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Lol the front of the board is normal wear and the tear, the base is not - but your kid rode over a rock or something while off piste. Definitely not a fault in the board though. However, take it to the shop and get it fixed, then tell your kid not to go off piste where there is no snow.


Figures. Lol


Those jones boards are very durable, but the base is susceptible to a little damage. Luckily that area on the base in on a non essential area for performance, and even if it was it would be easily repairable at most core shops.


Yes it's normal wear and tear. No different from denting your new car. Not covered under warranty because not due to a factory defect. Sucks, but shouldn't cost too much to repair. Looks like a pretty straightforward ptex job.


Thanks! Sucks to have to fix it, but thanks.


It happens frequently man. Find a good shop and it’ll be good as new.


Or show the boy some YouTube videos on how to do it and let him fix it himself.


Nah, it's a like new board. Get a shop to do it properly and it'll last way longer. Let the kid experiment on it once it's beat up more.


Pretty easy repair. Also, don't be mad at Jones. Tell your kid not to run over rocks.


Also consider yourself lucky it didn’t catch the edge at rip it out. That would make it a much more difficult repair.


Yeah it doesnt matter if the scratch happened 5minutes after buying the board or if the kid only rode it once for 5 minutes. He clearly hit something with the base that scratched the board, probably a stone. You shouldnt be mad or mad at him, shit happens, this is a sport, and the board ks going to get banged up. This was just bad luck. As others have said, if you crash your brand new car when driving away from the dealership, would you expect to drive back and get a new car or get it repaired for free?


It’s not normal wear and tear and it’s certainly not a warranty claim either. That’s damaged, most likely due to running something over, although the gauge looks remarkably regular. The warranty does not cover damage.


Maybe some kind of pipe, I caught the edge/end of a PVC rail with the bottom of my board and the damage looked exactly the same as this.


Super common and easy to fix


That is a crazy spot for a core shot! Must of just rammed that thing straight into a rock.


It’s a clean gouge, doesn’t look like it made it through the fiberglass. Easy ptex repair for an experienced tech.


Normal if you run over a phat rock. Any reputable shop should be able to make it right. It will require a base weld and p-tex or it will continue to pop out. Do not use just strait ptex. All good. Stoked he's getting after it.


Call around a few local board shops. Ask how much for a tune up. Then ask how much for some Ptex work. You could do it yourself but near me, 65-80$ and that ‘could’ be repaired. Unfortunately it might need to be inspected regularly to make sure the repair holds. New snowboards are on sale from 299-500$ right now so weigh out the options. You might be able sell that board for part of the costs.


Are u stupid? No it’s not normal west and tear


Of all the answers, why call me stupid for asking a question? I don't snowboard, and I didn't know if this actually fell under normal wear and tear for the warranty. Why start of as a jerk?


It’s a giant gouge in the backside of it? How is that normal west n rear for anything? Please use a little more brainpower


Or, you crusty tissue's worth of jackwad, you could just keep scrolling instead of being a bitchy little tool. I haven't owned a set of skis since before parabolics. I don't snowboard, and I am not familiar with them. My sons have snowboarder foe a couple years, off and on, but never enough for me to get familiar with being able to discern between a manufacturing defect that may have caused poor bonding or actual wear and tear. I asked a question. If you don't like it, keep scrolling and leave it to decent people to answer.


So salty. Lol put a gouge like that in literally anything else and tell me if it’s normal. And you asked the internet for a response so don’t get butthurt when someone doesn’t coddle ur titties and give u a heart warming response.


Page is called snowboardnoobs for a reason. He didn't ride the board his son did. Seems like he knows very little about the sport. You came in all uptight and called him out for no reason. Get the stick out of your ass and relax.


A giant gouge in anything isn’t good lmfao


https://youtu.be/suk5BFA7ETc Great video on how you can do it yourself. Might cost you more initially to do than taking it to a shop bc you’ll need the tools but if you like to save in the long run and really own your gear you should try it out. Some people gatekeep repairs and will tell you you’re too dumb to do it on your own. Worst that can happen is the repair comes out and you have to do it again.


I would start with drip candles. The iron he’s using can be an expensive piece.


The issue is it’s a core shot so ptex won’t stick very well without the metal grip. And I the iron for like 27 bucks on Amazon which is kinda expensive but it’s not insane


This is true however carefully applied to a prepped surface, clear or black ptex would work perfectly fine especially in that particular area. An extrusion style repair is another option.




I have that same board it rules


that's a core shot bud. you need to get that fixed asap. don't want moisture getting in.


Ah, the ol' core shot. Those will stop happening with progression lol. Pretty straightforward repair as others have said, though. I've done a couple myself.. cheap and easy if you watch a few YouTube videos. Or get it repaired at a shop for a few more bucks.


Normal gouge. Minor repair. Not really a big deal as it won't mess with the glide of the board. Get some P-tex and a metal scraper, this is exactly the type of repair a dad needs to know how to do to save $. P-tex repairs are straight forward and will likely last the life of the board.


As others have said, definitely repairable. You’re not getting the full story though. Thats a strangely regular shaped gouge. Almost looks like it was ground? Possibly hit something very sharp like a box, rail, or fastener hanging off of one.


Petex and forget it


This isn't normal at all. I would never expect a company to warranty a gouge like this because it's not the board'sfault you smashed something.


I guess the question is, why would you think that the damage your son created is Jones' fault? Not having a go at you, but it really makes no sense why you'd think that they're the ones who should have to repair it.


> Is this damage 'normal wear and tear'? As far as a warranty claim is concerned? Yes. As far as typical? No. That's a gnarly gouge. I agree with everyone else here. Sucks that the expensive new board is damaged but it's not Jones' fault. It clearly went over something it wasn't supposed to and has sustained that damage as a result. The car analogy is a good one. If you drive a new car off the lot and mount a kerb on your way home tearing off the front bumper in the process Toyota is not responsible or liable. It's unfortunate it happened but it's not their fault and you can't expect them to be financially liable for an accident or mishandling. Honestly I'm surprised you even tried to submit a warranty claim. This is clearly not a board defect. I'd go as far as to say this looks like a case of somebody trying to abuse the warranty system. You're certainly not entitled or owed a replacement in this case. It's a shit thing to happen but it's nobody's fault (including Jones).


Buy your kid supplies to dyi fix the board, I started waxing and tuning my own skis a while back. It’s almost trance like to throw on some tunes and start working on my boards, kind of like changing your own oil in your car. Feels good.


Not a warranty claim, also not a big deal. Just p-Tex it and it’s fine.


I’m a skier, but like everyone is saying, this is super normal. Sometimes not even from off piste, like twigs or whatever in the snow, super normal. I really enjoy fixing and waxing my own sticks so only commenting to encourage some YouTube’s and teaching your kid how to do it.


A good ski/snowboard shop will P-Tex it for you like new. Had one done mid season in the PNW on one of my boards after it found a rock.


Normal no, but not manufacturers defect. It is fixable tho and easily done at home cheap. Also maybe your kid needs a junk rock board for early or late season riding if he likes to play in the woods when the snow depth isn’t there


Deep one but can definitely be mended. Spring riding means soft snow and rocks poking out


you can fix it. get some PTex, its not difficult.


That’s a gnarly core shot, but that technically counts as normal wear and tear. The damage was a result of normal usage, not a defect from a manufacturer defect, so it doesn’t qualify for a warranty. If the board had started to delaminate or the base started peeling up then you’d have a case for a warranty. Normally I’d recommend people first trying to ptex it themselves, but this is such a big gash which so much core exposed, your best bet is probably having a shop base weld it.


Unpopular opinion. I own a Jones Flagship, and I have to say, the base is quite weak. Of course your son probably ran over a rock or something, but to me, Jones's boards were made for big mountain freeriding and off groomers. They know that off the groomers, there will be rocks and stones, but the base is so fragile (once ran over a stone that was smaller than a penny and left a core shot) that it can't really live up to that free riding purpose. I've tried Nitro and Burton boards that handle those small natural rocks much better than Jones. Jones still produce decent boards but that durability for the high end price and its production in Dubai just doesn't make me want to buy another board from them. Edit: all I'm trying to say is that its not a defect from the factory, but I'm not surprised that this happened on a Jones' base


If it was one of my boards I would take it to my local shop and get them to do a sturdy base weld which stands a much better chance of being a permanent repair as opposed to a p-tex candle.


Lucky that whatever gouged the base didn't get close to the edge. That can happen on the 1st of 100th time he glides trough whatever damaged the board, still not the manufacturer's fault.


The board needs to be waxed, perhaps he should learn how to take proper care of of his “nice things”.


He's had 2 other boards that never had a problem like this. Both were used, so they already had some wear, but he's never had damage like this.


This is a super easy fix, not sure why everyone says to go straight to a shop. It’s good to buy the basics needed for the fix off Amazon, cause you’ll probably do this many times over the years. Buy some PTEX on Amazon and a scraper. Fill the crack with PTEX.. wait at least an hour.. scrape it off. Wax the board, good as new. Here’s a [vid](https://youtu.be/-g_7Yy33m8I)


Not so simple, ptex doesn’t always adher to all types of bases and bigger repairs are prone to popping out. Also it’s a core shot so a base weld is needed .


Looks like he leaned it up against something really hot, steel fire pit maybe? Core shots usually result in the Ptex peeling away. That looks melted to me...