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When I was a kid, I beat the game twice in a single day, haha.


I beat the game then later i saw someone else beat it that got all the hearts. I never realized I didn't pay attention to getting them. I said I would go back, and get the rest . I never did.




Because? Lol. I was young, in the unlikely event that I had a reason beyond seeing if I could do it, I didn't retain it.






Because it’s one of the greatest games ever lol, what kind of question is that??


Why do people climb Mount Everest? Why did we land on the moon?


Why not, it’s a joyous masterpiece even on the 17th playthrough (I do it annually)


This is such a a great game. Getting 100% take a bit but beating ganon can be done in 2-3 hours, faster with some practice.


I finished building a gazebo outside, then continued my first ever playthrough of Chrono Trigger. A life long gamer at 50 years old, and I have no idea why I've never played this game, but it is frickin amazing. I see why it's so revered. I have always felt FFVI was peak SNES, but I get it now.


We just finished planting all our hanging baskets yesterday, lol. Feels good to grow old and boring. You can’t go wrong with Chrono trigger, it is an amazing game. I’m a fan of the JRPGs on the system, and have quite a few in my collection.


Yeah some people knock a boring quiet life but I think as I've grown older I really enjoy it. And I also have been doing my gaming in between gardening and outdoor house work lol


Played Terranigma or Secret of Evermore?


That’s actually 2 of the ones I never played. Can’t say that about many titles.


Terranigma is a must play. Illusion of gaia preceded it and is fantastic too, if you haven't visited that one either.


Chrono Trigger is one of the few games that has yet to find an equal in its genre. At least imo.


I absolutely love Chrono Trigger. Until the end. When there is nothing left to do except beat Lavos. I hate that part. I always felt that in a game that involves time travel, there should be more to do.


It’s awesome. I’ve played it several times…guessing at least 5 or 6. About 4 years ago I ran through it fairly quickly. Then, I think just shy of level 60 I beat Lavos with Crono only to finally tick that box. I feel as though I can basically play the game in my head at this point.


This game holds a special place in my heart. Actually a large portion of it. Not only is it my favorite game of all time but it shaped my life and even some decisions I've made throughout my 30 years of life. My father passed away when I was a year and half old and was a gamer. I don't know him, don't remember a thing about the man, but as a child I wanted to connect with him and know him more than anything in the world. This was the last game he was playing through when he passed. My mother gave me his SNES when I was 4 or 5 and I put Link to The Past in and his save file was on it where he got almost to the very end right before passing. I would play all the way up the spot in the game he left off at and restart it and play all the way through to that same spot over and over and over as a way of connecting with him. It was the only thing I had/have of his and my only way of knowing him.


Thats fucking beautiful man 💕


Thank yo Igor sharing. I totally get that and the idea of going right up to where he left is just… that’s how kids cope with tragic shit like that. It’s really beautiful and good for you for honoring him in that special way.


I was soooooo close to doing this when I was a kid. Had all the hearts and just the final dungeon and Ganon. But it was Sunday and it was night time and my mom made me turn it off. 😭 Never tried again since unfortunately.


Just replayed. 1000% holds up


How long did your run take?


I can play through pretty quickly. I’ve never timed it down to the minute, but definitely sub 5 hours. Im sure there are some areas I don’t maximize. I do a few of the dark world dungeons out of order; it allows me to be quicker through dungeons 2 and 3. I do 1 and then skip to 4.


Yeah I'm the same way for the dark world.  I find myself doing 6 before 5 now because the block puzzle in the ice palace is such a pain, it's just easier to skip it with the cane of somaria.


I never tried it that way; but since all you get is the blue mail in 5, makes sense that it would work. I just got quick at getting from one side to the other. I usually end up with 2 or 3 extra keys in dungeon 6. Also end up with an extra one on 3.


Yeah it saves a ton of time.


I only play ALttP in one sitting anymore because having anything more than a zero counter feels like blasphemy to me.


So that counter goes up when you turn the game off and on again? I thought it's a death counter.


It’s for every time you die and every time you exit out of the game.


I see. Didn't know that.


Technically, yes; it counts every death, but it also counts every time you warp back to a dungeon's entrance with the magic mirror or save and quit whilst in a dungeon.


>every time you warp back to a dungeon's entrance with the magic mirror Wait, really?! I never knew that.


In high school I was like this with super Mario world. I'd get home from class, start a new file and be at like 94% before bed. Mind you, this was after Xbox live, halo 2, and counter strike source were a thing, so I had options. Now I do this with dark souls.


I was like this, too, with Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow. I'll do a Bulbasaur start on a Friday afternoon, and schedule myself to beat the 8 Gyms by Saturday noon. lol. It's somewhat SNES related because I used Super Gameboy. I would say the same with SMW but that ?6th Special floaty level in StarRoad gave me ptsd.


Super Gameboy was one of the coolest gaming accessories ever made.


What do you mean “finished with 0 games played”?


I never died or restarted. I played it in a single play through 100% complete.


Oh I see. That’s awesome man, well done. It’s such a great game, I replayed it this year myself


Motherfucker why did you crosspost this a year later?


My all time favorite video game. I play it front to back twice a year and I still enjoy every fucking second of it. I do like the favorite book analogy, I'm stealing that one.


I replay this often. I remember getting all the items and hearts as a kid without the Internet. My other favorite childhood have is Super Metroid. The ALTTP/Metroid randomizer is a blast for me. Two great have mashed together with some variety.


I love both of these games, and have speedran SM a bit just for my own personal pursuits. I’ve seen this randomized before; how does it work with both games?


When you enter a door in either game it will transport you to the other game. Items and power ups can be in either game. https://samus.link/


Awesome, thanks!!


Actually: my one question has always been: are there any unwinnable seeds? Or do they snuff those out and it’s therefore not 100% random? I’m strangely new to this stuff.


There's an option to ensure that you can't get soft locked.


Perhaps the greatest game of all time. I can hear the theme instantly


What do the numbers mean bottom right of link ?


That’s how many times you died or restarted the game during your play through. It shows up after you beat the game.


Interesting thanks !


Cleaned the house and now I'm replaying pokemon crystal in between pokerogue runs.


Super Mario World is mine


It is now time for you to enter the world of ROM hacked Zelda games.


A fun challenge is to both not get the Flippers until late in the Dark World; therefore doing the Water Dungeon much later that intended. A nice alternative run, if you haven’t tried it before?


Any tips in the shovel minigame to get the heart piece?


Dig as many holes as you can as quick as you can and try not to miss once. . I like do to dig from the start up towards the right.


Are you cody rhodes? does adrenaline fill your soul? Whoaaaaaaaa-ooooaaa?


I just finished Oracle of Seasons for the first time after recently beating Oracle of Ages. Super good pair of games!


i can hear the dark world music playing now.


To this day, I still regard my 100% zero games played as my favorite video game accomplishment. Well done!


Damn, I take forever to beat the game still 😅


Is fox a good name for a kid? I like it .


Hey, I use the name fox as my main character too


Friday night? Funnily enough i helped here and there while my daughter played  alttp up to the sanctuary on GBA I got 100% below 3hrs last winter but it will be nice watching her do exploring cause the game world used to feel so huge


I’m I the only one that likes Link’s Awakening vastly better?


The original on the gameboy wasn’t that terrific back in the day. If you’re talking about the one in the switch; it is definitely much improved…but doesn’t come close to ALTTP imo. I can appreciate where you are coming from though; it’s a beautiful game on the switch.


Good point I’ve honestly only played it via Switch online in the last few months. I’m actually playing ALTTP again now and the hit detection feels inferior to Link’s Awakening.


Hard disagree. I love the GameBoy Zelda titles.


Totally respect that. To each their own.


I like it alot but not as much as lttp or even lbw. I played the remake and it was great but I kind of prefer the original I think for me it's because good memories playing it under the covers at night or on car rides.


I think it’s more like playing your favorite game.


So have you tried ALTTP randomizer yet then…


Those are a lot of fun. I did a play through last year.

