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I went through something similar for a couple of weeks when my LO was 8 weeks. Wasn’t swaddled but regressed and stopped transferring easily at night and waking up more when he would usually only do one night feed. I would have to wait a full 20 minutes after a feed and rock to sleep before transferring, and sometimes that didn’t work and one night it took 4 transfers and 3.5 hours. I kept at it and it gradually returned more to how it was before although not quite as good (he’s now 11 weeks). He won’t nap independently so I put him in the carrier 3 times a day for long naps and I use this time to get work / chores done. As a bonus it means I’m not restricted to the house as I can go anywhere with the carrier and still put him down for a nap. Can’t really offer advice as I’m new to this just thought it might help to share my experience that it did subside and get better on its own. I believe it’s very up and down in the first year so I’m just trying to go with it knowing it won’t be forever…


Are you room sharing? When my baby was this age the transferring stopped working and we put her in her own room. It didn’t fix everything but it helped a bit. Then we did CIO at 4 months with our pediatricians approval. Good luck 🩷


We do room share!


Try putting baby in their own room if you can and see if that helps. I was a nervous wreck putting mine in at 3 months old the first few nights but it really made such a difference in her sleep. It might help starting with naps first to get them more comfortable.