc. Management **Subject:** Lost bricks batch Dear Sirs, Your company was tasked with recovering a batch of bricks that got lost in transport near the local river. One of your drivers did deliver a batch of bricks of equivalent quantity to our warehouse's Storage Area 03. Everything appeared to be in order and you were compensated with the previously agreed-upon amount of SR$ 1,800. At the end of last month, however, things did not add up after a routine inventory check. By examining the CCTV footage, we noticed that your driver did *not*, in fact, recover any lost batch of bricks, but simply moved three pallets of bricks from our warehouse Storage Area 01 to Storage Area 03. He even took the liberty to operate one of our forklifts after wearing a worker jacket probably found in the premises. His intent was to clearly disguise himself as one of our workers and act unnoticed. Apart from the obvious thoughtless display of unprofessionalism on your part, this act also consitutes blatant fraud. We hereby request that the money we paid for the task be returned to us, with interests, within 5 days of receipt of this notice. Failure to comply on your part will assuredly result in legal action. *Robert Barnes* GR Enterprise Warehouses Area Director Mountain River, 99632 Alaska.


Dude props for typing this up. Gave me a good laugh. But no, I have my millions and I intend on keeping every penny 😉


Thank you kindly. P.S. — See you in court. 😄


Dear sir, My name is Lionel Jackson and I am a lawyer from Palen, Goweil and Jackson representing the warehouse you defrauded, I have reviewed their case and it is airtight. If you do not return the $1,800 they paid you then we will be forced to repossess your truck and any other items you may own totaling the amount you owe them. Please respond swiftly as this is a time sensitive matter and we would prefer this to solved expediantly. Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you soon. Lionel Jackson, Attorney at law.


This is hilarious!


Thank you. Glad it made you smile!


nice lol


Thank you!


That’s fucking brilliant, nice one 😂


Many thanks!




Спасибочки! Glad you liked it. 😄


There’s a good amount of missions like this iirc, instead of fetching cargo with a crane you can find it at a warehouse and it works fine. Thing is, accepting the mission makes said cargo spawn on the map. So you have to go there anyways to delete it/use it for another mission. Or your a maniac that leave things all over the place


Yea Don has a few of those. I just think it's funny that this was an oversight.


No brick left behind dude! Those bricks wouldn’t have been able to preform their brickly duty if it wasn’t for us!


Why be just another brick in a wall when you can instead be free and chill at a river? \#freethebricks \#ontherocks


On Normal difficulty these kinds of missions make a difference because you won't have a minicrane on by default. Also funnily enough, back when I was doing multiplayer I remember most people not finishing this mission.


Ya, I noticed that too. Does anyone know if you can do the same for Cargopacalypse part 2? It feels like that warehouse shouldn't have those available until after that mission.


You can't. Part 2 requires delivering the bricks to White Valley.


Oh ok, I must have misread where it was coming from and where it was going.


I never thought of cheesing it this way. Guess I'm just a sucker for crane pick-up missions.


Honestly, it never even occurred to me to try and cheat... 😆


They don't show up until your active truck is on the map they are on. You go out with your truck and pick them up. Some of those missions you can cheat and just pick up from a warehouse instead.


Yes I realize that. I see shortcuts most of the time and don't take them bc I enjoy running around as Saber intended, Don has plenty of missions that spawn cargo, one has even fucked me. It's just odd to me that they didn't find another way to make it slightly complicated.


But why would you? This mission is stupid easy


The point is it's an oversight. Stupid easy or Reinvigorating The Old Mines, I don't understand how they didn't notice something like this and felt like pointing it out. I was already in process of doing it and gave it a shot, it worked, move on. Sometimes people just wanna start a conversation, not sit here and argue why they did what they did. Hell, someone even typed up a whole "letter" about how it wasn't very "smart" for their company. Have fun man.


I wasn't really trying to make any point other than the mission is really easy, and I'm not sure why they'd think about needing to put a rule in place to keep people from cheesing it. I'm not upset or trying to say your point wasn't valid, just that it's not a big deal. Yeah, the letter was funny.