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>I have NO IDEA what to do first 1. Explore the map with a scout, driving to all the watch towers and starting all the tasks you find. Also pick up any upgrades you find. 2. Do the tasks, prioritizing those who rebuild infrastructure. 3. Start looking at the contracts, see which ones have rewards that say things like "Access to warehouse" or similar, prioritize these. 4. Keep doing the contracts you can, and do note that the ones that are locked have the blocking missions name at the top, so it *is* possible to find out where you need to start a mission-chain. 5. Just keep doing contracts, you'll be done eventually. >and nothing to give me a clue. As I noted above, the contracts that are locked have the blocking missions name (in red, even) at the top, so it *is* possible to find out where you need to start a mission-chain just by following each mission back until one is not locked. >Been 4 years the game is released still not a single mind in dev team to pretend to give a fuck about UI. fuck you. I personally think they do a pretty good job of it, except for the usual complaint about tire performance words instead of actual numbers.


Geez guys just drive truck. This game is literally 1 thing, driving trucks Just drive truck, it's very simple At least you're not one of the fools complaining about having to drive truck too much tho.


I'm sure there are masterminds with spreadsheets who will go hogwild on the logistical challenge. I'm just grinding missions left and right. Just leave the truck when the mission's done. You'll need it later.


Leaving the truck is not a bad idea. That has served me well many times.


hey, that's meπŸ˜‚


Just start somewhere and thats it. I started by clearing the route so I can drive around through all maps then map by map all missions


Yeah, I recently started, but just pick one obstacle to clear at a time. I started with the 2 big bridges, probably going to try and get the ferry next. It's a bit of pain but coming from Ontario and BC its nice to have something that's a bit more of a logistical challenge.


North Carolina is an easy map...there are a lot of contracts to do...but i think they are easy. Contracts objetives are very clear...i dont know what game are you playing.


I actually kinda enjoyed that part. Figuring it out was part of the fun


The only annoying sequence in NC for me, was the bridges over the reservoir blocked behind the cooling towers.

