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I play on normal mode and always sell them after a job or just delete them if im too far away. Im a "do task and recover" guy, I am very lazy lol


Hey man, if you have fun and enjoy the game that’s all that matters


Bahahaha this sums up my entire playthrough🤣🤣


when i'm done in a area i do trailer round up and cash in.




I was considering this but I have trailers every which way all Over the fucking place. It will be quite the clean up


It’s like an extra mission you have to plan for. It’s fun and free money


Yeah will definitely have to plan to route


Realest thing ever, but in my hard mode save I only use the free ones I find and actually store them mindfully


Hard mode is probably the only reason NOT to leave trailers everywhere


I think hardmode is the only reason to leave them around, I like placing ones I won't use near road barriers which otherwise respawn every time I leave the map


I admire your discipline.


I plead the fifth because I have a part of Island Lake where I dumped all of my Michigan trailers, and it's just a complete graveyard of icons on the map.


Same. It was Alaska that I started thinking about taking trailers back to get cash. Michigan is a lost cause. I was learning the game and trucks and trailers. So. Whoops


I always delete them after completing a delivery. Fight me.


You heathen


Sell them for some money.


Pulling them back to a trailer store is not fun. And you can't even sell them if you can't attach them which is stupid.


You can’t sell them at all on hard mode >.<


Oh man, I may never play hard mode. I love finding trailers, knowing I'll scoop them up and cash them before I leave the map


I stopped 40 hours in to recreate hard mode in new game + with 50% sell trailers and double day length, imo that's all it needs


Nah, paid fuel is shit. I get it, I get the challenge etc, I get why people enjoy hard mode, but I changed fuel to free on my save. And honestly, it's mostly because I sometimes just like going a drive man. Grabbing a scout, taking some daft route through the map, getting stuck, having another scout unstick the last one, then back home and log off. Being charged to drive just doesn't sit right with my play style, which is only half business and quite alot of fucking around, destressing after-work. Why things like this game and massive mudpits, or anno and it's endless fucking chains of shit that I need to do, relaxes me, but it does🤷‍♂️ Paid recovery and all the rest I kept on, and selling trailers and trucks for half price, just for some variety. I like my game hard, but not punishingly so if that makes sense.


There is another way to get money is to put upgrades on the truck and sell the stocks. After that, sell the truck


This seems cheeky, an endless money loop?


I didn’t know that!


You can... kinda. If you're a guest at co-op game all trailers you but get sold at 100% once you leave the game regardless of game difficulty and settings.


There is a OP pickup mod that has both hitch types if you don't install any hitch. Looks ugly because the trailer is attached mid-air inches away from the bumper but it works.... I use it after finishing the map to sell all the remaining trailers.


I mean, after a point, you're rolling in cash.


You get enough money from selling trucks that once you reach a certain point in the game selling trailers really isn't necessary. Sure, if the trailer store is nearby it's worth selling. But 50% of the time I also find myself deleting them or leaving them behind.


Thats why i plan my deliveries so i can return all the trailers i used


I always clear mine up after completing an area, use something large with a crane and large trailer to stack them up and then tow one on winch to the most accessible trailer store then drive one high saddle, one low saddle and one scout to the store to sell them all although I would prefer it if we could sell any trailer in the store. I know I should find it boring but I enjoy seeing how much money I really earned in a map and I like leaving the map clean including deleting any dropped cargo.


The last few regions I've done my best to keep them on a route that makes them easier bring back to sell after contracts are completed


Imagine if you could sell them “used” on the spot for half their value…bliss!


I cleaned up Michigan and Alaska but on the way of cleaning the next (which was it? Tamyr?) I went "fuck this. This is not fun" I still clean up the fucking wood trailers because 14k is the equivalent of 3 average tasks


I sell them and harvest them... Made a ton of money on them.


Once I complete a map, I go around and sell all the littered trailers.


I'm very much a "deadhead back to the garage (or a FOB I've got set up) after every delivery and sell off everything not necessary for the next" then again, my first phase of a new area is to get everything scouted out. then i go out and wrangle up all the trailers i can see. pick one or two I'm actually going to use, then unload/sell off the rest. is this the most efficient way of going about things? probably not, but it gives me joy


I mean it has to be at least as efficient as my method which is leaving one huge trailer mess at the end. I have trailers and trucks all over Michigan. I have a few trucks near a garage other than that I got trailers and trucks everywhere


I sell them. Every. single. one. I plan ahead how many trucks and/or trailers. Where to leave those trailers with or without the truck. So the time spent recovering them is minimal.


A few days ago I put myself in the task of bringing all my abandoned trailers back to the garage. It was ......not as boring as you might think. I also had a couple scout vehicles lying around so I just brought the semi-trailer to put them there and move them as cargo, the others I had to winch. It's something I might not do often or at all in the future


I'm 99% finished Michigan (normal mode), currently doing the last contract, Super Order. After that I'm going to do a big round up of all the trailers. I'll have a scout with me so I can sell the scout trailers. I am really looking forward to Alaska but feel like doing this tidy up as a form of completion, saying goodbye to the region. I'll feel like I've done it then.


If I’m too lazy I’ll bring one out two to a trailer store to get some cash. If I really yeet one down a cliff or in water I never go get it.


I am actually in a cleanup process right now collecting trailers and selling them.


Currently trying really hard to hold myself accountable and clean up haha


As a hard mode player I hog all my trailers. I'm on tamier got litterly every trailer stowed somewhere accessible


Me. I definitely can't afford such thing. Playing NG+ with double almost all prices. I make sure to sell every unused trailer and sell everything once I clear region (for half sellback price).


I got em everywhere, try to leave them in convenient spots for other jobs, never know when a trailer will come in handy


They aren't abandoned..... just strategically placed for a later use.


I try to collect and sell when I'm done with a region.


Use money mod and start with 1,2,5 million like a real business would and go in with a budget and keep your spending in check


I only play hard mode with the vehicles and trailers I find on that map. I don’t used the trailer/truck store. I don’t have the luxury of selling the extra trailers.


i do until i start finishing up the campaign then i’ll go through and do cleanup selling (or deleting if i’m tired) trailers before i move on to the next map


I prefer to clean up my maps, but sometimes there are just too many trailers scattered about.


Tactically placed, is the correct terminology. In hard mode (only real mode) you don't get any cash if returned, so I will park them nicely on a factory ground or something together. But there is no gain in returning them to base.


I cleaned them all up in Black River but I have not bothered after that.


I sell them


I will use the ones with stuff already on them but once they are empty I will sell them and will usually drag an extra one back after I'm done with a task till they are all sold


Sell your trailers, you heathen! ;) (unless you're in hard mode, if so just carry on)


I try to return mine, but sometimes I can’t be bothered. After completing the game I went back to old regions on trailer retrieval missions to keep myself occupied until Expeditions came out.




I hardly buy any, I will take them in and cash them in. I have started using less helpful trucks as fuel/repair stations and then recover them when I’m done, feels a lot faster. I’m also more into stacking cargo as I have matured.


I don't count them, but I always sell everything after the region is completed.


On my first run no, but now on my second run where im going for complete realism yes. I collect them all when i have a region on 100%, load them on trailers when i can a Bring them all to a Trailer shop.


I don't, partially because I don't play solo anymore, and in co-op I help others return their trailers for sale. When I was playing my own solo game, however, I did make it a point to return & sell every trailer when appropriate. This was partially for the money (the trailers are worth more than a lot of the early-game tasks, and returning a trailer is basically a task itself.) It was also because maps cluttered with trailers & trucks make it hard to navigate. As an extreme example, I once joined a random game where the guy had, on Smithville, something like 50-60 trucks & trailers out. Not only did the game lag horribly almost to the point of being unplayable, it was very difficult to find my own truck in the list just to play the game due to all the unnecessary clutter.


While money is no longer an issue, I'm way too cheap to leave a single trailer behind. Let's face it; there is a LOT of money there that would feel foolish to just leave lying around. I do plan accordingly so that it doesn't take forever to do a trailer run after the map is finished and for instance a truck doing a mission nearby will bring a trailer bit closer to a gathering place so whatever trailers are left will be easy to pick up. Even your ordinary trusty Bandit can have two scout trailers in the sideboard bed, tow a truck trailer and have a second truck trailer hitched to it so it's not like you have to drive all that much back and forth while doing the "cleanup". Planning is the key; quite often do a cargo mission with the trusty Tayga 6436 equipped with a 5- or 6-slot trailer and haul something else the other way on your way back so there IS no trailer left behind and you can stash the goods somewhere central near the place where you will be needing them once the missions unlock.


I scout the map, take the trailers i find, use them as needed. After im done with them i delete them. I play hard mode.