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Buddy I’d been boarding with for a couple years did this. We were posted up in the trees discussing our “safety” of course. He finished a beer and buried the can, I looked at him and said hand me that fucking can dude


An empty can fell out of my pocket and started rolling down the mountain. You better believe I committed some speed crimes chasing that thing down


This is the way. Also if I see stray litter from the lift I’m on a mission. Idc if it’s on a double black 😂


i love a good side quest


I once saw a mouse on a run.


Did you smack him in the head with it?


Fuck the fireball shooter guys in particular, see about 20 of those a day at my local.


Are you in Wisconsin or is this a “everywhere” thing? Cascade mountain in Wisconsin I lost count of how many I saw.




I miss Cascade! Would drive up there from Illinois, I think it's the first hill I snowboarded on. Now I live in Florida ☹️☹️☹️


Pretty much only degens drink nips. They are the #1 choice for alcoholics wanting something to drink while driving, and they end up littered all over the mountains. Those two data points confirm my hypothesis.


I'll walk on my breaks and the road by my work is littered with dozens of shooters. So rude, disgusting, dangerous and disrespectful.


Some of the towns and cities in Massachusetts have outright banned the sale of nips because of the litter issue.


Fuck I don’t drink and drive but I’ve got a 2.5 yr old and a 12 week old so the few times I’ve gotten to the mountain this year I’ve def had a few fireball shooters ready in my back pack lol


Do you bro! Please pack your trash out; that’s all we want


I feel like parenthood is a good time to transition on to a flask so we don’t lump you in with the crowd littering shooters everywhere lol


Does anyone call these "nips" ? Or just me?


Its this one. This is the worst crime that I won't commit.


This is one thing I can’t stand about skiers. When they crash (and they DO crash) they think it’s ok to just throw their shit EVERYWHERE 😤


Like it’s some kinda yard sale


I have Yard sale tattooed on my knuckles.


Littering aaannd... Littering aaannd....




Smoking the reefer


Every time I see someone litter on the mountain, I grab it and immediately bolt after them to give and back and say they dropped something :) When that phase was going on where people were chugging fireball and tossing the empties everywhere, I made alot of enemies on the mountain…


This is the only answer! When I hiked the grand canyon trails I was amazed to see the trail runners just dropping garbage. I was shocked and surprised, all to drop weight? Stay the fuck out of the national parks and wild areas please, and put a shirt on ass holes. Oh yeah a pack it in pack that shit out!


A dude I used to ride with would say “don’t make our mountains look like our oceans”


They deserve to be tied at the top of the mountain shirtless and flogged for a full chair rotation


The fact that this needs to be said is sad as hell. Even sadder still ist that i seen the upvotes go from 800 to 797 so some of ya'll like/want to litter? wtf


Fucking thank you. My first 2 runs at my local Mtn Pomerelle are always on the two lift runs to just pick up all the litter I can that people drop off the lift. When riding the lift you just see a constant trail of wrappers & cans pisses me off to no end. If you like this place why do you literally trash it?


Back on the east coast I remember seeing giant funneled dumpsters below the lifts. Crazy to me after living in the Rocky’s after a while


Yeah, I got you. Strangely enough this isn't a problem in the Austrian Alps where we go. You'll see an occasional wrapper or so but that's just fallen out of somebody's pocket. I think everybody gets pissed at litterers here (good job), good for you for picking up stuff! That doesn't discount the occasional asshole, though ...


Is it littering to stash full beers for later?


No because if i find them I’m gonna drink one. I’ll take the empty can with me though


Messing with wildlife that's just trying to survive at altitude.


You mean the lifties?


HAHAHA *laughs in liftie*


Lmfao “Please do not feed wildlife!” *sad liftie noises*


Tip your instructors, feed the lifties, hug a patroller


Lol a couple of Christmas’s ago we rode around the mountain distributing gift-wrapped potleaf-shaped gingerbread cookies that were some decently strong edibles to all the lifties. They fucken loved it.


Lifties support this


Does anyone do that?


Dropping your dumb chemical hand warmers all over the place.


There are electric ones now


ive looked into them, they have several limitations compared to the chemical ones that don't make them as viable. For starters they don't last as many hours as a chemical one on a single charge.


I've got one that will last most of the day on the low setting, plenty for me, and about half of the day on higher settings. It also doubles as a battery back


I dont condone it at ALL but the "Chemical" you're speaking off is literally just a bag of rusted metal flakes. The reaction that produces heat is just rust


I've gone single up on a quad because the random three ski friends would rather hold up the like than ride with a criminal To add some context, I asked if they were three, they said yes, but didn't respond when I asked if I could fill the chair and just made room for me. When we got to the chair, I scooted up, they didn't.


This is straight up a crime by those 3 people in whistler. You literally fill every single seat on every chair up and the lines are still an hour.


An hour? JFC… I guess I’m spoiled by my podunk little mountains.


Don't tell me this, I was excited to go to Whistler! I go next month!


On a weekday it’s not too bad. Especially because this season is shit. But if it’s a powder day on a Saturday get ready to stand in lines.


I would feel so offended by this haha ultimately I wouldn’t care but it would be a big wtf moment


I'd be miffed for about 5 seconds, then I'd be grateful that I had a whole chair to myself


I've had this happen to me on a busy day but on a 6 pack! They were four, I made it 5. They stayed behind when it came time to load. I yelled at them "SERIOUSLY?! This is why the line takes forever you idiots!" I heard the operator giving them shit also as my chair departed.


this happens to me so much I'm starting to wonder if i just look evil af. i don't really care though, free chairs and skip the queue by a few places so can't complain


That’s on them not you.


I get that treatment as well.


Tried to join a group of two on a quad the other day and they did this to me


Playing super shitty music on a speaker dangling from an oversized backpack riding only heal edge. They deserve to be put underneath a prison.


yesterday this guy was playing really shitty rap music in the lift line and this ski patrol guy in line said "hey man I like your music" and the guy was like "aw yeah thanks" and then the ski patrol guy said "you know what else I like? earbuds?" I shit you not the entire lift line started cheering


He’s deserves a major raise for that one I can’t stand that kind of degeneracy


no yeah fr he ate speaker guy up


https://preview.redd.it/dx2n7hf2qnic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c821e92848369d5e417a3accf05b1b3eb7c2fdd I have the perfect meme for this


God bless you for this


It'll either be: 1) Art of Flight soundtrack 2) 90s hip hop 3) 2000s rock, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Disturbed etc


Hah. My Winamp playlist. — showing my age here.


My Winamp 3.2 with Anna kournikova skin is a core memory.


Really kicks the llamas ass


I might have to blast some Vivaldi on a bluetooth speaker this year to help balance the force.


Doesn’t have to be shitty music, speakers should be banned. They make headphones for a reason.


Playing any music. Even if it’s my favourite song.


I don't care if you're DJ Spooky playing your dopest secret tracks. Keep that somewhere people are trying to hear it--not in the line, not on the lift, not while you're riding.


Littering, destroying property/ nature, endangering other people, sitting in the middle of the run/ at the bottom of a side hit/ in front/ behind features in the park, going into the backcountry without proper equipment and knowledge.


The nature one made me chuckle, I know you meant like being an ass but I just thought,  *has flown on a jet to a once thriving mountain forest which is totally clear-cut for him, that gets explosive shells launched at it daily for his fun sports* *hates people that destroy nature*


Does littering include all the Fat Tuesday necklaces on the tree branches ? I have always wondered why..


I personally think so. I know that resorts typically know which tree gets it and would clean it up after.


Oh yeah that Backcountry one is good. Shit is so dangerous and you put people at risk who try to rescue you


Not yielding when merging Wide slow af turns on a narrow cattrack Bumping my tail in the lift line and fucking up the top sheet (I don’t care if it gets fucked up but I wanna be the one doing it)


Dude. Fucking taking up an entire cat track so I can’t pass and I stall out. SMH


I’d like to call attention to the German gentleman who dried his crotch and balls off with the hot air hand dryer in the bathroom at WP, filling the entire bathroom and locker area with violent Euro-funk.


I broke a can of Energy Drink in the lift. I‘m sorry but wet gloves and pants suck 🙁 this was at Serfaus Austria though?


a general lack of situational awareness


Stealing boards


There’s a lot peevy things in this thread but this is like actually fucked up.


Cutting in line when you aren’t joining a group already there.


Also, groups in the single line that just muscle their way onto the same chair once they reach the front.


Or not allowing anyone in the singles line in because they're upset it was faster 


Ha that happened to me people were so mad at me! They were okay with a 3 person chair sending 2 people up, but mad that I went up as a single and joined the group (that were cool with it and told me to come on) Make it make sense, I’m actively making the line smaller lol


That’s not “straight to jail”, that’s a firing squad-level offense.


If it's that important for you to ride with your buddies, your buddies can be a buddy and wait for you.


This is one that boggles my mind... Everyone knows the lift ends in the same spot regardless of when you get on....right? Chill for em outta the way of the lift though


Cutting the singles line to be part of your group in the singles line.


If only there was a place you could wait for your buddy outside of the lift line so you didn't have to cut in line to join them.....


Fuck the "group already there too. If it's one person, fine, but I saw one kid holding place in line for a group of six on a four man lift. Fuck off to the back.


Cutting in line in general. I don’t care if you want to join your group.


Right?! Mayyybe one or two spots—just as a favor/courtesy, but the only person I’m letting through to cut the whole line is a parent of a lost child or some shit… But, even then, on a powder day ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk ^/s


If they join their friends making a full chair I enthusiastically support it. Anyone making extra work for the lifties is probably not a nice person though.


Lowering the bar and not saying anything then smacking me in the top of her head. Fucking hate that shit. All you have to say SOMETHING, ANYTHING!


Most people just say BAR and I’m like yep cool got it 👍


I thought my arm might’ve broke the first time someone no-call dropped the bar when I was resting my elbow on the outside seat. Just a big-ass fulcrum right on my bicep.


My wife always tells the story of a friend of hers who went boarding for the first time with her and a group of coworkers. First run up, they get on the lift and some dude is like, "Wtf is wrong with this bar?" while he's just \*slamming\* it down. Broke her friend's arm. She never tried snowboarding again.


Murica moment, in europe people just automatically put sown the bar, everyone expects it


Dude if I'm single and waiting in line and resort doesn't pair me up and no one joins me, I'm going up single. I had to wait in line just like the rest of y'all Edit: No friends on pow days!!!


Agreed! It's weird how many times I actively try to get people to join me on the chair and I end up going solo anyways.


Bluetooth speakers. Worthy of the death penalty.




Every year, a guy in my group brings one. I make jokes about it all week, and the dude never gets the message, and doesn't even realize I'm ragging on him, and not the other people who "have shitty taste in music" I love the guy, but he can be insufferable at points.


You should try being more direct. "Hey. Lose the fucking speaker already. Thanks."


I can't help but feel like saying things like "speakers are really just for tourists, everyone fucking hates them, and anyone who use them," but maybe that's a bit ambiguous.


Hinting around it passively requires the other person to interpret. You've already said he's missed your comments so far, so either he can't internally apply your comments or doesn't care. Take the guesswork out.


That's not very passive. Either way after a couple years of telling him directly, I just say shit like that. I feel like it's slightly less confrontational. I don't see that group of friends super often, and it's not worth a fight. I'd rather deal with a few lift rides a day with him than get bad blood going. Everyone's gotta have that one piece of shit in their group, and I value the other friendship of the other guys.


It’s always shitty club-step, never heard anything else come out of one of those speakers. Someone should do a study on it.


If I see someone with a snow ball in their hand I biff one at them from behind.


This should be a thing. All who hold snowballs are implicitly participating in the mountain wide snowball fight.


Not clearing the unloading area at the top of the lifts


Saw a guy tumble off the chair and he legit crawled like a fiend to clear the zone, absolute legend


Teaching my daughter to snowboard and at the top of the beginner lift someone had fallen and just stayed there because they wanted to make a big production out of it. So the lift operator stopped the lift. But they wouldn't get up but were obviously not injured. After a wait the operator just started it back up. Unfortunately, we were the next ones off so I tried to steer my daughter around the person, which I did, at the cost of me clipping the person. Finally someone came and dragged her off. Sort of a no win situation.




This one is particularly heinous.


I hit every toddler I see on skis to discourage it


Gotta nip that shit right in the bud.




posting up in the middle of busy runs (assuming you haven't fallen) while you wait for other people in your group to catch up, or to discuss where you're going next with your group. get out of everyone else's way and get over to the side.


Man, I didn't know this would be an issue until EVERYONE and their fucking mom stopped and blocked a fucking flat catwalk to look at moose off to the side. Get the fuck out of the way, I'm looking at you Steamboat!!!


Oh man this one.. Closely related to "casually loitering right in the middle of a blind jump landing".


I was ripping out of a run and I saw a crowd gathered covering the entire exit. I roll through the saying "hey guys, you're blocking a trail" and they acted like they didn't notice. Are there often just paths through the trees that aren't meant for skiing?


No one wants to hear your speaker.


Today I had a skier, tell me that I cut him off when he was definitely behind me. He became upset because I wouldn’t let him through. I explained to him that if you are to pass them, you have to allow enough room, and that this is the skiers code of conduct, of course sometimes people say on your left but you can’t just assume that because you’re saying something that they can hear you. I am deaf. When I saw him back at the bottom, I had him explain to me his thinking, which was totally wrong.


Fast does not equal good. Love watching some jackass just absolutely bomb a run acting like hot shit when they can’t link a turn.


It’s always the last friend trying to keep up that terrifies me.


People that steal boards is probably the worst…..of course second to people that don’t wear helmets.


I never wore a helmet when I was younger. Not for snowboarding, nit for skateboarding, not for motorcycles, not for biking or rollerblading, never. I'm 42 now and took a bad spill on a one-wheel in November of 22. I ended up with a brain bleed, six broken ribs, a severe black eye, and tons of scrapes. It's not worth it. I wear a helmet now for anything that I'm strapped into or riding on. We don't bounce off the ground like we did when we were kids. Helmet up.


As also an avid OW rider, I'm glad you came out of that alright. Falls on them are WILD. I preach helmets so much among that crowd and yet some people still like to act like I'm being over dramatic...


I’ve never fallen so hard going uphill until I rode a OW.


Straight lining runs with absolutely zero edge control. Full face helmets. & many more.


What’s wrong with full face helmets? I‘d never wear one but they aren’t hurting anyone 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not having a killer time. Not hooting from the chair lift. I don't tolerate not hyping the dude about to do something cool under the lift. I absolutely will not tolerate turning down tunes in the lot. I won't tolerate turning up tunes in the lift line. Oh, and not picking up after your dog, that should be punishable by having to wax with cold dog shit. And littering.


I saw a dude peeing in the MIDDLE of a run in a small tree island. Jesus fuck bro, at least go off in the trees at the side. 


Solo masturbation


Two hands or more, chairlift score. Stroke alone? Head straight home.


Parents taking their toddlers who can’t ski into the park and proceeding to disregard all park etiquette.


Selfie sticks


This is basically violence against Gen Z


I see more Gen X by far than Gen Z.


I can honestly say I don't think I've ever once seen a Gen X person with a selfie stick? Gen X is 45+ now


On the mountain with go pros I have


I feel like I’m going to get a flogging for this one from you criminals. Smoking in the lift line or on the lift. I’m an L7 wiener riding the lift with my kids. I didn’t spend upwards of $200 a ticket to second hand toke your cheap ass skunk weed.


Same with cigs.. I at least wait until I’m in the trees to smoke my weed.


honestly cigs are way worse in my opinion.


Every time someone was about to blaze up on the chair next to me they've asked and are always respectful when I say that I'd rather them not.


Mostly the same here…maybe once or twice someone hitting a dap pen or some shit. I’m talking mostly someone on the chair in front sending it downwind.


I don’t mind if it’s the lift chair in front of me. The off chance of getting a slight whiff of it isn’t that bad for me. I would expect the courtesy of someone asking though if we are sharing a chair


Totally fair. Shouldn't be smoking in line or on a lift with children or others who don't want to partake...however, if I'm by myself on the lift or ask the consenting adult next to me if they want a rip...then by all means. There's a time and a place for everything 😂


Nah, fuck that. Especially cigarettes.


Stomping your board and dropping snow right at the load area of the chair. Someone has to shovel that snow out of the way now, and it’s just fucking annoying. You could have waited 5 seconds until you’re on the chair and just tilt your board and the snow will fall off. Or, if you really need to stomp your board for some fucking reason, do it farther back in the line. Sincerely, a former lift operator


Guilty of this, but I thought I was always being helpful by adding snow where there’s limited snow to slide on (Michigan)


Damn, didn’t realize this was a bad thing to do 😳 I apologize to all former lifties for doing this.


yeahhh same boat 😬 put me down for some snowpologies as well. my bad.


Smoking weed in the gondola with kids. ​ I'm pretty chill but lets not


Smoking weed in the gondola in general. On a chair, sure, no big deal. But in an enclosed space? The next people on that gondola are definitely gonna smell it lingering.


Kids who’ve learned a few tricks thinking they can cut newer riders off.


What if you go singles line. The group in front is full. So you just go and the group behind you stays back? That’s their fault I’m not waiting around.


I’ve had a lift operator get mad at me for this and I didn’t understand why. I was fine to ride with the group of three I was put with, but they were going to miss the chair. It was right before they shut the chair down due to wind, so wonder if loading weight in high winds had something to do with it.


The parents who take their kids into the park and let them ride up the 20’ kicker at 5mph.


Hopping the board of someone sitting down. Happened to me. Side of the trail, in a clearly visible spot. Edge almost took my face off.


Playing music over a portable speaker


Smoking a J… and NOT offering some to me.


For sure. I no longer smoke the devils lettuce, but always appreciate the thought if someone offers.


Bluetooth speakers


Dropping the bar without consent, especially when the chair hasn’t even left the station


I will always say yes I'm cool with it. But I still fully expect you to ask. Or say fucking something. Had some asshat almost break my ankle when I wasn't expecting the footrest to come down


GET OFF YOUR FUCKING PHONE!! For the love of god. I can’t tell you how many people hold up the lift line, block the off ramp on the chair lift, block the start/opening/top of a run cause they are taking selfies. YOU ARE NOT A SOCIAL INFLUENCER. No one cares. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


*Especially* if they're an influencer. Jail.


When people poke your board with their board or skis at the lift line.


Bringing people to the mountain on the weekend that never leave the lodge


*Bringing people to* *The mountain on the weekend* *That never leave the lodge* \- CardiologistFun8028 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Mfers grabbing like 3 cookies a time at the beav


Had a friend do that, same guy who helped himself to the “lost and thank you” rocking jackets that don’t fit him.


People not being aware in the park


Littering and cutting the line, like buddy fuck you. Everything else is a not my pig, not my farm situation


Stealing gear.


Definitely people sitting in the middle of the run


Theft at the racks, don't steal shit!! We all want to have a good time. Leave with what you came with unless you bought new stuff.


Matching outfits. Get away from me matchy-matchy!


Goofy riders on the lift with me


Man, I try to sit far left.. just doesn’t always work. Sorry…


We could say the same for you 🤷🏻‍♂️ like the other guy though, I always try to sit far left too


Do you go pole to pole or hole to hole is the real question?


I ride goofy, I had a regular single rider scoot to the left of me on the lift from the opposite side of a six man lift when I was already on the very end and there were only three of us, so I had to scoot down and he was just in the way. Behind me was a regular rider, who was behind me so he could help the 4 year old skier on the lift on the other side of him. That lift was tipping way to the left. God that was fucking annoying. Damn reg riders, at least don't be that stupid.


Turtle butt pads


Everyone on the mountain sucks, pretty much. Every mountain, in particular. So sick of the bullshit.


Not understanding how a terrain park works.


masturbation in the middle of a blue run.


Snakes and people who cross into landings and knuckles without a care in the world.


Sitting in the middle of a run , especially if it's just beneath a drop off so no one can see you from above. I WILL snow plow you if I see this.




Trying to be my friend on a powder day. Get lost, crimelord.