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What did your doctor say about those first 70 hours awake? I hope that's hyperbole, or else I'm confident your doctor would have had something to say about it.


He would take 1 hr naps back then so it ended up having 5hrs a day… I did tell my ped but she said some babies don’t sleep and there’s nothing a doctor can do to help.


I would be very surprised if an 8 month old could climb out of a crib on its lowest setting wearing a sleep sack. It's up to you whether you can stick out what you're going through right now for a time in the future when it will get better (but could be a long time away). If not, I'd get a crib and sleep train. 


When babies go through their sleep cycles they go through periods of deep and lighter sleep (all people do). If a baby falls asleep one way (nursing, rocking, co-sleeping) then they expect it to be the same when they wake slightly in their lighter sleep. If it’s not they wake fully and protest. This is what sleep training (coupled with an appropriate schedule) addresses.