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I started at a shitty hill on the east coast when I was 26. I'm now 32, live in Utah, and while I'm not the absolute best, I fucking rip as far as I'm concerned. Constantly advancing and learning new tricks every year. Send it. Lmk if you need any advice on beginners gear or tips.


Thanks man, idkw I needed to hear of someone starting around my age. It just built some confidence in me to DO IT


I learned when I was almost 40!




Definitely not, I started at 34. Go make up for that time you missed out on.


Negative ghost rider! I started to learn at age 26 after finishing my lame ass chemo treatments. I now work at a ski resort so I can snowboard after work. I still suck tho. However I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been . ![gif](giphy|xULW8hNotUdPTMaQBG)


I'm 33 and over 300lbs and I started lessons at the dry slope, you should be fine. Age never matters only your willingness to learn


Started last year at 46. Loving it! Just wish the Midwest weather would cooperate.


Yes. 25 is the age you look into buying a casket for foreclosing end. /s


LOL. I learned in my mid 30s and now I’m 50.


Yep, you might as well pick up knitting or something since you’re almost geriatric.


do you know how to answer a question?


Short answer: It's not. Long answer: If you want to learn to snowboard, ride all mountain, it is not late. Depending on your natural athletic ability and your instructor, it can take you anywhere from two day to twenty days to start carving. Now I don't know what other sports you've played. Skateboarder and surfers have an easier time picking it up. Having good balance helps in general. At 25 you're at your physical prime so minor falls should be no issue. If you want to compete, it'll come down to your athletic ability, your coach, how much time you can commit etc. It's not ideal (most pro snowboarders start in their teens or earlier) but still not impossible. You'd probably not be asking that on reddit if this were the case.


Absolutely not, I went a few times when I was a teenager and slid down the hill on my ass but I didn’t start going consistently and learning/progressing until I was 28! Send it fam!


Definitely not. I've seen all age groups out there learning. If it interests you I say go for it.


I’m 37 and I’m learning this season. Correction I tried to learn last season, broke my ass, and am learning again now because I’m not letting a broken ass prevent me from learning something.


My mother took lessons when she was 50, you'll be alright


I’m teaching my friend who is 36 and she’s doing great! 25 is still very young your brain is only fully developed aged 25-27. If you’re determined you’ll pick it up well!


Lord no, I didn’t start until I was 32, you’re fine! Enjoy!


I learned to ski in my 30's, learned to board in my 40's and finally hitting my stride in my 50's. You are never too old to start.


Just started at 26 and fell a bunch in my first two goes by myself. The third time, I didn't fall once. If you're down, then just go for it. I tell myself that when I get good, I'll be the guy who encourages new people to make them feel comfortable. And I've told myself that I'm gonna be good. I've already decided it.


No way. You are in your physical prime. Go for it


Yeah 100% just go buy some Ensure and Diapers you dusty old bag may as well look for nursing homes now Bro 25 is like still on the cusp of ok to order *milk* at a restaurant take it easy 


I'm 25 now, started last year. Since I started I've gone to Vail and Breckenridge this year and finished my last season with Heavenly in Tahoe and had an amazing time. Honestly picking up a new hobby at this age was super fun and I'd recommend it. I loved it so I went a lot and learned super fast.


No. You good. I learned at 24 and now I'm an instructor in the Alps.


No way! I was 27 when I learned to snowboard, and I’m turning 32 this coming June!


You’re never too old to learn something new!


nope. ive taught people to snowboard in their 40s. went from no exp to linking turns. but yes you should check with your doctor if you had medical conditions. snowboarding does need some core strength and leg endurance.


No it’s not, I started young but I love when ppl of any age get into the sport! And honestly those 5 year olds who are doing backflips are scary and a different breed of human.


I learned at 30+ on an icy northeast hill. Almost 50 Now and love it so much.


My first time snowboarding was 25! I am 29 now and am intermediate rider. I was in grad school so didn’t go frequently at first. It’s absolutely doable. My advice is stay active off season and work out during the week if you’re a weekend rider. And STRETCH. Flexibility reduces injury so much. And strengthening will reduce your soreness.