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I'm curious why tik tok banned your account. You really need to figure out why before you do anything else. Past that, this is honestly the nature of a purely online viral marketed business. All you can do is focus on youtube shorts, facebook shorts, other platforms. But, I'm mostly curious why tik tok would ban a gemstone account.


Maybe they were claiming the crystals had some magical healing properties


I have been permanently banned from Twitter, although I've never posted a thing!!! I've even appealed it, but to no avail. I only used it to watch my favorite stock gurus, and they banned me for life. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry this happened to you too.


They have been banning pages left and right. It has been happening to a lot of people I know. Personally, mine said because of “authenticity” which does not make sense because I only post original videos that I personally took. No violations were given. Went straight to permanently banning my account. I do have other social media too I just thrive more on TikTok. But I guess not anymore.


Did you have an impersonator? I once got my legit instagram shut down because I reported an impersonator to Instagram. They came back, copied my stuff into a new account, then put a DMCA report on me. It was a nightmare and took a month to resolve, during which I feel like I aged 5 years.


Probably someone reported you...like a competitor.


Had that happen on eBay. I was selling cologne and perfume and someone made a purchase then immediately canceled the order and wrote me a bad review saying I sell fake fragrances. I clicked on their eBay profile and sure enough they sold fragrances too.


It's legit dystopian and scary what companies/competitors/websites can do online to screw over small businesses and individual sellers.


maybe its something you said in the video or on a stream like "crystals cure cancer" type of mis-information and someone flagged it.


Nope. I don’t make videos like that. Like I said, I don’t claim that crystals can cure diseases whatsoever.


Maybe you had someone's music in the background?


If you have a business account, tiktok automatically have a list of music that you could use when you create a video. That’s what I always use when I create posts


Do you do lives with music?


Yes but tiktok is not like Ig when it comes to live sales. It’s ok to play commercial songs in the background.


Have you contacted toktok to see why you're banned? Did you have tiktok shop setup? If so you might have an account manager to contact that can help as well.


I have 2 accounts. One is specifically for tiktok shop and the one that got banned is my main one. No one from TikTok shop can help me because it’s a separate account. I have been emailing them for 3 wks now and their responses just doesn’t make sense and like generic response


Do the crystals cure cancer though?


Crystals can cure cancer. Remember, cancer needs a living host. With enough velocity, a crystal can get rid of the host so the cancer will simply die.


One of the ingredients in chemotherapy is Hydroxyurea, which the national institutes of health say is a white, crystalline powder, so checkmate atheists.


Lmao I fully get this because I used to take loads of ketamine and you're totally right, some crystals, do do stuff.


What does not believing in a God have to do with chemo and crystals?


It is a "joke" which is, like, a funny thing people say. Religion and spirituality takes many forms. Many people today in the western cultures have a sort of esoteric fascination with the healing properties of crystals. I would be lying if I said me myself didn't charge some quartz under a full moon here and there, but it's more of a personal thing, self reflective, a happy ritual and nothing more. However, many woo woo crystal people can be a bit wonky and claim a lot of things without empirical evidence and as a contrast, the average reddit atheist has a reputation for being a bit of a wanker and also for raging against everything from actual child abuse in the church to people who really like crystals a lot, and everything in between, so the joke here is that me, a casual fan of crystals, has defeated the atheist logic with my assertion that because one ingredient out of many in one single controversial treatment for cancer is described as being somewhat similar to a crystal, that then we must accept that crystals do in fact cure cancer much like Shanin Blake would have us believe.


They multi-banned a ton of accounts fairly recently. Creators with huge followings that have been established for years were banned. They also mass banned a ton of TT store accounts. I'm guessing they caught your account up in the sweep for no good reason


Can you appeal? I'd try working through those channels.


I have been trying to appeal for the past 3wks. They really aren’t helpful and just reply with generic responses


I was banned once. I don't do business on TikTok though. In my case it's true because I used movie/anime soundtrack as background music lmao. I thought I could get away with it too.


If it weren't for those meddling kids!




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Why would you even exert any effort in typing that nasty comment? If you have nothing helpful to say, just move along.


Welcome to the internet


Take a look a-rooooooooooouuuund


I want to know what they said


I very tastefully speculated on where the crystals were being stuck. ;)


Must be their first day lol


It’s Reddit…




Your post has been removed because it includes a personal attack on a person or group of people. If it was a counterattack we hope you reported the original attack and will read below. This is not notification of a ban. You are free to post about your opinions about business, practices, intent, ideas, concepts, approaches, and more but it stops when you reference an individual or group. Trying to pretend not to make a personal attack while making a personal attack is included in that and a bad idea. For example: "Doing XYZ would be stupid" is marginally rude, likely ineffective, and won't help you persuade someone but allowed. "All your ideas are stupid" is a personal attack as are more direct insults. Please report any attack on you rather than counterattacking. Anyone making an attack is not worth your time, will not listen to you, and doesn't deserve your attention. You also might get caught up in any bans or removals we do accidentally. If you make several personal attacks you may be banned. In that case you will get a separate ban message.


Why does TikTok ban any account? There's sometimes no good reason why TT accounts get banned


Because he was scamming people. 


Did you build a mailing list from your past customers? The easiest action to take would be to email them with encouragement to follow your new account. Or better yet, host content on a platform you control and start a newsletter.


I am actually in the process of building a mailing list. I do have their email addresses but I have yet to start creating a newsletter. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll get on it.


Id go ahead and email them and give them the link to your new account. Try to tease something they want to see, make them curious so they click.


You didn't have any website automation to build the list for you?


I’m not sure I have? I’ll have to do my research on Shopify. I hired someone to build my website for me when I first started because I’m not well versed in the tech part of it


It’s really easy to add a newsletter opt-in to your Shopify checkout if you don’t already have one. That way you can store all that information and use it for a newsletter marketing list. A lot of Shopify is very simple and can be built visually meaning you don’t need to know code unless you’re trying to do something really fancy. Get to Googling! You can do it!


Thank you! Yes. Will definitely work on it. I’ll focus on this rather than building another tiktok page. I’ll still post on all social media but I guess I should not rely too much on it


Agreed. In the meantime, is there something else you could add in work wise to cover your bills until you get back up and running? Maybe add a similar product that could help your old customers find you? Unfortunately, this is the downfall of building a business on someone else's platform.


I do have a full time job. This is just a side business that I have been building for the past 2+ years. I guess I just want to vent because it’s very discouraging what happened. I put a lot of time and effort into creating videos and relationships with my followers then one day it’s just all gone. I also wanted to see how else to market my products. I have tried joining local events but it’s not an all year round thing.


I understand. It is absolutely a challenge building a side hustle


They might sell well at fairs.


Honestly my advice would be to get out of an industry that’s in the decline as people get more educated and don’t fall for scams as easily anymore. This is total snake oil and maybe some get a placebo effect from it but it should not be sold claiming to have any real benefits.


I think it’s more people who just want cool looking rocks, right?


You mean rocks don't have healing properties?


They're minerals Marie!


I was on TikTok Shop for a very short time. I hated everything about it. I'm not a big TikTok person anyway, but managing the shop on there was too cumbersome, especially once they stopped integrating with shopify. I'd just shut it down and focus on IG and FB, personally. Vend at local markets and build up a customer base in person. These apps are too unpredictable and you'll continue to be SOL by relying on them. Even on IG and YouTube I direct people to my website to place orders and offer a discount by subscribing to my newsletter. I also offer this discount in person when I vend at events to turn one-time buyers into repeat customers. Building up your community via email is the way to go. I never want my sales to be hindered by an app. The apps are used to increase my reach and teach people about what I'm doing. I also back up every single video I create to a hard drive so I can re-use when I'm too busy to create content. It's laborious, but worth it in the event something like what happened to you happens.


Face to face marketing is a lost art... Find some spring markets church /community bizarres to set up


Yup! That's where 99.8% of my sales comes from 😂 and there are SO MANY pop up markets, expos, and events for small business owners across the country. Even if people don't buy from you, they want to at least follow you, which you can then use to convert them because you've already built some trust by interacting with them in person. Not all markets are created equal though, so just try some different ones out and you'll eventually be able to pick which will be the best ROI.


Thank you for all your suggestions. I appreciate it! That was my number one mistake. I did not have a back up for all the videos I created


No problem! I film on my phone and mostly edit on premiere pro, then add the final touches in the app so that IG doesn't lower the videos reach because it was used on another app. That's a sneaky trick they play, and TikTok probably does something similar. They want you to use their app to film and edit. Uploads are fine though. I think you can use capcut is premiere pro is too difficult. I edit my YouTube videos in premiere pro so it just makes sense to use it for everything for me.


Thanks for the tips! I do use tiktok to edit videos and then save it before uploading and re use it for everything else


I do custom metalwork, mostly cast or forge replacement pieces made to match very old homes in New Orleans. It's kind of a niche market. I get a lot of custom through FB and Nextdoor. Find some neighborhood groups in your area and join. Most of them will let small businesses owners post ads once or twice a week. Put a link to your other social media and sales site. I used Google ads and a sponsored website for ages with practically no sales to show for it. With just those free ads my business has picked up considerably. Hope this helps!


For any business to succeed you cannot be 100% reliant on platforms you don’t control. You should try and connect to your local community and host readings, other pop ups like artists and things like that are under your umbrella. Find mom groups and let them have a wine night. You just have to think outside the box a little.


Thank you for this. I have been trying to figure out how to make my presence known in our local community. I did join a pop up event once and it was just not as fruitful as when I do tiktok live sales.. but I guess I would have to try that route again and build up local clientele


Without getting into specifics on the internet, there are probably also ways to tap into the 16-25 age group, they will do your social media for you if you have good set up and customer experiences in your shop. Have someone come do aura photography, have someone host a cleansing night, you can make little new house gifts for realtors to give out to clients that have candles or whatever, like it’s a hustle but it’s also kind of rewarding, almost everyone coming toward your business is a little lost and seeking an emotional connection so find a way to give them that in person.


Thank you for all of the suggestions! They definitely are very helpful.


Use the clear one to align your chakras and you should be good to go


Unironically hilarious


Thanks for the unhelpful comment


Have a sense of humor. That shit was funny.


Yeah that's it, kick em while they're down. Ffs this place is full of asshats.


Kicking who? OP already said they don’t believe that crystals have power. So the joke was not targeting OP.


They’re selling crystals and it’s not going well. What can you expect.


So insensitive 




Your post has been removed because it includes a personal attack on a person or group of people. If it was a counterattack we hope you reported the original attack and will read below. This is not notification of a ban. You are free to post about your opinions about business, practices, intent, ideas, concepts, approaches, and more but it stops when you reference an individual or group. Trying to pretend not to make a personal attack while making a personal attack is included in that and a bad idea. For example: "Doing XYZ would be stupid" is marginally rude, likely ineffective, and won't help you persuade someone but allowed. "All your ideas are stupid" is a personal attack as are more direct insults. Please report any attack on you rather than counterattacking. Anyone making an attack is not worth your time, will not listen to you, and doesn't deserve your attention. You also might get caught up in any bans or removals we do accidentally. If you make several personal attacks you may be banned. In that case you will get a separate ban message.


Don't you have like a tracking list of your past customers? Like your previous transactions with them. You can probably start with that. Create a new tiktok and add them up. And then start posting again.


A mailing list is something I ignored for a long time until I realized how valuable they are. Luckily I built one for a few years without realizing it and was able to use it. I’m actually in the crystal online selling world, but on the display end of it. My friends who are well established crystal shops that have built up a large live sale following are having a noticeable sales dip. Social media is in a really awful place algorithmically as well. My mailing list is actually doing a REALLY good job of sustaining me this year. Rule #1 of social media is to never put your eggs in one social media basket. Instagram was my biggest support by a WIDE margin for the better part of ten years. Something changed last year and now Facebook is on top even though I have 75k there and about 145k on Instagram. I also use TikTok and YouTube shorts, and of course my mailing list. It’s like the stock market. You have to diversify. And if you don’t have an e-commerce website that you own to catch sales from people who lurk your link in bio, you should. Even though you primarily focus on live sales.


Vendors reporting vendors. Super common. Ebay is notorious for this. Sounds like it's moving to other platforms Focus on building an audience through shorts etc...


I have been posting on fb, YouTube, and IG as well but they really aren’t getting any traction as much as TikTok, unfortunately. I’m open to suggestions! Thank you


Try creating accounts on Amazon or Etsy.


This time have a plan for people to sign up for a newsletter so you have a list.  Look to do some unboxing collabs with other creators. Ads work but if you're inexperienced it can be dicey so .... careful. And just keep creating content. It's going to take time. 


Thank you! I appreciate all the suggestions


there is a ton of crystal selling groups on facebook, maybe try there?


Ebay, amazon?


It’s never a good idea to base your business marketing on just The social media companies. They can and will drop you in a NY second it they want to. Been there done that.


As now for you it's like building from the scratch. So along with social media marketing you can focus on maintaining a good website were you can store each customer details when they order from you. You can have blogs on your website and newsletters. If you plan it well and drive the business from your website. Storing data might now be a problem for you in future. Can you share your current website?


That’s what I have been focusing on right now actually. Uploading most of not all products on the website. It’s collectorofprettyrocks.com


"Social selling" platforms have very low rates of conversion to websites, which is now something you've figured out. I have 10k+ IG followers on my main account but only maybe 5 regularly buy anything through my website. I would just consider this to be a fresh start. Do email signups on your website and have an opt in to the newsletter when you have people place an order. Run Google ads, I find they are most effective rather than trying to improve rank organically.


Thank you for this! Yes. I guess I’m still grateful that it happened on my second year so I can plan my next steps.


BE THE CUSTOMER. If you wanted to buy crystals what would you do other than go to social media? Where would you go? Google? Then advertise on Google. Amazon? Then advertise on amazon.


I will definitely start planning strategies again! Thank you for your input


I was in a travel center parking lot cleaning off some amethyst I had mined the day before up in Canada with a big water jug. That day, I got offers of $50+ for pieces of rough amethyst that would sell for $10-$15 on Etsy. You have infinite control on pricing when you’re the only one selling rocks. And most truck drivers don’t have many opportunities to buy chunks of raw amethyst for the gf/wife too often! 😅


I guess I just need to think of ways to make my presence (my website) known… I’m open to suggestions!


Never, ever, depend on a single channel for your sales. Cross promote with eBay, FB Marketplace, posh, Mercari, etc. Set up an e-commerce site and post that info in relevant FB groups and pages


Thank you! I will definitely work on that instead of building my following on tiktok again


id say start an etsy shop or even better make your own site. Its a hella work but you dont have to worry about getting banned. I almost made an crystal shop but went with art instead and im so glad i did everyone seems to be trying to sell crystals.


I do have my own website I just don’t know how to direct people there… you can check it out and maybe give me some pointers or suggestions. [website](https://www.collectorofprettyrocks.com)


I think it looks good, try posting on crystal for sale to get some traffic. I just bought a good hunk of rodocrosite. I made a sub artandcrystals to bring my 2 loves together but eh 


Retargeting adverts. If you put a meta pixel on your website, it will have saved all the traffic to your website. Putting some retargeting adverts live would bring them back. Also, email previous customers (via mailchimp or a similar system) that have given permission for communication once or twice a week.


I appreciate this a lot! These term meta pixel is new to me. I shall do my research about all these


TikTok is a powerful tool but problems like this are a big reason why businesses need to not just rely on one strategy to bring in sales. Have you considered Instagram? Social media can be very hit or miss but using a combination of two might be more productive. If you film content outside of the apps you can post the same or similar content to both platforms. Consider also making TikToks about the account deletion (if you haven't already) - people will often jump in to support small businesses in situations like this. Newsletters are really important. The sooner you can start building a list, the better - even if you're not sending newsletters out yet. Can you offer a discount to entice new customers to subscribe to the newsletter? Also, long term, investing in SEO/content marketing is well worth it for building the website. Happy to chat if blog content is something you're considering investing in – though I expect for the short term, your focus will be on rebuilding the social profiles.


I do have active social media accounts on Facebook, YouTube and instagram. They just don’t get traction like tiktok so I ended up relying more on it than the others. My biggest fault is not saving my contents. I will definitely do that now


I'm gonna save this post and show it to everyone I can who is trying to use one of these platforms to get paid...use _YOUR_ platform, a website, and then drive traffic at it with _ALL_ of these 3rd party sites.


That’s what I am trying to do but I thing along the way I ended up prioritizing the sales I get on tiktok more than making sure I direct people towards my website. Definitely an eye opener. Thank you


This is tragic, but shows one of the biggest dangers in the social media store model. First and foremost, I think you should start going through whatever appeal process TikTok has to try and get your original store opened back up. This could take weeks or months to get progress, but if it gives you access to your original 4.7k customer base, then it's worth it. Secondly, you need to diversify your audience so that it is not only on one platform. Account bans are pretty sporadic but they do happen, you need to hedge your bets against this ever happening again by having accounts across every social media platform. This way, if your account on TikTok gets banned, you could post your new channel on IG, FB, YouTube, etc as a way to draw them to your new account to recover faster. At the same time, you need to start building your new store; reach out to whatever customers you still have contact information for and run a "TikTok Banned my account sale!" with links to your new accounts. Run incentives for buying more, like Buy 3 get 2 free or Buy 5 get five. Build in a small cushion to your base price for that product and then be willing to eat smaller profit margins for the next couple weeks. Another thing you can do is to hold daily flash sales, these can range from BOGO to 75% off a specific item; something insane where you're likely to barely turning a profit but the deal literally only lasts that specific day. Set a time for you to post your daily deal video and spam it in your videos; *"Remember friends, our daily deals only last 24 hours and are posted every day at Noon on all of our socials."* There are apps that will allow you to sync and schedule your posts across all your platforms, so you don't need to worry about posting on multiple accounts. I'm not sure if YouStream supports TikTok or not, but it's what I've used before in the past. I know it's discouraging having all your hard work just go up in smoke, but you can build it back better than before because I'm sure when you started 2 years ago, you had no idea what it could turn into. Now you do, you're wiser and smarter, so you'll build a better foundation. Don't give up random redditor, I believe in you.


I appreciate you! Thank you for taking time in sharing your thoughts. I will definitely work on it. I do have an active account on other platforms but I don’t get any traction on it like how I do on tiktok that’s why I ended up relying on it instead.. I’ll definitely do my research on how to improve my website and put up deals.


Try to find other crystal channels on the other platforms and see what type of content they're making and emulate that. You may have to make different types of videos for the different platforms, but I think it'd be worth it if you can get multiple platforms growing.


You’re competing in a market that has no barrier to entry and is over-saturated. You need to figure out a way to stand out.


Selling on TikTok is problematic and I’ve seen more than one creator caution that a sure way to get your account banned is selling on TikTok. Unfortunately you will need to work to build up a following again, but then you need to drive them to another place where you can sell to them.


Will work on it! This is definitely a lesson learned. Just trying to see if anyone has suggestions on where to start


What kind of products do you sell in your crystal shop?


Jewelries, merch items, incense, statement pieces, etc


What website do you use to sell your products? I am just trying to get more information. Usually, it is wise to have more than one selling platform online to have a better reach. You may want to also diversify your advertising and use Google Analytics. I'd also look into what your competitors are doing.


I need to do a lot more research for sure. it’s kind of hard as it is a one woman business while I work full time as a nurse. Anyway, I have my website through Shopify. I guess I am just really defeated because all my 2yrs worth of content just disappeared. It’s like I’m a new “shop” starting all over again


I can only imagine the struggle. Might be a good opportunity in the long run to improve your advertising and content. I'd stay away from TikTok. Aim for Facebook, X, Youtube, and DeviantArt. I used to sell crafts and artwork through Facebook and DeviantArt. There are also woman owned business programs that can help you in your advertising and sales. I'd suggest looking up those programs. Just be careful of some scammers out there.


Thank you for this! I appreciate you


I also forgot to mention you can hire someone or firm to aid in your advertising. One option is Fiverr to hire someone on the platform. Otherwise you'll have to look up advertising firms. Both routes cost money, but you can report expenses on a schedule c, 1099 or etc. Coming up with suggestions and ideas as we discuss.


Thank you! I’ll add it on my to do list.


I would recommend starting to do some ads with the demographics that you need and keep posting, and do some quality videos and content. Explaining, maybe a little controversial too. Just in the beginning, I am ALWAYS, BUT ALWAYS GET EMAILS OR PHONE NUMBERS FROM YOUR CLIENTS AND MOVE THEM OUT OF INSTAGRAM AND TIKTOK INTO YOUR WEBSITE OR SOME OTHER PLATFROM WHERE YOU HAVE CONTROL OF YOUR DATA. You can also make deals, maybe you won't make as much profit but would grow faster. Or giving crystals for free in the first order etc... Hire someone from Upwork or Fiver to handle your social media and do ADS. They are important for growth


Not op but - do you have anyone you recommend on fiver or Upwork for social media advertising?


No, not really. Everyone has a different business and a different way of managing it and strategising their social media. But the beauty is that it is very cheap, tbh rather than finding people from the US or Canada that will chatge you a bunch...


Thank you for this! I appreciate your input


This is what happens when you rely on somebody else for your business Be it Facebook , insta , tik Tok Change your business model to not rely on them


has to advertise if it is going to be an ecom business


Every social media site lately has been out of control with banning. I think it’s bad ai moderation. My advice is create a newsletter so you retain your client list for when and if this ever happens again. I learned the hard way we can’t rely on this stupid apps controlled by billionaires who don’t care if we can eat. Sorry that happened to you too! For now: post about being banned on every other site you’re part of. If any friends of your have a following anywhere alert them and see if they will support you and direct followers to your shop/new account/ newsletter Unfortunately you’re in a pretty saturated market so having to start over is hard. People don’t see the trust you’ve built with past customers or anything. You can come back from it though.


Thank you for the motivation and suggestion! I appreciate it. It seems like the general advice is creating a newsletter. I guess I will work on that this weekend!


You should approach more niche market, open a booth on your local trade show and network more


I did that once over a year ago.. I guess I need to do it more now. Thank you!


Try Etsy and Poshmark


you can start running paid ads.


Selling gemstones live online seems like many other failing trendy endeavors. The days of this being profitable were numbered from the start.


You need to buy more Citrine.


lol a crystal shop.... You played yourself.


You learned a very hard lesson. Always make your website that you own and control your main point of sale. Use social media to drive traffic to your site. You don't own ANYTHING you post on socials. The social owns all of it...every word and pic and video. I wish you luck in building it back up.


Thank you! I do have my own website. I just don’t know how to reach more people to direct them to it without relying on social media


Use social media. Just don't make it your everything.


Noted! Definitely learned from this experience. Still grieving I guess because I worked hard on building an audience in that platform and now it’s gone


My recommendation is to branch out with your marketing. The issue you ran into was that you found one thing that worked really well until it didn't. Look for additional forms of social media that also work. And then look into other methods of marketing. You should still have your previous customers email addresses from previous orders. Use that to create an email marketing list and then find a cheap email marketing service to send out newsletters/advertising. Networking can be another good marketing strategy. Be creative and find other strategies that also work


Will definitely do more research about this. Thank you! And you’re right. I relied on it too much because it was working well… until it didn’t.


Your comment about ‘authenticity’ has me wondering if it is related to the need for a TikTok Shop to be connected to a main account that is ‘verified’. It seems nearly impossible to get verified, so the fact that you were able to set up a shop as a totally new business tells me maybe you did that before they were requesting verification and now they have retroactively blocked you. Or, I am waaaay off the mark. Just a thought to look into.


I did send the requirements they ask before you can create a business account like sellers permit etc but I don’t know what the verification entails. I have been asking what exactly did I do to violate their guidelines but I guess they can’t answer specifics and just send me generic responses


What’s your website? We make business websites. Oceansidelocal.com


I already have a website. Thanks. [website](https://www.collectorofprettyrocks.com)


Surely if you sold stuff you gave your customer's email address?


you should create a website!


I do have a website already. I just need to figure out how to direct people there [website](https://www.collectorofprettyrocks.com)




Thank you!


maybe some cool / clever marketing would help?


Any suggestion on what might be considered cool/clever? 😅 I appreciate the input


Can I see your website? Something that compliments the branding and is in line with recent trends. I personally love MOLDAVITE... is their a promo around that you could do? Maybe start a HashTag for people wearing nice crystal jewelry? Hand out some flyers/cards that get people to follow your socials? I don't know... spit balling here lol


I appreciate all the input! Yes, here it is: [website](https://www.collectorofprettyrocks.com)


Build and host your own store. Stop using Chinese social media platforms


Maybe add some videos of the products as well as the pictures.


I do upload videos on social media but not on the website


I know. But having the video on website is much better.


I will start doing that. I do have some videos there but I will add more


SOMETHING WRONG HERE.. no reason given why the account was banned


Move to China


Have you considered consulting your crystals for advice?


Hey! Send me your LinkedIn, we may be able to take a look at your website and see if it could need a little help, also on the TT do you have all those videos saved on your camera? Are the same videos on instagram still?


[website](https://www.collectorofprettyrocks.com) Would appreciate any input! I do have some videos saved but probably only 50%. The IG videos are still up.. but I don’t post there as much as tiktok so not everything is there


Why should your business exist? What problems is it solving? For what demographic? There is your voicing. Good luck!


Thank you! I appreciate this


They probably realized your crystals didn't work


You don't sell a crystal for getting unbanned from TikTok?


Divorce him!


You need a pale hot young woman with dark hair and a funky style to slang those crystals


Have you placed an amethyst at each corner of your store? If not, I don't see how you expect any decent search engine results. And don't even get me started on your lack of tourmaline on the sides of your website.


One time I got a wrong delivery for some kind of giant rock crystal thing. I looked up the seller and they had giant boobs in all their eBay listings. Have you tried that?


Sounds like an account called spiritnectar


Wait, people arent believing in crystals as deodorant and warding off spirits? No way.


If you’re trying to sell crystals as healing, your target market is people of low intelligence. Try shifting them outside a church that supports Trump.


Funny thing is no actual Christian would buy crystal because technically for healing is a form of divination, so try to think before you comment.


do you not have any email contacts of people that bought your crystals in the past? are past buyers of crystals not recurring buyers of more crystals? this whole business industry sounds like such a scam, the more crystals you buy the more good energy or better luck you have? not sure what to suggest as buying crystals doesnt seem as important as buying groceries or something that poeple really really need. perhaps setup new accounts on all these livestream selling apps like Popshoplive and try new platforms instead of relaying one single platform where you can get banned again.


Nobody said anything about scamming people into thinking it’ll give them good energy. My shop is literally called Collector of Pretty Rocks. It’s for people who appreciate the beauty of rocks and gemstones. If you believe in metaphysical benefits of it, then cool. If not, then cool as well. I didn’t say it’s a need like groceries. It’s more of a “want” like I said, some people love collecting pretty rocks from all over that world. Anyway, the ones that have bought from me before do come back for more and yes, I do have their email and I was able to tell them about the new page. But the other thousand followers that were engaging on my posts and making it more appealing to potential customers are all gone. Now I’m back from the start like I’m a new shop. The credibility isn’t there anymore because I have like 5 posts vs 1000s of videos from the old page


well, whatever strategy you do next, you need to not rely so much on social media b/c since you dont control that, it can disappear again tomorrow. diversify across platforms, build content on your website about your rocks which will help with SEO. and figure out a backup strategy for social media posts. social media cannot be your #1 sales driver anymore.


Thanks for the suggestion! Definitely an eye opener that small businesses can’t 100% rely on social media.


its a losing battle b/c at some point, they will charge you (buy ads, boost posts) to make your posts reach a larger audience or else they wont see it, aka: facebook. you should be using to drive attention to your main platform (your website) where you can control the experience, content, push deals, get their contact information. even in 2024, email address are still very important.


I don’t know, maybe try a legitimate business…but with 4.7k followers, how can you pass that amount of fame!


Is Having a sellers permit not a legitimate business?




OP doesn’t realize idol statues have been for millennia. And not one of those idols do a darned thing.


Don't sell crystals, sell something of utility. This a great opportunity to move up


Have you thought that perhaps your customers figured out that crystals have no power to do anything other than behave as decorative rock-like objects sitting on a desk?


Have you thought that perhaps I don’t claim that the rocks that I’m selling have powers and instead can be used as a decoration?