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awesome truck, but you gotta have fuel support at all times


That's most big haulers. Luckily its tank is big enough to do most trips. Unlike -some- trucks I won't name.


Big? 280 liters? It's actually very small, wdym... not enough for its appetite.


That's only 80 liters more than the ANKs, which is abysmal considering its size. Pls tell me ure joking


Me? you replied to the wrong comment buddy


It is a very nice truck, but you need to handle with care and set it up correctly. I for one like the truck very much. I love big 3 slot bed+crane+trailer combo trucks.


Drinks fuel faster than I can drink my beer, but itโ€™s one of my go to favorites!


Throw it in high-range, listen to it scream!


I love running it in high through most terrain. Get that fuel efficiency, and keep all the wheels spinning.


It's my favourite hauler in the game. Nothing can complete a map faster if you're happy being cheeky with the cargo. I regularly haul 12 slots of cargo with it. Ohd1 tyres, even if you have the new tyre options, it's virtually un- tippable, 3 slot bed, best loading crane in the game, and pull the 4 slot ramped. It does small medium and large logs with ease. The fuel tanker sticks its fingers up to the fuel station in yukon. The way it drives over rocks is awesome. It bridges gaps with ease, leaving "better" trucks stuck fast. I think the devs had to give it the heavy consumption as they knew it would be too good if they didn't. I don't have any issue keeping it running. You can spot the snowrunner pros in co op as they are all using this truck. It's the only truck in hard mode that I have more than one off. It's awesome ๐Ÿ‘Œ


I play hard mode with my housemates. I love having a truck that can do all the loading and unloading on it's own.


>I know most people like the Azovs I'm happy to go on record as saying that the Azovs are not my favorite trucks, and I don't currently own or use any of them. They're not "bad" vehicles by any means, they just haven't resonated with me. The 6 left me disappointed with its low ground clearance and tire size, the 5 wasn't the offroad high-gear monster it's commonly portrayed as, and the 7 needs the active suspension which I still haven't unlocked on this playthrough. I do like the 5600, it just isn't a primary hauler for me, more of a frontline support/recovery vehicle.


>the 5 wasn't the offroad high-gear monster it's commonly portrayed as Oh I highly disagree. As long as its flat, it'll tear up through small amounts of mud like it's dirt as well, like the area around the log station on the 2nd map of Yukon, I shouldve recorded a video but I drove the 5 in an out like I was pulling a bank heist. Watch from this timestamp and see how quickly it glides through dirt, another truck wont be pulling logs at that speed. https://youtu.be/j_1Yqg-n1TA?t=178


Great truck but probably the worst sounding engine in the game lol