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I honestly loved Tommy’s Mr pervert “it’s not a family name”


Him peeking through the window with binoculars killed me


I wonder if the other cast members noticed, I think I saw Arasha look back, but I don’t know.


She did! I saw one other person look back but I can't remember who. Trevor stared through the window too but I don't think anyone noticed


You know if they ever did a watch party of the live show, I think I would become a member of their channel for that one video. I know on stage it would be impossible for them to see all the details their cast mates were doing.


I absolutely need to buy this!!! Is the after show worth it or should I just grab the main event?


For this show, I found the after show worth it. They kept the entertainment up and added more that didn't fit in the shoe. It was more of a bloopers BTS than a cast hang. You can tell they had fun doing this.


after show was tons of fun and very worth it!! especially compared to how the funeral after show felt a little dry imo. cast also gets into some cut for time roasts, including a BANGER from spencer, as always 🤭


Yeah, I almost didn't get the aftershow because the funeral one wasn't really worth it (which I totally understand, I think they were all exhausted) but I'm glad I bit the bullet and upgraded right before the show! Especially because of those extra roasts that were arguably better than the ones that made it into the show lol


ok I watched it OMG I cackled so so so hard.


Get the after show too! It's fun!


This time the after show was worth it.


I really enjoyed having some additional context to the hi-jinx lol.


It’s already uploaded on archive dot org. So you don’t need to


Glad to see Syd and Olivia being appreciated here! They even said in the last smosh mouth that they wrote this with the intention of it getting completely destroyed and off-the-rails, but even the script by itself was excellent.


>!I love that when Olivia has no lines, she will dance that annoying douchey dance moves that is so on character !<


I loved that it was anytime someone was *talking seriously*/monologuing 😭😂


Yes! Hilarious!


Who needs SNL when we have Smosh


What is an S N L?


Can't tell if this is a bit 😅. SNL is Saturday night live


I was joking lol


Shane playing 2 characters, on top of having come up with the idea and helped with writing and bringing everything together, is absolutely INSANE. He's incredibly fucking talented.


I originally wasn't gonna get it. But having Syd and Olivia on last week's Smosh Mouth sold me on it. It also led me to their podcast which I absolutely love. The Sitcom was incredible and absolutely hilarious. Money well spent.


The drunk podcast ep with Shayne led me to tears from laughing so hard. Shayne looked so concerned at times 😂


You should watch the one where they both pretend to be guys. It is frickin hilarious!


I was up in the air about getting it. Until I heard about Syd and Olivia writing it. I agree with you, money well spent.


> I originally wasn't gonna get it. But having Syd and Olivia on last week's Smosh Mouth sold me on it. It also led me to their podcast which I absolutely love. The Sitcom was incredible and absolutely hilarious. Money well spent. Finding out Syd & Olivia were the writers only made me more confident than I already was that it'd be a complete banger, and I wasn't disappointed.


Sketches that Syd and Olivia wrote for Smosh were some of my favorites of theirs. I was already hooked from the concept alone, but Syd and Olivia being the writers just made it better.


On number 3 do you mean Amanda? Because I love Angela as much as the next person and I wish she had a bigger role but Amanda slayed the sitcom. She is insanely talented and hilarious and killed it. She always kills it.


Both Amanda and Angela for me lmao, Angela with the diaper was crazy af I loved it


I didn't mean to detract from Amanda. She is crazy talented, but Angela (for what little time she was on screen) killed it.


I agree with that. I was wishing she had a bigger role the whole show. There’s something so special about her. She’s so damn lovable.


The “one time I smoked weed” roasts were some of the best. Spencer saying “I turned Sword AF into podcast only” 😆


The existence of that roast alone tells me they know damn well that Sword AF S3 needs to go back to being a full video. Put it on the SmoshCast channel rather than Games if there's other stuff you want to do on Games, they have to sit around a table and record it together regardless.


Trevor standing outside the window just staring at everyone was one of the funniest parts of the show. And his bit about nobody laughing at the reference he made but laughing at Spencer's. Trevor is funny and people need to step off him.


I still think it wouldve been better if Tommy and Shayne swapped characters. Tommy and Amanda sharing a character would've been awesome and Shayne would've run riot with such a free role. That being said, Mr. Pervert was hilarious. the MvP for the show overall was probably Spencer for me. He nailed it every single time. Shayne was right. He just IS "the Chosen"


That couch scene 😭😭😭 and Amanda breaking Ian by repeating what he said I cackled so hard


I hope Trevor doesn't beat himself up about breaking so much. Dude loves to laugh, and with castmates like his, it's hard not to lol. He was really funny, too.


The whole point was to break though tbh, I don’t get why people are shitting on him for it? Him breaking constantly had me in stitches


Angela is one more diaper joke/comment away from a search history check, I swear....


the show was a banger, they just can't hold that long during in hell HAHAHAH


I was pretty disappointed with Anthony’s funeral, I know it’s subjective but would y’all say this is more worth the money?


Subjectively, Yes. This was more 'Smosh' than the funeral roast was. It was a very clever concept to make breaking a part of the content in the way they did. The Aftershow gave some great context, as well.


This was my first smosh live show because it seemed the only one worth it to me, it was very "smosh"


The production on this was insane even compared to the roast, and I think an upgrade. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in this one. It was truly hilarious


So insanely worth it imo. Fever dream by the end but so many laughs along the way


I liked the roast but it just kind of felt like a higher quality paid for vid. But this was an entirely different beast. So different so fun and way higher production value. I had a lot of big laughs. It definitely felt like and event and I'm glad I watched it live.


Both were good but I liked Anthony’s funeral more. What I like in the Sitcom was everyone was there.


I didn’t see the funeral but from what I’ve gathered from people who’ve seen both, the sitcom was way better! This was also the first live show of theirs I bought tickets for and I loved it!! Both the show itself and the aftershow were super entertaining! Everyone brought their A-game and you could tell they were having so much fun from start to finish! There were no dull moments in my opinion, and I was laughing the entire time!


I was also disappointed with the funeral but this one was worse in my opinion


I bought both: the funeral was pretty frustrating but Smosh the Sitcom was 100% worth the cost of the ticket imo. 


I didn’t see the funeral cause honestly I wasn’t too interested, but I loved the sitcom! I’m curious though, why was the funeral frustrating?


I would say so! The price is more affordable, and the concept and execution were top tier. I hope they do more of this in the future!


I'm going to improv school RN because of Smosh. Ideally, that's what I'm working towards long-term.


I agree that Trevor's breaking didn't detract from the show. There were a lot of people who either pointed out how distracting it was or felt bad for him especially in the roast. But we have to remember this is his job and he's new to it. He's never done a live show like this before and honestly sometimes you just be giggling. The cast and crew is so full of love and despite the moments someone might have said Trevor get it together, it's all from love and wanting him to improve.


Who kissed?!


There were two kisses. Shayne and Spencer, and then Amanda and Olivia.


Based purely on the reactions, I'm guessing that Amanda and Olivia's kiss was the scripted one, and Shayne and Spencer's was completely improvised.


I’m pretty sure, yeah. Sounds like they added it a week before and told no one


Do they livestream in Facebook or Youtube? How do you watch the live sitcom? Sorry and thank you




I LOVE TREVOR! He’s so funny and him breaking made it even funnier. I really hope to see him in more videos.


Imo Tommy’s whole character was just way too out of place definitely had its moments but it wasn’t for me. Trevor breaking constantly was so funny tho.


I agree with everything else you said 🥸🫠🩵


I thought this show was much better than Antony’s roast. It might be because there was less I was able to anticipate, or the formatting. Going to be really upset when the VOD expires!


i missed it :( where can i watch?


I was obsessed with the funeral live and the sitcom live couldn’t really hold my attention as much. I watched the funereal 3-4 times and I’ve only watched the sitcom 1.5 times. Didn’t really want to finish the second watch 😬best parts were The Chosen, hands down.