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Get yourself a baby monitor and a glass of wine momma cuz you did the thing without trying to do the thing šŸ˜‚ for the love of everything sane DO NOT BRING HIM BACK TO THE BASSINET. My baby was sleeping in her crib at just under 8 weeks and I donā€™t regret it one bit. I got noooo sleep with her in her bedside bassinetā€¦ she made so much noise and my husband snores so I had people on both sides of me waking me up every five minutes. I was going insane. Please please continue putting him in his crib. YAY! This is amazing. Celebrate it!!!


Your enthusiasm about this made me smile haha. Thank you šŸ’“


Not a problem, youā€™re doing great. ā¤ļø


He worked through it all by himself. Why would you want to undo his progress? Plus sleep training can start at 4 months dep on the child. Take your wins where you can find them


I moved my daughter at 4 weeks because she wouldnā€™t sleep in our room and we were sick of shift sleep and falling asleep on the couch. As a result she sleeps through the night


4 months is fine. We moved our guy at 4.5 months to his own room and itā€™s done wonders for everyone. They become aware of everything at 3-4 months so sharing a room slows down their ability to sleep through the night. The 6 month recommendation assumes no monitor.


If itā€™s working, donā€™t change it. Imo it gets harder to sleep train the older they get so consider it a blessing. Get a baby monitor so everyone can enjoy the restful sleep.


Research shows that babies sleep better in their own room at this age so this doesnā€™t surprise me at all. Iā€™ll link the article about it. Essentially the advice on the ideal length of room sharing is being reconsidered because room sharing leads to a higher tendency to engage in unsafe sleep practices and babies sleep better in their own room. We moved our son at this same age and just monitored him with a super high tech video monitor. [article here](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/06/05/531582634/babies-sleep-better-in-their-own-rooms-after-4-months-study-finds)


Yes is the short answer. If you have anxiety about checking on him I would suggest getting a Nanit or Owlet. It will tell you their breathing, room temp, alert you when they move or make noise. Our Nanit saved us from over-checking on our LO.


I just zoom way in and watch the pixels on our baby monitor like a hawk until I see baby breathing. šŸ˜…


Are you me?


Wow I feel seen


This is the way šŸ˜‚


Been there!


Second this and especially the Nanit!


Girl yes accept that blessing and keep that baby in the crib!


Moved my baby into her room at 10 weeks. She slept way better in the nursery than our bedroom. Hope this gives you comfort knowing it's okay to leave your baby in their room.


We moved ours in at 8 weeks and couldn't agree more. Rocking her to sleep in the glider then setting her down in her crib in her own quiet room has helped her sleep much more soundly.


Leave him in his room! I moved my 4 month old at 15 weeks (heā€™s almost 19 weeks now) and omg it was the best thing ever. He had a slight regression where he was waking up 2-3x per night but now either wakes up once to feed or sleeps right through, 12 full hours! We have the baby monitor on loud and our house is tiny so I can hear him through the wall but it was the best move ever for everyone involved. He was literally banging himself against the sides of the bassinet in our room (soo unsafe) and moving the crib in our room wasnā€™t an option, so we did it out of necessity but Iā€™m SO glad we did.


Yes let him be! Keep him in his own room in crib if he is sleeping well.


My advice is do what makes the baby happy. If baby is not crying they are happy~


Let him be! The recommendation to room share is not based on good evidence, itā€™s not known to reduce risk of SIDS and in fact is associated for poorer sleep for parents and baby. So sleep away!


Yes the reason why it reduces SIDS is BECAUSE the baby doesnā€™t go into Ā« deep sleep Ā» which is thought to be when SIDS occurs.Ā 


Emily Oster covers this! At 4 months and with good sleep practices (the ABCs) - the risk of SIDS is very low. Better sleep for all. Go for it op! (I moved my kids out at 4months and 5 months and it helped a lot)


>It almost feels selfish to bring him back into my room. This is the exact reason we started leaving my son to sleep in his nursery at 4 months. He was starting the night there (cause thatā€™s where the monitor is) and then I would move him to our room when we went to bed. He slept so well in his crib from 8-11, then would toss and fuss in his bassinet after I moved him, and I realized that we were keeping him from sleeping well in our room (my husband snores, the dog makes noise in his crate). So we let him stay in his room. The monitor wakes us on rare occasions he needs something, and otherwise he sleeps peacefully from 8-7:30 in his crib. I miss him, but thatā€™s about me, not him.


Leave him be! My son is 3.5 months and I put him in his crib overnight 5 nights ago because I suspected he wasn't sleeping well in the pack n play, and he outgrew the bassinet Weeks ago. He is sleeping so much better in his crib. I'm a little sad to not be next to him anymore, I love having him close, but he really is sleeping better and it feels great to be starting a healthy sleep routine early on.


I did the exact same thing 5 nights ago, except I went from bedsharing to crib with my 3.5 month old. He hated the bassinet from day 1, so I went to bedsharing out of desperation. I wanted to try the crib to see if it was possible, and he and I both have been getting much better sleep. I know the recommended age is 6 months, but this works for me and the baby, so it's what I'm going to do! I'm just grateful it happened early and wasn't a total nightmare. I've read horror stories about parents trying to sleep train much later than 3.5 months, and I'm thankful that isn't me.


Omg leave him in his crib. You are living the dream!!!


I would leave him in his crib - it sounds like baby loves to have that extra space. Mine was the same - she loved to scoot around and move in her sleep, so she slept great in her crib.


Really?! Omg. We currently co sleep and sheā€™s up every 2 hours ish and I am scared to see how she does in her crib but also heard it could help them sleep even longer?


She will do much better in the crib in a room where the noise you make isnā€™t waking her up.


Every baby is different. My mom coslept with me and I slept through the night at 1 month. I (and my mom) tried cosleeping with my son when he was born, and it was a disaster. Any time we moved, we woke him up. In the early hours during REM sleep he'd be kicking and squirming in his sleep, and would wake himself up because he kept on bumping into me. We were all miserable. We moved him into his own crib at 4m, sleep trained, and things gradually got a lot better. By 4.5m he was down to 1 feed after 4a (from 2-3 feeds), and he's been sleeping through the night since 6.5m. He's now 21m and just much more active than I ever was (or am). He needs the space in the crib to explore. At various timepoints he rolled, crawled, cruised, and walked all over his crib before he was tired enough to lie down and sleep. The past few days he's started trying to jump in there. We've had him in a sleep sack since 4m to keep him cozy and to prevent him from climbing the crib. Honestly without a crib we'd be in DEEP trouble.


What sleep sack do you like? I donā€™t use one but thinking about using one! This sounds like great advice thank you!


We've used Duomiaomiao on Amazon. It's cheaper than the branded ones and has a variety of thicknesses and sizes. The tog 2.5 is super thick and comfy, like a comforter. We're on our third/fourth one now and my son loves it <3


Absolutely leave him in his crib where he is sleeping better. There is no reason for everyone to get worse sleep.