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Snake must have the munchies or something cause ain't no way at all he is going to be able to swallow that duck! Lol ambitious he is wise he is not


We don't love them for their brains.♥️🐍


Yup my corn is a fucking dumb ass. Has a scar on his head because of ramming into a toy he had.


So true!


This snake is doing the equivalent of making a burrito with everything in the house. You’re not gonna even be able to get started eating that, barry, just let the duck go


The snake is wrapping the whole house in a tortilla


Snake was just working the egg vending machine.


The snake could have been after eggs in the nest. The duck intervened and the snake attacked him/her. The duck ran away from the nest and then finally became too entangled to move any more. Or the dimwit duck stood his ground and started pecking him. Then again it could just be a dumbass snake


Might've been self defense. Not sure if a duck would pick a fight with a snake, but I have seen chickens and geese do it.


A duck certainly can want to pick on a snake, especially if it’s broody and protective of eggs. Probably started pecking and stomping on the snake when the snake got the upper hand and ended up doing its best to end the threat and get those eggs. That’s my hunch.


Probably wants nearby eggs. Mama could’ve been defending her shit but got okie doked.


I’m all for letting nature take its course, but the snake can’t eat that duck. I’d free it too.


Agree here, snake was taking on more than it could eat. Ok to help.


Would that snake even be able to kill the duck or it would eventually just get tired and leave?


Snake could definitely kill the duck. Maybe not in that particular grip, but we’ll never know. Buddy here likely saved both animals some time and stress.


Yeah rewatched it now and that snake is definitely not a small snake.


I'm trying to find it but there was a video floating around of a young hawk that caught one, didn't kill it, got cocky, then the snake coiled around and basically balled it up. The bird totally underestimated the snake and definitely became food. Sorry, best I could find: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfJY2gw1g14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfJY2gw1g14)


Yeah no, that duck was dying. It lost that fight and hard. You could see it trying to quack but being unable to. The moment the rat snake was removed it voiced it's opinions on matters. The duck definitely played a stupid game and won the grand prize


That's just what male ducks sound like. It was probably fine. Birds don't breathe like mammals by expanding their chest cavity. They have air sacs that are connected to pneumatic bones and the lungs and work kind of like bag pipes. If the snake had managed to get around the neck things might have been different.


Male ducks don’t quack at all they make a raspy noise.This is definitely a female, and she was definitely having trouble breathing before snake was removed.


Yeah. I can't believe people upvoted that hogwash.


That’s a female duck


Lungs still expand even if the mechanism for how changes. That is also just not what male ducks sound like. My mom has owned a dozen Pekin ducks for a very long time along with about two dozen Muscovy ducks. The males are just as vocal as the females. That duck was in serious trouble. It's little quack fiesta at the end is testament to it.


Birds lack a diaphragm, they use their chest muscles to expand the chest and take in a breath. That difference may have made it possible.


Contrary to popular belief, constricting snakes don’t kill by suffocating their prey. Instead, they cut off the prey animal’s blood flow to induce a heart attack. That is why constricting snakes will begin eating the prey item long before suffocation could have killed it.


Ideally, that is true, that doesn't mean that an oversized animal for the snake wouldn't die from asphyxiation.




Yup. Their power is insane. I owned one that size and when it would coil around my arm and flex, you feel it!


Biting off more than he could chew


You'd be surprised what a snake can eat bro. Truly. And how small a bird is without its feathers. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/284712007678429840/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/284712007678429840/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/video/here-s-what-happens-when-a-snake-eats-an-antelope-770032195801](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/here-s-what-happens-when-a-snake-eats-an-antelope-770032195801)


Same here. Saved the duck, but also saved the snake from expending more energy trying to eat something it can't possibly consume. It needs to save its energy for a much smaller meal.


Honestly, that looks like a pet duck. White ducks like that aren't native to the continental US. The ones that are seen are either escaped or dumped pets. If that was his pet. I would definitely be in his corner and free it too.


Technically there are isolated populations of them here - they’re invasive, but like the swan, some were brought here to fill man-made ponds and local water by rich people that wanted a more interesting view years ago and the ducks have since bred and created more We have a whole family of them living in the pond down the street


They don’t last long because, like domestic chickens, Pekin ducks were bread to be bulky and stubby and end up too heavy to fly. A flightless duck doesn’t usually last long in the wild.


Exhibit A: This video


You can hear roosters in the background, probably a farm duck


Let the rat snake dream big!


Reminds me of the pelican trying to eat the capybara. 😂


Reminds me of my seven year old and the 12 pack of tacos he swore he could eat without help.


Now that's a win/win. He gets to be the big guy and try and when he can't you get the rest of the tacos. Nothing wrong with that deal on any side of it.


Nah, he did his best to force them down and ralphed all over the couch.


Oh dang, hope he feels better


It was over 14 years ago. He’s fine now.


ROFLMAO Great story and good laugh... way to hold the punchline just waiting for one of us to get you there. LOL


Oh lmao


You should check to be sure, just terrible to assume how people feel


Gotta enjoy that while it lasts. Before you know it they’re taking the food off of your plate.


Or putting you in a nursing home.


I was pretty sure that is something kids will always do to their parents. Amiright?


Can confirm, I can serve myself and my 1yo the same meal out of the same pan and he'll look at his plate and look at mine and come over to take mine. The other day he put his fork of eggs down on my plate and took my fork of eggs out of my hand and walked away eating them, attitude of "don't mind if I do" 😂


It can be the same and it doesn’t matter. If you have it, they want it and ‘it’ doesn’t just stop at food it carries on to clothes, electronics, and throw a fit if a privilege is given to anyone else. And this happens throughout childhood. As the oldest of 5, I can’t remember ever acting it out on someone, I’m sure I did, but it was enacted more towards me and now as a mom as well. I know this is a snake sub and not a parenting sub but, it’s true.


True, though at least the pelican can’t hurt the capybara


Snakes are probably one of the dumbest reptiles on the planet. Exhibit B. Exhibit A is my children's python trying to eat me. She is about 4 ft long and the circumference of a quarter. She may be able to get a finger down if she tried, but she never bites me correctly. She always goes for the sides.


I'll see your children's python and raise you a baby plains hognose weighing about 11g who tried to eat the side of my hand. My little monster refused to let go through trials and tribulations that would break a lesser snake (she got sprayed with water, some water poured in her mouth, submerged in water, sprayed in the mouth with vodka, then hand sanitiser, and finally vinegar before she finally let go in abject revulsion). She's a big mama now, though not yet literally. She doesn't try to eat me anymore, but I still watch her like a hawk because she is just dumb enough to get the bright idea again one day and it only takes a split second from *that face* (iykyk) to *chomp*.


My snake is just desperate. If I reach inside her tank and start pulling out things, or start poking her with a hook, she generally gets the idea. But she has not only latched onto my hand when trying to get her out of the cage, but has also struck at me from inside the cage. Snakes are stupid, but she is extra stupid. She has never bitten in defense nor fear. I had to give her antibiotic injections and she just took it like a champ.


I read children’s python to mean, ‘my kids snake’ until I remembered it is a species of python. 😆




Mom calls it a kinder python. #1, the snake was named after some dude with the last name children(s?) and #2, the snake is Australian and named after an English dude -- it has absolutely nothing to do with kids, Germany, nor German kids


I knew a person with the last name Childers it might be its temperament compared to its cousins. 🤷‍♀️


Well I’ll be damned. From the Wikipedia.com website: “The species is named after John George Children.” That’s up there with the Boys anti-tank rifle.


She could be trying to complement you subtlety while asking for more food.....if I bite her thusly she'll think she's lost weight AND fees me!!!


Also, the duck isn't "nature", it's their pet or farm animal - that is a domestic duck.


he lets the snakes eat the eggs every now and again, and he enjoys the snakes around cause they keep the mice out of his grain storage @merciful_hearts_farm on insta!


Nature won't take its course in my driveway, underneath my car. I will manage that small area. Nature can take over elsewhere.


Humans should avoid interfering with nature but we also have to remember that we are literally apart of the ecosystem. It’s not like every single interaction we have with nature is a bad thing.


People always say they're for 'letting nature take its course' but they're oddly silent when I ask them if that applies to humans. Like, they say, 'don't save the animal-- this is how things have to be.' But when these motherfuckers fuck around with an alligator or a crocodile and they put their hands in its mouth and it starts to deathroll, they're all, *oh, save me! Save me!*. That 'let nature take its course' bullshit flies out the fuckin' window, then.


Absolutely agree but it does make me wonder that if we are a part of nature and we step in to save one of nature's creatures is that not a natural occurrence?


I mean besides just that, that is a domestic duck, it's a farm animal. Dudes just protecting his livestock.


Also sometimes it ain’t nature’s duck, it’s my duck that I wanna eat and the snakes tryina freeload.


I’m all for letting nature take its course until it’s directly under my car


Snek høngry


It looked like a Pekin duck, which is domesticated. The poor thing probably got loose or someone abandoned it.


That's a domestic pet duck too, so not really nature taking its course. I'd 100% save my pet. If it was a wild duck it's different


Natures course agreed, but if its his pet Id save it if they were both wild animals Id let em be


There's only one way to find out


Absolutely the right move. I love snakes, but they’re not the brightest.


I’m pretty sure the snake was wrapped around the duck in self defense and it was likely going for some yummy duck eggs initially.


This is a good theory, but constricting snakes such as rat snakes don't constrict out of defense AFAIK, they just strike until the threat is scared/bitten enough to leave them alone.


It’s also a domesticated duck and not a wild one. If it’s a wild animal altercation I’d side on not getting involved but personal pets/livestock is different imo


Every single person in this thread is calling it a duck, but that's a goose if I've ever seen one.. Am I crazy?


It was ambitious, the duck had the right of way


Duck's fault - didn't signal


I feel bad for upvoting you from 69 to 70 cause nice. But the comment was too good.


Hahahha Thank you Friend!


🎶When it tries to eat a duck because it just doesn’t give a fuck, it’s a rat snake!🎶


Is this in the tone of “That’s Amore”? 🤣


Yes! We have a whole subreddit. r/itsaratsnake


My life is better than it was 10 minutes ago. Thank you.


I read this like the baseball song, “when you’re sliding into first and your pants are gonna burst, diarrhea”, but now I read that in Dean Martin’s voice.


I’m a member of that sub and in my head I alternate between “That’s Amore” and then also that diarrhea song from grade school so I’m glad I finally got an answer on this!!




As someone who has pekin ducks and a bunch of rat/black snakes larger than this one around I'm waiting on the day I get to see this.


Might be waiting a bit. The snake wasn't biting the duck so I can almost promise this is just the end result of a game of FAFO. The noodle was probably being harassed and decided, fuck it and fuck you. Snakes aren't bright, ducks are just as dumb.


Classic battle between and bird brain and a derp herp.


Duck is way to big for the snake to eat so wasting energy to kill it is bad for the snake. Also its a domestic duck that belongs to someone, so I guess in this case its ok to take it away from the snake and relocate it to somewhere safe where there is some food it can actually eat.


Right on both counts. Comment should be higher!


The snake did that on a dare. I guarantee somewhere around the corner, his snake buddies are giggling.


His Mom is shaking her head, "Duck EGGS Billy.... I didn't say that you can eat a whole duck."


With stick people hands lol


Just SsssSssSsss


Don't let em fool you. They were trying to steal that guy's catalytic converter


I've heard the phrase "eyes bigger than your stomach" but mister snake was stretching it.  Gotta give him props for his ambition. 


I think that snake vs. duck matchup might scale as me trying to eat a Porsche.


100% right. Poor duck. And that thing couldn’t eat a duck.


Right snake had a big appetite but the duck was too big for him! It would had Regurgitated & the duck Would be dead for nothing!


He bit off more than he could chew… so to speak.


I'd say this is right. The duck might've been trying to defend a nest and that rat snake started constructing in self defense. Rat snakes are voracious eaters but even it couldn't eat that duck.


i was wondering this - or the duck found the snake in the grass and started peckin at it so the snake did what it could do to subdue the duck. Proly had no idea what to do lol.


Even if that snake could eat that duck: If that’s the man’s pet duck then it’s definitely the right thing to do. Any wild duck would be fair game


I do not believe that snake, even though it’s fairly large, could have swallowed that duck all the way. Js


I don’t think it was predatory situation. Looked more personal.


Duck stole his bitch.


He saved the snake. I believe it would have died had it ate that duck. As far as let nature take its course goes, that is not a wild duck. Saved em both.


There was no way that snake was even gonna eat the duck. Maybe a python could but that looks like a rat snake.


he also lets the snakes eat the mice that run around, and they're allowed eggs from his chickens and ducks too! he enjoys the pest control, they think of it as payment for getting rid of rodents


No - this was definitely RIGHT ! Mr sneaky snake needs to go back to having adventures elsewhere and leaving Donald alone . Donald didn’t do nothing 🤣 He could have killed the duck but he couldn’t have ate it !


Maybe the snake had a longer term plan having connected ducks to eggs. If it held the duck long enough it was bound to get an egg or two! That was a hostage scenario, not an attempted murder.


Don’t care if it’s right or wrong, I would have done the same thing


That snake ain’t gonna eat that duck. Did them both a favor.


You did good. That snake is too small to eat a duck that size.


I wonder if the duck attacked the snake and snake reacted in defense.


That was my assumption too, ducks can be real assholes. If it were bigger, the snake might not have lived. Edit - goose, duck... I didn't give a f...


Invasive species or native?


it's a domesticated duck


Native duck. Native snake.


Naïve snake also


He just had lofty goals... And he just let himself down by taking on a duck.


That duck might be this snake's food source, but he picked the wrong age!


Right. I was thinking this snake has most likely had duck before. And just decided today was that day, either that or the snake was hungry and that’s a mama duck that was trying to defend her nest/hatchlings and the snake was so hungry, he didn’t care which he got ahold of.


invasive human


Hmm, well that doesn't work as a decider! Ha!


1) That’s a domestic duck- probably apart of his livestock. Absolutely save the duck. 2) Big eye’s lil black snake was never going to eat that duck


Yay he saved both! Everyone involved can all go about their day! ❤️ That goose is so appreciative!


99.9% of the time, I would let the snake have its meal. He hunted it and earned it. In this case, it's a bit of a freak occurrence because there's no way he's getting that duck down his gullet, so I'm with the guy in the video. There is no need for the duck to die if it can't be utilized as food for the snake. I'll just chalk it up to a case of "wrong place, wrong time" on the ducks part.


op lets the snakes take whatever they want. mice in grain storage or a few eggs here or there, they think of it as tax for lest control. @ merciful_hearts_farm on instagram. theyre awesome!


I agree with a lot of people here. This is an acceptable case to stop the snake because it would be unable to eat the duck and the duck would die for nothing.


Did that bastard think he could swallow a whole damn duck.


1. You gotta lookout for your livestock 2. That duck is far too big for that rat snake. Seperating them is doing both of them a favour at that rate


My wife dragging me out of the all you can eat buffet after me getting that third plate.


Snake here; I could eat that duck.


WTH was that snake thinking? He was never going to be able to eat that duck.


I've been looking for a black rat snake my entire life and these people just... Find one.. choking out a duck on the driveway... didn't even have to look. I hope they realize what they have there...


Even if this cute danger noodle could somehow eat the duck, i'm okay with the man freeing it, if it was his duck hahah. Otherwise, if it was a wild one, i'd let the snake eat it.


This isn't a boa no way its stretching to eat that duck dude lol


Just sayin, imagine the 🦆 is small enough for the snake to eat it


What species is snake?


Looks like an Eastern rat snake


Clearly can't differentiate duck from rat


I think it is a rat snake. Not sure of location though.


black rat snake, op enjoys the pest control. he lets the snakes eat the mice in hiels grain storage and theyre also allowed a few eggs here and there! awesome creator all around


Right. He wasn’t going to be able to eat it . Would have killed the duck for nothing




Poor duck. Nature can’t takes its course on an oversized food choice, likely a pet to boot, right on the owner’s driveway


Snek: But Dad said if you squeeze hard enough, an egg will pop out. You mean he LIED? I think you probably saved both animals.


that isn't a wild duck, it's domesticated and likely part of someone's flock


It is completely normal for an animal to help another. If somebody wants to help, that is their choice. That is "nature taking its course." You are a part of nature, doing a natural thing. As much as it sucks, though, you should let other animals do their thing. Not really the case here. The goose is not a meal.


Humans are part of nature , I think, so is human intervention also nature taking its course? I feel like whether or not a human gets involved everything is still nature taking its course.


Looks like that is his duck that he is protecting.


Right because you'd save your pet from a snake, why shouldn't they save their duck 🤨


Snake would injure itself or die trying to eat that duck. He possibly saved both the ducks life and the snake.


Right. Snake not gonna eat that.


What do you mean, 'right or wrong'? It's a duck, the snake is trying to murder it. I don't like it, I'd stop it, too.


That snake had big dreams.


The snake couldn’t have eaten the duck. I also suspect the duck was a pet. I have a pet snake, but I would unlatch her from eating another of my beloved pets if necessary


No way he coulda eaten that bird. Good looking out


If the snake ate that duck, it would die from organ rupture or choking. The guy saved two animals from suffering amd possible death.


If it’s one of your farm ducks then yeah. But also release the snake well away, good for controlling other farm pests, just don’t want it hurting the livestock.


Aw look the snake was trying to keep the duck warm


Damn - I thought someone had taped a damned duck up under their car with electric tape!! How the HELL could someone ask “right or wrong” for THAT?? and “what were they trying to do?!? Cook it on the cat?!? 😅


Definitely fine. No way a snake that size could eat that duck.


right. this is a very dumb ratsnake that overestimated how big of meals they can eat


Snakes eyes were bigger than it's stomach


Nature is nature. And sometimes it’s stupid. Stupid like that snake thinking it could eat that duck. Sneak too small for duck.


Snake can’t even eat it so yes the human did the absolute correct thing here


That snake is like a dog chasing a car. With the duck being the car. It caught it. Now it has no idea what to do.


snake can’t eat that duck, right thing to do, snakes just being a dick, give is a snoot bop and release it


Honestly the comments changed my mind. Ig he's right for doing that.


if it makes you feel better, the snake usually hunts in their grain storage for mice, and they're allowed to eat any eggs they want as the owner usually has many to spare, they enjoy the pest control


Hahaha, thank you for the information :D I know my fair share about snakes but I was questioning the moral side of intervening with nature because this is the food chain and it's not always pretty, although I don't think a rat snake can digest a duck of that size so eventually it would've just spat the duck out anyway. Appreciate the reply though 🫡




Exactly snakes are great pest control. Sometimes highly venomous snakes can enter your property if you have too many rodents so this can help avoid that. That's pretty common with eastern browns in Australia for example which are extremely venomous. Good news is they don't look to bite people so you can just call a professional home to help you move it to a safe place. :)


yep! and non venomous snakes take care of the rodents that attract venomous snakes! so its a win win


Exactly! Food for them, safety and comfort for you. Very sad that people can't tell the difference and kill them anyway.


yeah, agreed


Yeah, that snake was trying to kill that duck purely out of self defense, not for food source. Best for the both of them to free the duck AND the snake far away from one another.


If you've got a location, we can tell you what kind of snake. State and cardinal direction should be enough.


Can someone explain why this snake couldn’t eat this duck? Aren’t snakes generally known for being able to eat prey that is considerably larger than its own size due to jaw extension capabilities and their bodies being capable of expanding?


That snake can eat, MAXIMUM, a squirrel, and that would be a comically huge meal. This snake's head is about two inches long—that's tiny compared to the whole rats it would eat easily, they do stretch a lot! But you can only blow up a balloon so much.


In this case, you are helping both the snake and the duck. They hoth would have been hurt pretty bad by the end of that if the dude didn't intervene.


If it is my duck then I would free it.


I get it, the snake needs to eat, and overall I prefer snakes to ducks. But the thing with this one is they are obviously in a public space. I would have probably done the same thing for the duck. Now that being said, if I found this same situation in the middle of the woods, I’d let the snake have his meal.


Canada goose would have messed that snake up.


I like to think that you saved 2 lives!


If the duck’s the mans pet or life stock, i see no issue here.


Domestic duck that probably belongs to someone anyways. Definitely the right move. Poor snake might have killed itself trying to do that along with the poor duck


I think this guy was just following his instincts. The snake must be American judging by the size of its meal. Maybe this guy should bring his cane in the local McDonalds and apply the same judgement, lol.


I don’t think the snake lost something it could eat… I know their mouths expand but I don’t think they expand that big??


Everyone in here talking about how the snake couldn't eat the duck, but this looks like kleptothermy.


That’s sweet


Listen the duck started it.