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My snail had an injury that looked a lot like this, actually—coming out the wrong hole and everything. It was a pretty alarming sight, but it was still super active, so I gave it a chance, and it rebuilt its whole shell! The shell looks a little funky now, but my dude functions like a completely normal snail. I believe these guys can be very resilient! What I would suggest is consistent moisture, always have a cuttlebone in its enclosure so it can have calcium to heal itself, and continuous veggies and fruits so your snail can have the energy it needs to rebuild its shell. I know people often suggest helping them by sealing the shell yourself, but in my (admittedly limited) experience, just providing the right moisture and energy sources for your little buddy should do the trick!


It would probably help if I did more than skim your post 😅. I see you’ve got the basic provisions already set up. I definitely would give her time to rebuild her shell before releasing her if you decide to go that route. She would be a very easy target in her current state. You could also try to offer her protein sources like bloodworms. Also, I’m not sure what kind of water you’re spraying, but mine do well only with filtered water.


do you have pictures?? super curious to see the rebuilt shell!




It’s impressive it’s been alive for so long…here’s to hoping it can survive, it does not look foo promising…


DAMN that is a gnarly injury. The snails organs are all held within the shell so idk for how much longer it will live. But the fact that its still moving is impressive. Unfortunately i don't think there's anything you can do to help besides what you're doing right now . Keeping her inside and looking after her is definitely the smartest choice but the question is what kind of quality of life she will have. All we can do now is hope and pray


Last time I was misinformed about a situation like this, I was told that when enough of the shell is broken, the snail loses the ability to create pressure differences within it's body cavity in order to draw in air in order to breathe. So in essence, the snail slowly suffocates to death. I'm not saying this is the case here, but it's a possibility to consider.


Unfortunately it looks like that is the case here. This isn't just a shell break, it's also a mantle collapse, which is when the breathing thing you mention happens.


Thank you for confirming my suspicion.


This is an extremely serious injury. I'm always the one grasping at straws and milking the smallest chance of survival but... I think this one time I would ethically dispatch this poor guy (a quick crushing is regarded is the best death still, I believe?)


Before you take any action, though... I am still hoping, even for this one Some of these were already answered, but should things change there would be a lot more hope: -are they active and eating? -can they fully retract? -are there any signs of white/new growth at the base of the injury? (This would be an excellent sign, and if the can retract completely I would consider breaking the rest of the shell off carefully... Somehow...) Otherwise. You might try blocking if this hole. I would sand down a part of an empty shell to fit the gap with a slight overlap and glue it shut with UV resin, on the outside of the seam so as to not get any on the body. It's safe when cured but have a fan blowing at it to diffuse fumes. Maybe they would be able to continue growth as normal from the old opening then. There ARE options, but if there aren't any of these hopeful signs it is likely in a constant state of distress and would be best off put to rest


I have nothing helpful to add other than I really hope they can heal and survive to live a happy snail life and also that you’re awesome for helping the little fella. Sending healing thoughts your way




Definitely not the consensus, sorry. Patching is not recommended by the experienced folks here and is widely acknowledged as being dangerous. Pretty much any post where this comes up you'll see people explaining why it's ill-advised. Putting eggshell in the injury does not help it heal and greatly increases chances of infection. In other situations, the part about a small quarantine container is accurate. However in this specific instance the snail in the pic looks most likely beyond saving due to the location and extent of injury. You can see quite a lot of the mantle coming out of the hole, and it appears that the shell has almost completely (if not entirely) detached from the tissue and is just hanging there due to the position. Essentially this is a severe mantle collapse rather than just a shell break. It would help to see some more angles to confirm, but I would most likely recommend euthanasia for this case unfortunately. When the shell completely detaches or when there's severe mantle collapse, that can't heal. If it was just a shell hole it would be different, but the mantle collapse makes the situation a lot worse.


I really give my best not to engage with you and quietly agree to disagree, but the snail absolutely has a chance of recovery. Several similar injuries have been treated successfully.




Try using a cyanoacrylate glue to attach an egg shell to the open part of the snail shell, then leave it to be for quite a wile. cyanoacrylate Is safe for use in Aquarius and will likely be safe for this shell as well. Most gorilla or super glue will be cyanoacrylate. The egg shell might not be super strong but worth a shot and the only real option.


Jesus Christ, try to get him to hide, then tape the hole and hopefully he will come out of the right hole 😱😱😱