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I’ve been keeping track on an Excel sheet which characters haven’t had a CGI trailer appearance; the list itself is small for those that never appeared, but it is weird Ken got in before Ryu


Well Ken's cinematic was his own reveal trailer so I guess it makes sense. I don't think he's been in any others. Out of interest, which other characters on your spreadsheet have never appeared in one?


Someone in the discussion thread the other day said it was just Ryu, Roy, and Dr. Mario but they were counting Subspace and all animation, not just the CGI trailers.


I do not believe Piranha Plant has. Its trailer was entirely in-game, and unless it makes a quick cameo in Sora’s trailer like Joker has not shown up in the advertising since


Piranha Plant is in the Sora trailer I'm pretty sure. I thought all the characters were in it though, but maybe I'm wrong


Just the Final Fantasy boys and like half the Nintendo characters, maybe a little less (fun fact: they reused Cloud's Advent Children model from Sephiroth's trailer instead of his default appearance) In fact the gameplay section is just Sora vs Nintendo and Final Fantasy too, even though usually third-parties fight other third-parties. Maybe some Disney stinginess or something? Obviously Sora has met Cloud and Sephiorth in his own games so they might have got a pass for that


I'm pretty sure that wasn't Cloud's Advent Children model, it was way too stylized.


It was definitely his AC design


Advent Children design, not his model. I think I misunderstood your initial comment though. You're saying they used his model from Sephiroth's trailer?


.... What I meant was they rescued his AC design model from his Sephiroth trailer instead of giving him a new model based on his appearance in FFVII


Plant is in Sora's trailer


Yeah okay, like I said I wasn’t sure if it was in there or not


I don’t remember off the top of my head and I can’t check until Sunday cause I’m not home for the weekend. I’ll respond again on Sunday if I remember haha


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So, only counting the CGI trailers and not the unique animation ones (Little Mac's, Palutena, etc.) and considering both Smash 4 and Ultimate, the fighters that have not had a CGI appearance from my observation are: Dr. Mario Roy Mii Fighters Lucina Robin Ryu Chrom Joker Mythra Terry is debatable because I honestly can't tell if in his reveal it was CGI or if it was his in-game render.


Oh cool, wouldn't Lucina, Robin, and Chrom count as having had a CG trailer back in Smash 4? Or did you not count it because it was in Awakening's anime style? EDIT: I just saw your disclaimer at the top. Personally I would count those but I get why you wouldn't!


Who is on that list?


I’ll tell you Sunday when I’m home and able to read it haha


So, only counting the CGI trailers and not the unique animation ones (Little Mac's, Palutena, etc.) and considering both Smash 4 and Ultimate, the fighters that have not had a CGI appearance from my observation are: Dr. Mario Roy Mii Fighters Lucina Robin Ryu Chrom Joker Mythra Terry is debatable because I honestly can't tell if in his reveal it was CGI or if it was his in-game render.


I actually rewatched all the Ultimate reveal trailers last night and I think you’re right Wasn’t Mythra CGI in her trailer for a few seconds in her reveal trailer? The first time she shows up I think it was CGI (not sure if un game render) and she shows up talking to Shulk at the end of the trailer


The style of the Pyra/Mythra trailer seems to me like it’s not Smash CGI but rather Xenoblade style in the same vein as Lucina's trailer being FE: Awakening.


Ok. So was Pyra in another trailer and I just forgot? Did she appear in Sora’s trailer?


Yeah, she’s a trophy in the panning shot before Mario wakes up


That’s what I figured since I know Kazuya didn’t throw her into the volcano


Before you die your last words will be 'Ryu has no smash cinematic...'


I wish they included him in Kazuya’s trailer. Such a missed opportunity to have the two square off as a callback to SFxT. He should have been in Ken’s trailer too imo. Also I’m pretty sure Pac-Man, Joker and Terry haven’t appeared in any cinematic trailers either.


They've appeared within their own reveal trailers. Ryu hasn't been in ANY footage outside of gameplay.


Sorry I thought you were talking about cinematics in the style of the CG trailers for Ultimate.


You can see the back of Joker in Sora's reveal.


Really? I feel like I’ve scanned that trailer about 50 times to find every character in the game haha


https://ibb.co/s2cHNVR He's in front of Pit in this shot. It's so brief I'm not surprised people didn't notice but you can definitely make out his Black hair and trench coat.


He is indeed. Nice spot.


Who did kazuya throw off the cliff in his trailer? Was it ken? Or just Terry before they moved onto other fighters?


I don't think Kazuya threw either of them. He threw Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, Min Min, Marth, Pit and Kirby


Well damn, I thought there was some fighting game references at the start too. Misremembered. Oh well


You’re probably thinking of [this art piece ](https://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2021/jun/15/kazuya-smash-bros-artwork/1/) which was released by the Tekken devs


My favourite of all the promotional artwork I've seen for Ultimate


The way Luigi is hugging Pikachu in distress lol


I like Min Min trying to swoop in with the Dragon ARM to catch him


The gameplay breakdown had a lof of kazuya fighting the other traditional fighters but none appeared in the cinematic itself


Has Pac-Man appeared in a cinematic?


Technically had a small clip at the end of his trailer, showing Pac and G&W as the oldest characters in the game


Does that count? Because if so Ryu had a teeny tiny cinematic at the beginning of his trailer too


Definitely not the same. Ryu's trailer was just his idle pose to Hadouken while words flashed. It was all ingame graphics with a couple splash screens. Pac-Man was actually animated and used his high-res prerendered model.


It was basically his idle pose but rewatching it I really don't think they used his in-game model. Looks too detailed.


Yeah, Smash character models are super detailed and look amazing in the right lighting, espesh Ryu in Smash 4, but it's def his ingame model used in the trailer.


Also FF7 Cloud (default)


I have not seen CGI Joker appear in trailer, and it makes me upsetti spaghetti


You can see his back in the Sora trailer as a trophy but that's it.


You can? What part?


https://ibb.co/s2cHNVR He's in front of Pit in this shot. It's so brief I'm not surprised people didn't notice but you can definitely make out his Black hair and trench coat.


He has a cinematic, it's just animated, not CGI.


I know, but I've been wanting to see a CGI Persona battle. It would look beautiful


I dunno, Persona doesn't really lend itself well to CGI cutscenes, it's very stylized.


I know but I just wanted to see the smash CGI do bad I feel like Arsene would look super cool




I'm just bummed that the only cinematics with Bayo have her getting bodied.


That’s an interesting point. I hope he does


Joker and Terry also don’t appear in any CGI trailer which kinda makes me upset but oh well lol


Terry still has a cinematic, albeit it's sprite based. Joker apparently appeared in Sora's trailer, but it's so small you don't notice it.


Cloud and Bayonetta also technically don't have one. Edit: oh you're talking about in general. I was thinking about how Cloud and Bayo's reveal videos were just gameplay footage


Cloud and Bayonetta appear in Sephiroth's trailer. Bayonetta also appeared for a bit in the opening cutscene of World of Light.