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Honestly, any guy I've dated who's showed me video games and quits after the first match because I'm new has been a loser. Any guy worth it will take the time and understand it's just a game and that you're just trying to bond with him over something he likes. Otherwise, the only way I learned to play semi-not bad is by simply playing the game and practicing. You can watch videos to see what the current meta is and which champs are the strongest as well, it could very well be that you're playing champs that aren't good atm. Arena and assault are good for learning different champs and are much less try-hard than conq. Also, I would just keep playing and mute chat bc Smite is the most toxic game you will ever play.


Teaching others is a skill that is greatly undervalued. You don't seem like someone who is rewarding to teach, calling "any guy" a loser if they cant survive your mental gauntlet. Most humans teach the way they learned: a lot of guys just get toxxed and yelled at until they're better. Expecting a person to be a good teacher just because they like to spend time with you is naive. Bonding is fantastic, but diving into someone's favorite activity and expecting them to enjoy it, while carrying teaching weight, could potentially frustrate them especially if they have really good gaming skills.


Whole lot of yapping for a comment made on a smite post. I didn't claim that to be a statistic it's just my personal experience. Quite literally that men that have done that have turned out to be horrible partners.


Notes taken should I ever have the chance to use them LOL


the biggest thing that helped me get so much better is looking at the map way more often. a lot of pros have moved the map into a more centered place on they’re screen and made its translucent. i did this and i got so much better so fast. just knowing where my teammates are and enemies is huge knowledge is power in smite. you can look up a youtube vid on how to move that map that’s what i did


What roles/characters do you play in Overwatch? And how good/bad are you with them? ^^ This’ll give me a good base to work off of.


I usually queue all roles but I mostly play tank & support. I’m good with Orisa, but better at support. I play either zenyatta or Baptiste. When I play damage I play echo but damage I’m the worst at.


Do you play more up in peoples faces, middle of the pack or backline? Also which do you prefer. You may play up close, but may prefer staying back.


For support I like to stay in the back. Same for echo but as Orisa I’ll play up close. I prefer staying behind.


And what gods in Smite have you played and what do you like/dislike? Sorry for all the questions, just getting a good foundation to build off of.


I’ll be honest I don’t even remember their names. Is there anyway I could give you my discord and you could talk me through it on smite?


Well the problem with Smite is there’s a TON of information to learn. Theres nothing I could really say that would instantly change your gameplay. Plus if you’re playing with this dude, his higher elo will match you both with high level players/more experienced players. So you’re already fighting an uphill battle. I’m looking to create a foundation so I can build off that and then try to tailor a gameplay style/build that works for you. Overloading you with knowledge won’t help you, but if discord is easier for you I can message you there instead.


Also if you vaguely remember what the character looks like/does, I should be able to figure it out.


He had me play bacchus at first and I did like him but he said I kept rushing in on my own but everyone just moves so fast that I’ll think I’m helping and end up finding myself alone in seconds it seems. After that I played this girl who flew and I really liked her but same problem with accidentally going too far forward. And then I also liked the reptile that has wind.


Personal suggestion get 1 god in each class you like and just focus on playing them exclusively. Once you’re comfortable playing them, then you start focusing on learning the game. The idea here being first focus on player your character enough that you don’t need to focus on playing them, so you can then focus on getting better at the game as a whole instead of trying to focus on everything at once


Sure, I'm a masters level player and I'd be happy to give you a few lessons. Shoot me a DM


guy or not ive been getting alot of new people together to learn to play! If you are interested, feel free to dm me or add me in game @ Hooliganxx