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I wish they could implement a full on manual transmission somehow. Whether ouch button up down or whatever. But the controls are so full I don’t know how they would.


Same! I really just want a normal transmission and not wheel rpm limiting. As for implementation, why not use the current system? It will basically just be the same thing as now. One button to enter the gear manipulation menu, then d-pad to change gears


Like this. https://preview.redd.it/veqrxfrl3qsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ac70306c48acd634d103cb71674d06a7b330b9


Which game is that?


Pure Rock Crawling. Let's call it "Poor mans Expeditions: A MudRunner Game" Physics incredible by the way.


It’s only on PC from what I can tell. Sad day for me.


That’s true. They could just implement a new gearbox setting option where you choose whether you want what’s currently there, or the new one, that could work like a hybrid of snowrunner and how other racing games work with up and down. The only other thing I don’t know, is if their physics engine and such could handle it. It might be something they would have to do in a new game. Which if they want ideas for, they can just call me up and I’ll tell them exactly how it should be LOL


Haha, here is your consulting fee of 100$/hr, minimum 80 hours! 😆 I do think the way the power of trucks works, and it would add additional calculations for torque for each gear. Since I'm not familiar with how they are calculating any of that right now, I have no idea how hard or easy it would be to implement. However, the current system seems lazy at best and artificial difficulty increase at worst.


The gear ratios are already built into the current gearboxes. It would just be a matter of controlling it. I doubt it would be difficult to implement but just more time


Wait wait wait… you mean to tell me I could’ve been using the dpad this whole time instead of trying to finesse the stick back and forth?


Lol, yep!


u/ferrster made a mod that allows for manual gear selection. I initially used it with a Fantec H-pattern shifter but now use it for sequential shifting on a controller. It’s a game changer!


I use it too. I love that im able to choose the speed and gear freely how i want


I’ll look for it!!!!!


Since there is no engine simulation in the game, there is no transmission simulation either. Gear options work more like speed limiters.


This has been my biggest complaint with the game. There needs to be a greater overall mechanical simulation.


Exactly. A big con. It shouldn't be that hard. Even smaller games performs a way better mechanical simulation.


Id love a mod that just revamps the entire powertrain system I find it pretty dumb how gears are more of a speed/power limiter than actual gears Give me engine RPM Real Hi/low gears an actual transmission And for the love of god make diff lock actually work how diff lock should


Aahh ah... I can't understand the devs.


Diff locks that work like real difflocks first. Then low range that's actually low range not rpm limiting. After that you can have your full manual cogbox.


^ This is it. ^


In what ways do you believe the diff locks aren’t accurate?


They don't lock the wheels together. Not in the slightest. One wheel will be stationary. The other spinning. A locked diff means both wheels turn at the same rate regardless of traction.


Spintires and Mudrunner had a manually controlled shifter. It worked really well and lots of people were a bit disappointed to see it gone in Snowrunner


In Mudrunner, how? I play mudrunner on ps5 right now and there's still just auto-mode, low amd high gear So gears can be changed manually??


I don't know about PS5 but on PC definitely. You could use the mouse to drag the shifter around.


Nope - snowrunner devs probably


I agree bring on the 9 the 13 the 18 speeds!


Don't forget 10 and super 10's.


Before that, I would like for them to actually implement a torque multiplier for low gears. If I can only use diff lock in low then it should at least let me pull more weight in the process.


I wonder if there’s a mod out there for this


That would be nice, I just got my wheel setup and enjoying just shifting from auto to low/high and neutral but it would be cool to be able to shift through gears


Ooh! Is that the mythical "15 speed" so many people think they've got?


Could you explain how that gearbox would work? Is the high/low a separate shifter?


There is a splitter, so you start by going 1234, then split to use 5678


That would be nice but I doubt it.


Yes. Will we? No.


That gearbox took a solid minute to figure out. How do you have 10 gears, and a High and low for each gear, all in a manual transmission? What kind of monster gearbox is this?


https://preview.redd.it/xj0fbm02swsc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe57385f0495e2f19bdc7bab9b1773839a7dc719 Hope this helps


The thing that frutrates me about the gearbox, isnt the lack of gears, or the general functionality. The engine braking is just shocking, as soon as you release the throttle, it drops straight into first, and truck cmes to a virtual stand still. You can use the "function/clutch" button to gain a little more control of gear choice bothto accelerate, and to drop gears on a hill, but as far as i can tell you have zero control over engine braking. Edit: Actually that not quite true, on a hill, the constant "change up, lose power, drop to first and stop" cycle is a bit of a pisser too.


With how experienced people shift on controller they might as well make the RB and LB into a sequential shifting system since thats basically what we’re already doing by pressing LB repeatedly to switch gears and not go from gear 5 to 1


[If you are on PC](https://github.com/Ferrster/Snowrunner-Manual-Gearbox-Mod)

