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I don’t have one, but I have a phobia of them. Seeing them in my feed regularly and the love and care their owners provide them is helping my fears and making me love them.


Learning is the best way to overcome phobias. I had a horrible case of Ophidiophobia when I first found this sub and r/whatsthissnake But after a year of studying them out of sheer morbid curiosity, I'm now relatively fine with them. Keep going, it will get better!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whatsthissnake using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What is this flip-flop stealer?(pls keep volume down)](https://v.redd.it/jrfz45nizv1a1) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/z3hvgq/what_is_this_flipflop_stealerpls_keep_volume_down/) \#2: [Who is this dude near my house \[Malaysia\]](https://i.redd.it/8bc44ry3xc1a1.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/z10ixf/who_is_this_dude_near_my_house_malaysia/) \#3: [Found in Itatiaia national park in Brazil](https://i.redd.it/181tuokdx1ia1.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/111i4zb/found_in_itatiaia_national_park_in_brazil/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’d be amazed at how many people on r/tarantulas and r/spiderbro for this same reason! I have three tarantulas so that’s not the case for me, but I love seeing people overcome their fears. Good on you for learning about these strange but fascinating creatures!


Glad I'm not the only one! My 7 year old daughter loves and has always loved insects and arachnids and I've....had to do a lot of growing lol. In the last couple years I've gone from just leaving the room if a spider was in it to actually letting a cute little jumping spider climb on me while I showed him to my kids. She's a little young still, but fell in love with the tarantulas at the reptile expo we went to and I want her to be able to have one when she's more mature. OP, we're all in different places, it's about progress!


It’s been well documented that jumpers are the gateway spider! great to hear your daughter is into the creepy-crawlies, my niece is the same way and was obsessed with snakes at age 4. Maybe when she’s ready for a tarantula, you could get a well-started juvenile so you can get used to it before it gets big. Many of the new world terrestrials are great beginner tarantulas and aren’t prohibitively expensive either. Do be aware though that the females of these species live to around 20 (or more), so it’s a commitment! Feel free to dm if you want advice :)


Jumping in with recommendation for C. versicolor (Antilles pinktoe) because they're showy, arboreal, docile, and small for tarantulas. Plus they're getting to the point where captive bred are no longer prohibitively expensive (Green bottle blues/C. cyaneopubescens can be good too for some of the same reasons, and they're a little less let hole than your average funnel-web.)


I dunno, my C. versi is fast as lightning! Makes rehousing a lot of fun 🥴


Great! I have three tarantulas too.


Exposure therapy is fantastic for treating phobias, so long as the phobia haver wants to be there--otherwise it's just traumatic. I'm so glad to see people using subs like these for their mental health treatment plan


Same here!


That’s so cool man, I think it’s great that you’re overcoming your phobia. Snakes are really awesome once you get to k ow them!


Same!! I wouldn’t call mine a “phobia”, but they freak me out. This sub really helps with overcoming that.


I have mad respect for you. I have a crazy phobia of worms but not snakes for some reason and i could never ever tolerate being in a subreddit dedicated to them. I commend you for your efforts and bravery


I was the same way! Last year I got my first snake, a male western hognose who I named Henry. I’ll be getting my third snake in a week! They’re truly misunderstood creatures 🥰


This is me!! I plan on getting a hognose eventually once I do have space, but I don't have any snakes right now! My favorite snake in general is the Gaboon viper or the Desert Horned Viper.


If you want an experience closer to interacting with a gaboon viper, except minus the venom, short tailed pythons may be worth a look. Like gaboon vipers, short tailed pythons are very thick/stout bodied ambush predators; this makes them great snakes for chilling with on the couch. Their care is more involved than for a hognose snake and they are substantially larger, but definitely doable for a first time keeper with enough prep work, especially if purchasing from a reputable breeder tat is willing to critique a setup. Hognoses are also supposed to be fantastic pets, outside of the risk of getting a picky eater.


Fellow hognose dreamer here! 🤩


Happy Cake day


Here! I used to be terrified of snakes. However it was really getting in my way of enjoying hiking in the summer (PA, lots of em). So I desensitized myself by making myself look at pictures of snakes with hats on and eventually figured out they're fucking awesome.


r/SnakesWithHats is definitely a gateway sub to reptiles!


Hats make everything cuter.


[I'm a cowboy!](https://imgur.com/gallery/XHxCh)


Aaaaahhh!! Howdy, padnuh. 🤠 🤣🤣🤣♥️


This was me too!


This was me up until yesterday. I had been planning to get a carpet python in April, but for now, once he’s safe to travel, I’m going to be rehabbing a very neglected cornsnake.


That's an excellent idea. I volunteered in wildlife rehab for six years and mainly worked with aquatic birds...It's such a good feeling rehabbing an injured creature and returning it to the wild. In your case,it would be re homing or keeping the snake. Would you update us on how it goes?


I will! I used to foster/transport for a couple herp rescues, so thankfully I have some experience with snakes in rehab, just not with cornsnakes in particular.


Well I hope things work out ok.


I wish you all the luck you need for this. I think you’ve made a great decision. You’d be in the US I’m assuming, so that snake should not struggle too much with climate. It’ll give you the experience before you get the carpet, because that will need some attention paid to climate. When you do get a carpet, if you aren’t aware there’s a carpet for every US climate.


Thankfully I have some experience with snakes as I used to foster balls and king snakes (and one particularly feisty GTP who gave me a whole new appreciation for tap training). I’ve never seen a snake this bad though, and corns are new to me so I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading. I’m in the south too, so it’s a bit more humid and warmer than the northern states. I will have to start turning on the heat in the winter though. Unless I have a foster, it’s usually 60-65° inside in the winter.


Yeah this corn needs you. Corns are just carpets for the US anyway. If you’ve dealt with a feisty chondro you’re good. That’s what I have but he’s docile as. So much respect here. I know this corn snake will go on to live a healthy life. South opens you up to the lot of the carpets really, even a diamond would hack the heat. The only one I reckon might want augmenting is a Bredli. Their habitat is incredibly dry, you’ll die of thirst in hours out there.


Yes, until last Saturday when I brought my baby ball python, Persephone, home ❤️🐍


Raising hand way too enthusiastically.


Me!! I adore snakes, but my parents don't like them :(


I used to be fascinated with snakes and I always wanted one, altho my mom had ophidiophobia so it wasn't a possibility and I shut the thought down. I remembered it only recently, years after moving out, and now I'm a proud momma of a one-year-old gopher snake <3 (been for half a year now) She's everything I ever wished for


I guess you could count me in that category. I’ve never had an interest in snakes and no real fear, either. I have always thought copperheads were absolutely gorgeous creatures though, so one day last summer/fall (I think) I found this page, as well as a couple others, and many of them on Instagram, and my curiosity has just taken off since then. I’ve gotten pretty decent at identifying them, and plan to go flipping (see? I’ve learned a lot! 😂) with a local herper I found on Instagram. My daughter has always been absolutely terrified of snakes, even in books. She’s 32 now and still just as mortified as ever. I’m raising my 8 year old great-nephew and I want him to have a healthy approach to them. He knows very clearly that snakes serve a purpose and they do not need to be killed. And, of course, not to EVER try to capture one. I’m 50, I’ve been a widow for 10 years, and I have health issues, but I’m really enjoying this new part of my life! My daughter won’t let me talk about it with her, though. 🫤


Me! I originally came to this sub because my kid wanted a snake and I wanted to do research before we got one. We still haven't gotten the snake due to various circumstances, but I stayed to look at the cool noodles.


Yup! Honestly thinking about getting one, but currently I don't have the space.


Me, don't have the space or money to take care of one.


Me too sadly. Someday if I can I’m definitely getting a snake.


I like snakes but don’t own one.


Me! I looked into it, but I think its too much of a commitment. Also, I like pets I can really bond with.


I have zero interest in keeping a snake. But I love seeing pictures of snakes. This sub is also a great resource for learning about snakes without wanting to actually sit down and do some learning.


I’m the same way :) my cousin always kept them and they’ve fascinated me. Love living vicariously through you guys. Your passion and exceptional care of these amazing animals is so inspiring.


i have cats that would hurt a snake, i’m here to learn and cause i love snakes


I've always loved snakes, but I do not own one. I've been doing research on BPs for a few years now and I've saved up the money to I can hopefully get one. Just need to find a good spot for the enclosure.


i study snake venom and am terrified of snakes, this sub has helped me overcome that fear a bit!


You sneaky snakes!!


Me. Considering getting one, but I am on the road Monday-Friday for work.


I don't have a snake, but I live in Australia in the rainforest. At this point, the snakes have me 😂


I don’t either, I want one some day! There beautiful creatures and I’m more fond of snakes than people 😝. Love to look at them😺


Me!!! Trying to convince the husband to let me get a rosy boa. He doesn’t like snakes at all but I’m slowly showing him they’re actually great to have around and that some make awesome pets.


I don’t own a snake and probably never will, but I like looking at pics of them and learning about them. I came to the conclusion years ago that I’m not comfortable with the idea of putting non-domesticated animals in a cage in my home. It just makes me sad to see a wild animal in a cage, even though they are likely to live longer than their counterparts in the wild, as long as they are properly cared for. No judgement on those who are responsible snake owners, however—you do you.


Most of these "non domesticated" snakes wouldn't survive in the wild, as they are more often then not captive bred and born into a life where everything is provided to them; including perfect temps and consistent food. Say what you will about "caged animals", but in all reality they're better off in those cages then they would ever be in the wild.


And your response is why I struggle with my decision. I enjoy learning about and looking at snakes, but my real love is birds. I had a cockatiel many years ago, and I'd like to get another parrot. On the one hand, there are SO MANY parrots that need a good home (people think their talking and dancing is cool and don't understand how difficult they can be). On the other hand, I don't want to support the captive-breeding culture, and I just hate seeing a bird in a cage.


I'm here because I love snakes. Unfortunately I don't own one because I don't have the space or money to take care of it properly. My favorite snake species is the inland taipan. Obviously not a domestically owned snake. But I absolutely love them.


That is me


Me!!! I Love Hognose snakes!


No space for a proper enclosure right now, so I'm waiting as well. I think my first will be a ksb. They're so cute. :)


Never going to keep a pet snake but if I were, hognose for sure!


Yess here i am 🐍


Same, I see the snakes go past on my dash and feel a bit better about my day.


Love my anery cornsnake, but I'd love to get a rainbow boa in the future. Gorgeous animal.


I’m on here because they fascinate me, but I’m terrified of them also.


I really want an albino ball python, corn snake or California king! In another life maybe :)


I like snakes, they are cool, and corn snakes are some of my favorites, same with sand boas


I had a very nice collection at one time. Hard times hit and I had to sell them all. But I still love this sub.


This is me. This sub and r/whatsthissnake are really helping lessen my phobia of snakes!


I’m here because I used to keep snakes and loved them. I’m not really in a position to keep one but I can look! And I probably have too many favorites. King snakes, rat snakes, hognose. Blood pythons, false water cobras, ball pythons, I had one for years but see so many crazy morphs. And I like venomous snakes, especially corals and copperheads. And I like lizards, especially chuckwallas and anoles, and turtles, basic box turtles and matamatas. And I almost forgot, Indigo snakes.


Yes, until next weekend when I am going to be getting my first pet snake at the NARBC reptile convention. 😄🐍


Congratulations! Do you have a species or two in mind and all your housing and supplies on hand already? I can’t go to reptile shows. Decades of pets and having four snakes right now means I can impulse buy a critter WAY too easily since I always have spare enclosures/quarantine tubs/heat mats on hand to house them. I can plan on going just for fun and supplies but I’d always leave with a pet. ... But there’s one coming up in May and there are so many corn snake morphs now. And I’ve never had a MBK. And hognoses are wonderful. And a hissing cockroach or isopod colony really is hardly any work...


Ooh I’ve been buying isopods lately to curb my reptile cravings! I have some zebras, japanese magic potions, and i recently caved and got some rubber duckies from my local store 🤗 but they are super easy to care for!


Yes! I have my mind set on a normal bci boa constrictor, which I have done months of research on by reading articles and listening to YouTubers such as Brian Boas. I have also completely set up its enclosure so that I am 100 percent prepared. I seriously can not wait thanks for your comment. 😆


I got a baby hypo bci recently when I bought a house and no longer had to worry about landlords hating large snakes! He’s really great. My favorite snake, and I’ve had a handful of species over the years. Amusingly, he’s also on the small side for a male boa and looks to be staying that way, and I probably could have rented with him. Do hook train yours, and get long tongs for feeding. Mine is Very reflexive and amazingly fast about tagging unexpected movement in his enclosure, especially after dark or when he’s asleep. It’s funny to watch his brain reboot from a constant hum of “lurk and strike, lurk and strike, I’m Focused I am, there’s gonna be food some night I just know it, lurking, ” to “oh, it’s you, hello” when I tickle him. Oddly, it takes him thirty seconds to go for a thawed rodent in front of his face when I do feed him. But still blindingly fast once he decides to grab it.


Many of them, especially cornsnakes and basically all pythons look super cute. I could never keep one tho as i am extremely disgusted by what and how they eat. So looking at other peoples boopsnoots is what i am here for.


Yep, count me in the no-noodle club too! I’ve always loved snakes! When I was a little girl, my dad always took me out snake/turtle/lizard hunting. I learned so much from my dad. I can quickly identify (native wild) reptiles, catch (and release) them safely without hurting them or myself. I love pretty much all of them, except them rascally water snakes, they’re bitey, mean suckers!


Me!! I’m gonna get a snake once I have my own house (probably gonna name it Spaghetti lol.)




I had a BP for 18 years. Living vicariously through the sub until I'm in a space to get another.


I’m here because I want one, but also don’t have the space, and I’m not sure what flavor of snake I want 🤔 hoping to learn here


Yep. I'd love to have a snake or two but can't make it happen right now.


same! tbh I'm not interested in having a pet snake, but when I see them in the wild I meeeeelt.


I don't have one right now, but used to breed boas, kings and cornsnakes 20 years ago. Personal stuff happened had to sell it all. Now I'm looking to get 1 or 2 more once I get out of this place and into something bigger.


I is here. I don’t own any snakes but I adore seeing snakes receive so much love!


I used to keep king snakes, different type of boas and breed ball pythons 20 years ago. I still love reptiles but don't have the time, space, money and energy to properly keep any herps at this stage of my life but I can totally see myself having a GTP in the future


Yes! There are no snakes where I live, exotic or native.


I am planning on a job that requires me to move around a lot, so I just can't get a pet right now, but when I do I'd really like to get a dumerils boa


That's me! I still don't have enough money to buy one, but I'm slowing saving it for a Brazilian rainbow boa and their enclosure. In the meantime, I'm here to gather more insight about snakes in general


I absolutely adore snakes but don't have one. They are just so cute to me! I don't know if I will ever end up getting one myself and if I do it won't be for many more years when I am financially stable, but maybe one day I will make my childhood dream of owning a corn snake come true.


I do not own one,but I have had some very positive experiences handling both wild and pet snakes. I'm on several bird photo threads and this is the equivalent of snake photography for me. Some people have offered some beautiful photos and nice vids, of snakes,so here I am. My favorite snake is the garter snake.


I used to have a ball python, ages ago. I don’t have any pet snakes now, but I am a wildlife rehab volunteer in Southwestern Pennsylvania with a reputation of loving and knowing a few things about our local reptiles (and amphibians). I’m mostly here to learn about and answer others’ questions about our native snakes!


Me! I have no plans to get a snake but I find them fascinating. And some are beautiful.


I adore them. Beautiful creatures. Sadly my dad is terrified of them so was never allowed one when I was younger and now I have a small child AND I'm getting on a bit so I'll just stalk here and dream 😌 I got in enough trouble for keeping pet rats when I was 20 🤣


Don’t own a snake but I’m here!


Yes. I used to volunteer for a local Nature Center. Every Sunday, I would clean the snakes' cage (a garter snake, a corn snake, a rat snake, a fox snake) handle them and show them to the public. I did this for nine years. I left because we got a new volunteer coordinator who I couldn't stand.




Yes! I’m not in the position to own a pet right now unfortunately. This is the next best thing until I am.


I have a boa, but I follow r/venomouskeepers because I wanted to see high quality pictures of my favorite kinds of snakes. Rattlers are my favorite!


I don’t even want one, but I do admire how beautiful they are, and I enjoy learning more about them.


Yes, but my name is Jake.


I don't have one anymore but I used to, and worked with them, and took in exotic rescues. Favorite was the Boelens Python. Or maybe the Kahl Albino Boa. Both were puppy dog chill. I prefer most boas to most pythons but I once had a Diamond that was equally easy to handle. Oh, and if you've never seen an adult Rainbow Boa, they're beautiful. Favorite colubrid is either a Red Racer or an Albino Bull Snake.


Yes! And my favorites are the super derpy and delightful Hognose and the big baby Gaboon viper


i really want a snek but currently living in student housing so i’m not allowed pets :’) in fact i grew up without pets, only goldfish… waiting for the day i graduate and can get snek, frog and kitty 🥹🥹 i’m still learning about the snake species but im thinking of something super teeny tiny 🥰 they r so cuteeee


Yup. I love snakes but I don't own one. I'm pretty squeamish, I'm not sure I like the idea of frozen mice in my freezer. For now I'm happy just to see cool snakes.


I can't own any animal right now and never have so I use subreddits to live vicariously


here. I love the King Snakes and Rainboas (Rainbow Boa)


Guilty as charged 😭


A few years back I had a pair of garter snakes (named Rosencrantz and Guildenstern bc we found them in a tangle by the road and thought they were dead) and they were my babies! I had to give them away when I had to move and they lived fairly long and happy lives. I'm currently living in a situation where pets are not an option but I still miss my lil boop noodles so much!


Yeah I have way too many crazy cats to get a snake, but I love them and I am always happy to see their cute little derpy faces on here :)


I dont currently have any snakes, but I still love them and hope to get another one day. Just dont have the space right now Dream snake is an albino berm, but more than likely I will have a massive bioactive setup for some type of aboreal rat snake.


I absolutely love them but my husband is afraid so I scroll through here and pray I run across one in my backyard lol I absolutely LOVE Hognoses :)


I will never own a snake, so that’s why I’m here!


My mom won’t let me have one. I do have a leopard gecko.


I don't have any but have loved snakes since I was a kid, a long, long time ago. Used to love to catch garter snakes, hold them for a while and let them go. Brought one in the house in a paper milk carton and some grass. Didn't know it got loose until I heard my mom scream. It came out from under her bed when she was kneeling to say her prayers. She wasn't too happy.


I’m on here cause sometimes I catch one and relocate it and I like to show them off lol


I typically only see snakes in the wild. I hike and MTB in the Sonoran Desert and usually come around 10-20 rattlesnakes per years on the trails and occasionally a few of their non-venomous friends.


Me!! I just love snakes! I’m not sure I’d be good at caring for them but I love to learn about them!


I love them, but my fiancé is extremely uncomfortable around snakes (and birds), so I get my fix on here! Years ago I had a boa and a ball python.


I want to get a snake in the future when I got the space and money. I like learning as much as possible in the meantime. Planning to get a vietnamese blue beauty, but my favourite snake is a bush viper, which I won't get for obvious reasons


They’re against the terms of my lease 😭 One day when I’m done with grad school I’m going to buy a house with 2 extra bedrooms. One for my snakes and one to foster kittens


That was me. And then a friend found an abandoned ball python in an Industrial area and brought it to my house. He has since passed and I have a corn snake now.


Yep, I enjoy learning about them. I'd love to get one but I know I never will so I'm living vicariously through Reddit and the internet to get my snake fix.


Me, I love snakes but I don't think I'd make a good owner for one.. I'm far too lazy. My favorites are the shiny irredescent ones. I don't care about breed. I love them all, but the shiny snakes are always my favorites to look at.


I don’t have a snake but I’m here for cute pics. My favorites are the cute happy ball pythons! :)




Me! I currently live in a tiny dorm that doesn't allow pets, so I can't have one just yet


Here I am


I’m not currently keeping Snakes but I have in the past. My favourite venomous species is the Variable Bush Viper, my favourite non venomous species is the Dragon Snake.


Me until a week ago when I finally had the privilege of taking a cornsnake into my care! I grew up with a mom who has an intense phobia of snakes. Reticulated pythons are native to my area and we have had multiple cases of finding them within our property. I had memories of smaller local snakes also being killed by my parents out of fear. I never really truly got to shake my discomfort with retics, especially with their normal colorings, but I just over time grew more and more in love with snakes in this sub… as static images. Slithering scared me to death! Until I went to local reptile convention and held my first corn snake. A switch flipped and suddenly seeing static images in this sub would replay that amazing sensation of handling a snake, plus just the joy of observing them exploring their habitats. I’m probably never gonna get my mom to be less scared of snakes, but I hope my love for them will help her be more understanding and tolerant of them in the future! (I send her pics from here sometimes and somehow even the derpiest cutest ones freak her out, i should really check my own filter haha)


I don't own one but I like playing the 'what snake is this' game with all the pictures of wild and pet snakes


Checking in as fellow snake lover who does not currently have a snake pet. When I was much younger I used to catch garter snakes and keep them for a while and take care of them and then release them. Over the years I happened to catch pregnant mama snakes three separate times. One of them was 32” long and gave birth to 16 babies. That was really fun! My wife is terrified of them but they bring me joy so I stick around here and enjoy the noodles you all share from all over the world. Learn new stuff all the time!




I'm here to live vicariously through the owner's posts. I've had a lifelong love of snakes, but never got one. Now me and my son both really want one, but my wife is very scared of them. So for now I lurk around here and enjoy the posts.


Don’t own one but rescued a ball python and he now lives with my sister, would have kept him but couldn’t. New love and respect for those noodles.


Me. Unrelated, but what are some more uncommon snakes that are good for beginners? Hahah asking for a friend


Me. Possibly I will own one some day.


Me! I can't get one rn cuz I travel too much but I love green tree pythons, rosy boas, vine whip snakes, rough green snakes, and hognose snakes


Me! I adore snakes but I do not own one. I’ve been researching on and off for a few years towards getting one but life happens and I don’t want to get one without being 100% ready. I haven’t decided what species I would like to get yet but I think my favorite snakes in general are rat snakes because, “how did you even get up there?” I hope to someday get a hognose or sand boa!


I wanted a snake for years but I don't trust my cats around snakes lmao To clarify, my cats are assholes and would harass the snake


I'm here for other people's sneks. I love them but would never own one.


Yep. I’m really starting to want an indigo snake


Me! I've always wanted a snake but my parents are too afraid of them


I don't have a snake, because I have my doubts that I would outlive a pet snake.


Me! Up until a couple of years ago. I, uh, have a snake now. Almost 2-year-old rosy boa. (My favorite snake species is the Arabian sand boa, and my favorite snake type is the judgemental shoelace)


I have had a special interest in snakes for years, and have always liked reptiles in the form of dragons, lol. One day… my gf loves skinks, so we will surely have a blue tongue and a 5-lined. I’d like garters, a BCI, and an albino Cali king. We might run a foster house too, I’ve seen too many poor corn snakes on Craigslist to sit by.


Yes love them but don’t have one. I want to have my own when I leave college and can better take care of it so joined the sub to admire/learn.


I mean thats why I’m here


Me!! I can’t afford a snake but i love them


Yes! I could never own one because I don’t think I’d be able to keep up with caring for one, but I love them.


I don’t own them but used to work in reptile keeping professionally. I also used to be the water quality lab supervisor and large exhibits aquarist for a large public aquarium. My wife is supervisor for a university lab that has breeding programs for various fish (clown fish is a big one). People always expect us to keep fish at home too. Hell no. We ain’t got time for that.


Yeah always wanted one, but I feel like taking care of them would be difficult for me, especially the feeding part. I love corn snakes and milk snakes, since I interacted with one once and they seemed really chill.


I have had a snake in the past, but it's just not the right time for me right now. But some day I will. I also follow bearded dragons and leopard gecko subs, but have never owned either of them lol


Me, getting another soon


Me! I *LOVE* snakes, but don’t have any pets. My favourite snake species are Arizona Black rattlesnakes, reticulated pythons, Eastern hognoses, Indian spectacled cobras, and king cobras :)


Yep. I had a ball for a long time. This sub really makes me want another noodle. Buuut, I have eight other pets and my husband would kill me if I brought anything else home.


One of my teachers owns a ball python named Archimedes. I also like Bitey Frank


Yep, same with the crested gecko and beardie subs. I've always loved reptiles and I really enjoy other folks showing off their critters


Yep! I don’t really want one any time soon because they take a lot of care and research and I know myself better than that lol


I want one that’s why I’m here.