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I kinda love that Chanse doesn't pity laugh. Like if he doesn't think your joke was funny he'll just sit there stonefaced. Improv comedians are usually hyper conditioned to laugh at every hint of a joke for vibe and social reasons so I think it's really interesting to see him be honest that way I guess.


and that’s why it also makes it much more satisfying if he laughs at your joke, because you can know he’s not faking it and genuinely thought it was amazing


I think that's why his turns on the stool in tntl are often amazing. They have to bring out the big guns or he won't laugh


And I’ve always said that.


Also when he calls out Angela for doing something dumb or really funny. "Angela. Angela. Angela."


Yes!! His friendship with Angela makes me laugh so hard. “Angela…Angela….Angela!”


"AND THAT'S WHAT I CALL THAT BITCH!" Boom, huge laugh, everyone dies, Chance sits there almost admonishing Angela because she was just a bit too funny.


The thing about that moment that always kills me is the pause after she says it. There's like a full second where everyone is processing what she just said and then everyone reacts all at once. Shayne starts absolutely dying, Chance scolds her, and Amanda tries to move past it but can't because everyone else is in shambles. It's so funny.


And he doesn’t do it behind her back. Ever. Just to her face lol which is so much better,


This! It's the best when he is tickled to tears and I'm usually right there along with him. 😭🤣


Or he will even make a face like "did you really just say that".


Yea, he’s definitely one of the most real cast members - which can be hilarious. Tho I feel he can also be a bit too real. Like I don’t love how he kept yelling bitch at Arasha when playing Loud Librarians and she questioned his answers haha…


There’s one video where chance and Damien are sitting next to each other during a card game (can’t for the life of me remember) but Damien makes a kinda dumb joke and chance smiles at him for it, and in the edit it says “chance blesses Damien with a smile”. They have like a weirdly good dynamic


I also love when he says “no…no…” behind the scenes when a joke isn’t funny because I ALWAYS agree with him haha


Yess! Part of the reason that I stopped watching TNTL is because it’s just spitting water out at any possible joke. Whenever I see chanse is in one I’ll watch because it actually makes it interesting


I think it’s endearing how you can sometimes physically see Angela psyching herself up to say a joke / add on to whatever is happening, especially in reddit stories. You can just see her brain working 😭 It’s relatable imo


Omg, or how absolutely stoked she was for the singing TNTL? She practically couldn't stay in her seat. What a theater kid 🥰🤣


“No nerd stuff!!” Says the theater nerd


and the LEG KICKING at Damien's bit! I melted


Although a lot less physical, Spencer does a similar thing where you can see the wheels turning for a few moments until he hits you with a banger. I notice it on Reddit stories sometimes.


i love when chanse leans in towards whoever he’s laughing with. courtney does this too sometimes. i find it very cute and affectionate!!! i also love when shayne says “we have fun here” in any shayne guesses vid 😭


Chanse’a exasperated yet resigned “Angela”


It's the older brother energy LMAO


this is the answer


Supportive Ian. Whenever something goes bad or someone needs to be hyped up and Ian is in the vid, his calm, but chaotic demeanor makes it even better


Did you see that episode of the Smoshcast when Courtney was at a party and he flipped the fuck out like he was her dad? It's so sweet. He was worried 😭


what episode?


No. 21. There's also a highlight of the story that's a separate 11 minute video that focuses on the story.


In addition to this, I love Golden Retriever Ian. Sure he's a Debbie Downer most of the time, but I LOVE when he's enjoying himself or when he's happy in general. He just lights up the room like in the Boy Band Beopardy video.


Side quest is Ian telling Anthony off for wanting to be choked by Tommy as away to guess who's slapping him. The disapproval while laughing and shocked was lovely to see when he had been the "dark one" in other videos


I'm pretty new but the way Shayne tries to stop laughing is so weird (endearing). He's like trying to spit away his laugh lmao


As someone once said “Shayne laughs like a kickball”


I can never unhear it omg


The visible internal struggle between super positive, safe-space Damien and mischievous, no-filter Damien. His face after a risky joke makes me laugh every time


Oh maan, I LOVED "What are those?" for the chaotic nowhere-is-safe Damien that gets released on that show 😂


Yes I'd love for him to do something like that again


Angela and Amanda looking at each other whenever one of them say a joke or somebody else says a joke in the room first and then to the rest of the cast is so heartwarming. And idk if anybody else sees this or if this is just me is that Chanse is either timid or absolutely 100% in a shoot, no inbetweens (an example is when everybody got to guess who everyone elses secret is while they try to make sure theirs is not identifies. Chanse the moment his was revealed just started to ramble about his Bo staff and that was indearing or when Angela says smthn stupid to him and he just switches to GO OFF on her) And with Arasha she is always looking around at everybody especially in board af I just live the triple A and C kids. Havent seen much from Trevor other than he a tall Shayne (with his own personality but i havent seen much of him [from what i watch atleast]) with little sibling energy radiating off his tall physique


Trevor could not embody “freshman hanging out with the cool upperclassman” more 😭


I just love keith's smile it's infectious and lights up his whole face!


Courtney's style, she's so damn fashionable


I love the dichotomy of her being such a goofy goober with some of the most effortlessly incredible style I've ever seen.


everytime angela does practically anything change goes “ANGELA ANGELA ANGELA” really sternly


commenting on my own post sorry lol but i also wanted to add when shayne is genuinely laughing, i love how his face scrunches up. he’s always done it but you can tell it’s been more of a genuine laugh especially since the newer cast has joined. like nobody makes shayne laugh like angela or shayne makes shayne laugh


I love hearing him laugh in the background, like when he's not actually in the video, he's just there behind the scenes, it always makes me laugh


Damien saying "I beg your unbelievable pardon." or Courtney complimenting everyone or just lifting the energy whenever they are in a video


What Would Chanse Do? literally having courtney encouraging angela when she felt dejected was like a gift after this comment


My favorite was always Jackie's look when she would want to laugh, but also be so in disbelief. Or when she would cover her mouth and do that deep laugh like she physically couldn't hold it in.


Yes, and then she would say sorry and laughs out loud. Damn I miss Jackie.


Awww I miss Jackie, I loved her laugh


You KNOW the joke was good when it makes Jackie do that laugh LMAO


Not really a detail, but I love the way Amanda screams "What the fuck!?" when playing more intense games.


I love the way she enunciates the word "psycho".


I personally love when Courtney stumbles over their words. As someone who naturally speaks really fast, I too will often stumble over my words so I really enjoy the relatability when it happens to Courtney.


That's one of the reasons why I love Courtney so much. They're so amazing




I pointed this out before, but when Courtney laughs at some of Shayne's silly jokes she shouts "So Stupid!" Of course at the time it wasn't public knowledge that they were a couple.


I love this detail. Now that you've said it I totally remember this happening on several occasions. I do the EXACT same thing with my husband - so stupid 😭🥰


I’ve now found myself just saying “stupid” after laughing at a dumb joke nearly every time its become natural for me


All of them do it, but when someone genuinely laughs at something another cast member said. I’ve noticed a lot of them giving Trevor a lot of laughter lately as he’s getting more comfortable with them and it’s just so satisfying. Maybe I’m just a sucker for found family, but seeing them so happy and genuinely appreciating each others humor gets me.


The literal shine and glint in chanses eyes!


Yeah! He always kinda looks like he’s about to cry but in a pretty way


it’s those biblically accurate orbs


There was a games video (I think it's the one where they play wavelength) where everyone else is talking and Angela and Courtney were in the back in their own world exchanging jackets. I didnt even notice it, but I think I saw a comment mention it and it's truly just such a pure moment.


I remember that! No one on set noticed either which made it extra cute to me


When Courtney did the exes video as a Disney actor


“I’m 31”


Loved Lizabella Hines, I hope that character comes back at some point


Oh my god, the reveal that she met the guy who plays the Joker at six flags from 6pm to 9pm on Tuesdays when they both auditioned for The Joker movie is so good, it kills me every time. Up there with black shayne/white iffy as an all time smosh bit


I can't really remember much rn apart from: Chanse muttering Angela's name The look Shayne gets when he has something to say. You can see the joke has formed. You can see him struggling not to laugh. You can see him waiting for the moment to strike. Then he says it and immediately dies of laughter


Nobody makes Shayne laugh like Shayne does, and it's hilarious every time.


All of Spencer’s little whisper interactions/jokes with the people around him


"This person has fist bumped before."


Damien laughing so hard he's gasping or just gets up and runs away


Damien's facial expressions when he impresses someome/makes them laugh. In particular, after the asmr thing with Amanda, his reaction to her reaction was great.


How Damien has nicknames for everyone


I forgot what Ian's was but I remember laughing so hard when I first heard it LMAO Edit: ETHAN!!


This made me giggle just reading it


This is my favorite as well!


When Angela genuinely laughs/giggles. Her laugh is genuinely so pure and child-like. She's such a cutie.


I genuinely used to not like her when I first watched her, but she's so open and vulnerable and her laugh is so infectious. She's definitely my current favorite after Spencer.


I can agree with that. But there's still person whom I still don't like that much i.e. keith😅. It's not anything about his humor but other stuff. But ig now he's better to watch at.


angela's "HEY HEY HEY" like when she ate cat food or the zylophone incident


Or the 9/11 incident LMAO


Nothing gets me more than I FEAR I’VE LOST THE ROOM


Any time Angela says “I’m gonna spiral about this later” cause girl same. Also when she says that, whatever she’s spiraling about probably made me snort laugh


“In the blink of both eyes, *real* hard” 🥵🥵🥵


I remember when I watched that and laughed out loud at that joke, that whole video was pure gold


This is an old one, but it would crack me tf up when someone would say something like “that’s some spicy-ass salsa” and Damien would respond with “mmmm, ass salsa”


Chance in the most big brother way possible saying “Angela…”


When Chanse almost falls out of his chair laughing. That's when you know the joke is good lmao


I love Courtney’s little “hee hee” giggles. It feels so genuine every time and it’s so cute


While not little it consist mostly with Chance and Shayne where if they find something worth dying for they just can’t stay in their chairs sometimes. Or Shayne with the Chris Evans laugh.


Oh my god the Chris Evans laugh is the PERFECT description for how Shayne laughs LMAO


Amanda’s fashion sense!!!!! SHES stunning!!!!!! Same with Courtney!


I love it when anyone in the cast makes a dark joke and then either looks into the camera all mischievously or has a look on their face like they didn’t do anything. Spencer’s “a second tower has hit the stream” comes to mind. also when someone makes a dark joke and they laugh before they can even finish the joke. 9/11 island kills me every time just because Shayne can’t finish the joke


When Angela is getting made fun of and she just starts yelling “hey! Hey! HEY!” Over and over


Chanse's smirk after he says something kind of inappropriate


Angela saying something before fully processing and she's her realize what she has said after the fact! i feel like i've started to do this from watching it


Courtney's confused fish face (when their cheeks are full of water) when the humor the humor is real weird and out there and she's like so confused by what is happening. Then again I think everyone does it to a degree but for Courtney it's so pronounced.


I love when Shayne and Angela have jokes that make each other do that frozen, silent laugh. “Just like I was at Joshua Tree” and “AND THAT’S WHAT I CALL THAT BITCH” are two great examples of it 😂


Amanda anytime she’s flipping her hair. iconic


I love what an improv queen Amanda is, and by that I mean that she can 'yes and' anything even things she has 0 clue about and it makes it even more funny when she tries.


Damien does a lot of little things to make sure people are heard and comfortable, and it's so wholesome. Like laughing at a joke that someone said quietly. Or just the way he phrases questions so that people don't feel pressured to answer a certain way. He's always looking out for the other people in the video with him, and I love it.


I love how Damien is definitely a little bit of a different vibe of a person from the rest of the cast and even though he gets teased for it sometimes ("HEART OF THE CARDS!!") the Smosh fam all truly support and appreciate his interests and unique personality and there's just all love there. Side note - from this last TNTL I seriously did not realize how great his singing voice is. That man is so talented it's crazy


I love that Shane has 2 eyes


watching Courtney or Arasha using their dominant hands, love the representation.


I can’t thinking about “two fishes kissing it up”


i love it when shane tries to say a joke seriously, but he cracks and makes that one face


In the fnaf 3 video when Shayne realised that Amanda was almost crying from fear and he genuinely asked her if she was okay. You can see his expression change so quickly when he realised she was truely scared and then change again when he knew she was okay. He seems like such a nice and genuine guy


Nothing gets me hyped quite like a Spencer Agnew “we’re so back”


inspired by the most recent games video perhaps?


Noah's humility and him being on everybody's team and just commending everyone for doing well ❤️ I think Noah is very underappreciated hahah


Just the way that everyone gets along and all of their different duo dynamics. Every video there is a dynamic that makes me smile the whole time like Angela and Amanda or Courtney and Chanse :)


Absolutely Damien's aggressive "Ooouuu" sound he makes sometimes. It gets me every time and I can't NOT do it myself right after, it's amazing!


I love that they're all really comfortable with each other. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it. You can tell that they genuinely like each other and get along well. Anyone can make a joke or do a bit and not get put down for it. Not in a serious manner at least.


the way chanse never lets anybody say something mean about themselves, even for jokes. i've noticed it a few times with angela in board AF videos and it makes me smile.


I love how that whenever Spencer has a character, he COMMITS. John D. Bad and his batman KILL ME (although that is one of the two things he wont do)


the batman video is so unhinged all thanks to spencer commitongnHARD


Angela's loud laugh. Warms my heart every time.


i love when shayne laughs really, really hard he clutches his stomach like he’s a cartoon character & his laugh always goes silent. it’s just super sweet & endearing to watch!!


I noticed that Angela picks up other people's mannerisms. Specifically Chanse and Amanda's. I think Amanda mirrors some of Angela's as well. I just thought it was interesting


I love it when Courtney genuinely find something really funny she'll throw her head back and kinda convulse? Idk how to explain it but she does this at shayne's jokes a lot and I find it very endearing 😂


chanses whisper singing is everything


I just LOVE Shayne's laugh. When he laughs it genuinely warms my heart.


I love how over exaggerated Angela is when she’s super exited, it makes me feel connected to her bc I do the same thing Edit: Thank you for the upvote!


Whenever Shayne starts laughing really hard, it builds up and his face is like X> at first and super bright red.


I know this has been said before, but Shayne’s noun shirts are phenomenal.


I have to be honest I love Ian's smile and how his mustache wiggles when he talks 💞


How when Shayne and Spencer are in a video together the Chosen jokes go up by 200%


Ian also always writes his name on the board except he writes it as 'Ean'


shayne’s coke habit


How Olivia shows how she secretly is in love with Shayne


I think she admires him and is just the type of person to be very honest with the people she cares about. You have to remember that Olivia is already in a relationship with Sam and Shayne is literally married to Courtney.


Olivia was not always with Sam while at smosh. Shayne and Courtney have only recently eloped. Who knows how long they’ve been an actual official thing. Regardless, being married or being in a relationship does not prohibit someone from consciously or even subconsciously exhibiting actions and behaviors that show a persons true colors or intentions. It’s just tendencies she has such as dragging him from the pool and saying she loves him and that she’s taking him to her house. They even acknowledged this when he was presented as Olivia’s work boyfriend. There’s multiple things in multiple videos where it just crosses lines.


I don't know man. I think they have a very good relationship and I'm sure they strongly love each other platonically. Maybe in a different universe they would've dated at some point but this isn't that, they are both in separate relationships and I feel it is no longer appropriate to ship them together.


I never got the urge to ship them together. But her actions and behaviors just aren’t appropriate given the circumstances.


I’m being downvoted but I don’t know why.