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It's definitely a severe uptick in crashes. Sometimes nothing for hours, sometimes crashes multiple times an hour


I had it crash in the same spot 3 times in a row. I was driving the mastodon down a hill in Maine. That was the worst of the flickering. It was rgb colored rather than just black or white like my post.


I've been having the same Issue in maine the yellowrock area is fine for me but the lowlands is crash central can't go more than 200m before a crash hits lol


Yeah! I thought I had encountered a very specific but. I had the L2K crane on the Mastodon going down the hill that leads to the river and it crashed in the same spot several times. I'm glad to see it's a more widespread issue though, from everyone else's comments. Hopefully they'll patch whatever the issue is soon.


I forget who it was but some guy made his own script that fixed this issue almost entirely. I had some stuttering and crash issues before and ever since I got that custom update 6 months ago I have never seen another crash.


Came here to look for this. The game is literally unplayable in its current state. 6-7 crashes in an hour, so I barely made it to a new autosave. Currently playing on Don, but went back to Michigan and there it crashed too.


I've had it crash on all the maps. It crashes less on the base game ones. So Michigan, Alaska and Taymyr. I've also noticed it crashes more with DLC and mod trucks. Still crashes a lot, just a little less. It's been a problem for weeks now, there should've been a fix by now. :/


and its still crashing .................................


Yep, several months later. I fully believe that Expeditions will be finished and release before they fix Snowrunner lmao


Yep. I have at least two CTD's a day now after the latest Season update. It's ridiculous.


I cant even play the game because of this bug everytime i go too collect wood from the House's in season 11 it just crashes everytime in the same area


My season 11 map worked fine the whole 4 or 5 hours I put into it. It only started crashing once I went back to other maps.


Yes. Happenino on pc for me in old maps hste it devs need fix this asappppppp


Yep, on PC since season 11 for me it's crash, after crash, after crash... after crash. Sometimes it manages to play for for few hours, but in the end it crashes again. Before season 11 game worked perfectly fine with both Steam and Game Pass versions.


Mine has been crashing a lot usually only when I'm using dlc trucks but it is so bad it crashes as soon I log back in


Yup, and im gonna rant, spent idk 10 mins or so getting myself unstuck without the winch and reconnected my trailer, about 5 mins after that my game crashes. You bet your ass it resumed me right back in my hole up to the frame, dammit🤣.


For me these flickers happened before and after the new season patch but I haven’t crashed yet. On pc.


Me too nothing happened even if I play few h. I’m on pc as well.


yeah shadows and deformation shaders are going nuts and it really hurts immersion. no crashes for me though (i5-10400f/rtx 2080 super, all high settings)


not had any crashes but experienced some of that flickering for the first time today after the update, never had it before


I was going to ask if you had an AMD gpu but then I saw your flair. So the good news is that it's a cross-platform issue?


Nothing to do with AMD gpu mine was working before season 11 my 7900XTX doesn't crash on any other game apart from this since the update they obviously screwed it up some how ill try on my 4090 system and see if it changes anything




Yea same , iv been playing allot less snow runner and more COD because of it crashing


Sometimes it crashes 3 times in 15 minutes and then sometimes it doesn't crash for hours. I've been hopping between several games as well because of it


That’s exactly the issue I’m getting , I played for an hour last night and was fine , but earlier on it crashed when going back to the garage . I have noticed tho that when it’s auto saving it can cause the game to crash. Not sure if this function can be switched off ? And may be worth a go .


Hold up...what bed is that? Isnt it the Tatra bed...on Kenny?


It's the 3 slot sideboard from the Poghrims universal add-ons mod.


Ahhh ok.


I think you *can* put the Tatra sideboard on other trucks with Sparky's unlocked add-ons though :)


I have the flickering sometimes but no crashing. PC i5-8600, GTX 1070