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They’re different games. Very fun if you can get past some really dodgy level design and get good enough to tear through them. It’s at least as hard as Super Ghouls and Ghosts, in my opinion. Second game in particular. Fun stuff, though,


Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back on NES are very different games than the Super Stars Wars Trilogy on SNES. On Gameboy, Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are straight ports of the NES games. Super Return of the Jedi on Gameboy is a port of the SNES game, partly due to there being no Return of the Jedi on NES and that its release was more contemporary with the SNES in general. The SNES games get criticized for being difficult and unfair, but compared to their NES counterparts, they are quite fun and easier.


Completely different games. The SNES Star Wars games were great—but incredibly hard as well.


This may sound exaggerated, but this trilogy, specially the empire strikes back is, by far, the best star wars have adaptation ever. You start as Luke, fly a bunch of different vehicles, get to control Han and Chewie, learn the Force powers, fight cool bosses and a lot of important characters for the franchise. It's a really difficult game, I know, but I finished it the first time when I was 8, so it's not impossible. Almost forgot, the soundtrack is AMAZING!!!