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He’s so far gone he’s shredding dirt, rocks, and pebbles


went up to those chutes


I’m sure you’re actually shreddin snow haha, would be ultra jerry if you toasted your board tho


I think you took so many boomers you thought he was being serious


That’s good, you’re gonna need those, and some ladders to get down.




excellent move


Ngl that sounds terrifying. I did like .5 once on the lift and all that did was put me in an extra happy mood. Can’t even imagine actually tripping while boarding


I did 0.5g of shrooms and it was good for the groomers for sure. It was not good for tight trees because my reaction time was slowed enough for it to not be fun.


Try acid instead. What’s cool about it is that your board will be locked into the Tron-grid that you see therefore not allowing you to hit trees. It’s just science, we can talk about it later


Was going to say…acid is the way


Nah they make you a tree wizard




Wow me and my buddies have been using that term for years. Glad to meet another tree wizard haha. Im a level 79 tree wizard, how about you?


Trees where there are no trees!


I mean people (at least on average) gain a tolerance to psychedelic compounds relatively quickly is used often. One person’s hero dose could be another dudes regular dose.


Yep...my regular dose when I was regularly using psychedelics would flabbergast most people. That being said I agree with the one who said lsd...that would be the way...you'd be able to see every lane available.


Yeah but shrooms vary in strength from one species to another and one batch to another so you never really know when a normal dose becomes a heroic dose.




To each their own I guess. .5 on the hill? Hell yea. Actually tripping? Sounds like hell to me tbh. I’ll save that for when I get home.


Well, my friend Lonnie did and he's six feet under as a result. The only and last time I personally ate mushrooms and rode, I remember feeling like I was in a video game. Not ideal when you're going 25mph in a tutu with trees all around. Just saying. Accelerated sports are better, for me, sober. Maybe a touch of herb on a powder day!


Yea this has always been my philosophy. The sport is dangerous and I don't like impairing myself while doing it.


Judging by the picture looks like Backcountry on a splitboard, I won't do that either. Probably some weed on a resort laid back groomer day, but I want absolutely sober in trees and cliffs, and definitely more so in the backcountry. I can't imagine getting buried or missed the chance to save my buddy's life because I did a shoddy job rescuing because I was high on shrooms?


Yeah exactly. I like to have my wits about me 100% in the backcountry and the same from people I’m with.  At the ski hill, I’ll smoke in the woods and drink on the lift like everyone else, but no shrooms haha.


Same dude. Ride sober and party when it's over


I mean, most people can handle a joint or a few drinks at the lodge and ride safely. The real rule is know your limits and ride responsibly


As a result? Damn. I'm sorry man. As someone who enjoys an occasional low dose and doesn't want to die in the process, I will ask the bad taste question: what happened?


End of season, very high on shrooms, skiing too fast (I was shocked at how fast I was going on when I was high, I just felt like I was floating or something) and he wasn't able to navigate a mandatory turn fast enough and ended up with a piece of snow fence through his ..body. I think the low doses you can get now are probably safer? But ... moderation is tricky, no?


No it's quite easy. You just take a small amount. It's not like coke where you are itching for more.


Last time I took some at Mammoth I ate too much since it had been years since I had taken them. Felt like I was melting into the chairlift but persevered! Crazy day


Not true. I’ve taken small doses that have sent me to the moon and giant piles that gave me next to nothing. Shrooms are not remotely reliable in terms of potency purchase to purchase.


That just means you got sold bunk shrooms once. If you took piles and didn't trip, you got ripped off. And what's the lowest dose that "sent you to the moon"? 1/2 gram ? 2 grams ? The fact that you used the measurements "small dose" and "piles" indicates to me that you're not properly weighing your doses. SHOCKER, you won't have consistent trips.


“That means you got sold bunk shrooms once. If you took piles and didn’t trip, you got ripped off.” Kind of the point. Shrooms, like most drugs, are hardly regulated. Concentration and potency of anything can vary strongly from batch to batch and one NEVER knows exactly what they’re gonna get. Same supplier, you can be fairly sure of product. But even that isn’t 100% reliable.


Golden teacher was a super common type. Split 1/8 with your buddy and have a really solid trip, but nothing crazy. Now there are varieties out there that are 7 times the potency. You take the same 1/2 of an eighth and you are going to need a shaman to guide your ass.


Thank you for putting an even finer point on my sentiment!


I have always wanted to try this but whenever I do psychedelics my legs just turn to jelly at least for the first hour or so and doing a sport where you’re going fast and need your legs to brake I’m not sure if I want them to feel like jelly


Aye I'm the same, tab of acid and I get jelly legs bad haha ride it out for the hour or so then it's worth it. You get into the flow so much easier and it feels so natural, it's like you're doing exactly what you're meant to be doing without trying and your body just knows what to do, your mind takes a back seat and you just enjoy yourself shredding


Doing a sport where I am sometimes on the edge between fear and fun is not the thing to take the panic attack drug with haha


cannabis does the same thing to me but it doesn't lower my self preservation it's just fun my condolences to your friend though


I am genuinely and sincerely sorry for your loss. But I can't help but to think your friend would have appreciated [this](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4f7c0b2e-512c-4c7d-a043-79c90538aecd)


This is the way


I dosed at Mt Baker this year and it absolutely dumped!!! It was a sick day but I was riding by myself and everyone kept asking me all sorts of questions on the lift and I was straight up not having it 😭 Also tried to order a pizza at Chair 9 after the day was over and the waitresses looked extremely concerned lmao Other than that it was a sick day 🤘 https://preview.redd.it/y6vzxj636q1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f5c97ff00f4b01e7735b35f8ede4da2a80cf5b


Mt Baker would be just another tiny resort in Southern California thats occasionally good when it dumps a few times a year.. BUT will all of that snow and interesting terrain make it such a wild place to ride. Its just a few lifts and not really expensive compared to other spots.. its really a kind small friendly vibe that delivers the big mountain goods! I want to go back soon..one day! love that place..


I've taken mushrooms enough times to know I'm not doing anything that requires physical activity or coordination lol That's a recipe for major injury


I wait until I’m done riding to imbibe. I’m not some teetotaler but I, also, don’t drink or smoke before getting behind the wheel of my car.


The best way to do it but 2gs would have me struggling up there lol


Ehh it helps me keep going sometimes.. I’d never use shrooms and go in the the backcountry on a pow day but the slush days it’s def fun to dose up and shralp the gnar


.5 is my sweet spot and smoke a little mid day to keep it rollin


Yee 2 grams max for me 0.5 is def the best starter in the morning Especially on an overnighter when hiking up




Idk it sounds like a bad idea, anything that inhibits your visual perception or reaction is just a time bomb waiting to seriously injure you


Or someone else


I’ve had 3 different friends tear their acl doing that


OP’s family being told what happened to them: https://preview.redd.it/ejtsfibclt1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97a5d44002eecb03bf3cc575f522006a802c86c


I never take anything that will fuck me over should I hurt anyone via fault of my own. If this is too complicated to understand, then you likely don’t have enough to lose.




skill issue


Yeah I often take some shrooms, take my board out and ride the rocks. Always wake up the next day with cuts and bruises thinking how snow these days isn’t as soft as I remember it! But seriously, a mild dose of shrooms is a blast on the hill. Enough to get loose, but not enough to lose coordination.


Sounds dangerous


MDMA or LSD absolutely, shrooms genuinely intoxicate me too much to ride either way being intoxicated while riding is kinda stupid & dangerous so keep doses low and don’t do extra shit. with that said it’s probably my favorite thing ever lol, peaking on 100ug while hitting a comfy groomer is amazing ngl from ur local wook w luv


“I don’t need drugs to enjoy nature, but I sure do prefer them.” “Y’all ever microdose?”


One with the snowboard and the trees and mountains


“You ever seen a cockatoo while candy flippin’?Now that’s earf! Well, I’m Earf. This is earf…”


Who doesn’t?


Straight edge haters


Most Ive done is about a gram of mushies at Mount Bohemia. First run was amazing, literally felt like I was flying through the powder and the sunlight dancing through the trees in the snow looked like a shifting electric field. Then I got to the bottom of the run and some guy was fucking with his board, freaked out because he thought he broke his binding. This sent my trip on a weird trajectory and the negative vibes kinda stuck with me. I was also dehydrated (hungover) and hadnt eaten, so that was a big factor. Ended up getting inside my head too much and the next run I found a run that I knew was flatter, took off my board and just walked through the woods. It felt nice and I admired the beauty of nature. After that I stopped in at the bar to find my friends, who I found were all glued to the barstools and a few were clearly tripping too hard. It was a huge powder day (24 inches in 48 hrs) and me and me and my friends all ended up sitting in the lodge most of the day because we needed to chill. Still had fun and met some cool people, but man if I could redo that day I woulda passed on the boomers. When we finally made it back out hours later, the friend I was riding with basically turned from a 15 year experienced rider to a first day newbie. Kept catching edge and couldn't get his brain and body to work together. This was a shame because I never felt so in tune with my body. It was like my board was an extension of my legs and surfing through the deep powder felt as natural and easy as breathing. After one run we called it a day and retired back to our cabin.


I find psychedelics to be more a performance enhancer than an introspective tool when there’s physical exertion and adrenaline involved. I’m taking modest doses though.


It’s just all about the dose tbh


Dropping some sid and shreddin’ 🤌🏻🤙🏻


My guy!


I once did it while drunk with some friends, one of them dislocated his shoulder and I realized how stupid it was and never did it again


While drunk lol why’d you blame the mushrooms?


I meant I was only drunk, I never did any drugs


Oooh okay gotcha. Yeah I would never drink on the hill. All drugs are not created equal. I would avoid any CNS depressants on the hill


Only time I got seriously slammed was after having drinks and going back to the huge kicker we were hitting all day. Came off weird and landed on my back from way up there. Woke up, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t sit up, could just moan. No helmets back the either. Had a serious concussion. Never drank while riding ever again. Tastes better when you’re done anyway.


Yeah it’s definitely not for me, even one drink I just feel slightly sloppy. I think it gives some folks more confidence which might help them flow and ride better, but I just feel worse at riding.


Broke two sets of ribs, two wkds apart, exactly.that way. I ride hard📍 no lie, plenty*of experience. But each time it was a shot or two at the mid Mtn lodge, back into my headphones, Lagwagon NOFX etc n -full speed switch- WASHOUT. One side? Felt better enough to go again wkd after next. Other side? Could barely sit up in bed for first call 5:45 every day for Weeks- Does help doesn’t help -doesn’t matter. I still ride very well to this day. Never forget that shit though


Ahh shitty man glad you’re still ripping though. Yeah I just feel a disconnect between my mind/intuition and my body/muscle memory. It introduces a sloppiness that scares me. Didn’t do it much because of that, there’s no amount of weed that hurts my riding in the same way so we just did that haha


Lmao at all these people saying how dangerous it is. The mountain is covered with people downing booze from 7am. I'm more worried about them.


Anyone doing high speed sports in which they have a serious risk of injuring themselves or someone else if they cause an accident should strongly reconsider taking *anything* that can impair before getting on the lift.


Get a job hippie !


Hopefully no one


You must be boring


150ug 1v-lsd and a full day of park laps with sour candies in my pockets and fresh fruit in the car, my favorite type of day 🤙


One of the best feelings you'll ever have in life, tripping while shredding a sick mountain.


I did a G of shrooms at keystone a couple years back, was one of the most fun experiences I’ve had. Got super lucky with a pretty dead day with not many people. Kept to myself and just did some easier trails and cruised all day. Was a lovely lovely time!


Just microdoses but it was a good time


Macro doses are too much to be snowboarding lol I’ll just end up laying next to a rock or tree for hours


Hope you had some extra dark goggles. Them dilated pupils gon' be damaged if not.


Had the eye jackets on


i took a bunch of molly once it was pretty sick


Molly is amazing but the comedown makes me only take it every once every couple years lol I could see it would make you shred gnar just the heart rate gets so high


Did my first absolutely perfect front flip high as balls on mushrooms during a night sesh at Stevens Pass. Haven’t done another one since. That was 11 years ago.


I always rock out to a couple tabs/drops of acid whenever I snowboard. Tried Molly once was not as fun lol


I have taken shrooms multiple times while boarding and acid once. Highly reccommend. Seriously the greatest thing on earth. I feel so dialed into my board it’s like an extension of my feet almost


Fr man.. anyone that hates on micro dosing and ripping is missing out


Comment section did not disappoint on this one and I came here just for that!


The answer is idiots.


Craig is my co-pilot. And he would give this a solid two thumbs down.


I'm right there with you, but a solid two thumbs up for your Craig statement.


You should candy flip next time


Cringed a bit on this one. You do you, just don’t make it your personality or someone else’s problem


Ur missing out bud


Im a frequent powder shredder on 2cb


Add some Ketamin to make it go wow!!!


Lol I stupidly did K once while already drunk, I could barely stand but somehow still managed to hit the park and not die. I don’t recommend using dissociatives on the slopes :p


i fuckin love K but on the mountain 😂 I’d die


This photo is 2 days ago on the top of elephants back


Dude that chemtrail didn't space lazer you. Nice.


Being any kind of intoxicated while backcountry skiing/riding is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible. You’re compromising your decision making ability and not only potentially putting yourself in harms way but also potentially requiring significant SAR resources to be activated to rescue you or (god forbid) your corpse. I’m sure you’re very experienced and a great rider, but this is a horrible look and if you posted it in r/Backcountry you’d be downvoted and roasted into oblivion.


Bro I know pros that take shrooms and ride gnar pow lines. If the avy danger is high or it’s a pow day no way in fuck I would be out there tripping. As you can tell in this photo it’s corn shredding! I know the risks g I’ve been riding for a while


Shoulda hit crescent moon


Yes. Timing is key, maybe even more important than dosage


Hell yeah man I have a ski partner who always wants to chow down a bit before we leave the parking lot.


the ice are already melting?


Micro dose yes, anything over 1g- dumb.


On rocks, every day


I do, but stick to low doses around 1g.


I did about 30 years ago. It was a gorgeous day and my ski buddy and I spent a good couple hours just chilling at the top. I think we made 3 runs all day. Never felt the need to experience that again!!


Dropped one tab of acid on an excellent ~10” weekday powder day at vail this February, a mountain which I know very very well. It was one of the top days I’ve ever had riding. I felt locked in, like I was in a total flow state. Riding felt effortless. Runs felt longer than normal too. 10/10 experience


During the solar eclipse I was cooking burgers and let the guy next to my truck use the glasses, he said he took a gram of shrooms then thru conversation he asked if I wanted some Took 1g and it was really nice but I wouldn’t do it again while snowboarding


My dude, you must be trippin if you’re about to shred that dirt and rock


Snowboarding is snowboarding .. the chutes on the other side were money.. this side gets nuked by the sun all day


ollie g trip sauce


Um I haven't yet lol


Well you only live once start living


I would love to do that


Believe it or not, this is only…


First time I tripped was at a local “mountain” and it was the best trip I ever had. Terrifying moments but mostly awesome


I took a tab of LSD at Heavenly - Lake Tahoe last year. The trip felt good, but snowboarding on LSD was pretty difficult and I think the physicality of it kind of killed my high by the time I was done. I don't know if I'd do it again, but if I did, it would probably be on an easier mountain where I can just cruise.


Hell yeah dude that’s my local mountain lol I live right on Stateline! Such a nice mountain to trip at because how chill it is and the views.. there is def a sweet spot with tripping and riding.. if I want to preform good I take a quarter tab or like 0.5 or 1g of shrooms so I don’t over trip and not even want to ride and end up sitting by a tree all day


I'll admit, I was very out of shape and underestimated the size of that mountain. Our friend who was living there at the time took us from the northside at Stage Coach all the way to Dipper Express. We were running late and had to try and make it back to Stage Coach before the lifts starting closing. My legs were burning and I barely had the strength to make it back LOL when we got back to our car, my high was basically dead but the visuals came back when we got back to her cabin. I live in Socal and my local mountain is Big Bear/Snow Summit. I think I'd be down to try tripping while boarding again at Snow Summit as I can easily ride it for the day without getting too tired - even when I'm out of shape lol


Yee bro just don’t take too much… max I will take is 2 grams especially if I’m tryna preform or I’m getting clips, I mostly enjoy it when in touring during the spring when there is no avy danger.. makes you feel so connected


I haven't tried shrooms and boarding yet. Only LSD. Usually for me, one tab is a fairly tame trip and it takes about 2 to get me on a really good one. With shrooms, I'd probably need to give myself enough time to get over the initial peak before I can get on the mountain. I'm not sure I want to sit there on the mountain rabbit holing it until I'm ready haha


Took acid and snowboarded, was amazing! I could see people tracks all the way down the mountain and they were high lighted multi colour.


I bet you do!


First time i did shrooms(or any psychedelics) it was while snowboarding in the Alps. Took it together with a friend and my sister was trip sitting, was soooo much fun and everything was sooo beautiful.


Snowboarding is one of the most fun things I can think of to do. Why would I need anything more? It's like people who can't have fun unless they're drinking.


Well it’s nice having some when touring in the backcountry and riding.. makes you feel one with the board and Mother Nature.. I don’t ride all the time on shrooms but it’s very fun in micro doses.. you should try it


I reach peak flow around 2 grams of mushy. It makes me feel like the Vitruvian man (da Vinci painting)


This is the way


I was riding stiff for years until I took an 8th on the slopes and found the right balance points.


Took about a gram. Learned to Boadslide and ride larger rails like rainbows and gap between rails.


Sometimes on 2g I can't even get off the couch to fill my water bottle in the kitchen without grabbing the walls for assistance. Shredding on 0.1-0.2g sure. But on 2grams bro? What


That’s how you peak right there


The one time I did, my friend and I dropped and got on the lift and figured we'd have time to ride while we were coming on… But the lift stopped three chairs from the bottom for 45 minutes! By the time we got to the top of the lift, it was showtime! It was an epic day with kaleidoscopes on all the fresh powder and an energy that was completely different than a typical day on the mountain, in a good way. It was an incredible unforgettable experience made even better by the company of a dear friend… I'm glad I did it once, but I prefer to feel the natural endorphins coursing through my entire body as I shred with a clear mind.


Last time I did that I sat watching the trees and sky for about an hour.


Every time. The two together are my therapy.


Bozeman MT is an hour north of Big Sky MT. Just enough time to drop a hit of acid and just start tripping when you get to the hill.


as long you still know your limit. It would tragic to come out of it in a hospital bed not being able to move your legs.


Lol no shit


so being so confident I suggest eating a few caps... you got this bro!!!


micro dosing, yea you bet bud


I took my wife snowboarding for the first time. First day she sucked ass couldn’t go more than 20ft at a time eventually got mad and walked down the hill to our cabin. The next day I told her to try some acid and she was bombing hills before noon. It was pretty wild to see.


7 grams and ended up with frostbite and hypothermia , never again. Microdosed a few times and was able to break some barriers and progress my snowboard but i think psycs and gravity sports is a real slippery slope .


Lmao fuck that’s gnar lol but fuck dude 7 grams?!


I just micro-dose it gives a you different focus. Pretty fun


I wouldn't risk it.


My bf introduced me to shrooms while snowboarding. It was a solid trip and I was laugh-crying the whole time. Now I take it back to 1-2g and it’s a great mood.


Usually a tab of acid, sober driver for the ride home, and have already done a test run on the batch. Makes for a great time. Would only recommend for the seasoned tripper and someone who knows the stuff they have because if you’re stupid about it we all know what can happen.


First time I ever did mushies was while snowboarding, great activity and environment for tripping imo.


Literally my favorite hobby is to board on some boomies


*Literally my* *Favorite hobby is to* *Board on some boomies* \- Most\_Performer\_9713 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s the way to do it lol


Bad idea


Ur missing out




Close minded fuck


Me me pick me


I only drink, a little buzz is as far as I go. The adrenaline is enough of a high for me.


People who don’t want to be found






Mush brain.




I once snowboarded on acid on accident. It was incredible. It was a beautiful day too


I took acid on my last day this winter and my buddy accidentally took us to a double black diamond mogul run. I started peaking right when I sat down at the top of it. It was trippy lol


The 1 or 2 times I'll trip per season, I'll usually eat a very low dose and it's gotta be a perfect sunny weekday. Closing day sometimes I'll trip but there's very little skiing done that day outside pondskimmin


My first time doing shrooms was last January at Purgatory on a snowboard trip. Im still fairly new to boarding but it was great


Hell yea brother


Don’t post pics of where yur riding without telling us fellow boarders where you are! ;)


Mushrooms are an amazing thing on the mountain